Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1893 Weird Secret Realm

Chapter 1893

"Fang Zhi!" Yuan Qing exclaimed loudly, while Tian Qing quickly retreated.

"Fang Zhi!" Yuan Qing was so anxious that veins popped up on her forehead, and she stared at the rock wall with wide eyes.

"Senior brother!" Upon seeing this, Tianqing rushed forward and tried to pull Yuanqing away.

"Don't come here!" Yuan Qing, eyes red with anger, fired a burst of spiritual power without looking back, knocking Tian Qing backwards. Then another wave of spiritual power appeared on the rock wall, and his figure disappeared.

"Brother! Senior brother!" Tianqing shouted and rushed to the rock wall, waved his palm and hit a powerful spiritual force on the stone wall, but the rock wall silently absorbed the spiritual energy he shot. .

"Tianqing, calm down!" Su Wanyu stepped forward and pulled Tianqing away, but before she could get closer, Tianqing's figure disappeared.

"Tian Qing!" Su Wan looked back at Lang Xing while shouting, and rushed towards the cliff quickly.

"Don't go!" Jiangxiao quickly used her spiritual power to stop Su Wan, but she was too late. As her spiritual power fluctuated, Su Wan disappeared.

Langxing held the God Binding Jue in his hand and stared at the rock wall with a somewhat rapid breathing. He had a chance to block Su Wan with the God Binding Jue, but he held on at the last moment, but now he regrets it.

Everything happened too fast. Because he had prejudices against Tianqing and Yuanqing in his heart, after Yuanqing and Tianqing disappeared one after another, he was still laughing secretly that the two people were acting too fake, so he hesitated when Su Wan rushed forward. He thought for a moment that if he wanted to expose these two people, he would have to let them act out the trick to find flaws. But after Su Wan disappeared, he muttered, what if it wasn't what he guessed?

Jiang Xiao rushed over and grabbed Lang Xing's arm, fearing that Lang Xing would follow him.

Lang Xing said uneasily to Jiang Xiao, "This should be the two of them acting, right? Yuan Qing must have known that if he used his spiritual sense to detect it, he would be sucked in. His

The reminder is simply a temptation! "

"Don't worry about whether it's an act or not. We just don't want to follow him in." Jiang Xiao pulled Lang Xing and retreated five thousand feet away.

"No, how can we expose them if we don't go in?" Langxing said, staring at the rock wall.

"Don't worry, let's take a look and then talk."

Langxing turned his head and said with a little panic in his eyes, "If I guess wrong, they may be in danger at the moment."

"Concern leads to chaos, you calm down first!" Jiangxiao said as she used black hands on Lang Xing to seal his Qi, but before she could send her spiritual power into Lang Xing's body, Lang Xing's spirit The force has been blocked first.

"Don't go in. If I haven't come out after an hour, you immediately go to the Fifth Fairy Qi Jia and bring someone to rescue me. Don't go to Xiyang first!" Lang Xing said to Jiang Xiao, who had been sealed in the Qi Palace. After finishing, he rushed towards the rock wall in a hurry, gathered his consciousness and swept it upward, and his figure disappeared.

After only a few breaths, Jiangxiao's sealed Qi Palace was unlocked. Naturally, Langxing couldn't seal her for a long time in such a dangerous place.

"You bastard!" Jiangxiao yelled and rushed towards the rock wall. During the few breaths she was sealed, she had already made up her mind. Regardless of whether Tianqing and Yuanqing were playing tricks, she would go back and bring in reinforcements. It was definitely too late. If there was anything wrong with Langxing, she would not be able to explain it to Xiyang, nor to the people in Puyunzhou, nor to herself. She would have to fight even if she knew she had thrown herself into a trap.

Lang Xing fell to the ground in a burst of dizziness. The dizziness was not strong, it was the kind of dizziness when being teleported. The fall was because of the loss of cultivation.

When he realized that his cultivation was completely lost, Lang Xing's heart sank.

, but because he had the experience of breaking into Bingfeng's mysterious ice maze, he quickly calmed himself down, pretended to be exhausted and raised his head to look around for Su Wan.

He immediately felt something was wrong. There were mountains in front of him, and a vast expanse of water behind him. He was in a vast grassland. There was a clear difference in style between the mountains, rivers, and the land before he came in. , the most obvious difference is the flowers, plants and trees, which are completely different from the ones outside. Almost all of them are things he has never seen before. The differences are not particularly huge. Some of them have really never been seen before, while others look very cold. Only with familiarity and careful identification can you see the difference. Lang Xing studied alchemy and knows a lot about vegetation, so he can see it more clearly.

He subconsciously touched the weeds at his hand, and now he discovered something even more surprising. His hands couldn't touch the weeds at all. It felt like he was lying on the grass, but in fact he was hanging on the turf. Above, there seems to be a layer of mana attached to the weeds.

Langxing stretched out his finger to poke at the ground between the weeds, but when his finger was about to touch the ground, it was blocked by an invisible force. It seemed that this land was completely covered by magic power.

Langxing slowly climbed up and tried to take a few steps forward. Although he couldn't step on the grass on the ground, the feeling from his feet was the same as stepping on the grass, and the ups and downs of the ground were also real. Fair condition.

Although this kind of thing is a bit strange, it is not that unusual in the world of cultivation. Lang Xing has no time to investigate further at the moment and walks forward. The most important thing now is to find Su Wan as soon as possible.

As he started walking, Langxing looked at the endless wilderness and couldn't help but feel worried. Now, with his eyesight far beyond ordinary people, he could still see hundreds of miles away. Normally, he would have passed by just moving his body, but now he was walking on two legs. It would be difficult. Who knows how big this world is? The area within his field of vision is enough for him to walk on it.

It's been a few days, and it has to be said that when he has the magical power of the mind, it would be even more difficult for others to search back and forth.

Fortunately, the magical power of the mind does not require spiritual power. Langxing quietly used the magical power of the mind while walking, and then he became excited. He sensed that there was a person two or three hundred miles ahead. With his current perception In terms of ability, this distance is not far, and after a little identification, it is confirmed that the person is Su Wan!

Langxing suppressed the excitement in his heart and continued to look around as he walked forward. He had to be wary of someone peeping in the dark. The range of his mind's perception could not be compared with the detection range of the great monk's spiritual consciousness.

Half an hour later, Su Wan's shouts could be heard after walking through a dense forest.

"Tian Qing! Tian Qing! Tian Qing..."

This shout made Langxing slow down his pace for a moment, and then he hurried forward.

Su Wan had calmed down from the initial panic, and her pretty face was more anxious. When she turned around a small bush and suddenly saw Lang Xing appearing next to a big tree less than a hundred feet away from her, she couldn't help but His bright eyes widened in surprise.

Lang Xing stood there and looked at her with a calm face. This made Su Wan's extremely excited mood calm down for the most part before it even got excited.

"You...why did you come in?" After she recovered, she asked with a stern expression as she walked towards Langxing. She looked like she had nothing to say, but in fact she was extremely anxious. Of course, she knew that she was the one who dragged her into this. Lang Xing's appearance made it difficult for her to express her anxiety, so she seemed even more apologetic.

s noticed that some websites are updated a few hours later than the first website. I will try to post earlier in the future, um... you're welcome! Brothers and sisters, if you are affected, just leave a rating on their respective websites.

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