Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1849 I don’t know this inner elixir at all

Sijia meditated for less than half an hour before opening his eyes.

"It's really a waste of idle time and ruined a good mood." She said to Lang Xing with a look of worthlessness.

Langxing took the opportunity to persuade, "That's what I said. Jiangxiao didn't mean it. She just has a carefree temperament, but she is really a good person. She is generous and straightforward. She is very close to me. Don't be angry with her. I I really hope you two can become friends.”

Sijia thought for a moment and said, "Well, since she is your good friend, I won't argue with her. You go and talk to her. And don't you also want to explain the matter of the fox fairy to Su Wan face to face?" , let’s go back.”

Langxing said happily, "Really? Hehe, that's great! You should take care of me now. I just feel relieved. I haven't bought the things I want to buy for Bai Xiang. This fuss made me nervous again." There was an emergency.”

"Okay, I'll take care of you. I don't know how long I've been in debt to you. I even have to bear the anger of your friends." Sijia expressed the complaints and bitterness in his heart in a joking tone.

"Why did she offend you? She said it was so wronged." .??.

"I feel wronged!" Sijia opened his body-protecting divine light to isolate Lang Xing's gaze and consciousness. After changing into a suit and skirt, he changed his appearance to another one. This time, he concealed his cultivation in the early stage of Nascent Soul.

"I also have to change my appearance." Lang Xing took out a small jade bottle, a thin leather mask, and a black gauze hat. The one in the jade bottle was the disguise potion, which was a gift received at the Three Immortals Conference. The mask was I got it from Wuji's treasure room, and the black gauze hat was given to me by Qingyu. He didn't like disguise very much, so I haven't used these three things. I don't know which one is better.

Sijia said angrily, "You don't have to go through such trouble, no one will pay attention to you, just change into a Taoist robe."

Langxing moved the Taoist robe on his body, changed the color and pattern, and then rolled his arrogant eyes at Sijia in return.

"Huh? This robe of yours is really nice." Although Sijia was in a bad mood now, he still couldn't help but admire it.

Langxing said proudly, "Is this an eye-opener? It's hard to find a second piece of this thing. I'll go back and help you get a better dress. It's definitely incomparable to this one, but the grade will not be lower than the top grade."

"You're really capable." Sijia said expressionlessly, and then took him flying towards Wanbo Qiuyuan.

Lang Xing worriedly said, "Didn't you say you're not angry anymore? Why are you still so full of resentment? If you're still angry, let's not go back, lest you two get into a fight."

Sijia covered it up and said, "I am no longer angry with her, but I am angry with you. You are too capable. Don't show off to me in the future!"

"Hehe." Langxing felt relieved when he saw that she was angry about this.

Lang Xing would not know that Sijia was experiencing the same pain that he had experienced thousands of years ago.

Are you thinking about your loved ones or yourself?

Thousands of years ago, Xunyi met Su Wan and Fu Xing at the fruit picking competition. He had a heart-breaking struggle with this issue. In the end, he painfully chose to focus on Su Wan's success.

Thousands of years later, this problem was placed in front of Sijia. Should he send Lang Xing to Su Wan, or take him away from Su Wan?

The difference is that Sijia's situation is better than that of Xunyi. Xunyi values ​​Su Wan more than his life, but Sijia loves Xunyi deeply and does not have such a deep affection for Langxing. because

Her love for Xun Yi was so deep that she made a different choice from Jiang Xiao, Shen Qing and others. She didn't think falling into love was a disaster. If she could get a chance to fall in love with Xun Yi, she would be willing to do it. Xun Yi died in exchange, but unfortunately she didn't even have such a chance. The person she loved loved others wholeheartedly.

Out of her deep love for Xun Yi, she decided to send Lang Xing back to Su Wan, but this did not mean that she had to give up Lang Xing. She had no intention of quitting. It depends on whether she wants to compete with Su Wan for Lang Xing. Regarding the emotional development between her and Lang Xing, after all, the total time she spent with Lang Xing was only more than a month, most of which was when Lang Xing was young.

The deeper the love, the greater the sacrifice you are willing to make. Sijia's love for Xunyi is different from Jiangxiao's and Shen Qing's love for Xunyi.

The trading area of ​​Neidan is several times larger than before, occupying almost one-third of the alchemy market. However, there are more sellers and fewer buyers, and the price trend is not even half of what it used to be.

Su Wan and Tian Qing tested each other's skills while shopping for inner elixirs. They talked and laughed and returned to their previous self. Tian Qing was indeed extraordinary. Not only was she versatile, but she was also elegant yet funny, arrogant yet considerate. Su Wan's previous resentment towards him quickly dissipated. Although Tianqing's cultivation level was high, he was only seven or eight hundred years old after all, so it was reasonable to be competitive.

When the two walked to a larger stall, Su Wan picked up a green inner elixir and asked Tian Qing, "Do you know what kind of inner elixir this is? How old is it?"

Tianqing looked at it intently and said, "The one-eyed spirit owl is less than four thousand years old and can barely reach the early stage of Nascent Soul."

These words made the stall owner with a pair of small eyes unhappy. He stared at Tian Qing and said, "Don't talk nonsense if you don't know. How can such a big inner elixir be less than four thousand years? This monster I killed the beast with my own hands, and my Taoism is almost at the middle stage of Nascent Soul!"

Tian Qing smiled indifferently and asked Su Wan, "Am I right?"

Su Wan smiled slyly and said, "I don't know this inner elixir at all."

Her smile immediately relaxed the atmosphere, and the small-eyed stall owner smiled and said, "This kind of monster is very rare. Not many people here know it. If you want to buy it, consider three Nascent Soul Stones."

Tianqing shook his head and said, "Although this kind of inner elixir is rare, there is no elixir that can use it. It is a rare and precious thing. If you can sell a hundred spiritual stones, it is considered good."

The stall owner with small eyes was unhappy again. He glared at Tianqing and said, "What are you talking about? You think it's useless. It just means you don't know much about elixirs. If you don't have spiritual stones, don't make trouble here. You want to use this method." Don’t waste your time bargaining with me.”

Tianqing said with a graceful smile, "If you can name two elixir recipes that use it, I will double the bill and give you six Nascent Soul Stones."

The little-eyed stall owner was speechless for a moment. At this time, another stall owner in the stall came over to smooth things over and said, "Don't just stare at people. Do you think they are dressed like they don't have spiritual stones?" After scolding his little-eyed companion, he With a smile on his face, he said to Tian Qing and Su Wan, "Don't be as knowledgeable as him. I can see that you two are experts in alchemy. We have more than 5,000 inner elixirs. You can choose whatever you want. The price is negotiable and guaranteed." Satisfy both of them.”

Seeing that he was so polite, Su Wan chose seven or eight inner elixirs, and Tian Qing also chose four or five.

"Let's count this one as twenty Nascent Soul Stones, and this one's less number as fifteen. A total of thirty-five. Should you two pay separately or together?" The second stall owner quoted the price to the two of them. . Sijia meditated for less than half an hour before opening his eyes.

"It's really a waste of idle time and ruined a good mood." She said to Lang Xing with a look of worthlessness.

Langxing took the opportunity to persuade, "That's what I said. Jiangxiao didn't mean it. She just has a carefree temperament, but she is really a good person. She is generous and straightforward. She is very close to me. Don't be angry with her. I I really hope you two can become friends.”

Sijia thought for a moment and said, "Well, since she is your good friend, I won't argue with her. You go and talk to her. And don't you also want to explain the matter of the fox fairy to Su Wan face to face?" , let’s go back.”

Langxing said happily, "Really? Hehe, that's great! You should take care of me now. I just feel relieved. I haven't bought the things I want to buy for Bai Xiang. This fuss made me nervous again." There was an emergency.”

"Okay, I'll take care of you. I don't know how long I've been in debt to you. I even have to bear the anger of your friends." Sijia expressed the complaints and bitterness in his heart in a joking tone.

"Why did she offend you? She said it was so wronged."

"I feel wronged!" Sijia opened his body-protecting divine light to isolate Lang Xing's gaze and consciousness. After changing into a suit and skirt, he changed his appearance to another one. This time, he concealed his cultivation in the early stage of Nascent Soul. .??.

"I also have to change my appearance." Lang Xing took out a small jade bottle, a thin leather mask, and a black gauze hat. The one in the jade bottle was the disguise potion, which was a gift received at the Three Immortals Conference. The mask was I got it from Wuji's treasure room, and the black gauze hat was given to me by Qingyu. He didn't like disguise very much, so I haven't used these three things. I don't know which one is better.

Sijia said angrily, "You don't have to go through such trouble, no one will pay attention to you, just change into a Taoist robe."

Langxing moved the Taoist robe on his body, changed the color and pattern, and then rolled his arrogant eyes at Sijia in return.

"Huh? This robe of yours is really nice." Although Sijia was in a bad mood now, he still couldn't help but admire it.

Langxing said proudly, "Is this an eye-opener? It's hard to find a second piece of this thing. I'll go back and help you get a better dress. It's definitely incomparable to this one, but the grade will not be lower than the top grade."

"You're really capable." Sijia said expressionlessly, and then took him flying towards Wanbo Qiuyuan.

Lang Xing worriedly said, "Didn't you say you're not angry anymore? Why are you still so full of resentment? If you're still angry, let's not go back, lest you two get into a fight."

Sijia covered it up and said, "I am no longer angry with her, but I am angry with you. You are too capable. Don't show off to me in the future!"

"Hehe." Langxing felt relieved when he saw that she was angry about this.

Lang Xing would not know that Sijia was experiencing the same pain that he had experienced thousands of years ago.

Are you thinking about your loved ones or yourself?

Thousands of years ago, Xunyi met Su Wan and Fu Xing at the fruit picking competition. He had a heart-breaking struggle with this issue. In the end, he painfully chose to focus on Su Wan's success.

Thousands of years later, this problem was placed in front of Sijia. Should he send Lang Xing to Su Wan, or take him away from Su Wan?

The difference is that Sijia's situation is better than that of Xunyi. Xunyi values ​​Su Wan more than his life, but Sijia loves Xunyi deeply and does not have such a deep affection for Langxing. because

Her love for Xun Yi was so deep that she made a different choice from Jiang Xiao, Shen Qing and others. She didn't think falling into love was a disaster. If she could get a chance to fall in love with Xun Yi, she would be willing to do it. Xun Yi died in exchange, but unfortunately she didn't even have such a chance. The person she loved loved others wholeheartedly.

Out of her deep love for Xun Yi, she decided to send Lang Xing back to Su Wan, but this did not mean that she had to give up Lang Xing. She had no intention of quitting. It depends on whether she wants to compete with Su Wan for Lang Xing. Regarding the emotional development between her and Lang Xing, after all, the total time she spent with Lang Xing was only more than a month, most of which was when Lang Xing was young.

The deeper the love, the greater the sacrifice you are willing to make. Sijia's love for Xunyi is different from Jiangxiao's and Shen Qing's love for Xunyi.

The trading area of ​​Neidan is several times larger than before, occupying almost one-third of the alchemy market. However, there are more sellers and fewer buyers, and the price trend is not even half of what it used to be.

Su Wan and Tian Qing tested each other's skills while shopping for inner elixirs. They talked and laughed and returned to their previous self. Tian Qing was indeed extraordinary. Not only was she versatile, but she was also elegant yet funny, arrogant yet considerate. Su Wan's previous resentment towards him quickly dissipated. Although Tianqing's cultivation level was high, he was only seven or eight hundred years old after all, so it was reasonable to be competitive.

When the two walked to a larger stall, Su Wan picked up a green inner elixir and asked Tian Qing, "Do you know what kind of inner elixir this is? How old is it?"

Tianqing looked at it intently and said, "The one-eyed spirit owl is less than four thousand years old and can barely reach the early stage of Nascent Soul."

These words made the stall owner with a pair of small eyes unhappy. He stared at Tian Qing and said, "Don't talk nonsense if you don't know. How can such a big inner elixir be less than four thousand years? This monster I killed the beast with my own hands, and my Taoism is almost at the middle stage of Nascent Soul!"

Tian Qing smiled indifferently and asked Su Wan, "Am I right?"

Su Wan smiled slyly and said, "I don't know this inner elixir at all."

Her smile immediately relaxed the atmosphere, and the small-eyed stall owner smiled and said, "This kind of monster is very rare. Not many people here know it. If you want to buy it, consider three Nascent Soul Stones."

Tianqing shook his head and said, "Although this kind of inner elixir is rare, there is no elixir that can use it. It is a rare and precious thing. If you can sell a hundred spiritual stones, it is considered good."

The stall owner with small eyes was unhappy again. He glared at Tianqing and said, "What are you talking about? You think it's useless. It just means you don't know much about elixirs. If you don't have spiritual stones, don't make trouble here. You want to use this method." Don’t waste your time bargaining with me.”

Tianqing said with a graceful smile, "If you can name two elixir recipes that use it, I will double the bill and give you six Nascent Soul Stones."

The little-eyed stall owner was speechless for a moment. At this time, another stall owner in the stall came over to smooth things over and said, "Don't just stare at people. Do you think they are dressed like they don't have spiritual stones?" After scolding his little-eyed companion, he With a smile on his face, he said to Tian Qing and Su Wan, "Don't be as knowledgeable as him. I can see that you two are experts in alchemy. We have more than 5,000 inner elixirs. You can choose whatever you want. The price is negotiable and guaranteed." Satisfy both of them.”

Seeing that he was so polite, Su Wan chose seven or eight inner elixirs, and Tian Qing also chose four or five.

"Let's count this one as twenty Nascent Soul Stones, and this one's less number as fifteen. A total of thirty-five. Should you two pay separately or together?" The second stall owner quoted the price to the two of them. .

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