Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1672 Earth Fire Spirit Dragon

Three days later, Zhui'er heard the call of Immortal Xiaoyao. When he looked at it with his spiritual consciousness, a face suddenly turned into a smile. A disk-shaped land had appeared in the space, with a radius of thousands of miles and a thickness of up to a hundred miles. , the terrain above is undulating, and there are three hills. There are waterfalls and streams on the hills. If you add flowers, plants and trees, it will be the same as the land outside. Senior Sister is really leisurely. He thought it would be a flat land. Woolen cloth.

"Let's go get some more water. There is still some water here. Don't disturb them. It's not over yet." Immortal Xiaoyao ordered.

After taking a while of water from a vast lake, there were two vast lakes on the land in the Qiankun Bag. Under the traction of mana, the lakes were connected with the waterfalls on the hills, and the streams merged into rivers, which were again poured into In the two large lakes, water brings aura of agility. This piece of land is really a bit like a secret world outside the world.

After finishing the spell, Zhixia placed the large bluestone that Zhui'er had brought in before in the center of the land. He stretched out his fingers and wrote the word "Child Realm", thus giving the continent a name.

Zhui'er, who was full of joy, smiled and complained, "Second Senior Sister, what do you mean? You call my place 'Zhijie'. Are you laughing at me for being small, or are you mocking the smallness of my territory? Change it to 'Star Boundary' ', using the star in my name."

Hanxiang smiled and said, "I think the name 'Zhijie' is a perfect one. Why do you ask? It's obviously a joke on you for being young and mocking your small territory. It's so brilliant!"

"No matter how small the territory is, you still don't have it!" Zhui'er smiled proudly.

After releasing everyone, Zhui'er thanked everyone profusely from ear to ear.

Xiaochun said, "It's not over yet. Although the land has been built, it still lacks protective formations. In addition, we need to set up some mechanisms for you to control the enemy. In case you are captured, you can use this fairy treasure to lure the enemy." win."

"Hey, that's great. I've been thinking about this too, but I'm afraid it will trouble you too much."

Hanxiang pinched his face and said, "With so many magical powers protecting you, if something happens to you again, where will we put our faces? Naturally, we need to prepare more means of self-protection for you, but don't worry about yourself. If you go to seek death, not even God can save you."

"I won't commit suicide." Zhui'er promised seriously.

The Immortal Concubine Jingshui secretly said to Han Xiang, "Be careful what you say. Don't always think of him as a bargain hunter, lest he pick up on the clues."

Immortal Xiaoyao also felt that Han Xiang had said a bit too much, so he took Zhui'er to fetch soil again. He wanted to use the black earth essence to create a small piece of land to provide additional protection for Zhui'er's safety.

The land created by Immortal Xiaoyao has a radius of two hundred miles and a height of three hundred miles. It looks like a lonely fairy mountain.

In the defensive formation, the large landmass is designed to be entered and exited through magic formulas, while the Gushan side must be opened by spiritual consciousness, which means that only Zhui'er can enter and exit. The two landmasses are thousands of miles apart. Xiaochun has added magic tools to activate spiritual stones inside the two landmasses. He relies on the magic circle to block the spiritual energy to ensure that the activated spiritual energy will not leak out. In improving various aspects, During the facility and defense period, Immortal Xiaoyao went out to collect a large number of spiritual stones. Of course, most of the spiritual stones he collected were stored in Gushan. Hanxiang also found several plants growing underground. genus, they were planted on the Gushan side. Although they can only stay in this space for a year or two at most, they can

Preparations for Zhui'er still need to be made. With these plants and mountain springs, you can ensure a worry-free diet.

The five great supernatural powers perfected the construction of the universe while comprehending. Two years had passed since the two continents were completely completed. At this time, Xiao Yunduo also became familiar with everyone. Zhixia did not want Zhui'er to reveal Xiao Yunduo's secret. Yes, but Zhui'er didn't listen to the second senior sister this time. After the two pieces of land were completed, he called Xiao Yunduo out.

The three of them, the Immortal Concubine Jingshui, originally wanted to go into seclusion after building the world. After meeting Xiao Yunduo, their seclusion could no longer be restrained. Immortal Xiaoyao sent Zhixia, Xiaochun, and Zhui'er away After arriving on the ground, he and the two flower fairies found another place to retreat. He was somewhat wary of Zhixia and Xiaochun.

After returning to Yunxing Pavilion, Xiaochun couldn't wait to retreat. Only then did Zhixia ask Zhui'er about her experience of encountering the three evil spirits of Tiangu. Zhui'er told her about helping Jiangxiao Rong refine the spirit treasure. Zhixia After seeing the scene where Zhui'er killed three mid-stage Nascent Soul monks in a row, he was so surprised that he was speechless for a long time. Then he took him outside Yunxing Pavilion and asked him to try the "Earth Fire Spirit Dragon" refined by Xiaochun. When trying to communicate with the spirit of this spiritual treasure, Zhui'er clearly felt resistance. It was the fire dragon that he helped Wu Hei defeat. Although the fire dragon only had its bones and inner elixir left, the refined spirit seemed to be against it. Zhui'er still seemed vaguely impressed.

"How about giving this spiritual treasure to Xiyang." Zhui'er tentatively made a suggestion after explaining the situation to the second senior sister.

Zhixia said displeasedly, "Senior Sister spent all her efforts to refine this for you. Senior Sister made it clear that if you don't use this spiritual treasure, you would rather destroy it than give it to others. Don't think about giving it away."

Zhui'er couldn't let down the elder sister's wishes, so he tried his best to melt this treasure. Although the fire dragon weapon spirit had some instinctive resistance, it didn't have much intelligence after all. After that, the excitement gradually passed, and he became close to Zhui'er. This was not only the tragedy of the fire dragon, but also people who were not clear-minded could easily fall into the sad ending of recognizing thieves as their fathers.

Zhui'er didn't feel much guilt when he helped Wu Hei kill Huo Long, because Huo Long killed Wu Hei's mother, and he was avenging Wu Hei, but he killed her and used her corpse to make a treasure, especially since the spirit of this weapon still had some spiritual power. Zhizhi, this made him feel a little inappropriate, so he was extremely kind to the weapon spirit, so he could only use this to compensate.

After Zhui'er's fusion of the "Earth Fire Spirit Dragon" went smoothly, Zhixia meditated for a long time alone. Zhui'er's magical performance had begun to subvert her understanding of cultivation little by little. As a person who had climbed to the pinnacle of the cultivation world She knew very well that a person who had not conceived a baby could not kill a mid-stage Yuanying monk even with a high-grade spiritual treasure like the Xuanshui Sword, and it was even more impossible for him to use two spiritual treasures at the same time to kill two mid-stage Yuanying monks. As a great monk, it is one thing to have the magical power to control two spiritual treasures. It is another thing to activate two spiritual treasures to exert huge power. That depends on cultivation. Zhui'er is definitely not a knot now. Judging from his performance, the cultivation of the perfect realm in the later stage of Dan must be at least above the early stage of Nascent Soul, but he did not have a baby.

In Zhixia's opinion, comprehending this little junior brother is more valuable than comprehending the Immortal Qiankun Bag. While Zhui'er was refining the Earth Fire Spirit Dragon, she brought Jiang Xiao and Shen Qing to tell them about the five great supernatural powers. The insights from the Immortal Qiankun Bag and her efforts to support these two people mean that she has started to consider the problem from Zhui'er. The entanglement between the two continents, the interests of Zixiao Palace, and even the entire cultivation world have all been placed on it. in a secondary position. Three days later, Zhui'er heard the call of Immortal Xiaoyao. When he looked at it with his spiritual consciousness, a face suddenly turned into a smile. A disk-shaped land had appeared in the space, with a radius of thousands of miles and a thickness of up to a hundred miles. , the terrain above is undulating, and there are three hills. There are waterfalls and streams on the hills. If you add flowers, plants and trees, it will be the same as the land outside. Senior Sister is really leisurely. He thought it would be a flat land. Woolen cloth.

"Let's go get some more water. There is still some water here. Don't disturb them. It's not over yet." Immortal Xiaoyao ordered.

After taking a while of water from a vast lake, there were two vast lakes on the land in the Qiankun Bag. Under the traction of mana, the lakes were connected with the waterfalls on the hills, and the streams merged into rivers, which were again poured into In the two large lakes, water brings aura of agility. This piece of land is really a bit like a secret world outside the world.

After finishing the spell, Zhixia placed the large bluestone that Zhui'er had brought in before in the center of the land. He stretched out his fingers and wrote the word "Child Realm", thus giving the continent a name.

Zhui'er, who was full of joy, smiled and complained, "Second Senior Sister, what do you mean? You call my place 'Zhijie'. Are you laughing at me for being small, or are you mocking the smallness of my territory? Change it to 'Star Boundary' ', using the star in my name."

Hanxiang smiled and said, "I think the name 'Zhijie' is a perfect one. Why do you ask? It's obviously a joke on you for being young and mocking your small territory. It's so brilliant!"

"No matter how small the territory is, you still don't have it!" Zhui'er smiled proudly.

After letting everyone go, Zhui'er couldn't help but thank everyone.

Xiaochun said, "It's not over yet. Although the land has been built, it still lacks protective formations. In addition, we need to set up some mechanisms for you to control the enemy. In case you are captured, you can use this fairy treasure to lure the enemy." win."

"Hey, that's great. I've been thinking about this too, but I'm afraid it will trouble you too much."

Hanxiang pinched his face and said, "With so many magical powers protecting you, if something happens to you again, where will our faces be? Naturally, we need to prepare more means of self-protection for you, but don't worry about yourself." If you go to seek death, not even God can save you."

"I won't commit suicide." Zhui'er promised seriously.

The Immortal Concubine Jingshui secretly said to Han Xiang, "Be careful what you say. Don't always think of him as a bargain hunter, lest he pick up on the clues."

Immortal Xiaoyao also felt that Han Xiang had said a bit too much, so he took Zhui'er to fetch soil again. He wanted to use the black earth essence to create a small piece of land to provide additional protection for Zhui'er's safety.

The land created by Immortal Xiaoyao has a radius of two hundred miles and a height of three hundred miles. It looks like a lonely fairy mountain.

In the defensive formation, the large landmass is designed to be entered and exited through magic techniques, while the Gushan side must be opened by spiritual consciousness, which means that only Zhui'er can enter and exit. The two landmasses are thousands of miles apart. Xiaochun has added magic tools to activate spiritual stones inside the two landmasses. He relies on the magic circle to block the spiritual energy to ensure that the activated spiritual energy will not leak out. During the facility and defense period, Immortal Xiaoyao went out to collect a large number of spiritual stones. Of course, most of the spiritual stones he collected were stored in Gushan. Hanxiang also found several plants growing underground. genus, they were planted on the Gushan side. Although they can only stay in this space for a year or two at most, they can

Preparations for Zhui'er still need to be made. With these plants and mountain springs, you can ensure a worry-free diet.

The five great supernatural powers perfected the creation of the universe while comprehending. Two years had passed since the two continents were completely completed. At this time, Xiao Yunduo also became familiar with everyone. Zhixia did not want Zhui'er to reveal Xiao Yunduo's secret. Yes, but Zhui'er didn't listen to the second senior sister this time. After the two pieces of land were completed, he called Xiao Yunduo out.

The three of them, the Immortal Concubine Jingshui, originally wanted to go into seclusion after building the world. After meeting Xiao Yunduo, their seclusion could no longer be restrained. Immortal Xiaoyao sent Zhixia, Xiaochun, and Zhui'er away After arriving on the ground, he and the two flower fairies found another place to retreat. He was somewhat wary of Zhixia and Xiaochun.

After returning to Yunxing Pavilion, Xiaochun couldn't wait to retreat. Only then did Zhixia ask Zhui'er about her experience of encountering the three evil spirits of Tiangu. Zhui'er told her about helping Jiangxiao Rong refine the spirit treasure. Zhixia After seeing the scene where Zhui'er killed three mid-stage Nascent Soul monks in a row, he was so surprised that he was speechless for a long time. Then he took him outside Yunxing Pavilion and asked him to try the "Earth Fire Spirit Dragon" refined by Xiaochun. When trying to communicate with the spirit of this spiritual treasure, Zhui'er clearly felt resistance. It was the fire dragon that he helped Wu Hei defeat. Although the fire dragon only had its bones and inner elixir left, the refined spirit seemed to be against it. Zhui'er still seemed vaguely impressed.

"How about giving this spiritual treasure to Xiyang." Zhui'er tentatively made a suggestion after explaining the situation to the second senior sister.

Zhixia said displeasedly, "Senior Sister spent all her efforts to refine this for you. Senior Sister made it clear that if you don't use this spiritual treasure, you would rather destroy it than give it to others. Don't think about giving it away."

Zhui'er couldn't let down the elder sister's wishes, so he tried his best to melt this treasure. Although the fire dragon weapon spirit had some instinctive resistance, it didn't have much intelligence after all. After that, the excitement gradually passed, and he became close to Zhui'er. This was not only the tragedy of the fire dragon, but also people who were not clear-minded could easily fall into the sad ending of recognizing thieves as their fathers.

Zhui'er didn't feel much guilt when he helped Wu Hei kill Huo Long, because Huo Long killed Wu Hei's mother, and he was avenging Wu Hei, but he killed her and used her corpse to make a treasure, especially since the spirit of this weapon still had some spiritual power. Zhizhi, this made him feel a little inappropriate, so he was extremely kind to the weapon spirit, so he could only use this to compensate.

After Zhui'er's fusion of the "Earth Fire Spirit Dragon" went smoothly, Zhixia meditated for a long time alone. Zhui'er's magical performance had begun to subvert her understanding of cultivation little by little. As a person who had climbed to the pinnacle of the cultivation world She knew very well that a person who had not conceived a baby could not kill a mid-stage Yuanying monk even with a high-grade spiritual treasure like the Xuanshui Sword, and it was even more impossible for him to use two spiritual treasures at the same time to kill two mid-stage Yuanying monks. As a great monk, it is one thing to have the magical power to control two spiritual treasures. It is another thing to activate two spiritual treasures to exert huge power. That depends on cultivation. Zhui'er is definitely not a knot now. Judging from his performance, the cultivation of the perfect realm in the later stage of Dan must be at least above the early stage of Nascent Soul, but he did not have a baby.

In Zhixia's opinion, comprehending this little junior brother is more valuable than comprehending the Immortal Qiankun Bag. While Zhui'er was refining the Earth Fire Spirit Dragon, she brought Jiang Xiao and Shen Qing to tell them about the five great supernatural powers. The insights from the Immortal Qiankun Bag and her efforts to support these two people mean that she has started to consider the problem from Zhui'er. The entanglement between the two continents, the interests of Zixiao Palace, and even the entire cultivation world have all been placed on it. in a secondary position.

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