Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1712: Enjoy being teased

"Let me tell you what caused the disaster."

Zhui'er took the initiative to mention this matter out of embarrassment. Yu Chan always teased him like this. Although he liked it very much, he was dissatisfied with being treated like a child and couldn't wait to establish a good relationship in Yu Chan's heart. A better image.

Of course Yu Chan wanted to find out about this matter, but she had concerns in her heart. If Zhui'er triggered another heavenly catastrophe, the spirit of Tianting would definitely respond. She was not sure how to deal with this double blow, and when the heavenly tribulation came, she would definitely It will attract the attention of the great supernatural powers of the Spiritual Heart Clan who are guarding the trapped magic circle.

Seeing that Yu Chan was hesitant, Zhui'er guessed what she was thinking, so he put on the posture of a great monk who had seen him before and said, "My second senior sister can dissolve the sky thunder. When my senior sister broke through, she He flew up and neutralized the thunder, and not a single lightning flash struck you. You will definitely be fine, and the second senior sister also said that this is a good time to understand the way of heaven."

"Oh? Is it true? Come and explain it to me in detail." Yu Chan had never had much contact with Tianlei before, so she couldn't help but become interested after hearing what he said.

Zhui'er then told Zhixia how to break the sky thunder. He didn't know that Zhixia and Xinxie helped Xiaochun break the sky thunder. This was because Yunxing Pavilion had set up the senior sister's breakthrough that time, although he said It’s unclear how Zhixia cracked the sky thunder, but Yu Chan only needed to confirm that Zhixia could crack the sky thunder. If Zhixia could do it, she would definitely be able to do it too.

After listening to Zhui'er's story, she was a little disappointed with Tian Lei. Originally, she was considering whether she could use the power of Tian Lei to help her split the trapped magic circle, but as Zhui'er said, Zhi Xia could easily do it. If the sky thunder is resolved, then we can't put much hope in it. She raised her head and looked upward, thinking about whether there would be any strange phenomena outside if a heavenly tribulation was caused here. If it had no impact on the outside, she should really try to comprehend the sky thunder, and Zhuo'er's remarks about causing a heavenly tribulation It is a must-listen.

"Are you scared?" Zhui'er, who was so fascinated, was now so eager to please Bo Jiaren that he didn't care about his life or death.

His mind is dizzy, but Yu Chan's mind is very clear.

Yes, after calculating, she faced Zhui'er with a straight face and said, "Let's wait until you are more confident about melting this spiritual treasure. It's best to put it outside then, so that even if it attracts thunder, it will be gone." Don’t be afraid, I just use this time to go into retreat and gain insight into this Universe Bag.”

These words made Zhui'er secretly feel ashamed. The more he tried to gain face, the easier it was to lose face. He was really a little dizzy. He didn't blame others for treating him like a child. He was indeed too impatient. This reminded him of He lost the face he lost in front of Huaying.

It has to be said that women can help men grow up quickly.

"Well... you are considering, but can you wait a few more days before retreating?" Zhui'er's eyes became clear.

"You can't bear to leave me?" Yu Chan didn't want him to be too calm, so she started teasing him again.

Zhui'er immediately became embarrassed again and said, "Stop making trouble, I have another favor to give you. I have a spiritual cloud that I want to show you, but now it is not familiar with you and refuses to come out." "

"Lingyun?" Yu Chan had only heard about this thing a little bit. In terms of experience, she, a great fairy concubine in the middle stage of becoming a feather, was not as good as Zhixia who came from a wealthy family in many aspects.

"Never heard of it? My sixth brother's breakthrough has a lot to do with it. I just don't know if it has any effect on you, a great fairy concubine in the middle stage of feathering."

"It's really worth waiting a few more days. Although you didn't have any conscience towards me in your last life, you're pretty good in this life." Yu Chan reached out to pinch Zhui'er's face. Now the relationship between the two is finally close enough for her to vent properly. Feelings of love.

Zhui'er stood there speechlessly and let her pinch his face with her smooth fingers. The indescribable feeling of ecstasy made his heart throb, and he couldn't help but want to squeeze her breakable breasts. Pretty, but

He didn't dare to be so presumptuous.

"Little doormat." Yu Chan was amused by his behavior and laughed happily. This revenge was really satisfying.

Zhui'er pretended to be angry, and gestured with his hands to pinch Yu Chan's face. Yu Chan moved her pretty face forward in a vindictive manner, but Zhui'er still didn't dare to pinch it anymore, and he calmly put away his hand and went to look for Tian. Ting Zhiling went to have a heart-to-heart talk.

After a while, Yuchan started to provoke Zhui'er again. She sat on the top of the mountain and waved to Zhui'er with a smile on her face and said, "My dear husband, it's time to rest for a while. If you don't come over and get close to me, When can I see Lingyun?"

Although Zhui'er's heart was so beautiful that it was bubbling over, he really couldn't bear this kind of teasing. He really doubted whether Yu Chan was in the middle stage of becoming a feather. How could there be such an unorthodox great fairy concubine? Among the great immortal concubines, Yu Chan is probably the only one who can do such a thing, and Yu Chan seems to be quite happy with it. Xun Yi teased her at the beginning and just gave her the title of concubine. She teased Zhuo'er and dared to treat her as a concubine. She couldn't get any advantage from Xunyi, but she could still get her by playing with Zhui'er.

Of course, Zhui'er was willing to be manipulated. This was considered a debt repayment. Both of them were very satisfied with it. One was willing to fight and the other was willing to suffer. The hookup became heated within two days.

Five days later, Yu Chan looked at Zhui'er with a teasing smile and said, "How mature do you have to be before your spirit cloud comes out? You don't have to sleep in the same bed, right?"

"I've been trying every day, and it feels like it's almost done. I'm also anxious." Zhui'er's face kept getting hot, and there were two lies in one sentence. This was so shameless.

Yu Chan looked at him with seductive eyes and said, "Try again later. If it still doesn't work, then it is really your dear treasure. I have no choice but to risk my life just to see it."

Zhui'er's face was red for a long time. Later, he didn't hear what Yu Chan said. His heart was crazy.

Dancing Guang was thinking about the three words "fighting" Yu Chan said, but brother Zhui'er is a gentleman, at least for now, so he called out Xiao Yunduo before Yu Chan could "fighting". After calling out Xiao Yunduo At that moment, his beating heart finally calmed down, but there was an uncontrollable look of loss in his eyes. Fortunately, Yu Chan's attention was attracted as soon as Xiao Yunduo came out.

As soon as Yu Chan glanced at it, Xiao Yunduo hid away. After seeing Xiao Yunduo's mystery, Yu Chan had no time to play with Zhui'er and urged anxiously, "Let it come out quickly! I'll kill you even if I turn around." That’s what I want.”

Zhui'er, who felt a little hurt, looked up unnaturally at the Xuanshui Sword that was shining with dark green light, "I didn't take it back, it was the thunder from the sky that wanted to strike it. It is a thing that defies the heavens and can easily attract the heavens." Zed, we should go outside and let it out."

Yu Chan realized that she had wronged Zhui'er, so she suppressed the itching to look at Ling Yun immediately, leaned forward and kissed Zhui'er gently on the face with her cherry lips, then held his hand affectionately and said "Then let's go out. This thing looks amazing. Let me take a good look."

"Okay." Zhui'er's injury was healed in an instant. Since Yu Chan values ​​Xiao Yunduo so much, it is understandable to be anxious. People with beautiful shackles must have some advantages. God has created so many The beautiful shackles must be here to better trap everyone. Yu Chan's pulling jade hands made Zhui'er have no time to think about it anymore. He got out of the Qiankun bag without thinking and realized that he had inadvertently explored something. A little beauty of it was that he could bring people out with him, but he couldn't help but shudder in fear. He had never dared to try such a dangerous attempt. Something was going to happen. But Yu Chan was killed.

sThanks to Senior Brother Nina for the two rewards. I have to get a perfect attendance award this month. Four thousand words a day is really tiring. I can’t hold on anymore. Thank you Senior Brother for reminding me at this time.

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