Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1895 Water is still

After a while, Langxing said, "I think it's hard for us to find a way. It's like a mouse put in a stone box. It can't bite through or find any gaps. Who has the ability to create such a secret realm?" People will not leave any loopholes for us to find."

Su Wan looked at Lang Xing with her bright eyes flashing. Although Lang Xing's words were quite depressing, her expression was stern but not depressed. It could be seen that she had not lost confidence, so she continued to remain silent and waited for him to continue.

Lang Xing focused his empty eyes on Su Wan's calm and pretty face, showed a faint smile and said, "I wanted to advise you not to panic or despair, but it seems that you are doing much better than I expected."

Su Wan's clear and bright eyes showed calmness and wisdom, and she said in a cold voice, "I am a female cultivator who has reached the middle stage of Nascent Soul. I am not a little girl who gets distracted when something happens. I shouted out just now after careful consideration. You don't have to worry that I will cause trouble for you. Even if I know that I will die here, I can face it calmly. I am no worse than you in terms of calmness and calmness. If you have anything to say, just say it. We don't have much time. It’s wasteful.”

"Really? Then I have to give it a try." Lang Xing smiled and just finished speaking, he suddenly punched Su Wan in the face.

Su Wan hurriedly ducked to the side. Although Langxing caught her off guard, the two were not on the same level in terms of agility, so it was not difficult for her to dodge this sudden attack.

"Stop making trouble." Su Wan said displeasedly to Lang Xing who withdrew his hand. The scolding was not harsh, and there was something obviously strange in the displeasure look she looked at Lang Xing, because Lang Xing took advantage of this. With one blow, he sent a message to her with his heart, "Don't show your face."

"Stop making trouble!" Su Wan then scolded her with aggravated displeasure on her face. Then she frowned and lowered her head as if she was upset, as if she was too lazy to pay attention to this childish person.

"Haha." Langxing smiled pretending to be embarrassed. He was quite satisfied with Su Wan's performance. It was too easy to send messages from the heart to people. To tell Su Wan this secret, he had to help her cover it up. That's why he threw that punch.

"Then what do you think of this secret realm?" Lang Xing asked seriously as if he no longer looked down upon Su Wan.

Su Wan frowned and shook her head. She was not in the mood to speak at the moment, so this response was considered appropriate.

Through silence, Langxing said with his heart, "To prevent anyone from prying around, I have to reveal this magical power to you. Whether you believe it or not, I still suspect that this is a trick played by Tianqing and Yuanqing."

Su Wan suppressed the huge waves caused by this strange incident in her heart, pretending to be anxious, lowered her head and tried in vain to pull out the weeds at hand.

Lang Xing stood up and said, "Then you can only look around first before talking. If you are willing to follow me, then follow me. Remember what you said. Stay calm at all times and don't cause trouble for me."

"It's still unclear who will cause trouble for whom." Su Wan stood up and choked him angrily. She couldn't help but express some intimacy in her words. Lang Xing revealed such a big secret to her. , which naturally greatly increased her trust in Lang Xing.

Langxing snorted and strode forward. As he walked, he said in his heart, "Just listen to me and don't show any inappropriate expressions. Although you discovered that rock wall, I suspect it was the weather." Qing and Yuanqing deliberately led us here by tracking the monster. The monster may have really entered.

Here, they are a group. After walking here for so long, I haven’t seen a single corpse. If this place is so easy to find and enter, then there must be many before us. People and monsters came in, so I guessed that Tianqing and Yuanqing temporarily removed the invisible magic circle on that rock wall. The rock wall was just a teleportation trap connected to this place. "

Su Wan looked around with her eyes, her bright eyes blinking. She did not fully agree with Lang Xing's judgments, but the fact that there were no corpses did make sense. She had to admire this boy's thoughtfulness.

Lang Xing's mind has always been meticulous, because relying on the magical power of the mind, the Immortal Qiankun Bag and other means can give him the confidence to stay calm enough to think calmly. In comparison, Su Wan's heart is panicked. More than that, it is reasonable not to consider these for a while.

Lang Xing paused for a while before continuing, "No matter what situation you encounter next, don't be afraid. I still have some methods available, but you must completely trust me, so that my methods can work wonders."

Su Wan stared at Lang Xing's back, and felt something different in her heart. Xunyi was not very skilled but had a lot of strange tricks. She could not imagine that this person, who only had the cultivation of pill formation, What other methods could the boy use in such an environment, but this magical power of mind was already beyond her knowledge. Since this boy dared to say that, she thought that he had similar shocking abilities. She was itching to I really want to see it right away.

It is lucky for a person to have a calm partner in a desperate situation. From this point of view, both Lang Xing and Su Wan are lucky. Lang Xing's calmness made Su Wan no longer eager to find Tianqing. Maybe this kid could really find a way out. It wouldn't be too late to find Tianqing after he found a way out. Su Wan's calmness made Lang Xing A lot of trouble is saved. This fairy is not only courageous but also smart enough. The overall feeling is that it is very trouble-free, which is extremely important in the current situation.

When he came to a small river, Langxing stopped and bent down to take a closer look at the water. The water was so clear that it was almost invisible.

"Water is still." Lang Xing straightened up and said to Su Wan with a slight frown.

"Fish are also stationary." Su Wan pointed to the river five or six feet away, where there was a small fish with silver scales as long as fingers.

Langxing stepped on the layer of protection on the river and walked over, staring at the small fish. This kind of small fish can be found in rivers in most places. Apart from being frozen in the ice and motionless, there is nothing. Exceptions.

After crossing the river, Langxing continued to walk forward while speaking in his heart: "At first I thought that this world was sealed with magic power, but now I feel that everything here seems lifeless, including the flowers, plants and trees. , including this little fish, they seemed to be lifeless from the beginning.”

Su Wan couldn't help but move her brows slightly. She didn't know where Lang Xing saw this. In her opinion, everything here was very real. It was just that a living world was suddenly sealed. She could only It was so awkward to hear Lang Xing talk about himself but not be able to speak.

sThanks to brother jiy for his monthly ticket, and to brother ?163yd0349? for becoming the helmsman of this book. In order not to affect everyone’s reading, I didn’t want to thank the new helmsman one by one, but brother 163 didn’t use the website red envelope and directly used real money. I don’t get any income from subscribing to the full book or red envelope subscription, so I sincerely thank Brother 163 for his support. After a while, Langxing said, "I think it's hard for us to find a way. It's like a mouse put in a stone box. It can't bite through or find any gaps. Who has the ability to create such a secret realm?" People will not leave any loopholes for us to find."

Su Wan looked at Lang Xing with her bright eyes flashing. Although Lang Xing's words were quite depressing, her expression was stern but not depressed. It could be seen that she had not lost confidence, so she continued to remain silent and waited for him to continue.

Lang Xing focused his empty eyes on Su Wan's calm and pretty face, showed a faint smile and said, "I wanted to advise you not to panic or despair, but it seems that you are doing much better than I expected."

Su Wan's clear and bright eyes showed calmness and wisdom, and she said in a cold voice, "I am a female cultivator who has reached the middle stage of Nascent Soul. I am not a little girl who gets distracted when something happens. I shouted out just now after careful consideration. You don't have to worry that I will cause trouble for you. Even if I know that I will die here, I can face it calmly. I am no worse than you in terms of calmness and calmness. If you have anything to say, just say it. We don't have much time. It’s wasteful.”

"Really? Then I have to give it a try." Lang Xing smiled and just finished speaking, he suddenly punched Su Wan in the face.

Su Wan hurriedly ducked to the side. Although Langxing caught her off guard, the two were not on the same level in terms of agility, so it was not difficult for her to dodge this sudden attack.

"Stop making trouble." Su Wan said displeasedly to Lang Xing who withdrew his hand. The scolding was not harsh, and there was something obviously strange in the displeasure look she looked at Lang Xing, because Lang Xing took advantage of this. With one blow, he sent a message to her with his heart, "Don't show your face."

"Stop making trouble!" Su Wan then scolded her with aggravated displeasure on her face. Then she frowned and lowered her head as if she was upset, as if she was too lazy to pay attention to this childish person.

"Haha." Langxing smiled pretending to be embarrassed. He was quite satisfied with Su Wan's performance. It was too easy to send messages from the heart to people. To tell Su Wan this secret, he had to help her cover it up. That's why he threw that punch.

"Then what do you think of this secret realm?" Lang Xing asked seriously as if he no longer looked down upon Su Wan.

Su Wan frowned and shook her head. She was not in the mood to speak at the moment, so this response was considered appropriate.

Through silence, Langxing said with his heart, "To prevent anyone from prying around, I have to reveal this magical power to you. Whether you believe it or not, I still suspect that this is a trick played by Tianqing and Yuanqing."

Su Wan suppressed the huge waves caused by this strange incident in her heart, pretending to be anxious, lowered her head and tried in vain to pull out the weeds at hand.

Lang Xing stood up and said, "Then you can only look around first before talking. If you are willing to follow me, then follow me. Remember what you said. Stay calm at all times and don't cause trouble for me."

"It's still unclear who will cause trouble for whom." Su Wan stood up and choked him angrily. She couldn't help but express some intimacy in her words. Lang Xing revealed such a big secret to her. , which naturally greatly increased her trust in Lang Xing.

Langxing snorted and strode forward. As he walked, he said in his heart, "Just listen to me and don't show any inappropriate expressions. Although you discovered that rock wall, I suspect it was the weather." Qing and Yuanqing deliberately led us here by tracking the monster. The monster may have really entered.

Here, they are a group. After walking here for so long, I haven’t seen a single corpse. If this place is so easy to find and enter, then there must be many before us. People and monsters came in, so I guessed that Tianqing and Yuanqing temporarily removed the invisible magic circle on that rock wall. The rock wall was just a teleportation trap connected to this place. "

Su Wan looked around with her eyes, her bright eyes blinking. She did not fully agree with Lang Xing's judgments, but the fact that there were no corpses did make sense. She had to admire this boy's thoughtfulness.

Lang Xing's mind has always been meticulous, because relying on the magical power of the mind, the Immortal Qiankun Bag and other means can give him the confidence to stay calm enough to think calmly. In comparison, Su Wan's heart is panicked. More than that, it is reasonable not to consider these for a while.

Lang Xing paused for a while before continuing, "No matter what situation you encounter next, don't be afraid. I still have some methods available, but you must completely trust me, so that my methods can work wonders."

Su Wan stared at Lang Xing's back, and felt something different in her heart. Xunyi was not very skilled but had a lot of strange tricks. She could not imagine that this person, who only had the cultivation of pill formation, What other methods could the boy use in such an environment, but this magical power of mind was already beyond her knowledge. Since this boy dared to say that, she thought that he had similar shocking abilities. She was itching to I really want to see it right away.

It is lucky for a person to have a calm partner in a desperate situation. From this point of view, both Lang Xing and Su Wan are lucky. Lang Xing's calmness made Su Wan no longer eager to find Tianqing. Maybe this kid could really find a way out. It wouldn't be too late to find Tianqing after he found a way out. Su Wan's calmness made Lang Xing A lot of trouble is saved. This fairy is not only courageous but also smart enough. The overall feeling is that it is very trouble-free, which is extremely important in the current situation.

When he came to a small river, Langxing stopped and bent down to take a closer look at the water. The water was so clear that it was almost invisible.

"Water is still." Lang Xing straightened up and said to Su Wan with a slight frown.

"Fish are also stationary." Su Wan pointed to the river five or six feet away, where there was a small fish with silver scales as long as fingers.

Langxing stepped on the layer of protection on the river and walked over, staring at the small fish. This kind of small fish can be found in rivers in most places. Apart from being frozen in the ice and motionless, there is nothing. Exceptions.

After crossing the river, Langxing continued to walk forward while speaking in his heart: "At first I thought that this world was sealed with magic power, but now I feel that everything here seems lifeless, including the flowers, plants and trees. , including this little fish, they seemed to be lifeless from the beginning.”

Su Wan couldn't help but move her brows slightly. She didn't know where Lang Xing saw this. In her opinion, everything here was very real. It was just that a living world was suddenly sealed. She could only It was so awkward to hear Lang Xing talk about himself but not be able to speak.

sThanks to brother jiy for his monthly ticket, and to brother ?163yd0349? for becoming the helmsman of this book. In order not to affect everyone’s reading, I didn’t want to thank the new helmsman one by one, but brother 163 didn’t use the website red envelope and directly used real money. I don’t get any income from subscribing to the full book or red envelope subscription, so I sincerely thank Brother 163 for his support.

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