Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1841 You didn’t take advantage of me at all

Shu Yan said with a bitter face, "If I leave, he will have no worries. Then he will really have to fight to the death."

"Hey, I'll go back and beg Fifth Senior Sister to ask her to arrange as many people as possible to protect you. I can't persuade Lu Gang, so don't rush forward with all your strength."

"Okay, I know. Zhui'er, your abilities are getting better and better now. Have you even talked to the other party's great demon cultivator?"

Lang Xing shook his head and said, "I have a lot to say to you. I planned to take you away after rescuing you from the siege, but now I can't say many things. If I say them, it will affect your state of mind. I can only first I asked you to focus on killing the monsters. Where did Jiangxiao and Xiyang go? "

"The two of them left after sending us here. They said they had to do something important. It seemed to be quite important. The two of them killed a lot of monsters on the way back in order to do their best in advance. It’s over.”

"Then there is no place to look for them, so we can only let them go." Lang Xing could only let go of his concern for these two people for the time being.

"Zhui'er..." After Shu Yan called out softly, she grabbed his arm and secretly said, "I saw you and Shen Qing in the ice and snow with my spiritual eyes, and there was a big bird. Where are you going?" Where is it? Why have you been gone for so many years?”

"Beijiang, I had another dream over there. What else did you see?" Lang Xing asked guiltily. Shu Yan's spiritual eyes could really see through the defensive formation. If he saw what happened to him and the imperial concubine, It's so embarrassing.

"I don't dare to use my spiritual eyes all the time. I saw you a few times in the ice and snow, and even wrote the words "Don't let me worry about you" on the snow in front of the house. Knowing that you are okay, I feel relieved. I looked again on the way back to Nanjingzhou. You are still in the ice and snow, and there is no chance to use your spiritual eyes again in the military camp. "

"Oh, don't tell anyone about Shen Qing. She wanted to practice alone, so I came back by myself. Because I didn't know where to find you, I went to Yuanyi Prefecture first because Fifth Senior Sister wanted to ask me I just asked about Shen Qing

I happened to learn about you and Lu Gang. "

"What's going on with your cultivation?" Shu Yan asked, full of doubts.

"It's a long story. I'll tell you in detail later." Lang Xing took out a pile of Nascent Soul Stones and handed them to her.

Shu Yan waved her hands and said, "Lü Gang and I still have a lot of spiritual stones, and it's cumbersome to carry them around."

Lang Xing said, "You two go back and take these spiritual stones to buy the inner elixir at a high price in the camp. Now that the inner elixir cannot be sold at a high price, it is useless for everyone to keep it. So you just say that someone asked you to buy the inner elixir at a price that is so high that you can't buy it." Everyone is happy, don’t feel bad about the spirit stones, I still have many more.”

Shu Yan asked in confusion, "Why did you buy so many inner elixirs?"

Langxing sighed and said, "I don't want to buy the inner elixir, but to buy popularity for you two. Everyone points to you two to get rich, so naturally I have to take care of you two. It doesn't matter how much money I spend. I just want you two to be safe. I'll do that." There’s nothing else to think about.”

"Zhui'er..." Shu Yan had tears in her eyes.

Langxing's eye circles were also red, "Uncle and aunt are already in trouble. I can't let anything happen to you two again, but I can't go to the battlefield to help you..."

"Zhui'er, we have troubled you too much..." Tears rolled down Shu Yan's eyes.

"Don't say that. Didn't you try your best to take care of me?"

"I will persuade him when I get back. I will definitely let him leave the battlefield. You have even thought of this method for us, so don't get angry anymore. It's just... I'm afraid that he won't want to follow you anymore. Yeah, he’s so strong.”

"Tell him, if he wants to avoid me because of this, then he is not a true brother. I was protected by you in the first place.

Haven't I been following you all the time? "

Shu Yan frowned and said, "You didn't follow us much at first. We wanted to help you fight Xingpeng, but you kept blocking us and wouldn't let us help you at all. It's definitely not possible to tell him like this."

"Then you tell him that I have some great benefits for you that can help you improve your cultivation. He will have nothing to say for your sake."

Shu Yan was even more worried and said, "Haven't you seen it yet? He just wants to leave me to you. With you taking care of me, he is completely relieved."

"Then just say that I have to go find Shen Qing after a while, and I won't be able to take care of you all the time."

"What is this? I never imagined that the three of us would be like this. Zhui'er, I feel very uncomfortable."

Lang Xing comforted him, "It's nothing. If I were Lu Gang, I would probably leave. I can't help it. How can I not think about you if there are benefits? If it's just ordinary benefits, that's fine. If I don't give them to you, I won't give them to you." You guys, but these benefits are either life-saving or improving cultivation, alas..."

"You said that we are worrying about too many benefits. It's really..." Shu Yan didn't know what to say. She glanced at the deputy commander and the saint waiting in the distance. She reluctantly said, "We can't let others After waiting for us, I’ll go back and see Lu Gang first.”

Langxing thought for a while and said, "I will tell Fifth Senior Sister later and ask her to find a safe place for you after you exit the military camp. Now the war is in chaos. We have too many enemies in Qianxu Palace. If we encounter them, we will Sorry, I can go back to you this way."

"It really breaks your heart." Shu Yan squeezed Lang Xing's hand tightly, and then left reluctantly.

When Langxing went to find Fifth Senior Sister and Sijia, the victorious soldiers of the Fierce Blade Battalion happened to fly over, and he hurriedly flew up.

"What are you doing? You can't get close to Yilingwei." Qi Jia chased after him.

Langxing looked at the three Huahu people in the team and blinked at them. Huahu really wasn't bragging. The three of them were doing really well. After saying hello to the big monk who was leading the team, the three of them started. He left the team and came to Lang Xing and Qi Jia.

Hua Hu smiled and said to Lang Xing, "What's the matter? If you want to repay your kindness, just be more cheerful. I'm attracted to your spiritual treasure."

"I just want to discuss this matter with you." Lang Xing stepped forward and held his hand, secretly saying, "Are you going to be transferred to the Minglu Camp? My two friends must be given to the comrades who died in the battle. To take revenge, I will kill five hundred monsters before leaving. If you can ensure their safety, I will give you that spiritual treasure. It is a top-grade spiritual treasure."

Huahu glanced at Qi Jia beside him, and sent back his thoughts: "What the hell is your status in Qianxu Palace? You want to give away a high-grade spiritual treasure for such a small thing? The head of your Qianxu Palace doesn't do it either." As for being so wealthy?"

Langxing looked at him seriously and said, "You don't have to whisper. I swear with my Taoist heart that as long as you can keep these two friends of mine, I will give you the spiritual treasure. For these two friends, I Even if you risk your life, it’s not worth a spiritual treasure to you, but in my opinion it’s worth it, and you didn’t take advantage of me at all.”

Hua Hu chewed his teeth and said, "This matter is not easy to handle. No matter how well the three of us eat, we are still Yilingwei. We can't just do whatever we want. Let me go back and give it a try. Don't put all your treasure on us. For this matter Lingbao, I will definitely try my best, but I feel that this is too much. What is your relationship with the deputy commander? If you can get her to help, this matter will be easier." He laughed to himself at this point. I'm also worried about your spiritual treasure like crazy. If you can get her to do this, you won't have to ask us to do this. Okay, I'll go back and figure something out."

"Wait a moment." Lang Xing said and flew towards Qi Jia

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