Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1892 A red rock wall

Jiangxiao sighed, looked sideways at Lang Xing, half sighed and half advised, "This woman, once she is fascinated by a man, it is like being possessed by a demon. Even if the other man is a heinous bastard, she will be devoted to her." , even if you prove to her that Tianqing does hide your cultivation, it will be of no use. "

Lang Xing frowned and said, "What are you talking about? I suspect that Tianqing is not a good thing, and I'm afraid that she will be poisoned by Tianqing. It's not that I have other thoughts about her. You and Xunyi are inseparable." We know each other, and I should be more dedicated to Fairy Su than I am, so how can I ignore her while she is in danger?"

Jiangxiao said disapprovingly, "No matter what Tianqing is, his affection for Su Wan is genuine. How could he do anything vicious to Su Wan? Your master, Zhengtian Immortal Venerable, is notorious, so what do you think of your master, Immortal Concubine Huarui?" Did you marry the wrong person?"

"But..., you mean we just let it go?" Lang Xing was at a loss for words.

Jiangxiao stared at Tianqing and Su Wan three thousand miles away with her spiritual consciousness, and said with concern, "Although your master is extremely vicious, he still has his true character. Although Tianqing's affection for Su Wan is not fake, But after having more contact with this person, I don’t feel very good, especially after you told me about their hidden cultivation. The more I look at it, the more I feel something is wrong. There are two things that I can’t figure out the most.”

Jiangxiao looked at Lang Xing and continued, "First, judging from the appearance of blood and energy, he is indeed less than a thousand years old. If he really has the cultivation level of the late Nascent Soul, he is either a genius in cultivation or has practiced something that can change blood and energy." If his spell is the former, it's fine. If it's the latter, he might be a bad old man at heart." She heard that Zhixia said that Xunyi once obtained a piece of magic called Zhenyi from the Three Souls Immortal Lord. Yan Baodian's rare treasure, knowing that it can change the appearance of blood and energy, so she has this knowledge, but Yu Chan has not shown her the treasure.

Lang Xing said, "Even the latter situation can't be said to be that bad. In other words, it's immortality. If you look at the true and false with different eyes, the conclusion will be different. He has cultivated this young appearance, with With thousands of years of experience and knowledge, how different do you think this is from a wizard who is hundreds of years old? Gaining rich experience and extraordinary wisdom enable them to compete with great monks who have practiced for thousands of years in all aspects. "The reason for speaking for Tianqing at this point is to show Jiangxiao that he has no personal feelings for Su Wan. , but also out of emotion.

Jiangxiao didn't argue. Lang Xing was such a genius. It was not surprising that he had some unique insights in this area. Now was not the time to argue about this. She continued, "That's the first point. Let me The second point that makes you confused is that he seems to be a little too patient with you. Not to mention that he is a great monk in the late Yuanying stage. Even if he is in the middle stage of Yuanying, he will still be hard-pressed with you, a small monk in the Dan formation stage. He is disdainful, but I can't see any sign of impatience in his expression. Not only is he not there, he seems to attach great importance to you, which makes me very puzzled. "

Lang Xing didn't think about this problem, thought for a while and said, "This is not worthy of doubt. I think he wanted to show his generosity in front of Su Wan, and secondly, some of my views on emotions were recognized by him. , want to hear more from me, and the people in their Zuiqing Palace are interested in it. "

Jiangxiao shook his head slightly and said, "I have thought about what you said, and Sijia

, but I still feel that he is too patient with you. "

Langxing smiled and said, "The wisdom of this Immortal Lord can impress Shen Qing and even Monk Huayu. I think you are overly concerned."

Jiangxiao frowned and said, "But you are his love rival. I don't think he should deliberately give you a chance to show off your talents."

"He wants to completely outshine me."

"This is definitely true. If that's all, he can be considered a true gentleman, at least not a villain."

"He did it because he felt absolutely sure."

Jiangxiao's doubts have not been eliminated, and she thought, "Then we have to be more careful. Beware of him becoming angry. He failed to suppress you, and you suppressed him in Mingxuan's matter. Su Wan just now His attitude of wanting to stay and protect you only adds fuel to the fire. If he wasn't a good guy, I don't think he would be far away from attacking you. "

"I wish he could reveal his fox tail sooner, but he won't do anything too extreme in front of Su Wan." Thinking of the monster, Lang Xing narrowed his eyes slightly, "If you want to kill me, you can only use calculations. I suspect that this monster is related to them. Firstly, it appeared at the right time to help Tianqing resolve the dilemma. Secondly, I can feel that it is coming for me. You should pay attention. ”

"You should pay more attention to yourself." Jiangxiao felt a little upset. The matter between Lang Xing and Su Wan was enough to give her a headache, but Tianqing was also a troublesome person. If she had known this, she should not have pushed Su Wan away. Xiang Tianqing.

The crane flew gracefully among the green mountains and waters, and two worldly people were sitting on the back of the crane. If a mortal saw it, they would be extremely envious of the pair of gods, but they don't know that there is no trace of immortality in their hearts at this moment. Clean and relaxing.

But half an hour later, the four people who were searching separately flew into a huge canyon and seemed to have discovered something.

"They entered a canyon." Jiang Xiao passed the scene he saw with his spiritual consciousness to Lang Xing.

Lang Xing stared forward and sent back a clearer picture.

Jiangxiao glanced at Lang Xing sarcastically, but she couldn't help it. Although she had seen a lot of Lang Xing's methods and had long known that his spiritual detection ability was not weaker than that of the great monks in the late Nascent Soul, she still couldn't help it. Think of it as an alchemy monk.

When they flew into the canyon and found the four people, they were looking at a cliff deep in the canyon. There was a red circular area on the cliff. The color changed from dark red to fiery red from the outside to the inside. The center part It is as red as a ruby.

Su Wan came up to stop the two people who were coming over and said, "This place is a bit weird, you two don't get close yet."

"Who discovered it?" Jiang Xiao asked, looking at the rock wall.

"Me." Su Wan understood Jiang Xiao's intention in asking this.

Langxing silently urged Linghe to fly towards the rock wall. Su Wan glanced at Jiangxiao angrily, and Jiangxiao made a helpless expression and followed Langxing.

"Don't use your spiritual sense to look inside at will." Yuan Qing reminded the two people flying over with a solemn expression.

Before he finished speaking, Fairy Fanzhi let out an exclamation. As soon as the exclamation sounded, Fairy Fanzhi disappeared, and everyone noticed a wave of spiritual power generated by the rock wall. Jiangxiao sighed, looked sideways at Lang Xing, half sighed and half advised, "This woman, once she is fascinated by a man, it is like being possessed by a demon. Even if the other man is a heinous bastard, she will be devoted to her." , even if you prove to her that Tianqing does hide your cultivation, it will be of no use. "

Lang Xing frowned and said, "What are you talking about? I suspect that Tianqing is not a good thing, and I'm afraid that she will be poisoned by Tianqing. It's not that I have other thoughts about her. You and Xunyi are inseparable." We know each other, and I should be more dedicated to Fairy Su than I am, so how can I ignore her while she is in danger?"

Jiangxiao said disapprovingly, "No matter what Tianqing is, his affection for Su Wan is genuine. How could he do anything vicious to Su Wan? Your master, Zhengtian Immortal Venerable, is notorious, so what do you think of your master, Immortal Concubine Huarui?" Did you marry the wrong person? "

"But..., you mean we just let it go?" Lang Xing was at a loss for words.

Jiangxiao stared at Tianqing and Su Wan three thousand miles away with her spiritual consciousness, and said with concern, "Although your master is extremely vicious, he still has his true character. Although Tianqing's affection for Su Wan is not fake, But after having more contact with this person, I don’t feel very good, especially after you told me about their hidden cultivation. The more I look at it, the more I feel something is wrong. There are two things that I can’t figure out the most.”

Jiangxiao looked at Lang Xing and continued, "First, judging from the appearance of blood and energy, he is indeed less than a thousand years old. If he really has the cultivation level of the late Nascent Soul, he is either a genius in cultivation or has practiced something that can change blood and energy." If his spell is the former, it's fine. If it's the latter, he may be a bad old man at heart." She heard that Zhixia said that Xunyi had obtained a piece of magic called Zhenyi from the Three Souls Immortal Lord. Yan Baodian's rare treasure, knowing that it can change the appearance of blood and energy, so she has this knowledge, but Yu Chan has not shown her the treasure.

Lang Xing said, "Even the latter situation can't be said to be that bad. In other words, it's immortality. If you look at the true and false with different eyes, the conclusion will be different. He has cultivated this young appearance, with With thousands of years of experience and knowledge, how different do you think this is from a wizard who is hundreds of years old? Gaining rich experience and extraordinary wisdom enable them to compete with great monks who have practiced for thousands of years in all aspects. "The reason for speaking for Tianqing at this point is to show Jiangxiao that he has no personal feelings for Su Wan. , but also out of emotion.

Jiangxiao didn't argue. Lang Xing was such a genius. It was not surprising that he had some unique insights in this area. Now was not the time to argue about this. She continued, "That's the first point. Let me The second point that makes you confused is that he seems to be a little too patient with you. Not to mention that he is a great monk in the late Yuanying stage. Even if he is in the middle stage of Yuanying, he will still be hard-pressed with you, a small monk in the Dan formation stage. He is disdainful, but I can't see any sign of impatience in his expression. Not only is he not there, he seems to attach great importance to you, which makes me very puzzled. "

Lang Xing didn't think about this problem, thought for a while and said, "This is not worthy of doubt. I think he came here to show his generosity in front of Su Wan, and secondly, some of my views on emotions were recognized by him." , want to hear more from me, and the people in their Zuiqing Palace are interested in it. "

Jiangxiao shook his head slightly and said, "I have thought about what you said, and Sijia

, but I still feel that he is too patient with you. "

Langxing smiled and said, "The wisdom of this Immortal Lord can impress Shen Qing and even Monk Huayu. I think you are overly concerned."

Jiangxiao frowned and said, "But you are his love rival. I don't think he should deliberately give you a chance to show off your talents."

"He wants to completely outshine me."

"This is definitely true. If that's all, he can be considered a true gentleman, at least not a villain."

"He did it because he felt absolutely sure."

Jiangxiao's doubts have not been eliminated, and she thought, "Then we have to be more careful. Beware of him becoming angry. He failed to suppress you, and you suppressed him in Mingxuan's matter. Su Wan just now His attitude of wanting to stay and protect you only adds fuel to the fire. If he wasn't a good guy, I don't think he would be far away from attacking you. "

"I wish he could reveal his fox tail sooner, but he won't do anything too extreme in front of Su Wan." Thinking of the monster, Lang Xing narrowed his eyes slightly, "If you want to kill me, you can only use calculations. I suspect that this monster is related to them. Firstly, it appeared at the right time to help Tianqing resolve the dilemma. Secondly, I can feel that it is coming for me. You should pay attention. ”

"You should pay more attention to yourself." Jiangxiao felt a little upset. The matter between Lang Xing and Su Wan was enough to give her a headache, but Tianqing was also a troublesome person. If she had known this, she should not have pushed Su Wan away. Xiang Tianqing.

The crane flew gracefully among the green mountains and waters, and two worldly people were sitting on the back of the crane. If a mortal saw it, they would be extremely envious of the pair of gods, but they don't know that there is no trace of immortality in their hearts at this moment. Clean and relaxing.

But half an hour later, the four people who were searching separately flew into a huge canyon and seemed to have discovered something.

"They entered a canyon." Jiang Xiao passed the scene he saw with his spiritual consciousness to Lang Xing.

Lang Xing stared forward and sent back a clearer picture.

Jiangxiao glanced at Lang Xing sarcastically, but she couldn't help it. Although she had seen a lot of Lang Xing's methods and had long known that his spiritual detection ability was not weaker than that of the great monks in the late Nascent Soul, she still couldn't help it. Think of it as an alchemy monk.

When they flew into the canyon and found the four people, they were looking at a cliff deep in the canyon. There was a red circular area on the cliff. The color changed from dark red to fiery red from the outside to the inside. The center part It is as red as a ruby.

Su Wan came up to stop the two people who were coming over and said, "This place is a bit weird, you two don't get close yet."

"Who discovered it?" Jiang Xiao asked, looking at the rock wall.

"Me." Su Wan understood Jiang Xiao's intention in asking this.

Langxing silently urged Linghe to fly towards the rock wall. Su Wan glanced at Jiangxiao angrily, and Jiangxiao made a helpless expression and followed Langxing.

"Don't use your spiritual sense to look inside at will." Yuan Qing reminded the two people flying over with a solemn expression.

Before he finished speaking, Fairy Fanzhi let out an exclamation. As soon as the exclamation sounded, Fairy Fanzhi disappeared, and everyone noticed a wave of spiritual power generated by the rock wall.

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