Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1844 Jiangxiao makes trouble

After these years of observation and thinking, Jiang Xiao also felt that she shouldn't pierce this layer of window paper herself. Firstly, there were enough people taking care of Langxing, and she and Xiyang couldn't be of much help. Secondly, Although Xiyang has Xun Yi firmly in his heart, time has made the pain no longer so sharp, at least it will not affect his cultivation, and he has a good relationship with Lang Xing, and he knows about reincarnation. As for this secret, let's see if he can think of this on his own.

The third reason is out of reverence for the way of heaven. The relationship between Xiyang and Xunyi is too deep. Letting him know the truth is the most dangerous. If anything happens and Langxing learns the secret of his own reincarnation, the consequences will be It was hard to predict. For the sake of Langxing, she could only let Xiyang suffer a little more. After all, the suffering would not be fatal. If something happened to Langxing, it would not only be a loss of life.

Of course, the two of them couldn't miss the fruit-picking conference, which was a good opportunity to gather people. Xiyang was wholeheartedly looking for someone who looked like Xun Yi, but Jiangxiao could only pretend. In order to save energy, she proposed to search separately. Naturally, Xiyang would not have any objections. People were coming and going at the conference, so we could look for them separately so that we could miss as few people as possible.

"How have you been these past few years?" Jiangxiao held Su Wan's hand affectionately, but her eyes kept looking at Tianqing, as if there was something about Tianqing that particularly attracted her.

"I'm fine, are you all okay too?" Su Wan responded in her mouth, and couldn't wait to secretly ask, "Why did you come to Nanjingzhou? Did Concubine Chan bring you here?"

Jiangxiao continued to talk about the reunion after a long separation, and sent back the message: "Imperial Concubine Chan has been traveling for many years. Xiyang and I took advantage of this chaos to come back to look for Yi. Who is this person next to you? How do I feel about him?" A bit..."

"What's the matter?" Su Wan asked eagerly.

"I can't put it into words, it feels like I've seen each other before." Jiang Xiao glanced at Tian Qing and looked at her again.

Su Wan was very happy and hurriedly introduced the two of them.

Tianqing Jianjiangxiao kept looking at himself

, asked with a smile, "Fairy Jiang is paying attention to me frequently, have you seen me somewhere?"

Jiangxiao climbed up the pole and said, "I really feel familiar, but I can't remember where I've seen him before."

Tianqing smiled quite decently and said, "I feel the same way. Maybe we have really met somewhere. Let's catch up on old times when we meet again after a long separation. I'll go to the side and walk around." After he said that, he walked away understandingly.

Su Wan excitedly said to Jiang Xiao, "He feels the same way! Do you think he is Xun Yi?"

Jiang Xiao narrowed his eyes slightly and said as if he was unsure, "Anyway, I felt a little strange when I saw him, but it's not enough to conclude that he is Xun Yi. Have you found any clues?"

"His age, qualifications, his eyes, and his name. When I first met him, I felt so strange!"

"Oh..., then it's worth investigating carefully!" Jiangxiao's eyes flashed with excitement. She wanted to do something bad in this matter, but she didn't dare to push Su Wan forward too hard. If Lang Xiao The fate between Xing and Su Wan was not broken, but she brought Su Wan and Tianqing into a Taoist couple, and Lang Xing had to fall out with her when he turned around.

But her mischief was enough. What Su Wan longed for most at the moment was to confirm that Tian Qing was the reincarnation of Xun Yi. Jiang Xiao's attitude was enough to double her confidence.

"Where's Xiyang? Let him come over and take a look. If he feels something unusual, that's probably it!" Su Wan's face turned a little red. Although it was because of shyness, it was mostly because of excitement.

"Although the feeling of first meeting can be used as evidence, we cannot make a conclusion based on this alone." Jiangxiao had to lay the groundwork first. Xiyang would probably not have any special feelings when he saw this Tianqing.

, she didn't dare to ask Xiyang to do mischief with her, and she couldn't let Xiyang see the mischief she did, otherwise Xiyang would definitely be in a hurry with her.

"I know, I know, where is Xiyang? Call him quickly." Su Wanzhen was a little impatient. Jiangxiao's attitude gave her great confidence, and she wished she could immediately confirm that this Tianqing was the reincarnation of Xunyi.

"I don't know where he went. You two just wait here while I go find him." Jiang Xiao looked around and said.

"Let's go look for it together. You go that way, and we'll go this way, and we'll meet at the place where magic weapons are sold." After Su Wan finished speaking, she called Tianqing who was nearby and hurried away.

Jiangxiao knew the general direction of Xiyang, so he quickly found Xiyang.

"I saw Su Wan. She found someone who was suspected of being Xun Yi and wanted you to take a look." Jiangxiao held Xiyang's arm and said to Xiyang secretly.

"Xianzi Su? Where are they? What do you think of that person?" Xiyang immediately became excited. Most of the people Su Wan found were reliable.

"I looked at it... and it felt a bit familiar. We made an appointment to meet at the place where magic weapons are sold." Jiang Xiao frowned slightly, as if he was still appreciating the feeling.

"Let's go!" Xiyang picked up Jiangxiao and left.

"Hey! You have to calm down, don't let people see the clues about this kind of thing."

Xiyang slowed down his pace, suppressed his excitement, and walked side by side with Jiang Xiao towards the area where magic weapons were sold.

When they arrived, Su Wan and Tian Qing also happened to arrive.

When Xiyang saw Tianqing from a distance, he was disappointed and secretly said to Jiangxiao, "I have no feelings for this person at all."

Jiangxiao pulled Xiyang Chao towards Su Wan and Tianqing who were walking towards them quickly, and said in a spiritual voice, "Please be careful."

Take a closer look. Even if you really don't feel anything, don't show it too obviously. Amelia Su has feelings for him very much. Look how happy she is. "

These words made Xiyang frown slightly.

"You have also reached the middle stage of Nascent Soul!" Su Wan looked at Xiyang happily. The last time she saw Xiyang, Xiyang was still a child in the Qi gathering stage. That time, Xunyi disappeared, and Xiyang and Gongsun The Xuanfang faction rushed to her to ask about Xun Yi's whereabouts.

"Xianzi Su." Xiyang wanted to meet him as a junior.

Su Wan hurriedly stopped her and said, "No need to be too polite. From now on we can be friends as equals. This is my new Taoist friend Tianqing." Then she turned to Tianqing and introduced him, "This is what I just told you. of Xiyang.”

Xiyang nodded lightly to Tianqing, and then bowed to Su Wan as a junior and said, "Seeing you so happy now makes me feel relieved. My brother can also smile."

Su Wan couldn't help but look a little embarrassed. Xiyang's words were obviously thorny, and she hurriedly looked at Jiang Xiao.

Jiangxiao complained secretly and smoothed things over by saying, "There are too many people here. Let's find a quiet place to talk."

"Okay." Su Wan took Jiang Xiao's arm anxiously, and while walking out, she asked through her spiritual thoughts, "Didn't you make it clear to him? What he just said was obviously very dissatisfied with me."

"Let me make it clear, he...maybe he thinks this person doesn't look like the reincarnation of Xun Yi." Jiangxiao certainly understood Xiyang's intention. Before finding the reincarnation of Xun Yi, Xiyang of course wanted to He tried his best to help his brother keep an eye on Su Wan. Since Xiyang felt that Tianqing was not the reincarnation of Xunyi, he naturally felt uncomfortable watching the two of them being intimate.

sThanks to Senior Brother Ernai for his continuous large rewards. It's the heroine's turn to make a comeback. I've been worried that people won't like Su Wan, but judging from the response, it's pretty good. Brother Jiy's message in the comment area seems to be looking forward to the heroine's appearance.

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