Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1722 He is my enemy

The two searched nervously for three days but found nothing.

Zhui'er couldn't help but have doubts about the information he got from the little monster, but this was exactly what he wanted. It would be best if he couldn't find anything. When he secretly breathed a sigh of relief, Shen Qing suddenly activated the defense. Lingbao covered the two of them.

"There is a great monk lurking!"

As soon as Zhui'er looked at the direction Shen Qing was staring at, a white light flashed there, and then the lavender halo formed by the defensive spirit treasure flashed with a dazzling brilliance. The heavy blow made Shen Qing groan.

"You really have a chance." Following these words, a middle-aged man wearing a green robe and two white eyebrows appeared in the place where the white light was emitting. This was a man with a bad appearance, and there was a look in his eyes. With a sinister look.

"Wuji?" Shen Qing asked with a frosty face. She had some knowledge of the important disciples of the nine sects of Puyunzhou. This Four Immortal Lord of Yin Yang Palace was certainly an important figure. .??.

"He is Wuji." Zhui'er glared at Wuji with the eyes of an enemy. Whether it was the second senior sister, Yu Chan, or even Yuehong mentioned this dangerous person when chatting with him, so he was more sure than Shen Qing. This person is Wuji.

Wuji looked at Zhui'er and sneered, "You are the Langxing who stole the show in the Three Immortals Association, right? Although you haven't joined the Zixiao Palace yet, your palace master has made this clear enough. , as a person who is about to become a disciple of the Nine Sects but has a close relationship with the disciples of Cihang Immortal Lord, are you an undercover spy in Puyunzhou? "

Zhui'er said loudly, "Pu Yunzhou and Nanjingzhou have already established an alliance. It's nothing if people from both sides have contacts with each other." This was taught to him by Xiaochun in order to deal with this kind of situation.

"It's okay to associate with others. She is a disciple of Immortal Cihang. You are a monk in Nanjingzhou. You should know who Immortal Cihang is better than us." If Wuji had succeeded in that attack just now, he would have done it right now. The two men destroyed their bodies and wiped out all traces. It was precisely because the blow failed to cause serious damage to Shen Qing that he turned to these words.

Zhui'er wanted to argue with him, but Shen Qing secretly said, "Be careful that he has another helper. This person is vicious and vicious. Now that you have met him, there is nothing to say. Don't fall for his delaying strategy. Get rid of him first!" "

After Shen Qing passed on this divine thought, he swung the divine whip towards Wuji.

This Fairy Shen is so courageous and strong. She never speaks when she should take action. Her cultivation level is almost one level worse than Wuji's. Wuji has already entered the late Nascent Soul stage of perfection. Shen Qing relies on her powerful The magic weapon is sure to not fall behind in a battle with an ordinary late-stage Nascent Soul monk, and has a good chance of winning, but Wuji is not an ordinary monk, and his treasure is no less than Shen Qing's, nor worse than Shen Qing's.

Facing the ferocious attack of the God of Punishment Whip, Wuji either dodged or used treasures to resist, appearing calm and calm. He even said to Zhui'er, "Why don't you step aside? If you don't avoid suspicion, I guarantee that Zixiao Palace won't be able to protect you." Stay here, the battle between me and her is..."

Before he finished speaking, a ray of red light shot towards him from beside Zhui'er. This was the "Earth Fire Spirit Dragon" sent to the battlefield for the first time. The opponent was too powerful, and Zhui'er didn't dare to use it and was not very obedient. The Water Ting Sword.

As soon as the Earth Fire Spirit Dragon came out, it transformed into a phantom of a fire dragon that was more than ten feet long. The treasure Xiaochun refined was also the same as hers. There were not so many bells and whistles, no ingestion sounds, and no flying flames. , it is such a hazy orange-red phantom dragon, although it looks plain but

But the power is full.

Wuji expected that Zhui'er should have an extraordinary treasure in his hand, but he didn't expect that Zhui'er could activate such a powerful spiritual treasure. Moreover, judging from the speed of his attack, he was definitely not just a young monk in the late stage of pill formation. His cultivation level was much higher than that of Zhui'er. When Zhui'er made a move, he was able to take precautions in advance so that he didn't suffer too much.

The shadow of the fire dragon pounced on the black barrier activated by Wuji. The black barrier disappeared immediately, and Wuji also disappeared.

"Run away!" Shen Qing looked at the direction of Wuji's escape with worry in her eyes. This was the outcome she least wanted to see.

"I must have hurt him, but I don't know how serious the injury was. It's my first time using this treasure and I'm still a little slick. Let's run." Zhui'er was a little panicked in his heart.

"Let's continue walking forward, and then find a place to hide. This way we can be unexpected. If we go back, we will easily be overtaken." After Shen Qing finished speaking, he pulled Zhui'er and flew forward quickly.

"Why is he here? Do you think he is alone?"

"It's hard to say. Let's just prepare for him to have help. I feel that what he just said to you is very much like trying to hold us back. He tried out that my defensive magic weapon is very powerful, so he has no confidence in keeping me. If he is afraid that I will escape, then he will not dare to kill you."

"This man is really despicable. If you hadn't discovered him in time, both of us would have died under his sneak attack. It's really shameless for a great monk in the late Nascent Soul stage to do such despicable things." Zhui'er is quite disdainful of Wuji's character.

Shen Qing said with a cold expression, "That's why he is determined to kill us and silence us to prevent this scandal from spreading."

Zhui'er was afraid that she would suspect that he had been soft just now, so he hurriedly explained, "I wanted to launch a mental attack on him immediately after sending out the Earth Fire Spirit Dragon, but he ran away too fast and I couldn't make it in time."

"I know you tried your best. This person is not so easy to kill. Next time you attack with your mind first, and then use the Earth Fire Spirit Dragon. I will try my best to entangle him and fight for the world for you. I am afraid that the help he brings will not be good. To deal with it, if there is another person in the late Nascent Soul stage, we may not be able to cope with it. Then we will have to use the escape treasure to escape, and then sneak into the ground to avoid their search by using earth escape. If we get to that point, we can escape directly. I will send you first. Return to Yunxing Pavilion." Shen Qing followed this spiritual message and sent it to Zhui'er at a meeting point. Their escape treasures could only be used by themselves. Once they escaped, they had to separate.

"Try to see if you can kill him first. He is my enemy." Zhui'er became more motivated. Of course, it was also because he didn't want to break up with Shen Qing prematurely. If he didn't help Shen Qing find a safe place to live, he would Won't give up. "Okay, it's far enough to fly out, let's hide here." Zhui'er pointed to a deep snow ravine below.

Shen Qing immediately activated the invisible magic weapon and fell down with Zhuo'er.

If you want to evade arrest as much as possible, it is best to choose a flat snowfield to hide in. Choosing a ravine is just for the purpose of taking action. One is in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and the other is in the Danjie stage. The two of them intend to kill. As a great monk in the late Nascent Soul stage, it is not surprising that Shen Qing has such courage. In order to make himself worthy of Yu Chan, Zhui'er, a closed disciple of the two sects, also began to show his extraordinary courage and courage.

This is a duel between disciples of a famous sect. Both have outstanding qualifications and have powerful magic weapons.

s?Thank you to senior brother Ernai for the reward and monthly pass, and thank you to senior brother jiy for the monthly pass at the beginning of the month. The two searched nervously for three days but found nothing.

Zhui'er couldn't help but have doubts about the information he got from the little monster, but this was exactly what he wanted. It would be best if he couldn't find anything. When he secretly breathed a sigh of relief, Shen Qing suddenly activated the defense. Lingbao covered the two of them.

"There is a great monk lurking!"

As soon as Zhui'er looked at the direction Shen Qing was staring at, a white light flashed there, and then the lavender halo formed by the defensive spirit treasure flashed with a dazzling brilliance. The heavy blow made Shen Qing groan.

"You really have a chance." Following these words, a middle-aged man wearing a green robe and two white eyebrows appeared in the place where the white light was emitting. This was a man with a bad appearance, and there was a look in his eyes. With a sinister look.

"Wuji?" Shen Qing asked with a frosty face. She had some knowledge of the important disciples of the nine sects of Puyunzhou. This Four Immortal Lord of Yin Yang Palace was certainly an important figure.

"He is Wuji." Zhui'er glared at Wuji with the eyes of an enemy. Whether it was the second senior sister, Yu Chan, or even Yuehong mentioned this dangerous person when chatting with him, so he was more sure than Shen Qing. This person is Wuji.

Wuji looked at Zhui'er and sneered, "You are the Langxing who stole the show in the Three Immortals Association, right? Although you haven't joined the Zixiao Palace yet, your palace master has made this clear enough. , as a person who is about to become a disciple of the Nine Sects but has a close relationship with the disciples of Cihang Immortal Lord, are you an undercover spy in Puyunzhou? "

Zhui'er said loudly, "Pu Yunzhou and Nanjingzhou have already established an alliance. It's nothing if people from both sides have contacts with each other." This was taught to him by Xiaochun in order to deal with this kind of situation.

"It's okay to associate with others. She is a disciple of Immortal Cihang. You are a monk in Nanjingzhou. You should know who Immortal Cihang is better than us." If Wuji had succeeded in that attack just now, he would have done it right now. The two men destroyed their bodies and wiped out all traces. It was precisely because the blow failed to cause serious damage to Shen Qing that he turned to these words.

Zhui'er wanted to argue with him, but Shen Qing secretly said, "Be careful that he has another helper. This person is vicious and vicious. Now that you have met him, there is nothing to say. Don't fall for his delaying strategy. Get rid of him first!" "

After Shen Qing passed on this divine thought, he swung the divine whip towards Wuji.

This Fairy Shen is so courageous and strong. She never speaks when she should take action. Her cultivation level is almost one level worse than Wuji's. Wuji has already entered the late Nascent Soul stage of perfection. Shen Qing relies on her powerful The magic weapon is sure to not fall behind in a battle with an ordinary late-stage Nascent Soul monk, and has a good chance of winning, but Wuji is not an ordinary monk, and his treasure is no less than Shen Qing's, nor worse than Shen Qing's.

Facing the ferocious attack of the God of Punishment Whip, Wuji either dodged or used treasures to resist, appearing calm and calm. He even said to Zhui'er, "Why don't you step aside? If you don't avoid suspicion, I guarantee that Zixiao Palace won't be able to protect you." Stay here, the battle between me and her is..."

Before he finished speaking, a ray of red light shot towards him from beside Zhui'er. This was the "Earth Fire Spirit Dragon" sent to the battlefield for the first time. The opponent was too powerful, and Zhui'er didn't dare to use it and was not very obedient. The Water Ting Sword.

As soon as the Earth Fire Spirit Dragon came out, it transformed into a phantom of a fire dragon that was more than ten feet long. The treasure Xiaochun refined was also the same as hers. There were not so many bells and whistles, no ingestion sounds, and no flying flames. , it is such a hazy orange-red phantom dragon, although it looks plain but

But the power is full.

Wuji expected that Zhui'er should have an extraordinary treasure in his hand, but he didn't expect that Zhui'er could activate such a powerful spiritual treasure. Moreover, judging from the speed of his attack, he was definitely not just a young monk in the late stage of pill formation. His cultivation level was much higher than that of Zhui'er. When Zhui'er took action, he was able to take precautions in advance so that he didn't suffer too much.

The shadow of the fire dragon pounced on the black barrier activated by Wuji. The black barrier disappeared immediately, and Wuji also disappeared.

"Run away!" Shen Qing looked at the direction of Wuji's escape with worry in her eyes. This was the outcome she least wanted to see.

"I must have hurt him, but I don't know how serious the injury was. It's my first time using this treasure and I'm still a little slick. Let's run." Zhui'er was a little panicked in his heart.

"Let's continue walking forward, and then find a place to hide. This way we can be unexpected. If we go back, we will easily be overtaken." After Shen Qing finished speaking, he pulled Zhui'er and flew forward quickly.

"Why is he here? Do you think he is alone?"

"It's hard to say. Let's just prepare for him to have help. I feel that what he just said to you is very much like trying to hold us back. He tried out that my defensive magic weapon is very powerful, so he has no confidence in keeping me. If he is afraid that I will escape, then he will not dare to kill you."

"This man is really despicable. If you hadn't discovered him in time, both of us would have died under his sneak attack. It's really shameless for a great monk in the late Nascent Soul stage to do such despicable things." Zhui'er is quite disdainful of Wuji's character.

Shen Qing said with a cold expression, "That's why he is even more determined to kill us and silence us to prevent this scandal from spreading."

Zhui'er was afraid that she would suspect that he had been soft just now, so he hurriedly explained, "I wanted to launch a mental attack on him immediately after sending out the Earth Fire Spirit Dragon, but he ran away too fast and I didn't have time."

"I know you tried your best. This person is not so easy to kill. Next time you attack with your mind first, and then use the Earth Fire Spirit Dragon. I will try my best to entangle him and fight for the world for you. I am afraid that the help he brings will not be good. To deal with it, if there is another person in the late Nascent Soul stage, we may not be able to cope with it. Then we will have to use the escape treasure to escape, and then sneak into the ground to avoid their search by using earth escape. If we get to that point, we can escape directly. I will send you first. Return to Yunxing Pavilion." Shen Qing followed this spiritual message and sent it to Zhui'er at a meeting point. Their escape treasures could only be used by themselves. Once they escaped, they had to separate.

"Try to see if you can kill him first. He is my enemy." Zhui'er became more motivated. Of course, it was also because he didn't want to break up with Shen Qing prematurely. If he didn't help Shen Qing find a safe place to live, he would Won't give up. "Okay, it's far enough to fly out, let's hide here." Zhui'er pointed to a deep snow ravine below.

Shen Qing immediately activated the invisible magic weapon and fell down with Zhuo'er.

If you want to evade arrest as much as possible, it is best to choose a flat snowfield to hide in. Choosing a ravine is just for the purpose of taking action. One is in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and the other is in the Danjie stage. The two of them intend to kill. As a great monk in the late Nascent Soul stage, it is not surprising that Shen Qing has such courage. In order to make himself worthy of Yu Chan, Zhui'er, a closed disciple of the two sects, also began to show his extraordinary courage and courage.

This is a duel between disciples of a famous sect. Both have outstanding qualifications and have powerful magic weapons.

s?Thank you to senior brother Ernai for the reward and monthly pass, and thank you to senior brother jiy for the monthly pass at the beginning of the month.

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