Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1713 The elegant and free-spirited young man

After Yu Chan looked at Xiao Yunduo for a while, she went to the small valley to retreat. Before the retreat, she told Zhui'er to carefully refine the spirit of Tianting and not to do anything else. She would wait until she came out of retreat.

Zhui'er sneaked over to where Shen Qing was and took a look. There was obviously a magic circle set up there. He couldn't find Shen Qing, so he had to give up.

After returning to the room, Zhui'er sat there in a daze for more than an hour. The main thing he thought about was Yu Chan. Being fascinated by a great fairy concubine was very embarrassing and... Zhui'er didn't know how to talk about it. , his face felt feverish with embarrassment for a while, and then showed a silly smile. Even though Yu Chan was no longer around, he was still dizzy.

When he was completely awake, he forced himself to think seriously about why Yu Chan was so kind to him. After much deliberation, the answer seemed to be only two words - fate. Apart from that, he really couldn't think of any other reason. Were you really married to her in your previous life? When his thoughts returned to this topic, Zhui'er felt that it was too ridiculous. According to everyone's description of Yu Chan, if he had ever provoked her, he would probably have died in confusion under the vicious calculation of this beautiful snake. How could there be any kind of couple? Grace? He could really feel Yu Chan's kindness towards him. No matter how many people said bad things about Yu Chan in the future, he would not pay attention to it. He believed in what he felt with his heart.

When Shu Yan, Shen Qing and the others no longer need to take care of themselves, Zhui'er secretly made up his mind to practice hard and strive to be qualified to move in next to this beautiful fairy concubine as soon as possible. Thinking about being with this peerless beauty for a long time in the future, Zhui'er, who had never known how to live, showed a longing smile on his face. He had found the goal of living.

After dreaming about the beautiful days for a while, Zhui'er had to start thinking about the issue of "practice hard". The path he and Shen Qing were currently taking was not one that could be practiced hard, and it was very unreliable. Should they go back to the old path? ?

Zhui'er is really fascinated by Yu Chan. He is really willing to give up everything for Yu Chan. Anyway, he is not very interested in the Tao. The problem is that if he wants to reach the level of Yu Chan by following the normal path of cultivation, he doesn't know how to use it. How many years will it take? Maybe Yuchan will have become an immortal by then.

It seems that I still have to take a shortcut and continue on the path I am currently on. It would be great if I could have a few more long dreams. Zhui'er, who had never had any enterprising spirit, was now holding back on doing evil things in order to improve his cultivation as quickly as possible. If Shen Qing saw him like this from the side, he would probably be itchy with hatred. There is no way, Yu Chan's poison is too ecstasy, the temptation is not something that Zhui'er can resist, but if this poison is tasted briefly, it will become the best medicine. The key is that no one can stop eating it, knowing that If he eats any more, he will die and he will continue to eat eagerly. This is what Zhui'er is like now. He has begun to secretly think about what Yu Chan said, "I will go back to your wishes."

There is some truth to the saying that beauty brings disaster. Being as beautiful as Yu Chan can be said to be a disaster arranged by God. How boring would it be if there were no beauties in this world? Most people can be pure and have few desires, and they have no time to think about the way of heaven. No matter how clever the trick is, they will be able to figure it out.

A year has passed like this. This year has been a very happy one for Zhui'er. Although he is alone all day long, knowing that Yu Chan is by his side makes him very satisfied. In addition to spending time with Tianting Spirit every day The condom is very good, he will meditate on time, and then he will understand the path he is taking. Every day is very busy and fulfilling, because he has to work hard for his goals. Of course, the happiest time is leisure time He daydreams from time to time, which is also his biggest source of motivation. Every time after dreaming, he will continue to practice and gain enlightenment with great energy.

When Yu Chan came out of seclusion, she was a little surprised to see Zhui'er looking so energetic. She was also afraid that Zhui'er would change due to lovesickness.

It's so sluggish.

"Hey, how was your enlightenment? Did you gain anything?" After finally seeing Yu Chan, Zhui'er's face was filled with uncontrollable joy.

Yu Chan pinched his face and teased, "Do you miss me?"

After a year of silence, Zhui'er could no longer resist teasing. He curled his lips and said, "Forget it if you don't want to say it. Don't think that what you have understood is so profound. Maybe you are wasting your time and can lead to disaster." The Dharma is the way to go.”

Yu Chan nodded seriously and said, "Yes, that's why I think you are great. I have never heard of anyone who was struck by lightning during the pill formation stage. How is your progress in refining the Spirit of Heavenly Ting?" ? Can you release the Xuanshui Sword? I can't wait to hear your teachings."

Zhui'er felt a little embarrassed when he saw people like this, scratched his head and said, "I think it's almost done. You can try to let it out."

Yu Chan patted his hand and said with a straight face, "You are my little husband now. You have to have some grace. Stop doing these frivolous things. It really embarrasses me."

"Is this all you have understood?" Zhui'er felt quite embarrassed, but he also felt that he was being taught a lesson, so he straightened his back after saying a harsh word and stopped making so many small moves.

Yu Chan pursed her lips with satisfaction and said with a smile, "That's pretty much it. I don't care if you are a human being or not, but you can't be so childish. You have been practicing for hundreds of years, because there are too many people who love you. That’s why you can’t grow up. From today on, I have to break your bad habits.”

Zhui'er said proudly, "I am the Immortal Lord of the two major sects. I naturally have some magnanimity, but I just don't want to put on this air every day."

Yu Chan shook his head and said, "This is your airs, not your bearing. You don't need to hold your bearing, it comes naturally and freely. It needs to be backed by foundation and confidence. And I hope that your bearing is not serious. What I want is an elegant and free-spirited young man.”

Zhui'er smiled, "Are you not done yet? If you continue to make trouble like this, don't blame me for being disrespectful to you."

Yu Chan looked at him and said, "Let me see what's going on first and then talk about it."

The meaning of these words was so alluring. Zhui'er secretly warned himself that he must not be childish anymore. This incident deepened his trust in Yu Chan. He truly felt that Yu Chan wanted to treat Yu Chan from the bottom of his heart. He's good. No one has ever controlled him in this regard since he was so old.

"Come on, let's release the Xuanshui Sword." Yu Chan made preparations by holding the magic formula in her hands.

Zhui'er pointed to the direction of Shen Qing and said, "Don't let it hurt Shen Qing."

"Yeah." Yu Chan responded with a solemn expression and stopped joking.

When the Xuanshui Sword flew out of the Qiankun Bag, it was hanging in the air and shaking uncontrollably. Black and dark green thunderous light rippled out of the sword. The momentum was quite frightening. Even Yu Chan felt his heart tremble when he looked at it. It is difficult to estimate the grade of this magical weapon that was originally a top-grade weapon.

The unruly aura displayed by the Xuanshui Sword made Zhui'er very nervous, and she quickly concentrated her thoughts to appease the two weapon spirits. Yu Chan did not make a move, but just opened up the body-protecting divine light to protect Zhui'er, and she stared attentively. Holding the Xuanshui Sword, if the Xuanshui Sword attacks Shen Qing at this moment, she feels that she may not be able to rescue her in time. Of course, she cannot tell Zhui'er about this.

With Zhui'er's efforts, the turbulent light of thunder gradually subsided, and the spirit of Xuanshui calmed down. However, the light of thunder still shrouded the outside of the Xuanshui Sword like a light cocoon, and the frightening dark green thunder light swam in the middle. The black Tingshan walked with a terrifying momentum. After Yu Chan looked at Xiao Yunduo for a while, she went to the small valley to retreat. Before the retreat, she told Zhui'er to carefully refine the spirit of Tianting and not to do anything else. She would wait until she came out of retreat.

Zhui'er sneaked over to where Shen Qing was and took a look. There was obviously a magic circle set up there. He couldn't find Shen Qing, so he had to give up.

After returning to the room, Zhui'er sat there in a daze for more than an hour. The main thing he thought about was Yu Chan. Being fascinated by a great fairy concubine was very embarrassing and... Zhui'er didn't know how to talk about it. , his face felt feverish with embarrassment for a while, and then showed a silly smile. Even though Yu Chan was no longer around, he was still dizzy.

When he was completely awake, he forced himself to think seriously about why Yu Chan was so kind to him. After much deliberation, the answer seemed to be only two words - fate. Apart from that, he really couldn't think of any other reason. Were you really married to her in your previous life? When his thoughts returned to this topic, Zhui'er felt that it was too ridiculous. According to everyone's description of Yu Chan, if he had ever provoked her, he would probably have died in confusion under the vicious calculation of this beautiful snake. How could there be any kind of couple? Enyi? He could really feel Yu Chan's kindness towards him. No matter how many people said bad things about Yu Chan in the future, he would not pay attention to it. He believed in what he felt with his heart. ??

When Shu Yan, Shen Qing and the others no longer have to take care of themselves, Zhui'er will train hard and strive to be qualified to move in next to this beautiful fairy concubine as soon as possible. Zhui'er secretly made up his mind. Thinking about being with this peerless beauty for a long time in the future, Zhui'er, who had never known how to live, showed a yearning smile on his face. He had found the goal of living.

After dreaming about the beautiful days for a while, Zhui'er had to start thinking about the issue of "practice hard". The path he and Shen Qing were currently taking was not one that could be practiced hard, and it was very unreliable. Should they go back to the old path? ?

Zhui'er is really fascinated by Yu Chan. He is really willing to give up everything for Yu Chan. Anyway, he is not very interested in the Tao. The problem is that if he wants to reach the level of Yu Chan by following the normal path of cultivation, he doesn't know how to use it. How many years will it take? Maybe Yuchan will have become an immortal by then.

It seems that I still have to take a shortcut and continue on the path I am on now. It would be great if I could have more long dreams. Zhui'er, who had never had any enterprising spirit, was now holding back on doing evil things in order to improve his cultivation as quickly as possible. If Shen Qing saw him like this from the side, he would probably be itchy with hatred. There is no way, Yu Chan's poison is too ecstasy, the temptation is not something that Zhui'er can resist, but if this poison is tasted briefly, it will become the best medicine. The key is that no one can stop eating it, knowing that If he eats any more, he will die and he will continue to eat eagerly. This is what Zhui'er is like now. He has begun to secretly think about what Yu Chan said, "I will go back to your wishes."

There is some truth to the saying that beauty brings disaster. Being as beautiful as Yu Chan can be said to be a disaster arranged by God. How boring would it be if there were no beauties in this world? Most people can be pure and have few desires, and they have no time to think about the way of heaven. No matter how clever the trick is, they will be able to figure it out.

A year has passed like this. This year has been a very happy one for Zhui'er. Although he is alone all day long, knowing that Yu Chan is by his side makes him very satisfied. Apart from spending time with Tianting Spirit every day The condom is very good, he will meditate on time, and then he will understand the path he is taking. Every day is very busy and fulfilling, because he has to work hard for his goals. Of course, the happiest time is leisure time He daydreams from time to time, which is also his biggest source of motivation. Every time after dreaming, he will continue to practice and gain enlightenment with great energy.

When Yu Chan came out of seclusion, she was a little surprised to see Zhui'er looking so energetic. She was also afraid that Zhui'er would change due to lovesickness.

It's so sluggish.

"Hey, how was your enlightenment? Did you gain anything?" After finally seeing Yu Chan, Zhui'er's face was filled with uncontrollable joy.

Yu Chan pinched his face and teased, "Do you miss me?"

After a year of silence, Zhui'er could no longer resist teasing. He curled his lips and said, "Forget it if you don't want to say it. Don't think that what you have understood is so profound. Maybe you are wasting your time and can lead to disaster." The Dharma is the way to go.”

Yu Chan nodded seriously and said, "Yes, that's why I think you are great. I have never heard of anyone who was struck by lightning during the pill formation stage. How is your progress in refining the Spirit of Heavenly Ting?" ? Can you release the Xuanshui Sword? I can't wait to hear your teachings."

Zhui'er felt a little embarrassed when he saw people like this, scratched his head and said, "I think it's almost done. You can try to let it out."

Yu Chan patted his hand and said with a straight face, "You are my little husband now. You have to have some grace. Stop doing such frivolous things. It really embarrasses me."

"Is this all you have understood?" Zhui'er felt quite embarrassed, but he also felt that he was being taught a lesson, so he straightened his back after saying a harsh word and stopped making so many small moves.

Yu Chan pursed her lips with satisfaction and smiled and said, "That's pretty much it. I don't care if you are a human being or not, but you can't be so childish. You have been practicing for hundreds of years, because there are too many people who love you. That’s why you can’t grow up. From today on, I have to break your bad habits.”

Zhui'er said proudly, "I am the Immortal Lord of the two major sects. I naturally have some magnanimity, but I just don't want to put on this air every day."

Yu Chan shook his head and said, "This is your airs, not your bearing. You don't need to hold your bearing, it comes naturally and freely. It needs to be backed by foundation and confidence. And I hope that your bearing is not serious. What I want is an elegant and free-spirited young man.”

Zhui'er smiled, "Are you not done yet? If you continue to make trouble like this, don't blame me for being disrespectful to you."

Yu Chan looked at him and said, "Let me see what's going on first before talking about it."

The meaning of these words was so alluring. Zhui'er secretly warned himself that he must not be childish anymore. This incident deepened his trust in Yu Chan. He truly felt that Yu Chan wanted to treat Yu Chan from the bottom of his heart. He's good. No one has ever controlled him in this regard since he was so old.

"Come on, let's release the Xuanshui Sword." Yu Chan made preparations by holding the magic formula in her hands.

Zhui'er pointed to the direction of Shen Qing and said, "Don't let it hurt Shen Qing."

"Yeah." Yu Chan responded with a solemn expression and stopped joking.

When the Xuanshui Sword flew out of the Qiankun Bag, it hung in the air and trembled constantly. Black and dark green thunder light rippled outside the sword. The momentum was quite frightening. Even Yu Chan felt his heart tremble when he looked at it. It is difficult to estimate the grade of this magical weapon that was originally a top-grade weapon.

The unruly aura displayed by the Xuanshui Sword made Zhui'er very nervous, and she quickly concentrated her thoughts to appease the two weapon spirits. Yu Chan did not make a move, but just opened up the body-protecting divine light to protect Zhui'er, and she stared attentively. Holding the Xuanshui Sword, if the Xuanshui Sword attacks Shen Qing at this moment, she feels that she may not be able to rescue her in time. Of course, she cannot tell Zhui'er about this.

With Zhui'er's efforts, the turbulent light of thunder gradually subsided, and the spirit of Xuan Shui calmed down. However, the light of thunder still shrouded the outside of Xuan Shui Sword like a cocoon of light, and the frightening dark green thunder light swam in the middle. The black Tingshan walked with a terrifying momentum.

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