Sijia smiled sweetly and secretly said, "So majestic!"

Lang Xing was so angry at her that he sent back his thoughts and said, "Stop that disgusting expression on your face. What's the point of teaching two bastards in the early stage of Yuan Ying? If they hadn't corrupted the soldiers, I don’t want to teach them a lesson because of their reputation.”

Sijia smiled even sweeter and said, "It's nothing to teach two bastards who are in the early stage of Nascent Soul, but as two bastards, after being taught a lesson by you, they still speak for you with sincerity, which is amazing."

"It's not finished until you praise me to death." Lang Xing felt angry and funny. Sijia had spared no effort to praise him since he was a child, and now he has a tendency to intensify his praise.

"Don't be ungrateful. I've never praised anyone so much." Si Jia saw Su Wan watching them from a distance, so after finishing speaking, he stretched out his hand and pinched Lang Xing's waist, and the expression on his face turned from admiration to Became unruly.

When Su Wan saw Sijia pinching Langxing, she felt bored. No matter how much Sijia changed her appearance, she knew she must be a saint. She felt that this saint was too far from the noble image she imagined.

After leading Lang Xing and Sijia to a remote place, Su Wan and Sijia greeted him and said, "Just now, there are outsiders present and it is inconvenient to greet them. Don't be surprised, Holy Master."

Sijia returned the courtesy and said, "Fairy Su, you don't have to be polite. There is no saint in the Yuanyi tribe. Just call me Sijia."

Tianqing stood far away and did not come over to greet the two of them. Sijia had reprimanded him and Lang Xing had just made him disgraced. No matter how generous he was, it was inconvenient for him to come over and get close to the two of them.

Sijia said to Lang Xing, "Let's talk, and then we go buy a magic weapon for Bai Xiang." After using these words to remind Lang Xing not to talk for too long, she left, and Tianqing pinched the two of them. In the middle.

"Thank you, fellow Taoist, for helping me pass the message. Xiyang has already told me." Su Wan felt a little uncomfortable and a little flustered when facing this person alone. She thought it was Jiangxiao's comments and reminders about this person that caused her. The influence of this person, and the fact that this man just reprimanded the two soldiers with harsh words made her feel unhappy.

"It's a trivial matter. I have admired the great disciple Xun Yi for a long time. I have long wanted to visit your sect, but I have been unable to do so." Lang Xing's eyes couldn't leave Su Wan, and he couldn't help looking up and down. He felt that this It was very inappropriate, especially since Sijia was still watching over there, but for some reason he felt that this female cultivator was special. He thought it might be because she was Master Xun Yi and could teach a disciple like Xun Yi. This Fairy Su was definitely unusual, and it was reasonable for me to be curious about her.

Playful! Lang Xing's gaze made Su Wan's mind immediately flash the two words mentioned by Jiang Xiao.

She suppressed the displeasure in her heart and said, "The person who asked you to speak to me is my friend. In these troubled times, she can't protect herself. I want to take care of her. Please tell me the place where I met her."

Lang Xing shook his head and said, "I originally wanted Xiyang to tell the fairy the location, but I thought that place was too dangerous and it was not suitable for the fairy to go there with her level of cultivation, so I didn't say anything."

"How dangerous is it?"

"Within the monster's sphere of influence."

Su Wan was in trouble. With her level of cultivation, trying to find Yue Shang and Xing Shang within the territory of the monster's influence would be tantamount to death.

Lang Xing advised, "Now the entire Nanjingzhou is chasing the demon cultivator. Even if you find her, you won't be able to protect her."

Su Wan is worried

He asked anxiously, "How was her condition when you met her?"

"It's pretty... passable." Lang Xing's lie was a bit forced.

Su Wan's brows moved, and she looked at Lang Xing with sincere eyes and said, "Can I take the liberty to ask, why did you go to such a dangerous place? How did you get to know her?"

Langxing expected that she would ask this kind of question, so he said calmly, "I love taking risks. I was bored a while ago and ran over there for a walk. I happened to meet her and encountered a little trouble. Helped me out."

Su Wan felt that this was not true or even human, but she had no idea.

Lang Xing knew that she had no choice, so he dared to tell such nonsense. With his level of cultivation, he couldn't make up any good lies in the territory controlled by monsters.

"You..." Su Wan looked at Lang Xing and hesitated.

Lang Xing smiled and said, "If Fairy Su has anything to say, it doesn't hurt to say it."

Su Wan struggled for a while before she said, "I can see that Taoist friend is a chivalrous and courageous person. He does not seek fame or profit, and his good deeds will not be publicized." At this point, she secretly took a breath and praised others for her against her will. It's quite difficult to talk about it, and it's even harder to praise such a person.

Langxing smiled and said, "Fairy Su, I'm so grateful." But he was thinking in his heart, where did you see that? We haven't even had a cup of tea when we met, and you can already see so much?

Su Wan squeezed a smile and said, "You said she encountered a little trouble, so you helped her. The actual situation must be quite dangerous, and fellow Taoists must be taking great risks when they draw their swords to help."

Lang Xing waved his hand and said, "It's not too dangerous, just a little trouble."

Amelia Su tried her best to make her smile more sincere, and said in a more enthusiastic tone, "Look, I'm right, I know you don't want to be public. Don't mind, I want to ask you one more question." What I should ask is, after you rescued her, did you give her any funding or other assistance? If so, I can worry less about her. I hope fellow Taoist can tell the truth. It's for Xun Yi's sake, I'm really worried about her."

After saying that, she looked at Lang Xing with extremely complex eyes, her heart beating uncontrollably. The "people in front of you" in Yueshang's sentence "Cherish the people in front of you more" can have two interpretations. One is people who are close to each other, which is natural love, and the other is standing still when hearing this sentence. The person in front of her was the person Yueshang entrusted with the words.

If it hadn't happened that she had just met Tianqing, Yueshang's words would have definitely made Su Wan pay great attention to Lang Xing who spoke to her. God is just teasing people like this. Not only did she happen to have Tianqing , Jiangxiao also caused a lot of chaos, which made Su Wan have a preconceived bad impression of Langxing. From the beginning of her conversation with Langxing, she kept using Jiangxiao's words to warn herself, don't I was deceived by this person's honest appearance. Not only that, during the commotion, the person who conveyed the message to her changed from Langxing to Xiyang. This was not enough to cause any trouble, but given Su Wan's current mood, the impact of this incident was somewhat mysterious. .

As much as Su Wan hopes that Tian Qing will be Xun Yi's reincarnation, she doesn't want Lang Xing to be Xun Yi's reincarnation.

Xunyi and Yueshang have a deep connection. Su Wan went to such great lengths to ask this question that she shouldn't ask in order to understand the extent of help Langxing gave Yueshang. This is undoubtedly As an important criterion, that's why her heart beat so hard. Sijia smiled sweetly and secretly said, "So majestic!"

Lang Xing was so angry at her that he sent back his thoughts and said, "Stop that disgusting expression on your face. What's the point of teaching two bastards in the early stage of Yuan Ying? If they hadn't corrupted the soldiers, I don’t want to teach them a lesson because of their reputation.”

Sijia smiled even sweeter and said, "It's nothing to teach two bastards who are in the early stage of Nascent Soul, but as two bastards, after being taught a lesson by you, they still speak for you with sincerity, which is amazing."

"It's not finished until you praise me to death." Lang Xing felt angry and funny. Sijia had spared no effort in praising him since he was a child, and now he has a tendency to intensify his praise.

"Don't be ungrateful. I've never praised anyone so much." Si Jia saw Su Wan watching them from a distance, so after finishing speaking, he reached out and pinched Lang Xing's waist, and the expression on his face turned from admiration to Became unruly.

When Su Wan saw Sijia pinching Langxing, she felt bored. No matter how much Sijia changed her appearance, she knew she must be a saint. She felt that this saint was too far from the noble image she imagined.

After leading Lang Xing and Sijia to a remote place, Su Wan greeted Sijia and said, "Just now, there are outsiders present and it is inconvenient to greet them. Don't be surprised if you are a holy master."

Sijia returned the courtesy and said, "Fairy Su, you don't have to be polite. The Yuanyi clan no longer has a saint. Just call me Sijia."

Tianqing stood far away and did not come over to greet the two of them. Sijia had reprimanded him and Lang Xing had just made him disgraced. No matter how generous he was, it was inconvenient for him to come over and get close to the two of them.

Sijia said to Lang Xing, "Let's talk, and then we go buy a magic weapon for Bai Xiang." After using these words to remind Lang Xing not to talk for too long, she left, and Tianqing pinched the two of them. In the middle. ??

"Thank you, fellow Taoist, for helping me pass the message. Xiyang has already told me." Su Wan felt a little uncomfortable and a little flustered when facing this person alone. She thought it was Jiangxiao's comments and reminders about this person that caused her. The influence of this person, and the fact that this man just reprimanded the two soldiers with harsh words made her feel unhappy.

"It's a trivial matter. I have admired the great disciple Xun Yi for a long time. I have long wanted to visit your sect, but I have been unable to do so." Lang Xing's eyes couldn't leave Su Wan, and he couldn't help looking up and down. He felt that this It was very inappropriate, especially since Sijia was still watching over there, but for some reason he felt that this female cultivator was special. He thought it might be because she was Master Xun Yi and could teach a disciple like Xun Yi. This Fairy Su was definitely unusual, and it was reasonable for me to be curious about her.

Playful! Lang Xing's gaze made Su Wan's mind immediately flash the two words mentioned by Jiang Xiao.

She suppressed the displeasure in her heart and said, "The person who asked you to speak to me is my friend. In these troubled times, she can't protect herself. I want to take care of her. Please tell me the place where I met her."

Lang Xing shook his head and said, "I originally wanted Xiyang to tell the fairy the location, but I thought that place was too dangerous and it was not suitable for the fairy to go there with her level of cultivation, so I didn't say anything."

"How dangerous is it?"

"Within the monster's sphere of influence."

Su Wan was in trouble. With her level of cultivation, trying to find Yue Shang and Xing Shang within the territory of the monster's influence would be tantamount to death.

Lang Xing advised, "Now the entire Nanjingzhou is hunting down the demon cultivator. Even if you find her, you won't be able to protect her."

Su Wan is worried

He asked anxiously, "How was her condition when you met her?"

"It's pretty... passable." Lang Xing's lie was a bit forced.

Su Wan's brows moved, and she looked at Lang Xing with sincere eyes and said, "Can I take the liberty to ask, why did you go to such a dangerous place? How did you get to know her?"

Langxing expected that she would ask this kind of question, so he said calmly, "I love taking risks. I was bored a while ago and ran over there for a walk. I happened to meet her and encountered a little trouble. Helped me out."

Su Wan felt that this was not the truth or even human words, but she had no idea.

Lang Xing knew that she had no choice, so he dared to tell such nonsense. With his level of cultivation, he couldn't make up any good lies in the territory controlled by monsters.

"You..." Su Wan looked at Lang Xing and hesitated.

Lang Xing smiled and said, "If Fairy Su has anything to say, it doesn't hurt to say it."

Su Wan struggled for a while before she said, "I can see that Taoist friend is a chivalrous and courageous person. He does not seek fame or profit, and his good deeds will not be publicized." At this point, she secretly took a breath and praised others for her against her will. It's quite difficult to talk about it, and it's even harder to praise such a person.

Langxing smiled and said, "Fairy Su, I'm so grateful." But he was thinking in his heart, where did you see that? We haven't even had a cup of tea when we met, and you can already see so much?

Su Wan squeezed a smile and said, "You said she encountered a little trouble, so you helped her. The actual situation must be quite dangerous, and fellow Taoists must be taking great risks when they draw their swords to help."

Lang Xing waved his hand and said, "It's not too dangerous, just a little trouble."

Amelia Su tried her best to make her smile more sincere, and said in a more enthusiastic tone, "Look, I'm right, I know you don't want to be public. Don't mind, I want to ask you one more question." What I should ask is, after you rescued her, did you give her any funding or other assistance? If so, I can worry less about her. I hope fellow Taoist can tell the truth. It's for Xun Yi's sake, I'm really worried about her."

After saying that, she looked at Lang Xing with extremely complex eyes, her heart beating uncontrollably. The "people in front of you" in Yueshang's sentence "Cherish the people in front of you more" can have two interpretations. One is people who are close to each other, which is natural love, and the other is standing still when hearing this sentence. The person in front of her was the person Yueshang entrusted with the words.

If it hadn't happened that she had just met Tianqing, Yueshang's words would have definitely made Su Wan pay great attention to Lang Xing who spoke to her. God is just teasing people like this. Not only did she happen to have Tianqing , Jiangxiao also caused a lot of chaos, which made Su Wan have a preconceived bad impression of Langxing. From the beginning of her conversation with Langxing, she kept using Jiangxiao's words to warn herself, don't I was deceived by this person's honest appearance. Not only that, during the commotion, the person who conveyed the message to her changed from Langxing to Xiyang. This was not enough to cause any trouble, but given Su Wan's current mood, the impact of this incident was somewhat mysterious. .

As much as Su Wan hopes that Tian Qing will be Xun Yi's reincarnation, she doesn't want Lang Xing to be Xun Yi's reincarnation.

Xunyi and Yueshang have a deep connection. Su Wan went to such great lengths to ask this question that she shouldn't ask in order to understand the extent of help Langxing gave Yueshang. This is undoubtedly As an important criterion, that's why her heart beat so hard.

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