Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1894 I won’t let you starve to death

Lang Xing didn't say a word. He looked away without waiting for her to come closer. He was on alert, but his expression was calm and steady. He just used this to avoid looking into Su Wan's eyes. If there were any enemies nearby, he would be careful. Once you have a clear perception of your magical power, you will certainly be able to be calm and composed.

"Has Jiang Xiao come in?" Su Wan walked up to Lang Xing and asked in a low voice.

"I don't know, probably not." Lang Xing's tone was flat. He had to pretend to be a little bit. He felt quite embarrassed about risking his way in for Su Wan, so he wanted to try his best to prevent Su Wan from thinking that he was Came for her.

"Langxing, I'm sorry..." Su Wan felt so uncomfortable. Regardless of whether Langxing was Xunyi's reincarnation or not, she was the one who put her in this dangerous situation.

"It's none of your business, I came in because of curiosity." After finishing speaking, Langxing walked towards the mountains in the distance.

Su Wan pursed her lips tightly and followed him, too embarrassed to call Tianqing again.

Langxing stopped not far away and said without looking back, "Just wait here, don't follow me."

Su Wan said softly, "It's too weird here. Let's act together. I am the bones of the middle Nascent Soul and I won't drag you down."

"The muscles and bones are useless in the late stage of Nascent Soul. If there is a master here, he must be able to use his cultivation. Just wait here and I will go check it out myself." After he finished speaking, he walked forward quickly. go.

Su Wan got in front of him, stopped him from saying nice things and said, "Let's go together. After all, we have someone to take care of us."

Langxing said a little impatiently, "I'm afraid you will bring bad luck to me, so just wait here!" He didn't mean to be angry. If this was a trick played by Tianqing and Yuanqing, then he said Maybe he would deliberately create some dangers to make him show his greedy and fearful look in front of Su Wan. In short, it would be safer to let Su Wan wait here.

Su Wan was angered by his words, and she suppressed her anger and said, "Okay, it's up to you." After saying that, she walked to the other side, and before taking two steps, she shouted loudly, "Tianqing! Tianqing!" It must be louder than before.

Langxing stood there and listened to her shouting several times, and finally couldn't help but said, "Can you stop shouting! We haven't found out what the situation is here yet. Shouting like this can easily lead to danger."

Su Wan turned around with a sullen face that sounded a bit vindictive, "Didn't you just say that if there is a master here, he must be able to use his cultivation. So what's the difference between shouting and not shouting?"

"Of course there is a difference. Who knows how big this place is. They may not notice it for a while. If you shout, they will be easily discovered. It is also possible that they are in retreat. If you don't shout, they will not be easily disturbed. And there are Maybe they are just spiritual beasts, and they won’t attack us unless we make a lot of noise.”

Su Wan had carefully considered whether she should shout about it. She had thought about what Lang Xing said, but she couldn't get even a little food and water here, and the area was so vast. If she didn't shout, she might die. She couldn't find Tianqing, so she decided to shout. After meeting Lang Xing, she could have discussed whether there was a better way, but Lang Xing's attitude made her have no choice but to deliberately make this guy angry.

"Then just stay away from me and let me draw out the danger. I'll use it as a stepping stone for you." Su Wan said.

Then he turned around and walked away again, continuing to shout "Tianqing! Tianqing!"

Lang Xing caught up with her helplessly and said, "Okay, okay, please stop shouting."

Su Wan said with an angry look, "Don't follow me, it will be bad if it brings you bad luck."

This made Langxing see the side of this gentle fairy that was not easy to mess with. He changed his expression to a calm expression and said, "I know you are eager to find Tianqing, but you can't be so desperate and ignore it. Don't be anxious, be steady first." Only in this way can we find a way out of the predicament.”

Su Wan achieved her goal and stopped being angry. She pointed around and said, "You have seen it too. This is a desperate place. We can't last long without water and food after losing our cultivation. We still have to Traveling across mountains and rivers to find them will consume you even faster.”

Langxing muttered, "I don't think there's any need to rush to find them. It's more important to find out the situation here first and see if we can find a way out. There's no use finding them now. If you can go out, you can bring some food in before going." Find them."

Su Wan looked at Lang Xing and had to look at this boy with admiration again. Needless to say, his calmness without panicking in times of danger. His words revealed strong confidence. In this situation, a young monk who formed pills not only didn't want to go Relying on the great monks, but also thinking that finding those people is useless, this kind of confidence is not something ordinary people can have.

Seeing her looking at him with strange eyes, Langxing smiled and said, "I'll find a way. Just wait here and I won't let you starve to death." Entering the Qiankun Bag does not require spiritual power. He can go in and have a big meal at any time, and he can also bring food and water out. With this escape route, he can certainly show some confidence.

Su Wan said sincerely, "How can I sit still? If you're afraid of getting into bad luck, let's go separate ways. I'll just stop calling you."

Langxing no longer avoided Su Wan's gaze this time. After looking at Su Wan with a somewhat displeased look for a while, he turned around and continued walking forward without saying anything. Although it was reasonable for Su Wan to be anxious to find Tianqing. But this will definitely make him feel very unhappy. He really wants to stop caring about Su Wan, but he can't conclude that this is a trick played by Tianqing and Yuanqing. It would be too dangerous for Su Wan to run wild on her own.

Su Wan frowned and followed Lang Xing. She knew why Lang Xing was unhappy, but she couldn't ignore Tian Qing. If Tian Qing and Lang Xing were in another position, she would try her best to find Lang Xing now. of. It wasn't just Long Xing who was suffering, she had more bitterness in her heart than Long Xing.

The two walked in silence for a while. Langxing stopped in front of a weeping willow and reached out to break the branch hanging in front of him.

Su Wan watched quietly. She had done this kind of thing before. She knew that she couldn't touch the willow branch at all, nor could she bend the layer of magic attached to it. She believed that Lang Xing had done this more than once before. tried, so she said nothing.

Lang Xing quickly let go of his hand, turned around and sat on the grass facing Su Wan, looking like he didn't want to leave.

Amelia Su remained silent and sat down with him, waiting to hear what he wanted to say to her.

Lang Xing didn't speak immediately. He looked over Su Wan's shoulder with a blank look, as if he was thinking about something.

Su Wan endured the anxiety in her heart and remained calm. Lang Xing didn't say a word. He looked away without waiting for her to come closer. He was on alert, but his expression was calm and steady. He just used this to avoid looking into Su Wan's eyes. If there were any enemies nearby, he would be careful. Once you have a clear perception of your magical power, you will certainly be able to be calm and composed.

"Has Jiang Xiao come in?" Su Wan walked up to Lang Xing and asked in a low voice.

"I don't know, probably not." Lang Xing's tone was flat. He had to pretend to be a little bit. He felt quite embarrassed about risking his way in for Su Wan, so he wanted to try his best to prevent Su Wan from thinking that he was Came for her.

"Langxing, I'm sorry..." Su Wan felt so uncomfortable. Regardless of whether Langxing was Xunyi's reincarnation or not, she was the one who put her in this dangerous situation.

"It's none of your business, I came in because of curiosity." After finishing speaking, Langxing walked towards the mountains in the distance.

Su Wan pursed her lips tightly and followed him, too embarrassed to call Tianqing again.

Langxing stopped not far away and said without looking back, "Just wait here, don't follow me."

Su Wan said softly, "It's too weird here. Let's act together. I am the bones of the middle Nascent Soul and I won't drag you down."

"The muscles and bones are useless in the late stage of Nascent Soul. If there is a master here, he must be able to use his cultivation. Just wait here and I will go check it out myself." After he finished speaking, he walked forward quickly. go.

Su Wan got in front of him, stopped him from saying nice things and said, "Let's go together. After all, we have someone to take care of us."

Langxing said a little impatiently, "I'm afraid you will bring bad luck to me, so just wait here!" He didn't mean to be angry. If this was a trick played by Tianqing and Yuanqing, then he said Maybe he would deliberately create some dangers to make him show his greedy and fearful look in front of Su Wan. In short, it would be safer to let Su Wan wait here.

Su Wan was angered by his words, and she suppressed her anger and said, "Okay, it's up to you." After saying that, she walked to the other side, and before taking two steps, she shouted loudly, "Tianqing! Tianqing!" It must be louder than before.

Lang Xing stood there and listened to her shouting several times, and finally couldn't help but said, "Can you stop shouting! We haven't found out what the situation is here yet. Shouting like this can easily lead to danger."

Su Wan turned around with a sullen face that sounded a bit vindictive, "Didn't you just say that if there is a master here, he must be able to use his cultivation. So what's the difference between shouting and not shouting?"

"Of course there is a difference. Who knows how big this place is. They may not notice it for a while. If you shout, they will be easily discovered. It is also possible that they are in retreat. If you don't shout, they will not be easily disturbed. And there are Maybe they are just spiritual beasts, and they won’t attack us unless we make a lot of noise.”

Su Wan had carefully considered whether she should shout about it. She had thought about what Lang Xing said, but she couldn't get even a little food and water here, and the area was so vast. If she didn't shout, she might die. She couldn't find Tianqing, so she decided to shout. After meeting Lang Xing, she could have discussed whether there was a better way, but Lang Xing's attitude made her have no choice but to deliberately anger the boy.

"Then just stay away from me and let me draw out the danger. I'll use it as a stepping stone for you." Su Wan said.

Then he turned around and walked away again, continuing to shout "Tianqing! Tianqing!"

Lang Xing caught up with her helplessly and said, "Okay, okay, please stop shouting."

Su Wan said with an angry look, "Don't follow me, it will be bad if it brings you bad luck."

This made Langxing see the side of this gentle fairy that was not easy to mess with. He changed his expression to a calm expression and said, "I know you are eager to find Tianqing, but you can't be so desperate and ignore it. Don't be anxious, be steady first." Only in this way can we find a way out of the predicament.”

Su Wan achieved her goal and stopped being angry. She pointed around and said, "You have seen it. This is a desperate place. We can't last long without water and food after losing our cultivation. We still have to Traveling across mountains and rivers to find them will consume you even faster.”

Langxing muttered, "I don't think there's any need to rush to find them. It's more important to find out the situation here first and see if we can find a way out. There's no use finding them now. If you can go out, you can bring some food in before going." Find them."

Su Wan looked at Lang Xing and had to look at this boy with admiration again. Needless to say, his calmness without panicking in times of danger. His words revealed strong confidence. Not only did a little monk who formed an alchemy not want to go under such circumstances, Relying on the great monks, but also thinking that finding those people is useless, this kind of confidence is not something ordinary people can have.

Seeing her looking at him with strange eyes, Langxing smiled and said, "I'll find a way. Just wait here and I won't let you starve to death." Entering the Qiankun Bag does not require spiritual power. He can go in and have a big meal at any time, and he can also bring food and water out. With this escape route, he can certainly show some confidence.

Su Wan said sincerely, "How can I sit still? If you're afraid of getting into bad luck, let's go separate ways. I'll just stop calling you."

Langxing no longer avoided Su Wan's gaze this time. After looking at Su Wan with a somewhat displeased look for a while, he turned around and continued walking forward without saying anything. Although it was reasonable for Su Wan to be anxious to find Tianqing. But this will definitely make him feel very unhappy. He really wants to stop caring about Su Wan, but he can't conclude that this is a trick played by Tianqing and Yuanqing. It would be too dangerous for Su Wan to run wild on her own.

Su Wan frowned and followed Lang Xing. She knew why Lang Xing was unhappy, but she couldn't ignore Tian Qing. If Tian Qing and Lang Xing were in another position, she would try her best to find Lang Xing now. of. It wasn't just Long Xing who was suffering, she had more bitterness in her heart than Long Xing.

The two walked in silence for a while. Langxing stopped in front of a weeping willow and reached out to break the branch hanging in front of him.

Su Wan watched quietly. She had done this kind of thing before. She knew that she couldn't touch the willow branch at all, nor could she bend the layer of magic attached to it. She believed that Lang Xing had done this more than once before. tried, so she said nothing.

Lang Xing quickly let go of his hand, turned around and sat on the grass facing Su Wan, looking like he didn't want to leave.

Amelia Su remained silent and sat down with him, waiting to hear what he wanted to say to her.

Lang Xing didn't speak immediately. He looked over Su Wan's shoulder with a blank look, as if he was thinking about something.

Su Wan endured the anxiety in her heart and remained calm.

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