Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1842 The past is thousands of years old

Lang Xing briefly explained to Qi Jia about Lu Gang's revenge, then took Qi Jia's arm and whispered, "Fifth Senior Sister, I want the three of them to protect Lu Gang and Shu Yan. Can you think of a way to transfer them to Minglu Camp? I dare not ask you to send capable people to do such a private matter, but I am worried about letting a few middle-stage Yuanying protect them. These three people are very suitable. I beg you, for the sake of my military exploits today, please do me a favor."

"Okay, I will definitely help you." Qi Jia agreed without any hesitation.

"Ah? Fifth Senior Sister, you really agreed?" Lang Xing was surprised.

Qi Jia looked at him with pity and said, "Although this is a bit absurd, with your military exploits, how can I not agree to such a small request? And you saved my life, I have to help you both publicly and privately. Besides, your military exploits cannot be reported to the higher-ups, which saved the Tianlu League a lot of rewards."

"Hehe, thank you, Fifth Senior Sister, then I'll go tell them."

"Let's go, I'll tell them." Qi Jia brought Lang Xing to the three people, looked at them with a smile and said, "He can control the three of you, so the reward must be high, right?"

Without waiting for the three to speak, Lang Xing rushed to say, "We just have similar personalities. We hit it off right away on the battlefield. It has nothing to do with the reward."

Hua Hu immediately followed suit and said, "That's right! Not only me, the three of us think this little brother is great. It's not a big deal to help him with this little thing. Deputy Commander, please help him. He's worried about this."

Qi Jia frowned slightly and said, "I regard Lang Xing as my younger brother. I won't ask about the reward. Just don't be too mean. The most important thing is to do what needs to be done. Don't be busy when you go back. I will arrange this matter. You The three of you just wait to be transferred to my side. Don't cause trouble for me after you come over, otherwise you three will lose the qualification to be pardoned and leave Yiling Guard. "

The pardon decree of Yiling Guard was issued because of this war, in order to encourage everyone to fight bravely. These three people worked hard to accumulate military merits for this. When they heard Qi Jia use this to scare them, Hua Hu smiled and said, "Don't worry, we promise to be well-behaved under your command, and we won't fight back when we are bullied. If you are worried, I will swear to you."

Qi Jia looked at Lang Xing suspiciously and asked, " How much benefit did you give them? "

Lang Xing grinned and said, "Didn't you say you wouldn't ask? I didn't give them much benefit. They were willing to help mainly out of friendship."

Qi Jia waved his hand at the three people and said, "Go, the transfer order will arrive within three days, don't make it public."

Hua Hu happily accepted the order, muttering in his heart and looking at Lang Xing again before taking Ling Xiang and Hei Si away. This little monk can get the deputy commander Qi Jia to help him with private affairs with just a few words. Looking at the entire Nanjingzhou, there are not many people who have this ability. Even if he gets the spiritual treasure, it will be difficult to feel at ease.

After the three of them left, Sijia showed up, took out six ten-thousand-year-old inner pills and handed them to Langxing, saying, "This is what the great demon cultivator Huayu gave you. He asked me to pass it on to you. It's worth it, so there's no need to be so stupid."

Langxing said with a gloomy look, "I had to stop, but then I thought about it. Killing one more or one less is insignificant, but I can't trade it for revenge for my uncle and aunt, so I refused to accept its compensation. Since you brought it, then you two can each take three. I can't take this thing."

Qi Jia said, "The saint is right. If you don't take it, it's a waste. It's right to take it. It's also right for you not to want it. Let's do this. I'll go ask if anyone needs it. I will exchange six of these kinds of inner pills for you." Lang Xing said with a smile, "Isn't this deceiving yourself?" Qi Jia said seriously, "Of course it's different. Do you think it's easy to exchange six ten-thousand-year inner pills? There are two of them from divine beasts. This exchange is a token of my gratitude. The ten-thousand-year inner pills are too valuable. We can't just give them to you." Lang Xing didn't want to argue with her about this. The fifth sister had good intentions. He could only smile bitterly and said, "You can do whatever you want. You are so seriously injured. Go and recover. Don't worry about me. I'm fine. Let the saint take care of me." Qi Jia pulled him to her side and said, "You have There are too many secrets, too important. Senior sister knows that I shouldn't ask too much. Besides, you are the last disciple of the head of Qianxu Palace, so I can't ask too much. I have already told the Huayu monk who was watching the battle here. He promised not to leak your affairs. I called you here to find out about Qing'er this time, which really caused you a lot of trouble. "Lang Xing forced a smile and said, "Senior sister, you don't have to be so polite to me. If I hadn't come here, I wouldn't have been able to save Lu Gang and Shu Yan. I have to thank you. When they leave the military camp, you have to help them settle down. I will take them away later. You should go and recuperate quickly, and don't worry about Shen Qing. , I will go to see her in a while, you have to take care of yourself, the monster is doomed, don't fight so hard. "

Qi Jia sighed, touched Lang Xing's face and said, "Good boy, think about your uncle and aunt's affairs, then I will go to work first, if you have any trouble, come to me at any time."

After sending Qi Jia away, Lang Xing gathered his spirits and said to Si Jia, "I'm fine, do you need to retreat? I will protect you."

Si Jia shook his head and said, "I don't want to retreat, let's stay away from the battlefield first."

"I'm really fine, even the great supernatural power has to retreat immediately after seeing this fairy treasure, don't waste this best opportunity for comprehension, or I will put you in to experience it again?"

Sijia said calmly, "I have had a similar experience. It was thanks to that experience that I was able to enter the late Nascent Soul stage so quickly."

"Oh, that's it." Seeing that she didn't want to talk more, Langxing didn't ask any more questions. He was not in the mood to ask any more questions now.


"Tell me about your magical experiences in the past few hundred years. Now you have time." Sijia took Langxing and flew south leisurely. Although the feather demon Xiu had made an oath, she felt It's better to keep Lang Xing away from him.

Langxing understood that she mainly wanted to distract him from his grief. Although he was too lazy to speak at the moment, in order to prevent Sijia from worrying about him, he had to pick some important things to talk about. He didn't want to do anything to Sijia in the first place. Concealing it, since both the mental power and the Water Ting Sword were exposed in this battle, there was no need for him to conceal it, so he told everything he could.

Some of the discussions about Taoism mentioned during this period made Sijia think deeply for several times. If she had to accompany Lang Xing, she would go to retreat immediately.

After finishing talking about his experiences over the years, Langxing fell into the grief of losing Uncle Xu and Aunt Juan. Sijia changed the topic several times and saw that he was too lazy to speak, so he stopped forcing him and took this opportunity to think about the Taoism he had just heard.

Three days later, there was a lively scene ahead. After Sijia asked someone to ask, he said to Langxing happily, "It's a meeting to select fruit pickers. There is a Dafang City. Let's go and have a look. I've heard about it." There is such a conference here, but I haven’t seen it before.”

"Okay." Lang Xing didn't want to join in the fun at the moment. Since Sijia showed such interest, he had no choice but to accompany him. It was just in time to go and see if there was any magic weapon suitable for Bai Xiang. He would have more disciples. A bit of care and responsibility.

The past is thousands of years old.

As time goes by, the fruit-picking conference held every thousand years has begun again. The destiny that stole the show at the last conference has now become a guest star. People in the street are happily talking about the wonderful things of the last conference, and destiny. , Su Wan, Shao Jin Sha, Shao Yin Sha, and Di Sha's names were heard from time to time in the crowd. The younger generation listened with excitement to the experiencers telling about the last time the selection was filled with laughter and excitement, and the one who died in battle His destiny in Yuanyizhou has become a legend.

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