Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1845 Are you a saint? !

Su Wan's heart couldn't help but sink. She held Jiang Xiao's arm tightly as she wanted to grab something, and said a little anxiously, "But you have feelings for him, right?"

Jiangxiao rolled her eyes and said, "Yes, didn't I tell you just now? You can't just make a judgment based on the feeling of first meeting him. If Xiyang has more contact with him, maybe he will feel something. Besides, Xunyi was so hard at first." After throwing him in the South China Sea, Xiyang has been holding back a lot of resentment towards Xunyi. Even if Xunyi doesn't die, Xiyang won't give him a good look when they meet. I don't think this is a bad thing. Let's see. Let’s talk about it later.”

Su Wan felt a little more at ease, and turned to look at Xiyang and Tianqing who were following behind. But when she turned around, she felt like she had seen something unusual. She savored the scenes she saw one by one and could not find any. What’s so special? I was just wondering when I heard someone from behind say, “Does the left side look better or the right side looks better?”

Su Wan turned around again and saw a man and woman walking hand in hand from behind. The woman was extremely beautiful. She was holding a bright yellow flower and gesticulating on her temples. She suddenly flashed her big eyes and asked the man, "What is the man's eyebrows like?" There was a sad look in his eyes, and he forced a happy face and said, "They all look good."

As soon as the man spoke, Jiangxiao and Xiyang turned their heads at the same time. Xiyang looked surprised, while Jiangxiao looked as if he had seen a ghost.

"Hey!" The man shouted in surprise when he saw Jiang Xiao and Xi Yang, but his eyes soon fell on Su Wan's face.

"Why are you here?" Xiyang stepped forward and grabbed Lang Xing's arm.

"Are you a saint?! Why did you change your appearance?" Jiangxiao let out a cry of surprise. The voice was loud, as if she was too excited to control herself. She recognized Sijia. She was in Xianbao Soul Catcher last time. She had offended Sijia when they first met, and she had to offend him again this time. There was nothing she could do. The reincarnated Xunyi and Su Wan met! She had to separate the two as soon as possible.


Jiangxiao's shout immediately attracted the attention of the people around him. Su Wan, Tianqing, and Xiyang also looked at Sijia.

"Humph!" Sijia glared at Jiangxiao fiercely. People around her had already gathered around her. She didn't care about settling accounts with Jiangxiao, so she took Langxing and fled out of Fang City.

Although there is no legal circle that restricts cultivation, everyone consciously abides by the rules of not using cultivation, and there are law enforcement guards in the city to serve as guards, so when Sijia and Langxing escaped, a few good guys They were just chasing after each other, and no one flew up to stop them.

Xiyang was worried about Langxing and immediately chased after them. However, Sijia and Langxing disappeared as soon as they left the city. It would be easy for Sijia to get rid of them with his late Nascent Soul cultivation.

In a hilly area far away from Fangshi, Jiangxiao scolded herself with a grimace, "I blame me for being too excited. I couldn't help but shout out when I saw she looked like a saint. I never expected to see her here."

Su Wan frowned and asked, "Who is the man with her?"

Jiangxiao immediately changed from a frown to a happy face, "That's a friend we made. This guy is quite capable. He once told me that he admired the saint. I even laughed at him at the time because he wanted to eat swan meat. He didn't want to He really caught up with the saint. Look at Sijia, she actually turned into a little nun and traveled with him hand in hand. This kid is awesome.

What a capable person! "

Hearing Jiangxiao praise the young monk so much, Tianqing smiled slightly and said, "He is just a pill-forming practitioner, right? What abilities does he have?"

"Can you seduce the saint if you don't have the ability?" Jiangxiao asked with a friendly smile, then looked into the distance and sighed happily, "He got what he wanted this time. Not only did he win a beautiful woman, he was also admired by thousands of people. Great beauty, with the help of the saint, this boy’s future cultivation will be smoother.”

Xiyang glanced at Jiangxiao calmly, and was impressed by the closeness between Jiangxiao and Langxing. He believed that Langxing would tell Jiangxiao about his admiration for the saint. If Langxing could really catch the saint, he would also be Lang's replacement. Xing was happy, but he felt that this was not very reliable. In any case, Lang Xing was only a cultivator of pill formation. Could Sijia, who had reached the late Nascent Soul stage, really fall in love with this kid? If that's not the case, the two of them just looked like they were in love with each other.

Su Wan asked with a thoughtful expression, "Where is he from? Why is he so capable?"

Jiangxiao smiled and shook his head and said, "This person's life experience is very unusual. He is protected by great supernatural powers. I can't say more. If you see him in the future, try to avoid him."

Su Wan saw that Jiangxiao refused to say more, so she glanced at Xiyang. Although the little monk made her feel strange, it was inappropriate to act too curious, and Tianqing was still on the horizon. If she met Lang Xing alone, this strange feeling would definitely make her wonder if this person was the reincarnation of Xun Yi, but Xiyang and Jiangxiao were both familiar with this little monk. Since they had not gone here On the other hand, I was suspicious, thinking that this person was probably not the one.

Xiyang followed Jiangxiao's words and said, "This little brother is quite extraordinary. His background is very complicated. If we meet him in the future, please hide as much as possible." He was speaking for Lang Xing and Su Wan. Considering that Lang Xing's Zixiao Palace background should not be revealed. This boy is too sincere. Today he saw Su Wan with them. Su Wan will interrogate him about his life experience in the future. If this boy tells the truth, he will not be interested in either of them. benefit.

Tianqing raised her eyebrows and asked with a smile, "Could it be that he is the descendant of some great supernatural power?" This meant that this kid had no real ability.

Xiyang glanced at him and said unkindly, "He can walk with the saint because of his own ability. The saint of Yuanyi tribe will not follow others' influence to the point of flattering a young monk."

Tian Qing smiled calmly and said, "Although this statement is reasonable, it is also possible that he has prescribed benefits that even the saint can't resist. After all, with the help of great supernatural powers, the benefits that can be given are beyond the imagination of ordinary people."

As soon as he finished speaking, Sijia's figure appeared thousands of feet away. At this moment, she had returned to her normal appearance. Her phoenix eyes were slightly closed and she looked at Tianqing arrogantly and said, "Langxing and I are not people like you." You've dirty my ears by guessing and criticizing." After that, he turned to Xiyang and said, "Fellow Taoist Xiyang, please come with me. Langxing wants to say a few words to you."

Jiangxiao looked to the side with a shy brow, not daring to say a word. She knew very well that Sijia must have been angry with her for not letting Lang Xing come over to meet her.

Jiangxiao was very self-aware. After escaping from Fangshi, Langxing began to speak good words for Jiangxiao and persuaded Sijia not to be angry with Jiangxiao. He had to talk to these two people and ask them what important things they were doing. No help needed. Su Wan's heart couldn't help but sink. She held Jiang Xiao's arm tightly as she wanted to grab something, and said a little anxiously, "But you have feelings for him, right?"

Jiangxiao rolled her eyes and said, "Yes, didn't I tell you just now? You can't just make a judgment based on the feeling of first meeting him. If Xiyang has more contact with him, maybe he will feel something. Besides, Xunyi was so hard at first." After throwing him in the South China Sea, Xiyang has been holding back a lot of resentment towards Xunyi. Even if Xunyi doesn't die, Xiyang won't give him a good look when they meet. I don't think this is a bad thing. Let's see. Let’s talk about it later.”

Su Wan felt a little more at ease, and turned to look at Xiyang and Tianqing who were following behind. But when she turned around, she felt like she had seen something unusual. She savored the scenes she saw one by one and could not find any. What’s so special? I was just wondering when I heard someone from behind say, “Does the left side look better or the right side looks better?”

Su Wan turned around again and saw a man and woman walking hand in hand from behind. The woman was extremely beautiful. She was holding a bright yellow flower and gesticulating on her temples. She suddenly flashed her big eyes and asked the man, "What is the man's eyebrows like?" There was a sad look in his eyes, and he forced a happy face and said, "They all look good."

As soon as the man spoke, Jiangxiao and Xiyang turned their heads at the same time. Xiyang looked surprised, while Jiangxiao looked as if he had seen a ghost.

"Hey!" The man shouted in surprise when he saw Jiang Xiao and Xi Yang, but his eyes soon fell on Su Wan's face.

"Why are you here?" Xiyang stepped forward and grabbed Lang Xing's arm.

"Are you a saint?! Why did you change your appearance?" Jiangxiao let out a cry of surprise. The voice was loud, as if she was too excited to control herself. She recognized Sijia. She was in Xianbao Soul Catcher last time. She had offended Sijia when they first met, and she had to offend him again this time. There was nothing she could do. The reincarnated Xunyi and Su Wan met! She had to separate the two as soon as possible.


Jiangxiao's shout immediately attracted the attention of the people around him. Su Wan, Tianqing, and Xiyang also looked at Sijia.

"Humph!" Sijia glared at Jiangxiao fiercely. People around her had already gathered around her. She didn't care about settling accounts with Jiangxiao, so she took Langxing and fled out of Fang City.

Although there is no legal circle that restricts cultivation, everyone consciously abides by the rules of not using cultivation, and there are law enforcement guards in the city to serve as guards, so when Sijia and Langxing escaped, a few good guys They were just chasing after each other, and no one flew up to stop them.

Xiyang was worried about Langxing and immediately chased after them. However, Sijia and Langxing disappeared as soon as they left the city. It would be easy for Sijia to get rid of them with his late Nascent Soul cultivation.

In a hilly area far away from Fangshi, Jiangxiao scolded herself with a grimace, "I blame me for being too excited. I couldn't help but shout out when I saw she looked like a saint. I never expected to see her here."

Su Wan frowned and asked, "Who is the man with her?"

Jiangxiao immediately changed from a frown to a happy face, "That's a friend we made. This guy is quite capable. He once told me that he admired the saint. I even laughed at him at the time because he wanted to eat swan meat. He didn't want to He really caught up with the saint. Look at Sijia, she actually turned into a little nun and traveled with him hand in hand. This kid is awesome.

What a capable person! "

Hearing Jiangxiao praise the young monk so much, Tianqing smiled slightly and said, "He is just a pill-forming practitioner, right? What abilities does he have?"

"Can you seduce the saint if you don't have the ability?" Jiangxiao asked with a friendly smile, then looked into the distance and sighed happily, "He got what he wanted this time. Not only did he win a beautiful woman, he was also admired by thousands of people. Great beauty, with the help of the saint, this boy’s future cultivation will be smoother.”

Xiyang glanced at Jiangxiao calmly, and was impressed by the closeness between Jiangxiao and Langxing. He believed that Langxing would tell Jiangxiao about his admiration for the saint. If Langxing could really catch the saint, he would also be Lang's replacement. Xing was happy, but he felt that this was not very reliable. In any case, Lang Xing was only a cultivator of pill formation. Could Sijia, who had reached the late Nascent Soul stage, really fall in love with this kid? If that's not the case, the two of them just looked like they were in love with each other.

Su Wan asked with a thoughtful expression, "Where is he from? Why is he so capable?"

Jiangxiao smiled and shook his head and said, "This person's life experience is very unusual. He is protected by great supernatural powers. I can't say more. If you see him in the future, try to avoid him."

Su Wan saw that Jiangxiao refused to say anything, so she glanced at Xiyang. Although the little monk made her feel strange, it was inappropriate to act too curious, and Tianqing was still on the horizon. If she met Lang Xing alone, this strange feeling would definitely make her wonder if this person was the reincarnation of Xun Yi, but Xiyang and Jiangxiao were both familiar with this little monk. Since they had not gone here On the other hand, I was suspicious, thinking that this person was probably not the one.

Xiyang followed Jiangxiao's words and said, "This little brother is quite extraordinary. His background is very complicated. If we meet him in the future, please hide as much as possible." He was speaking for Lang Xing and Su Wan. Considering that Lang Xing's Zixiao Palace background should not be revealed. This boy is too sincere. Today he saw Su Wan with them. Su Wan will interrogate him about his life experience in the future. If this boy tells the truth, he will not be interested in either of them. benefit.

Tianqing raised her eyebrows and asked with a smile, "Could it be that he is the descendant of some great supernatural power?" This meant that this kid had no real ability.

Xiyang glanced at him and said unkindly, "He can walk with the saint because of his own ability. The saint of Yuanyi tribe will not follow others' influence to the point of flattering a young monk."

Tian Qing smiled calmly and said, "Although this statement is reasonable, it is also possible that he has prescribed benefits that even the saint can't resist. After all, with the help of great supernatural powers, the benefits that can be given are beyond the imagination of ordinary people."

As soon as he finished speaking, Sijia's figure appeared thousands of feet away. At this moment, she had returned to her normal appearance. Her phoenix eyes were slightly closed and she looked at Tianqing arrogantly and said, "Langxing and I are not people like you." You've dirty my ears by guessing and criticizing." After that, he turned to Xiyang and said, "Fellow Taoist Xiyang, please come with me. Langxing wants to say a few words to you."

Jiangxiao looked to the side with a shy brow, not daring to say a word. She knew very well that Sijia must have been angry with her for not letting Lang Xing come over to meet her.

Jiangxiao was very self-aware. After escaping from Fangshi, Langxing began to speak good words for Jiangxiao and persuaded Sijia not to be angry with Jiangxiao. He had to talk to these two people and ask them what important things they were doing. No help needed.

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