Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1850 He is qualified to teach us

Su Wan frowned slightly, the price was at least ten Nascent Soul Stones higher than other stalls.

Tian Qing said with some displeasure, "If your price is a little bit higher than others, I can't argue with you. We don't care if you spend more spirit stones, but we can't be taken advantage of. There are twenty-five Nascent Soul Stones in total. You want If we want to sell it, we will buy it, and if it doesn’t work, forget it.”

The little-eyed stall owner said with a mocking look on his face, "The price is low enough. You really don't have any spiritual stones, right?"

The second stall owner had a half-smiling expression on his face and stopped talking, apparently feeling embarrassed for the two of them.

Tianqing took out dozens of Nascent Soul Stones, weighed them in his hands, and said with a sneer, "My spirit stones are enough to buy all the inner elixirs here. If you are short of spirit stones, you can ask me for them. I will give you ten for free." Eight is nothing, but if you want to take advantage of me, you have found the wrong person."

"Blow it! We have more than 5,000 inner elixirs. Buy one and try it! Don't even buy them all. I don't think you can even afford a hundred!" The little-eyed stall owner used the provocation method. .

Tianqing smiled contemptuously and said to Su Wan, "Let's go."

The second stall owner showed a fierce look and said, "These inner elixirs were obtained by fighting with swords and guns. What's the matter with selling you a few more spiritual stones? Without us people holding our heads to fight with the monsters, how could you have obtained it?" Are you living a good life?" He pointed at the two blue jade plaques on the stall and asked Tianqing and Su Wanhe, "Do you know them? These are merit plaques issued by the Tianlu Alliance. They kill more than three hundred heads. Only monsters can get this Lan Ying Card, and you don’t even have any conscience?”

Su Wan heard what he said, took out thirty-five Nascent Soul Stones and handed them over, saying to Tian Qing, "Since they are soldiers fighting against monsters, let's buy the inner elixir."

Tianqing didn't say anything, but put away the unhappy look on his face.

The second stall owner immediately changed his smile when he saw Su Wan was willing to pay the bill, and the pockmarks on his face became brighter. But just when he was about to reach out to pick up the spirit stone, the smile on his face suddenly froze, and his eyes went straight. Look behind Amelia Su.

Su Wan looked back curiously, and saw Lang Xing and a female cultivator walking towards them arm in arm. Lang Xing had a very special smile on his face, and it seemed that he was coming towards the stall owner.

"Great, I was just looking for you!" Su Wan said to Lang Xing in surprise.

"I'm Langxing, I've met Fairy Su." Langxing originally wanted to meet him as a junior, but since he was with Sijia, he simply followed Yueshang's instructions and met Su Wanzi as a junior. After the ceremony, he nodded to Tianqing. Like Xiyang, he didn't like this person named Tianqing very much.

"I have something to ask you. Let's find a quiet place to talk." When Su Wan turned around and wanted to hand over the thirty-five Nascent Soul Stones to the stall owner, she saw two stall owners standing with extremely ugly faces. There, no one reached out to receive the spirit stone.

The stall owner with small eyes looked at Lang Xing with a bitter grin, and said to Su Wan, "Since the fairy is his friend, these inner elixirs are considered gifts from us. It doesn't hurt to choose more."

Su Wan looked at Lang Xing suspiciously.

The same smile as before appeared on Langxing's face again, but there was some anger in his eyes when he looked at the small eyes and pockmarked faces. He said in a cold voice, "It's not embarrassing for you. Are military achievements for sale? You kill monsters." Didn't the Tianlu Alliance give you a reward? If you think the reward is small, you can quit. No one owes you anything. If thousands of soldiers are like you, can Nanjingzhou still tolerate you? The faces of the soldiers are so shameful. You've lost everything!"

Two stalls with fierce faces

When the Lord was scolded by Lang Xing, not only did no one dare to talk back, but they all lowered their heads timidly.

Su Wan couldn't stand it, so she threw the spirit stones on the stall and said to Lang Xing, "After all, they are soldiers fighting bloody battles at the front. Forget it, we should give them more spirit stones."

Tian Qing also said generously, "Although it's inappropriate for them to do this, they fought for us after all. We should have this conscience."

Upon hearing this, the owner of the Xiaoyan stall stared at Tianqing and said, "Who are you saying has no conscience?! Don't think we can't hear it. It's right for him to reprimand us. We are convinced. Don't be so weird here!"

Tian Qing said angrily, "You are judging a gentleman's belly with a villain's heart. Why do I mean to accuse Taoist fellow Langxing?"

He said with a pockmarked face, "It's true that we are villains, but it's hard to say whether you are a gentleman or not. He is qualified to teach us. We haven't spoken yet. Why are you fanning us?"

The two of them saw that Lang Xing was quite indifferent to this person. At this moment, in order to please Lang Xing, they both pointed the finger at Tian Qing, regardless of whether Tian Qing's words really meant this.

Lang Xing said displeasedly, "Stop sowing discord here. I don't need you to speak for me. Just stop embarrassing the soldiers!"

The two angry stall owners immediately lowered their heads.

Seeing Su Wan frowning, Si Jia suddenly looked at Lang Xing with a pair of beautiful big eyes and pursed her lips into a smile, deliberately showing admiration.

"We'll wait for you outside Fangshi." Su Wan didn't want to read any more, and Tian Qing was too embarrassed at the moment.

"Okay, we'll go there right away." Langxing knew that Su Wan was dissatisfied with him for teaching the two of them, so he waited for Su Wan and Tianqing to walk away before saying to the two of them, "Although you two are bastards, you are You are just pure bastards. If you continue to learn Qi Hao's tricks, you will become more than just bastards. I am too lazy to talk to you, but if I see you talking about your military achievements again, I will I have to teach you a lesson for the soldiers.”

His little eyes turned into a smile and he said, "I don't dare. I don't dare. As soon as you say it, we will know that we are wrong. Langxing, we were blind before. You, sir, don't care about us if we offend you. No matter how you scold us, we will all I am convinced that we are not allowed to tell the public about your matter, otherwise I would have to let that kid know about it. The whole camp is very grateful to you. We can guess the difficulty of what you did. You are so generous!"

Lang Xing's expression softened a little and asked, "Sister Bai Ling, are you four liang, Lin Zhen and the others okay?"

"They are all fine. After you left, we didn't have the shame to hang around there. The military transfer order had just been approved. I took advantage of the few days of rest and vacation to come here to sell the inner elixirs. Most of them were sold on behalf of the brothers. , so we want to sell the price higher, don't be angry, we know we were wrong, and we will never do this kind of thing to embarrass our brothers in the future." After saying that, he picked up the thirty-five Nascent Soul Stones that Su Wan had put down. He stood up and handed it to Lang Xing, "Those inner elixirs are considered a gift from us."

Lang Xing waved his hand and said, "If she is willing to do her best, let her do it. Why didn't Qihao come? It's rare that he still knows how to look like this."

Xiaoyan grinned and said, "He was injured in that battle. He was quite serious. He is being nursed."

"You two had better stay away from him in the future, so that people like him can have fewer minions."

Xiaoyan agreed repeatedly, "Yes, yes, I have thought carefully about what you said, and I won't get involved with him in the future."

"Just take care of yourself." After Lang Xing said this, he pulled Sijia and turned around and left. Su Wan frowned slightly, the price was at least ten Nascent Soul Stones higher than other stalls.

Tian Qing said with some displeasure, "If your price is a little bit higher than others, I can't argue with you. We don't care if you spend more spirit stones, but we can't be taken advantage of. There are twenty-five Nascent Soul Stones in total. You want If we want to sell it, we will buy it, and if it doesn’t work, forget it.”

The little-eyed stall owner said with a mocking look on his face, "The price is low enough. You really don't have any spiritual stones, right?"

The second stall owner had a half-smiling expression on his face and stopped talking, apparently feeling embarrassed for the two of them.

Tianqing took out dozens of Nascent Soul Stones, weighed them in his hands, and said with a sneer, "My spirit stones are enough to buy all the inner elixirs here. If you are short of spirit stones, you can ask me for them. I will give you ten for free." Eight is nothing, but if you want to take advantage of me, you have found the wrong person."

"Blow it! We have more than 5,000 inner elixirs. Buy one and try it! Don't even buy them all. I don't think you can even afford a hundred!" The little-eyed stall owner used the provocation method. .

Tianqing smiled contemptuously and said to Su Wan, "Let's go." ??

The second stall owner showed a fierce look and said, "These inner elixirs were obtained by fighting with swords and guns. What's the matter with selling you a few more spiritual stones? Without us people holding our heads to fight with the monsters, how could you have obtained it?" Are you living a good life?" He pointed at the two blue jade plaques on the stall and asked Tianqing and Su Wanhe, "Do you know them? These are merit plaques issued by the Tianlu Alliance. They kill more than three hundred heads. Only monsters can get this Lan Ying Card, and you don’t even have any conscience?”

Su Wan heard what he said, took out thirty-five Nascent Soul Stones and handed them over, saying to Tian Qing, "Since they are soldiers fighting against monsters, let's buy the inner elixir."

Tianqing didn't say anything, but put away the unhappy look on his face.

The second stall owner immediately changed his smile when he saw Su Wan was willing to pay the bill, and the pockmarks on his face became brighter. But just when he was about to reach out to pick up the spirit stone, the smile on his face suddenly froze, and his eyes went straight. Look behind Amelia Su.

Su Wan looked back curiously, and saw Lang Xing and a female cultivator walking towards them arm in arm. Lang Xing had a very special smile on his face, and it seemed that he was coming towards the stall owner.

"Great, I was just looking for you!" Su Wan said to Lang Xing in surprise.

"I'm Langxing, I've met Fairy Su." Langxing originally wanted to meet him as a junior, but since he was with Sijia, he simply followed Yueshang's instructions and met Su Wanzi as a junior. After the ceremony, he nodded to Tianqing. Like Xiyang, he didn't like this person named Tianqing very much.

"I have something to ask you. Let's find a quiet place to talk." When Su Wan turned around and wanted to hand over the thirty-five Nascent Soul Stones to the stall owner, she saw two stall owners standing with extremely ugly faces. There, no one reached out to receive the spirit stone.

The stall owner with small eyes looked at Lang Xing with a bitter grin, and said to Su Wan, "Since the fairy is his friend, these inner elixirs are considered gifts from us. It doesn't hurt to choose more."

Su Wan looked at Lang Xing suspiciously.

The same smile as before appeared on Langxing's face again, but there was some anger in his eyes when he looked at the small eyes and pockmarked faces. He said in a cold voice, "It's not embarrassing for you. Are military achievements for sale? You kill monsters." Didn't the Tianlu Alliance give you a reward? If you think the reward is small, you can quit. No one owes you anything. If thousands of soldiers are like you, can Nanjingzhou still tolerate you? The faces of the soldiers are so shameful. You've lost everything!"

Two stalls with fierce faces

When the Lord was scolded by Lang Xing, not only did no one dare to talk back, but they all lowered their heads timidly.

Su Wan couldn't stand it, so she threw the spirit stones on the stall and said to Lang Xing, "After all, they are soldiers fighting bloody battles at the front. Forget it, we should give them more spirit stones."

Tian Qing also said generously, "Although it's inappropriate for them to do this, they fought for us after all. We should have this conscience."

Upon hearing this, the owner of the Xiaoyan stall stared at Tianqing and said, "Who are you saying has no conscience?! Don't think we can't hear it. It's right for him to reprimand us. We are convinced. Don't be so weird here!"

Tian Qing said angrily, "You are judging a gentleman's belly with a villain's heart. Why do I mean to accuse Taoist fellow Langxing?"

He said with a pockmarked face, "It's true that we are villains, but it's hard to say whether you are a gentleman or not. He is qualified to teach us. We haven't spoken yet. Why are you fanning us?"

The two of them saw that Lang Xing was quite indifferent to this person. At this moment, in order to please Lang Xing, they both pointed the finger at Tian Qing, regardless of whether Tian Qing's words really meant this.

Lang Xing said displeasedly, "Stop sowing discord here. I don't need you to speak for me. Just stop embarrassing the soldiers!"

The two angry stall owners immediately lowered their heads.

Seeing Su Wan frowning, Si Jia suddenly looked at Lang Xing with a pair of beautiful big eyes and pursed her lips into a smile, deliberately showing admiration.

"We'll wait for you outside Fangshi." Su Wan didn't want to read any more, and Tian Qing was too embarrassed at the moment.

"Okay, we'll go there right away." Langxing knew that Su Wan was dissatisfied with him for teaching the two of them, so he waited for Su Wan and Tianqing to walk away before saying to the two of them, "Although you two are bastards, you are You are just pure bastards. If you continue to learn Qi Hao's tricks, you will become more than just bastards. I am too lazy to talk to you, but if I see you talking about your military achievements again, I will I have to teach you a lesson for the soldiers."

His little eyes turned into a smile and he said, "I don't dare. I don't dare. As soon as you say it, we will know that we are wrong. Langxing, we were blind before. You, sir, don't care about us if we offend you. No matter how you scold us, we will all I am convinced that we are not allowed to tell the public about your matter, otherwise I would have to let that kid know about it. The whole camp is very grateful to you. We can guess the difficulty of what you did. You are so generous!"

Lang Xing's expression softened a little and asked, "Sister Bai Ling, are you four liang, Lin Zhen and the others okay?"

"They are all fine. After you left, we didn't have the shame to hang around there. The military transfer order had just been approved. I took advantage of the few days of rest and vacation to come here to sell the inner elixirs. Most of them were sold on behalf of the brothers. , so we want to sell the price higher, don't be angry, we know we were wrong, and we will never do this kind of thing to embarrass our brothers in the future." After saying that, he picked up the thirty-five Nascent Soul Stones that Su Wan had put down. He stood up and handed it to Lang Xing, "Those inner elixirs are considered a gift from us."

Lang Xing waved his hand and said, "If she is willing to do her best, let her do it. Why didn't Qihao come? It's rare that he still knows how to look like this."

Xiaoyan grinned and said, "He was injured in that battle. He was quite serious. He is being nursed."

"You two had better stay away from him in the future, so that people like him can have fewer minions."

Xiaoyan agreed repeatedly, "Yes, yes, I have thought carefully about what you said, and I won't get involved with him in the future."

"Just take care of yourself." After Lang Xing said this, he pulled Sijia and turned around and left.

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