Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1891 Just Avoiding Suspicion

"Didn't I tell you that we are very close to each other? He is quite a friend to me and Xiyang. Besides, we have the support of Concubine Chan and Zixiao Palace over there. No matter how much he spends his time, he won't be able to The idea came to me. If he was really that bad, I would have ignored him."

Su Wan asked unwillingly, "Have people like Fairy Chan, the Second Fairy, and the Sixth Fairy from Zixiao Palace seen him?"

"I've seen it before. He has been to Zixiao Palace." Jiangxiao only said this and said no more.

"Why did he, a disciple of Qianxu Palace, go to Puyunzhou for so long?" Su Wan became more and more curious about this Langxing.

"If I could tell you, I would have told you a long time ago." Jiang Xiao looked embarrassed.

Su Wan stared at Lang Xing's back, bit her lips gently and said, "Then I'll ask him myself."

"He won't tell you. It would be even more troublesome if he did. Asking too much about some things can lead to disaster. Why didn't Xunyi tell you the truth in the first place? You should have more experience in this regard than others. "

Su Wan hesitated for a moment, then pushed Jiang Xiao away with determination and shouted "Lang Xing!"

"What's the matter?" Lang Xing tilted his head slightly, still not looking at Su Wan.

Jiang Xiao grabbed Su Wan's arm and secretly conveyed his spiritual message: "I have to tell you that Tianqing and Yuanqing seem to hide their cultivation. You have to be careful when using your spiritual message."

"What?" Su Wan was a little confused. Langxing could intercept the spiritual thoughts of high-level monks. Tianqing and Yuanqing hid her cultivation. She felt like she had fallen into a devil's cave all of a sudden. The whole world seemed fake. But then she thought about it, Jiangxiao told her these two things. Could it be that Jiangxiao was deliberately slandering Tianqing and Yuanqing?

Jiangxiao saw the suspicion in Su Wan's eyes and said sternly, "You don't have to believe it, but it doesn't hurt to be more careful." After that, she let go of her hand.

"Please tell me clearly." Su Wan didn't dare to take it lightly and grabbed Jiang Xiao's hand.

"I can't tell clearly. If you believe me, be careful." After Jiangxiao passed on this divine thought, he shook off Su Wan's hand.

Su Wan looked at Jiangxiao in a daze. Although she had a good impression of Tianqing, but comparing Tianqing and Jiangxiao together, of course she trusted Jiangxiao more. Among these people, she could trust her completely. Jiangxiao is the only one, but this thing is too unbelievable. Tianqing is already in the middle stage of Yuanying. If he hides his cultivation level, wouldn't he be a great monk in the late stage of Yuanying? But he is less than a thousand years old. .

"What are you two muttering about?" Lang Xing asked strangely when he saw that Su Wan stopped talking after calling him.

Su Wan slowly flew to the back of the crane full of suspicion. Although the crane was three feet tall, the space for its feet to rest on its back was only a few feet wide. As soon as she came up, Lang Xing immediately stood up and stepped back. His eyes looked around unnaturally.

"Are you so unwilling to face me?" Su Wan asked, staring at his face.

"Just to avoid suspicion." Langxing's tone was emotionless, and saying these four words made him feel even more unhappy.

"I'm not..." What Su Wan wanted to say was that I'm not Tianqing's Taoist companion. Why do you want to avoid suspicion? But she couldn't continue in the middle of the sentence. She had already followed Tianqing to his cave. It was obvious that she was following Tianqing. For those who are closer, it is reasonable for Lang Xing to avoid suspicion.

Langxing waited for a while and saw that she had no intention of continuing, so he asked, "What do you want from me?"

Su Wan also turned her gaze aside, hesitating and not knowing what to say. Jiang Xiao just reminded her again not to inquire more about Lang Xing. She couldn't just turn a deaf ear and go her own way, and she was quite confident about approaching Lang Xing. , it was due to some inexplicable feeling of closeness, so she decided to ask him in person, but at this moment, Langxing's slightly indifferent attitude and the word "avoid suspicion" made her lose that confidence.

The two faced each other a few feet apart, each looking sideways. At first, they were a little embarrassed. Su Wan was thinking about how to answer Lang Xing's question. Lang Xing was thinking about whether he should urge Su Wan, but in the end neither of them did. They both seemed to be willing to stand like this, and the embarrassment in their hearts slowly dissipated. Lang Xing's wandering eyes settled down, and Su Wan's slightly frowned brows relaxed, both of them showing a look that seemed thoughtful. It also seems to have a calm expression without thinking.

"Hi." Jiangxiao broke the silence with a soft call.

The two looked at each other subconsciously, and Lang Xing immediately turned his head back. Su Wan looked at Lang Xing for a moment, and then turned to Jiang Xiao. She wanted to leave with the two of them first, and now she knew what was going on. If you want to find him, you can come anytime. The most important thing now is to find out whether Jiang Xiao's words about the two hiding their cultivation are true or false, and she also wants to find a chance to be alone with Lang Xing.

Before Su Wan could tell Jiang Xiao, Tianqing turned back from thousands of miles away.

"We can't find any blood traces. Let's search separately. Yuan Qing and Fang Zhi are on the left, and we are on the right. Let Fairy Jiang protect Lang Xing and follow slowly behind."

Amelia Su was a little hesitant and did not respond immediately.

Lang Xing didn't know that Su Wan was about to leave, so he thought she was worried about him and Jiang Xiao, so he said, "We won't rush too far forward. Just be more careful and don't worry about us."

Su Wan said to Jiangxiao, "Why don't you go with Tianqing, and I'll take care of Langxing."

Tianqing's brows moved slightly, and then she looked at Jiangxiao calmly.

Jiangxiao rolled his eyes and said, "Let's forget it. You guys help Tianqing clear the hidden dangers around the cave. I can't afford to risk my life by following him. I don't have such a deep friendship with him yet."

Tianqing shook his head and said with a smile, "You are really outspoken. Although this is not pleasant to hear, it is absolutely correct. Just protect Langxing." After saying that, he turned to Su Wan and said, "Let's go, Yuanqing and the others are already heading towards Go ahead."

Su Wan glanced at Jiangxiao dissatisfied and had no choice but to follow Tianqing. Jiangxiao was not only outspoken. The implication of these words was that she had a close relationship with Tianqing and could risk her life for Tianqing's affairs. Jiangxiao It was okay to mock her for holding a gun and a stick, but the problem was that Lang Xing was still listening, so she didn't dare to look at Lang Xing when she left.

Although Lang Xing didn't express anything, he was really depressed.

Jiangxiao flew onto Linghe's back like a normal person, sat side by side with Langxing, put her hand lightly on Langxing's arm and said spiritually, "I told her that these two people might be hiding their cultivation, but she didn't believe it. She has been fascinated by Tianqing, and her whole heart has gone to others. "

Lang Xing, who was already depressed, became even more upset. Thinking back to the look he had with Su Wan, he couldn't figure out what it was like. "Didn't I tell you that we are very close to each other? He is quite a friend to me and Xiyang. Besides, we have the support of Concubine Chan and Zixiao Palace over there. No matter how much he spends his time, he won't be able to The idea came to me. If he was really that bad, I would have ignored him."

Su Wan asked unwillingly, "Have people like Fairy Chan, the Second Fairy, and the Sixth Fairy from Zixiao Palace seen him?"

"I've seen it before. He has been to Zixiao Palace." Jiangxiao only said this and said no more.

"How come he, a disciple of Qianxu Palace, has been hanging out in Puyunzhou for so long?" Su Wan became more and more curious about this Langxing.

"If I could tell you, I would have told you a long time ago." Jiang Xiao looked embarrassed.

Su Wan stared at Lang Xing's back, bit her lips gently and said, "Then I'll ask him myself."

"He won't tell you. It would be even more troublesome if he did. Asking too much about some things can lead to disaster. Why didn't Xunyi tell you the truth in the first place? You should have more experience in this regard than others. "

Su Wan hesitated for a moment, then pushed Jiang Xiao away with determination and shouted "Lang Xing!"

"What's the matter?" Lang Xing tilted his head slightly, still not looking at Su Wan.

Jiang Xiao grabbed Su Wan's arm and secretly conveyed his spiritual message: "I have to tell you that Tianqing and Yuanqing seem to hide their cultivation. You have to be careful when using your spiritual message."

"What?" Su Wan was a little confused. Langxing could intercept the spiritual thoughts of high-level monks. Tianqing and Yuanqing hid her cultivation. She felt like she had fallen into a devil's cave all of a sudden. The whole world seemed fake. But then she thought about it, Jiangxiao told her these two things. Could it be that Jiangxiao was deliberately slandering Tianqing and Yuanqing?

Jiangxiao saw the suspicion in Su Wan's eyes and said sternly, "You don't have to believe it, but it doesn't hurt to be more careful." After that, she let go of her hand.

"Please tell me clearly." Su Wan didn't dare to take it lightly and grabbed Jiang Xiao's hand.

"I can't explain clearly. If you believe me, be careful." After Jiangxiao passed on this divine thought, he shook off Su Wan's hand.

Su Wan looked at Jiangxiao in a daze. Although she had a good impression of Tianqing, but comparing Tianqing and Jiangxiao together, of course she trusted Jiangxiao more. Among these people, she could trust her completely. Jiangxiao is the only one, but this thing is too unbelievable. Tianqing is already in the middle stage of Yuanying. If he hides his cultivation level, wouldn't he be a great monk in the late stage of Yuanying? But he is less than a thousand years old. .

"What are you two muttering about?" Lang Xing asked strangely when he saw that Su Wan stopped talking after calling him.

Su Wan slowly flew to the back of the crane full of suspicion. Although the crane was three feet tall, the space for its feet to rest on its back was only a few feet wide. As soon as she came up, Lang Xing immediately stood up and stepped back. His eyes looked around unnaturally.

"Are you so unwilling to face me?" Su Wan asked, staring at his face.

"Just to avoid suspicion." Langxing's tone was emotionless, and saying these four words made him feel even more unhappy.

"I'm not..." What Su Wan wanted to say was that I'm not Tianqing's Taoist companion. Why do you want to avoid suspicion, but she couldn't continue in the middle of the sentence. She had already followed Tianqing to his cave. It was obvious that she was following Tianqing. For those who are closer, it is reasonable for Lang Xing to avoid suspicion.

Langxing waited for a while and saw that she had no intention of continuing, so he asked, "What do you want from me?"

Su Wan also turned her gaze aside, hesitating and not knowing what to say. Jiang Xiao just reminded her again not to inquire more about Lang Xing. She couldn't just turn a deaf ear and go her own way, and she was quite confident about approaching Lang Xing. , it was due to some inexplicable feeling of closeness, so she decided to ask him in person, but at this moment, Langxing's slightly indifferent attitude and the word "avoid suspicion" made her lose that confidence.

The two faced each other a few feet apart, each looking sideways. At first, they were a little embarrassed. Su Wan was thinking about how to answer Lang Xing's question, and Lang Xing was thinking about urging Su Wan, but in the end neither of them did. They both seemed to be willing to stand like this, and the embarrassment in their hearts slowly dissipated. Lang Xing's wandering eyes settled down, and Su Wan's slightly frowned brows relaxed, both of them showing a look that seemed thoughtful. It also seems to have a calm expression without thinking.

"Hi." Jiangxiao broke the silence with a soft call.

The two looked at each other subconsciously, and Lang Xing immediately turned his head back. Su Wan looked at Lang Xing for a moment, and then turned to Jiang Xiao. She wanted to leave with the two of them first, and now she knew what was going on. If you want to find him, you can come anytime. The most important thing now is to find out whether Jiang Xiao's words about the two hiding their cultivation are true or false. Moreover, she also wants to find a chance to be alone with Lang Xing.

Before Su Wan could tell Jiang Xiao, Tianqing turned back from thousands of miles away.

"We can't find any blood traces. Let's search separately. Yuan Qing and Fang Zhi are on the left, and we are on the right. Let Fairy Jiang protect Lang Xing and follow slowly behind."

Amelia Su was a little hesitant and did not respond immediately.

Lang Xing didn't know that Su Wan was about to leave, so he thought she was worried about him and Jiang Xiao, so he said, "We won't rush too far forward. Just be more careful and don't worry about us."

Su Wan said to Jiangxiao, "Why don't you go with Tianqing, and I'll take care of Langxing."

Tianqing's brows moved slightly, and then she looked at Jiangxiao calmly.

Jiangxiao rolled his eyes and said, "Let's forget it. You guys help Tianqing clear the hidden dangers around the cave. I can't afford to risk my life by following him. I don't have such a deep friendship with him yet."

Tianqing shook his head and said with a smile, "You are really outspoken. Although this is not a good thing to hear, it is absolutely correct. Just protect Langxing." After saying that, he turned to Su Wan and said, "Let's go, Yuanqing and the others are already heading towards Go ahead."

Su Wan glanced at Jiangxiao dissatisfied and had no choice but to follow Tianqing. Jiangxiao was not only outspoken. The implication of these words was that she had a close relationship with Tianqing and could risk her life for Tianqing's affairs. Jiangxiao It was okay to mock her for holding a gun and a stick, but the problem was that Lang Xing was still listening, so she didn't dare to look at Lang Xing when she left.

Although Lang Xing didn't express anything, he was really depressed.

Jiangxiao flew onto Linghe's back like a normal person, sat side by side with Langxing, put her hand lightly on Langxing's arm and said spiritually, "I told her that these two people might be hiding their cultivation, but she didn't believe it. She has been fascinated by Tianqing, and her whole heart has gone to others. "

Lang Xing, who was already depressed, became even more upset. Thinking back to the look he had with Su Wan, he couldn't figure out what it was like.

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