Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1721 I like the scenery over there

"What are you going to do with this little snowflake? Let's not disturb its life. If you want to understand, just do it here."

Shen Qing originally wanted to take this little thing with him, but after hearing what Zhui'er said, he had to give up the idea and settled in the snow house.

Zhui'er was not very interested in this little snowflake. This thing was too stupid. It could be said that he didn't know what was going on. As long as he gave it spiritual energy, it would immediately attack after absorbing it. It was too stupid to get close to Xiaoxuehua, so Shen Qing faced Xiaoxuehua. During the time of enlightenment, he worked hard alone. Now he feels full of energy but doesn't know how to feel it. One moment he is thinking about the things on his own path, and the other moment he is doing breathing exercises in the traditional way. He is running in the opposite direction. I was busy on the two roads incessantly, as if I felt ashamed of my time if I wasn't busy.

A month later, Shen Qing planned to leave. The two of them set up a small magic circle for Xiao Xuehua to allow the spirit stones to slowly emit spiritual energy, leaving ten spirit stones in it. Zhui'er wanted to put in a few more Nascent Soul Stones.

Shen Qing stopped him and said, "At this speed of dispersion, ten spiritual stones can last for more than a hundred years. After more than a hundred years, this amount of spiritual energy will definitely not be able to meet its needs. It will have to find another place."

"It's too difficult for it to find a place with spiritual power in this barren place." Zhui'er still wanted to put a few Nascent Soul Stones in his hand.

Shen Qing didn't stop him anymore, and said pointedly, "A cat has its own path, and a mouse has its own path. Taking too much care of it may not be a good thing. If it becomes inert because of this, it will keep clinging to the little spiritual energy it exudes." "

Zhui'er said tit for tat, "These creatures are all strange and cannot be compared to cats and dogs. Maybe they will die if they can't find new spiritual energy. I'll let them survive for a long time first. When I come to see you next time, Come and take a look at it, or simply bring it to your place.”

"Let's go." Shen Qing restored the igloo to the snow and ascended to the ground. She felt that she didn't need to worry too much about Zhui'er finding an enemy. This kid's heart was too soft. Even if he was forced to cause trouble with a knife, it would be easy. Can't cause any big trouble. She was out of consideration for thinking this way. Some people are born to be a source of trouble. If they just stay there and don't move, trouble will fall on them, let alone if they provoke them intentionally.

Xun Yi, who is the foundation of Zhuo'er, is the source of trouble. It's just that Xun Yi has been tossing restlessly, making people mistakenly think that all the troubles are caused by him. In fact, the little devil's tossing is much worse than Xun Yi, but in terms of Chuang No matter how big or small the disaster is, the little devil is beyond his reach. .??.

Flying on the road, Shen Qing gave advice: "You can't be so impetuous. You've been so busy these days that I'm confused."

"Yeah." Zhui'er responded with a serious face.

His attitude made Shen Qing unable to say any more. Zhui'er had really changed. In the past, he would have smiled guiltily instead of responding so seriously. She could guess that Zhui'er wanted to use this attitude to make people laugh. I couldn't continue to talk in depth, they all knew in their hearts that if they continued talking, they would definitely mention Yu Chan. Yu Chan's influence on Zhui'er was too great. Shen Qing once again considered asking Zhui'er to meet Su Wan at this time. After careful consideration, she still didn't dare to take the risk. The result of doing so might push Zhui'er into a In the abyss, no matter how bad Yu Chan is, there is no fatal risk to Zhui'er. The gentle and kind Su Wan can kill him.

"This little snowflake is actually very remarkable. It can emit such a strange cold with such a small amount of spiritual power. Its use of spiritual power is much better than ours." Shen Qing changed the topic.

Zhui'er agreed, "The spells we have learned are definitely incomparable to the magical powers of innate talent. The idea of ​​​​talent is very wishful thinking and very confusing. A genius would not give such a gift."

What are some clues that can help us follow the clues? "

"It's hard to say. Maybe all kinds of weird talents are just to mislead us, including your mental and magical powers. They are insignificant tricks compared to the superior heaven. Those thoughts that can lead to heavenly disaster are the real clues."

The two began a new round of speculation. Everyone knows that Shen Qing is difficult to get along with. Even with her fellow seniors, she rarely talks to her. But now when she is with Zhui'er, she takes good care of her mood. She was not treated so well in Xunyi at the beginning. Of course, this It also has something to do with the fact that she watched Zhui'er grow up. Because they were too close, the lover she loved in the previous life became her brother-in-law in this life. This was exactly what Minglan wanted to avoid. Shen Qingze, who was devoted to the Tao, accepted it. With this arrangement, who made her find Zhui'er so early? Compared with Zhui'er's enlightenment on her Taoism, she felt that it would be better to have a lover.

The two of them traveled northeast. From time to time, Zhui'er would "interrogate" the monsters they encountered, and then led Shen Qingdong to run west and west to find the place where the interrogation came from. Those places basically had no aura, so Shen Qing felt that he This was a deliberate delay. She didn't point out Zhui'er's little thoughts of attachment and reluctance.

After walking like this for more than three months, the weather became colder and colder. After "interrogating" a strange-looking monster for a while, Tian Zhui'er pointed to the left and said, "Over there, I should be able to find it this time."

Shen Qing shook her head and flew to the right in the opposite direction. She felt like a mirror in her heart. If Zhui'er's "interrogation" really had results, he would definitely lead her to the wrong place and fly in the opposite direction. You have to be careful to find the right place. After walking with him for so long, it's time to search seriously.

"Hey! You still don't believe me?" Zhui'er caught up with Shen Qing unhappily and said, "This time I really asked the question clearly. Go to the place I told you to see first."

Shen Qing pushed him away, looked at him with a half-smile and said, "I like the scenery over there and want to go and have a look."

Zhui'er said angrily, "What's the scenery over there? These thousands and tens of thousands of miles are all covered in white. You're making up lies and you don't even give me a decent one."

Shen Qing smiled and flew forward, saying, "It doesn't matter if it looks decent or not, as long as you can understand."

"What do you mean? I don't understand!" Zhui'er caught up and wanted to pull Shen Qing away.

Shen Qing's smile grew thicker, "The more you do this, the more you show that there is spiritual energy here. If I keep pretending to be stupid, I will have to go to the end of the world."

Zhui'er saw that he couldn't play the trick anymore, so he had to say hard, "Just be smart, then go look over here and see if I lied to you."

After searching for more than ten thousand miles, Zhui'er asked in a mocking tone, "Are you still going to search further?"

Shen Qing said calmly, "You shouldn't say this. You are very knowledgeable in lying. You must first keep your breath, otherwise the secret will be exposed." After saying this, she flew forward firmly.

"Be careful." Zhui'er can't pretend anymore. In this poor place, places with spiritual energy are probably dangerous.

"Tell the truth." Shen Qing slowed down.

Zhui'er explained truthfully, "Such an intelligent monster cannot express its meaning very clearly. It seems that there is something here that scares it."

Shen Qing took out the defensive spirit treasure and held it in his hand. He looked at Zhuo'er with a serious look and said, "If it is a monster, then kill it. If it is a human, kill it if it should be killed. If you let it go, it will be a hidden danger."

Zhui'er nodded impatiently. He was eager to grow now and didn't like to be said to be soft-hearted. "What are you going to do with this little snowflake? Let's not disturb its life. If you want to understand, just do it here."

Shen Qing originally wanted to take this little thing with him, but after hearing what Zhui'er said, he had to give up the idea and settled in the snow house.

Zhui'er was not very interested in this little snowflake. This thing was too stupid. It could be said that he didn't know what was going on. As long as he gave it spiritual energy, it would immediately attack after absorbing it. It was too stupid to get close to Xiaoxuehua, so Shen Qing faced Xiaoxuehua. During the time of enlightenment, he worked hard alone. Now he feels full of energy but doesn't know how to feel it. One moment he is thinking about the things on his own path, and the other moment he is doing breathing exercises in the traditional way. He is running in the opposite direction. I was busy on the two roads incessantly, as if I felt ashamed of my time if I wasn't busy.

A month later, Shen Qing planned to leave. The two of them set up a small magic circle for Xiao Xuehua to allow the spirit stones to slowly emit spiritual energy, leaving ten spirit stones in it. Zhui'er wanted to put in a few more Nascent Soul Stones.

Shen Qing stopped him and said, "At this speed of dispersion, ten spiritual stones can last for more than a hundred years. After more than a hundred years, this amount of spiritual energy will definitely not be able to meet its needs. It will have to find another place."

"It's too difficult for it to find a place with spiritual power in this barren place." Zhui'er still wanted to put a few Nascent Soul Stones in his hand.

Shen Qing didn't stop him anymore, and said pointedly, "A cat has its own path, and a mouse has its own path. Taking too much care of it may not be a good thing. If it becomes inert because of this, it will continue to live on the little spiritual energy it exudes." "

Zhui'er said tit for tat, "These creatures are all strange and cannot be compared to cats and dogs. Maybe they will die if they can't find new spiritual energy. I'll let them survive for a long time first. When I come to see you next time, Come and take a look at it, or simply bring it to your place.”

"Let's go." Shen Qing restored the igloo to the snow and ascended to the ground. She felt that she didn't need to worry too much about Zhui'er finding an enemy. This kid's heart was too soft. Even if he was forced to cause trouble with a knife, it would be easy. Can't cause any big trouble. She was out of consideration for thinking this way. Some people are born to be a source of trouble. If they just stay there and don't move, trouble will fall on them, let alone if they provoke them intentionally.

Xun Yi, who is the foundation of Zhuo'er, is the source of trouble. It's just that Xun Yi has been tossing restlessly, making people mistakenly think that all the troubles are caused by him. In fact, the little devil's tossing is much worse than Xun Yi, but in terms of Chuang No matter how big or small the disaster is, the little devil is beyond his reach.

Flying on the road, Shen Qing gave me some advice: "You can't be so impetuous. You've been so busy these days that I'm confused."

"Yeah." Zhui'er responded with a serious face.

His attitude made Shen Qing unable to say any more. Zhui'er had really changed. In the past, he would have smiled guiltily instead of responding so seriously. She could guess that Zhui'er wanted to use this attitude to make people laugh. I couldn't continue to talk in depth, they all knew in their hearts that if they continued talking, they would definitely mention Yu Chan. Yu Chan's influence on Zhui'er was too great. Shen Qing once again considered asking Zhui'er to meet Su Wan at this time. After careful consideration, she still didn't dare to take the risk. The result of doing so might push Zhui'er into a Abyss, no matter how bad Yu Chan is, there is no fatal risk to Zhui'er. The gentle and kind Su Wan can kill him.

"This little snowflake is actually very remarkable. It can emit such a strange cold with such a small amount of spiritual power. Its use of spiritual power is much better than ours." Shen Qing changed the topic.

Zhui'er agreed, "The spells we have learned are definitely incomparable to the magical powers of innate talent. The idea of ​​​​talent is very wishful thinking and very confusing. A genius would not give such a gift."

What are some clues that can help us follow the clues? "

"It's hard to say. Maybe all kinds of weird talents are just to mislead us, including your mental and magical powers. They are insignificant tricks compared to the superior heaven. Those thoughts that can lead to heavenly disaster are the real clues."

The two began a new round of speculation. Everyone knows that Shen Qing is difficult to get along with. Even with her fellow seniors, she rarely talks to her. But now when she is with Zhui'er, she takes good care of her mood. She was not treated so well in Xunyi at the beginning. Of course, this It also has something to do with the fact that she watched Zhui'er grow up. Because they were too close, the lover she loved in the previous life became her brother-in-law in this life. This was exactly what Minglan wanted to avoid. Shen Qingze, who was devoted to the Tao, accepted it. With this arrangement, who made her find Zhui'er so early? Compared with Zhui'er's enlightenment on her Taoism, she felt that it would be better to have a lover.

The two of them traveled northeast. From time to time, Zhui'er would "interrogate" the monsters they encountered, and then led Shen Qingdong to run west and west to find the place where the interrogation came from. Those places basically had no aura, so Shen Qing felt that he This was a deliberate delay, and she did not point out Zhui'er's little thoughts of attachment and reluctance.

After walking like this for more than three months, the weather became colder and colder. After "interrogating" a strange-looking monster for a while, Tian Zhui'er pointed to the left and said, "Over there, I should be able to find it this time."

Shen Qing shook her head and flew to the right in the opposite direction. She felt like a mirror in her heart. If Zhui'er's "interrogation" really had results, he would definitely lead her to the wrong place and fly in the opposite direction. You have to be careful to find the right place. After walking with him for so long, it's time to search seriously.

"Hey! You still don't believe me?" Zhui'er caught up with Shen Qing unhappily and said, "This time I really asked the question clearly. Go to the place I told you to see first."

Shen Qing pushed him away, looked at him with a half-smile and said, "I like the scenery over there and want to go and have a look."

Zhui'er said angrily, "What's the scenery over there? These thousands of miles and tens of thousands of miles are all white. You're making up lies and you don't even give me a decent one."

Shen Qing smiled and flew forward, saying, "It doesn't matter if it looks decent or not, as long as you can understand."

"What do you mean? I don't understand!" Zhui'er caught up and wanted to pull Shen Qing away.

Shen Qing's smile grew thicker, "The more you do this, the more you show that there is spiritual energy here. If I keep pretending to be stupid, I will have to go to the end of the world."

Zhui'er saw that he couldn't play the trick anymore, so he had to say hard, "Just be smart, then go look over here and see if I lied to you."

After searching for more than ten thousand miles, Zhui'er asked in a mocking tone, "Are you still going to search further?"

Shen Qing said calmly, "You shouldn't say this. You are very knowledgeable in lying. You must first keep your breath, otherwise the secret will be exposed." After saying this, she flew forward firmly.

"Be careful." Zhui'er can't pretend anymore. In this poor place, places with spiritual energy are probably dangerous.

"Tell the truth." Shen Qing slowed down.

Zhui'er explained truthfully, "Such an intelligent monster cannot express its meaning very clearly. It seems that there is something here that scares it."

Shen Qing took out the defensive spirit treasure and held it in his hand. He looked at Zhuo'er with a serious look and said, "If it is a monster, then kill it. If it is a human, kill it if it should be killed. If you let it go, it will be a hidden danger."

Zhui'er nodded impatiently. He was eager to grow now and didn't like to be said to be soft-hearted.

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