Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1827 So free and easy

"Aren't you kidding me?" Lang Xing was a little stupid.

"Of course I am serious. Your words have enlightened me. Besides, you are so wise, so I should keep an eye on you so that I can gain more inspiration."

"You've blown me away with your praise again. Okay, regardless of whether it's true or not, just let me calm down first. We can talk about it after I meet the Fifth Fairy."

"No, I'll go with you. You won't think I'm in the way, right? Zhui'er." .??.

"Are you serious?" Lang Xing still couldn't believe it.

Sijia pointed in the direction of the pass, "You go ahead, I'll pass by another way. Because I'm afraid of making you too famous, I waited for you halfway, so I won't go through the pass with you." ”

"Wait a minute!" Lang Xing frowned and looked at Sijia. This happened so suddenly that he had to calm down.

"What? You really think I'm in the way?" Sijia looked at him sideways.

"Okay..." Lang Xing nodded slowly and said, "If you are willing to follow me, I will naturally ask for it, but if you are teasing me, I will make you regret it."

"Why do you make me regret it? Zhui'er." Sijia asked with a provocative smile in his eyes.

"That's it." Lang Xing took out the Immortal Treasure Universe Bag and said lightly, saying that Sijia was unprepared, so he put her in it at once, and then said to the inside, "You don't need to take a detour, I will Take you there."

"Zhui'er!" Sijia screamed in panic from inside.

"Call Lang Xing!" Lang Xing smiled happily.

"Lang Xing, this is... where is this?" Sijia finally called Lang Xing obediently.

"Xianbao Qiankun Bag, don't panic, you can comprehend it first, and I will let you out after the comprehension is completed, but you will definitely be far away from Yuanyi State by then. If you were joking just now, just wait until you regret it, that handle in the air Keep the sword away, it's dangerous."

"Oh..." When Sijia heard that it was the Immortal Treasure Universe Bag, he just ohed and then fell silent.

Langxing was still waiting to show off a few more words, but he didn't expect that the saint could be so calm. When he saw that the person was looking around and had no intention of speaking again, he had no choice but to fly towards the pass in a boring way, feeling sorry for Si in his heart. Jia was more and more impressed. In fact, Sijia was able to calm down so quickly because she had the experience of entering the fairy treasure to capture spirits. The spirit capture was much scarier than here.

The law enforcement guards at the pass were very happy when they saw that Lang Xing had returned as promised. They immediately arranged for someone to escort him to the teleportation array. Lang Xing took out the spiritual talismans and hundreds of spiritual stones during the gas gathering period and handed them to the law enforcement guards. The team leader asked him to find someone to deliver it to Bai Xiang. Sending items is a major responsibility of the Tianlu Alliance and is for welfare purposes. Only the cost of sending urgent items will be higher. The Junlu Sect is not far away. , the leader of the Law Enforcement Guard happily accepted the commission but did not collect the spirit stone. This little monk helped them, so naturally they had to help others.

Because we are in wartime, the cost of riding the teleportation array all the way is quite high. This is the private matter of the Fifth Fairy. The law enforcement guards have to act according to the rules. The only place they can use their authority is to add a stop to the queue. Now I want to There are too many people using the teleportation array. In order to ensure the needs of the war, non-combat uses have been greatly reduced, and even if you have spiritual stones, you have to wait in line.

Because Lang Xing only cultivated the alchemy, the law enforcement guards who escorted him did not dare to let him take the teleportation array continuously. It was already five days when he arrived at the location of the West Road Army. During this period, Sijia did not say a few words to Lang Xing. , always meditating on meditation.

Deputy Commander Qi Jia is in command

There are two major Tianlu Alliance battle camps, Tiandao Camp and Huilu Camp. Each of these two battle camps has also been expanded with left and right guard camps, with a total number of nearly 2,000 people. Among them, Tiandao Camp is the battle camp for the red-clad Law Guards. Huilu Camp is a battle camp for the white-clad law guards.

Qi Jia's command tent was set up in the camp of Tiandao Camp. After Langxing and the two escorting law enforcement guards were taken into the defensive formation of Tiandao Camp, they waited for a while before Qi Jia came in person and took him into the commander's tent. .

Langxing's impression of the fifth senior sister of the Qingyuan Sect was still that of an amiable person. When he saw it, he couldn't help but be secretly surprised. Qi Jia looked obviously haggard, and the soft eyes before had been replaced by a sharp light. The majestic red robe made her majesty as a great monk in the late Nascent Soul period more obvious. Although her complexion was not very good-looking, she still exuded awe-inspiring majesty like an ancient divine weapon.

"Sit down." After Qi Jia sat down at Shuai's desk, he moved a futon and placed it next to him. There was some kindness in Lang Xing's impression in his eyes.

"Fifth Senior Sister, are you injured?" Lang Xing asked with concern. Considering the cultivation level of a great monk in the late Nascent Soul stage, his face would not be so ugly if he was just tired.

Qi Jia said in a gentle tone, "It doesn't matter. After the battle, few senior monks are unscathed. Please run a trip for me. Now there is only something about my junior sister that I can't let go of. Please tell me quickly. She Where are you now?”

Lang Xing blinked twice and said, "She is fine. She has already entered the late Nascent Soul stage and is meditating on the Great Dao in a secluded place."

"What? She has reached the late stage of Nascent Soul?" Qi Jia's eyes showed surprise. During the battle of the Guardian Gate, she was surrounded by monsters. She saw with her own eyes how many injuries the junior sister suffered in trying to rescue her. Yes, she was already thankful to God that her little junior sister could save her life. She never expected that she would be able to enter the late Nascent Soul stage.

"Well, don't worry, Fifth Senior Sister, she is really nice. I have been with her all the time. Later, she wanted to meditate alone and thought I was in the way, so I left her." Lang Xing said while tying up a few paragraphs with The scene of Shen Qing getting along was passed on.

"God is so merciful." After seeing those scenes, Qi Jia was so excited that she closed her eyes and prayed. When she opened her eyes, she felt relieved and said, "Now I can rest assured. Thank you very much, Zhui'er."

"Hey, why are you being polite to me? Fifth Senior Sister, please call me Lang Xing from now on. I'm already that old."

Qi Jia said with a smile, "Xiao Zhuo'er has grown up. I have read the battle report from the East Route Army. Your performance in that battle was kept secret. This is because the Sky Law Alliance wants to protect you." , you made outstanding contributions in that battle, but if it is publicized, your powerful spiritual treasure will become your talisman. After all, your cultivation level is still too low, but your military achievements must be remembered, and so must your rewards. To give.”

Lang Xing smiled and said, "Fights in battle don't matter, and I don't want any rewards. Please tell me about it on my behalf."

Qi Jia sincerely praised, "You are so free and easy. No wonder Qing'er respects you so much. Your future achievements will not be lower than Qing'er."

"Fifth Senior Sister, you are so flattering!" Lang Xing almost laughed out loud with snot in his nose. Finally, someone praised him for being free and easy, and it was from such a powerful person.

Seeing his uncontrollable expression, Qi Jia not only laughed dumbly, but then frowned slightly and said, "You are looking for two fellow disciples named Lu Gang and Shu Yan, right?"

Langxing's eyes shone brightly and he said, "Yes! I asked Junlizi Guanying to help me find these two people. I came here just thinking about asking you again. Do you have any news about them?"

Qi Jia's expression became a little serious, and she looked at him silently without saying a word. "Are you kidding me?" Lang Xing was a little stupid.

"Of course I am serious. Your words have enlightened me. Besides, you are so wise, so I should keep an eye on you so that I can gain more inspiration."

"You've blown me away with your praise again. Okay, regardless of whether it's true or not, just let me calm down first. We can talk about it after I meet the Fifth Fairy."

"No, I'll go with you. You won't think I'm in the way, right? Zhui'er."

"Are you serious?" Lang Xing still couldn't believe it.

Sijia pointed in the direction of the pass, "You go ahead, I'll pass by another way. Because I'm afraid of making you too famous, I waited for you halfway, so I won't go through the pass with you." ”

"Wait a minute!" Lang Xing frowned and looked at Sijia. This happened so suddenly that he had to calm down.

"What? You really think I'm in the way?" Sijia looked at him sideways.

"Okay..." Lang Xing nodded slowly and said, "If you are willing to follow me, I will naturally ask for it, but if you are teasing me, I will make you regret it."

"Why do you make me regret it? Zhui'er." Sijia asked with a provocative smile in his eyes.

"That's it." Lang Xing took out the Immortal Treasure Universe Bag and said lightly, saying that Sijia was unprepared, so he put her in it at once, and then said to the inside, "You don't need to take a detour, I will Take you there."

"Zhui'er!" Sijia screamed in panic from inside.

"Call Lang Xing!" Lang Xing smiled happily.

"Lang Xing, this is... where is this?" Sijia finally called Lang Xing obediently.

"Xianbao Qiankun Bag, don't panic, you can comprehend it first, and I will let you out after the comprehension is completed, but you will definitely be far away from Yuanyi State by then. If you were joking just now, just wait until you regret it, that handle in the air Keep the sword away, it's dangerous."

"Oh..." When Sijia heard that it was the Immortal Treasure Universe Bag, he just ohed and then fell silent.

Langxing was still waiting to show off a few more words, but he didn't expect that the saint could be so calm. When he saw that the person was looking around and had no intention of speaking again, he had no choice but to fly towards the pass in a boring way, feeling sorry for Si in his heart. Jia was more and more impressed. In fact, Sijia was able to calm down so quickly because she had the experience of entering the fairy treasure to capture spirits. The spirit capture was much scarier than here.

The law enforcement guards at the pass were very happy when they saw that Lang Xing had returned as promised. They immediately arranged for someone to escort him to the teleportation array. Lang Xing took out the spiritual talismans and hundreds of spiritual stones during the gas gathering period and handed them to the law enforcement guards. The team leader asked him to find someone to deliver it to Bai Xiang. Sending items is a major responsibility of the Tianlu Alliance and is for welfare purposes. Only the cost of sending urgent items will be higher. The Junlu Sect is not far away. , the leader of the Law Enforcement Guard happily accepted the commission but did not collect the spirit stone. This little monk helped them, so naturally they had to help others.

Because we are in wartime, the cost of riding the teleportation array all the way is quite high. This is the private matter of the Fifth Fairy. The law enforcement guards have to act according to the rules. The only place they can use their authority is to add a stop to the queue. Now I want to There are too many people using the teleportation array. In order to ensure the needs of the war, non-combat uses have been greatly reduced, and even if you have spiritual stones, you have to wait in line.

Because Lang Xing only cultivated the alchemy, the law enforcement guards who escorted him did not dare to let him take the teleportation array continuously. It was already five days when he arrived at the location of the West Road Army. During this period, Sijia did not say a few words to Lang Xing. , always meditating on meditation.

Deputy Commander Qi Jia is in command

There are two major Tianlu Alliance battle camps, Tiandao Camp and Huilu Camp. Each of these two battle camps has also been expanded with left and right guard camps, with a total number of nearly 2,000 people. Among them, Tiandao Camp is the battle camp for the red-clad Law Guards. Huilu Camp is a battle camp for the white-clad law guards.

Qi Jia's command tent was set up in the camp of Tiandao Camp. After Langxing and the two escorting law enforcement guards were taken into the defensive formation of Tiandao Camp, they waited for a while before Qi Jia came in person and took him into the commander's tent. .

Langxing's impression of the fifth senior sister of the Qingyuan Sect was still that of an amiable person. When he saw it, he couldn't help but be secretly surprised. Qi Jia looked obviously haggard, and the soft eyes before had been replaced by a sharp light. The majestic red robe made her majesty as a great monk in the late Nascent Soul period more obvious. Although her complexion was not very good-looking, she still exuded awe-inspiring majesty like an ancient divine weapon.

"Sit down." After Qi Jia sat down at Shuai's desk, he moved a futon and placed it next to him. There was some kindness in Lang Xing's impression in his eyes.

"Fifth Senior Sister, are you injured?" Lang Xing asked with concern. Considering the cultivation level of a great monk in the late Nascent Soul stage, his face would not be so ugly if he was just tired.

Qi Jia said in a gentle tone, "It doesn't matter. After the battle, few senior monks are unscathed. Please run a trip for me. Now there is only something about my junior sister that I can't let go of. Please tell me quickly. She Where are you now?”

Lang Xing blinked twice and said, "She is fine. She has already entered the late Nascent Soul stage and is meditating on the Great Dao in a secluded place."

"What? She has reached the late stage of Nascent Soul?" Qi Jia's eyes showed surprise. During the battle of the Guardian Gate, she was surrounded by monsters. She saw with her own eyes how many injuries the junior sister suffered in trying to rescue her. Yes, she was already thankful to God that her junior sister could save her life. She never expected that she would be able to enter the late Nascent Soul stage.

"Well, don't worry, Fifth Senior Sister, she is really nice. I have been with her all the time. Later, she wanted to meditate alone and thought I was in the way, so I left her." Lang Xing said while tying up a few paragraphs with The scene of Shen Qing getting along was passed on.

"God is so merciful." After seeing those scenes, Qi Jia was so excited that she closed her eyes and prayed. When she opened her eyes, she felt relieved and said, "Now I can rest assured. Thank you very much, Zhui'er."

"Hey, why are you being polite to me? Fifth Senior Sister, please call me Lang Xing from now on. I'm already that old."

Qi Jia said with a smile, "Xiao Zhuo'er has grown up. I have read the battle report from the East Route Army. Your performance in that battle was kept secret. This is because the Sky Law Alliance wants to protect you." , you made outstanding contributions in that battle, but if it is publicized, your powerful spiritual treasure will become your talisman. After all, your cultivation level is still too low, but your military achievements must be remembered, and so must your rewards. To give.”

Lang Xing smiled and said, "The battle achievements don't matter, and I don't want any rewards. Please tell me about it on my behalf."

Qi Jia sincerely praised, "You are so free and easy. No wonder Qing'er respects you so much. Your future achievements will not be lower than Qing'er."

"Fifth Senior Sister, you are so flattering!" Lang Xing almost laughed out loud with snot in his nose. Finally, someone praised him for being free and easy, and it was from such a powerful person.

Seeing his uncontrollable expression, Qi Jia not only laughed dumbly, but then frowned slightly and said, "You are looking for two fellow disciples named Lu Gang and Shu Yan, right?"

Langxing's eyes shone brightly and he said, "Yes! I asked Junlizi Guanying to help me find these two people. I came here just thinking about asking you again. Do you have any news about them?"

Qi Jia's expression became a little serious, and she looked at him silently without saying a word.

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