Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1828 Don’t use Qianxu Palace to pressure me

"Did something happen to them?" Lang Xing stood up suddenly.

His behavior made Qi Jia frown and asked, "Are you very close to them?"

Lang Xing said anxiously, "We are as close as brothers! We have grown up together since childhood. Please tell me, how are they doing?"

"Don't worry, sit down and talk." Qi Jia felt a little worried.

"Tell me quickly!" Lang Xing sat down hurriedly, his eyes shining with eagerness.

Qi Jia said slowly, "I have asked for you. They are in the Zuowei Camp of Minglu Camp. There is a team from your Qianxu Palace there, with a total of more than 20 people."

"Where is Minglu Camp? I'm going to find them right away. Fifth Senior Sister, please do me a favor and let me go see them!" Lang Xing stood up again.

Qi Jia looked sad and said, "Don't be so anxious. Minglu Camp is in trouble. The reason why I delayed for so long to pick you up just now is because I was discussing with everyone about rescuing Minglu Camp. They were besieged by monsters." Living."

"Ah?!" Lang Xing was so shocked that he stared at him and said urgently, "Then why don't you hurry up and save me! How can we delay this!" .??.

Qi Jia shook his head gently and said, "It's not that simple. In order to rescue them, we have already suffered heavy losses. Now it seems that the monsters used them as bait and surrounded them without fighting. We must be fully prepared." Fight this battle.”

" it still too late?!" Lang Xing was so anxious that veins popped up on his forehead.

Qi Jia looked at him calmly and said, "It's too late. We have decided on a rescue strategy and are implementing it closely. You don't have to worry. Since the monsters regard them as bait, they won't attack them for a while. Moreover, there are thousands of people in the Minglu camp. If the monsters form a formation to defend them, it will not be easy for the monsters to destroy them. We here have been using the strategy of disturbing the enemy to confuse the monsters. We have mobilized all the people in a hurry. The war camp will arrive soon."

Langxing sat back with a weak body. He had seen the power of the monster army and knew that it was difficult to achieve anything with his own abilities alone. "You must not be able to tell me the strategy you have decided, right? Fifth Senior Sister, I beg you. Hurry up, don't let them die..." His voice was already crying.

Qi Jia solemnly nodded to him and said, "The four battalions under my command are recruiting elites and will be ready soon. I will lead the expedition myself."

"I'll go with you! Give me a card!" Lang Xing activated the Mo Heart Cone, stared at Qi Jia with stern eyes and said, "Fifth Senior Sister, I can't hide it from you anymore. I have combat power above the middle stage of Nascent Soul. I asked to join the war camp."

Qi Jia looked at Mo Xinzui with a solemn expression and refused, "Just a powerful treasure won't do it. I can't let you risk your life."

Langxing's figure flashed around in the commander's tent, and then he put on a risk-taking expression and said, "I didn't reveal my full strength in the Tianping camp, and you don't give me a badge, I will go with the army!" "

Qi Jia looked surprised, stared at him and asked, "Someone helped you hide your cultivation?"

"Well, I'm in the middle stage of Nascent Soul now." Lang Xing didn't want to explain more, so he just followed her words.

Qi Jia said in disbelief, "How is that possible? I remember that the last time I saw you, you were in the early stages of forming your core."

"Seeing is believing. You have already seen clearly what kind of cultivation I am." Lang Xing suppressed the anxiety in his heart and said,

Showing a calm gaze that matched his cultivation level, he stretched out his hand and waited to receive the card.

Qi Jia looked at him full of doubts and still refused to agree, "It doesn't matter if you have more or less of you in this battle. Even if you put aside your relationship with Qing'er, I can't let a genius like you take risks. If something goes wrong, It’s such a pity, please calm down and we will do our best to rescue Minglu Camp.”

Langxing begged, "Fifth Senior Sister, I know you are doing it for my own good, but I really want to do my best and risk my own life. Please promise me."

Qi Jia said sincerely, "You are still young, so I can understand your impatience, but there is really no need for you to take this risk. You won't be of much help, and you will make me worry more. I have to live up to my junior sister's entrustment. Instead of If you continue to pester me, why don't you let me help you save people without any worries? Stop talking, I won't agree to it. "

Langxing put away his pleading look, cupped his hands with Qi Jia and said, "Deputy commander, as the disciple of the head of Qianxu Palace, I request to join the war to rescue the disciples. I hope that the Tianlu Alliance and the deputy commander can make it easier." After that, he The scene of Hengguan Immortal Lord accepting his disciples was conveyed through his mind.

"Have Hengguan Immortal Master accepted you as a disciple?" Qi Jia asked in surprise.

Lang Xing said with a solemn expression, "That's right! I am a close disciple of the Head Immortal Lord. Please ask the deputy commander to give Qianxu Palace some face."

"Nonsense!" Qi Jia looked at him with a headache and said, "Stop making trouble, I can't let you go. If I do this, you Qianxugong will only thank me. Don't use Qianxugong to pressure me. It's useless." ”

Langxing was quite discouraged. It didn't work even if he brought up the name of Qianxu Palace. It would be even worse if he asked for assistance in fighting Nanjingzhou as a closed disciple of Zixiao Palace. Although he was eager to join the war, he couldn't follow him. He was acting stupid, so he had to cry again and said, "Fifth Senior Sister, tell me where the battlefield is, and I will go and invite some big monks to help in the battle. Is this okay?"

Qi Jia sighed and raised her hand helplessly to pat him on the shoulder. A bad premonition flashed through Lang Xing's heart. When he wanted to avoid it, he thought that a dignified deputy commander would not do evil things to others like him. This thought made him fall behind. mold.

Qi Jia had no choice. The movement skills this boy had just displayed far exceeded those of a mid-stage Nascent Soul monk. She was afraid that she would not be able to control this boy cleanly without resorting to dirty tricks. She did not dare to look down upon the closed disciple of the head of Qianxu Palace. .

"Just stay in the military camp for now. The seal will be unlocked on its own in three days. If I die in battle, don't blame me. If I come back alive, you can vent your anger as much as you want. Langxing, you You are a child with great wisdom. No matter whether your two friends are dead or alive, don't act impulsively. I have to leave immediately. That's all what Fifth Senior Sister has to say to you." After she finished speaking, she called for someone to come in and fetch this person. The young master carried it out to take care of it, while he led the elite division he had formed and set off.

There are more than 400 people in this elite division. Except for ten great monks in the late stage of Nascent Soul, the rest all ride the four-winged giant roc, a spiritual bird. This kind of spiritual bird is a bit like the cloud camel in the South China Sea. It is docile and fast, but It is much more expensive than cloud camel gold. The Tianlu Alliance cannot afford to raise too many spirit birds. However, through donations and transfers during the war, each army is equipped with a certain number of spirit birds for attack. Qi Jia's troops are equipped with There are thirty-three of these four-winged giant rocs in total, each of which can carry more than ten people, so the number of people in this team can only be limited to about four hundred people.

The team had not gone far when Qi Jia was shocked to find that the saint Sijia of Yuanyi Prefecture was following her leisurely with the young master she had sealed. She was stunned for a moment before ordering the team to continue on their way. , he hurriedly met these two people. "Did something happen to them?" Lang Xing stood up suddenly.

His behavior made Qi Jia frown and asked, "Are you very close to them?"

Lang Xing said anxiously, "We are as close as brothers! We have grown up together since childhood. Please tell me, how are they doing?"

"Don't worry, sit down and talk." Qi Jia felt a little worried.

"Tell me quickly!" Lang Xing sat down hurriedly, his eyes shining with eagerness.

Qi Jia said slowly, "I have asked for you. They are in the Zuowei Camp of Minglu Camp. There is a team from your Qianxu Palace there, with a total of more than 20 people."

"Where is Minglu Camp? I'm going to find them right away. Fifth Senior Sister, please do me a favor and let me go see them!" Lang Xing stood up again.

Qi Jia looked sad and said, "Don't be so anxious. Minglu Camp is in trouble. The reason why I delayed for so long to pick you up just now is because I was discussing with everyone about rescuing Minglu Camp. They were besieged by monsters." Living."

"Ah?!" Lang Xing was so shocked that he stared at him and said urgently, "Then why don't you hurry up and save me! How can we delay this!"

Qi Jia shook his head gently and said, "It's not that simple. In order to rescue them, we have already suffered heavy losses. Now it seems that the monsters have used them as bait and surrounded them without fighting. We must be fully prepared." Fight this battle.”

" it still too late?!" Lang Xing was so anxious that veins popped up on his forehead.

Qi Jia looked at him calmly and said, "It's too late. We have decided on a rescue strategy and are implementing it closely. You don't have to worry. Since the monsters regard them as bait, they won't attack them for a while. Moreover, there are thousands of people in the Minglu camp. If the monsters form a formation to defend them, it will not be easy for the monsters to destroy them. We here have been using the strategy of disturbing the enemy to confuse the monsters. We have mobilized all the people in a hurry. The war camp will arrive soon."

Langxing sat back with a weak body. He had seen the power of the monster army and knew that it would be difficult to achieve anything with his own abilities alone. "You must not be able to tell me the strategy you have decided, right? Fifth Senior Sister, I beg you. Hurry up, don't let them die..." His voice was already crying.

Qi Jia solemnly nodded to him and said, "The four battalions under my command are recruiting elites and will be ready soon. I will lead the expedition myself."

"I'll go with you! Give me a card!" Lang Xing activated the Mo Heart Cone, stared at Qi Jia with stern eyes and said, "Fifth Senior Sister, I can't hide it from you anymore. I have combat power above the middle stage of Nascent Soul. I asked to join the war camp."

Qi Jia looked at Mo Xinzui solemnly and refused, "Just relying on a powerful treasure is not enough. I can't let you risk your life."

Lang Xing moved around in the commander's tent in a flash, then put on a risk-taking expression and said, "I didn't reveal my full strength at the Tian Ping Camp. Even if you don't give me a badge, I will go with the army!" "

Qi Jia looked surprised, stared at him and asked, "Someone helped you hide your cultivation?"

"Well, I'm in the middle stage of Nascent Soul now." Lang Xing didn't want to explain more, so he just followed her words.

Qi Jia said in disbelief, "How is that possible? I remember that the last time I saw you, you were in the early stages of forming your core."

"Seeing is believing. You have already seen clearly what kind of cultivation I am." Lang Xing suppressed the anxiety in his heart and said,

Showing a calm gaze that matched his cultivation level, he stretched out his hand and waited for the waist card.

Qi Jia looked at him full of doubts and still refused to agree, "In this battle, one more of you and one less of you is insignificant. Even if you put aside your relationship with Qing'er, I can't let a genius like you take risks. If something goes wrong, It’s such a pity, please calm down and we will do our best to rescue Minglu Camp.”

Langxing begged, "Fifth Senior Sister, I know you are doing it for my own good, but I really want to do my best and risk my own life. Please promise me."

Qi Jia said sincerely, "You are still young, so I can understand your impatience, but there is really no need for you to take this risk. You won't be of much help, and you will make me worry more. I have to live up to my junior sister's entrustment. Instead of If you continue to pester me, why don't you let me help you save people without any worries? Stop talking, I won't agree to it. "

Langxing put away his pleading look, cupped his hands with Qi Jia and said, "Deputy commander, as the disciple of the head of Qianxu Palace, I request to join the war to rescue the disciples. I hope that the Tianlu Alliance and the deputy commander can make it easier." After that, he The scene of Hengguan Immortal Lord accepting his disciples was conveyed through his mind.

"Have Hengguan Immortal Master accepted you as a disciple?" Qi Jia asked in surprise.

Lang Xing said with a solemn expression, "That's right! I am the disciple of the Immortal Master, please give the Qianxu Palace some face."

"Nonsense!" Qi Jia looked at him with a headache and said, "Stop making trouble, I can't let you go. If I do this, you Qianxugong will only thank me. Don't use Qianxugong to pressure me. It's useless." ”

Langxing was quite discouraged. It didn't work even if he brought up the name of Qianxu Palace. It would be even worse if he asked for assistance in fighting Nanjingzhou as a closed disciple of Zixiao Palace. Although he was eager to join the war, he couldn't follow him. He was acting stupid, so he had to cry again and said, "Fifth Senior Sister, tell me where the battlefield is, and I will go and invite some big monks to help in the battle. Is this okay?"

Qi Jia sighed and raised her hand helplessly to pat him on the shoulder. A bad premonition flashed through Lang Xing's heart. When he wanted to avoid it, he thought that a dignified deputy commander would not do evil things to others like him. This thought made him fall behind. mold.

Qi Jia had no choice. The movement skills this boy had just displayed far exceeded those of a mid-stage Nascent Soul monk. She was afraid that she would not be able to control this boy cleanly without resorting to dirty tricks. She did not dare to look down upon the closed disciple of the head of Qianxu Palace. .

"Just stay in the military camp for now. The seal will be unlocked on its own in three days. If I die in battle, don't blame me. If I come back alive, you can vent your anger as much as you want, Langxing, you You are a child with great wisdom. No matter whether your two friends are dead or alive, don't act impulsively. I have to leave immediately. That's all what Fifth Senior Sister has to say to you." After she finished speaking, she called for someone to come in and fetch this person. The young master carried it out to take care of it, while he led the elite division he had formed and set off.

There are more than 400 people in this elite division. Except for ten great monks in the late stage of Nascent Soul, the rest all ride the four-winged giant roc, a spiritual bird. This kind of spiritual bird is a bit like the cloud camel in the South China Sea. It is docile and fast, but It is much more expensive than cloud camel gold. The Tianlu Alliance cannot afford to raise too many spirit birds. However, through donations and transfers during the war, each army is equipped with a certain number of spirit birds for attack. Qi Jia's troops are equipped with There are a total of thirty-three of these four-winged giant rocs, each of which can carry more than ten people, so the number of people in this team can only be limited to about four hundred people.

The team had not gone far, and Qi Jia was shocked to find that the saint Sijia of Yuanyi Prefecture was following her leisurely with the young man she had sealed. She was stunned for a while before ordering the team to continue on their way. , he hurriedly met these two people.

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