Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1912 That’s all you can boast about

"If you can get out, where will you go next?" Su Wan asked about Lang Xing's future whereabouts.

"Go back to your Xuanfang faction to meet up with Xiyang and the others. Jiangxiao wants to go to Yuhai to look for Gongsun Chong. Xiyang plans to drag you along." Langxing originally strongly opposed Xiyang's idea of ​​dragging Su Wan along, but now he took the initiative to drag him along. After the news was revealed, he felt that it would be better for Su Wan to go to Yuhai than to let her hang out with Tianqing.

"Oh? I have met Gongsun Chong. If Jiangxiao and the others find out about him, I would be willing to follow him and find him. Where is Yuhai?" Su Wan looked interested.

"It's in the southwest, very remote, very far away. It's a sea area outside Nanjingzhou. It's quite dangerous to go there."

"Then it's more time for me to follow you. Firstly, I can give you a helping hand, and secondly, it can be a training experience."

"Let's talk about it then, this matter hasn't been finalized yet."

"If you can't make the trip, what are your plans? Find Sijia?" Su Wan looked at him with a different look and asked.

"Her retreat time this time is too short." Lang Xing's expression was a little embarrassed, and he said vaguely, "She is a late-stage monk, and I can't always disturb her."

There was a joking smile in Su Wan's eyes, but she didn't really joke and continued to ask, "Then where are you going?"

Lang Xing pondered and said, "Perhaps I will visit my disciples first, then go to the battlefield ahead to settle a debt, and then... find a place to live as a long-term residence."

"Have you accepted any disciples?" Su Wan asked in amusement. Although she had already accepted many disciples when she was at the same level as Lang Xing, Lang Xing's childishness sometimes made her feel that Lang Xing was not a capable person. Master's person.

"It's purely a coincidence. I didn't want to accept a disciple. How can I accept a disciple with my little cultivation." Lang Xing misunderstood the smile in Su Wan's tone.

"No, no, I accepted a disciple in the middle stage of the pill formation. I didn't mean to say that your cultivation level is low. I just think..." Su Wan kept her mouth shut in time. If she said that Lang Xing was a bit childish, Lang Xing would definitely be even more unhappy. , she waved her hands with a smile and said, "Where are your disciples now? If you don't dislike you, you can stay in the Xuanfang Sect temporarily, and don't look for a place to live. The defeat of the monsters in Shui Qingzhou has been decided. I want to use It won’t be long before you can return to Qianxu Palace.”

"Thank you for your kindness, but we want to find a place for ourselves to practice outside the master's gate, not just for temporary residence."

"Do you want to start your own sect? Who is there? Are Xiyang and Jiangxiao with you?"

"It's just Lu Gang, Shu Yan and I. We are not starting a sect, we just want to be more free. We will still return to the master's school often."

"Oh, then you have to tell me after you find a good place. It will be easier to find you in the future, or I can help you find it. I am quite free now. At this stage of my cultivation, I can only wait for the one that can make me The aura of breaking through has arrived.”

"Okay, I wish I could ask for it." Lang Xing's tone was a bit perfunctory. Su Wan's enthusiasm made it difficult for him to refuse, but if he got too close to Su Wan, his guilt for Yu Chan would become stronger again, and he himself felt The perfunctory tone in his tone was too obvious, and he continued in a joking tone, "You are really broad-minded, and you actually have the leisure to talk about this now."

Su Wan said helplessly, "I would like to talk about the predicament at hand, but there is really nothing to talk about, and I can't find any way out."

"That's right." Lang Xing agreed.


I started to agree with your idea of ​​a quick solution, but now it feels a bit uncomfortable. "She is not in favor of a quick resolution, but is afraid that if she delays it for too long, Tian Qing will starve to death.

"It would be great if you could agree." Langxing felt more and more that Su Wan was good, independent and not stubborn.

"You are very wise." Su Wan put a high hat on Lang Xing.

"Stop making fun of me." Lang Xing said sweetly in his heart.

"I'm telling the truth. At first I thought you were just relying on the support behind you, but now I see that there is something extraordinary about you."

"Okay, okay, that's all you have to say, hahaha." Lang Xing felt a little overwhelmed by the praise and felt a little embarrassed.

"We can be considered friends." Su Wan took the opportunity to get close to each other. If she could escape, she was going to put Tian Qing aside first. It was her turn to spend some time on Lang Xing.

"Of course, a real friend in need."

Su Wan nodded with satisfaction, "Then I'll do it once. You can't get angry with me every time in the future. If you have any dissatisfaction with me, you should speak it out calmly. I really treat you as a friend."

"It's not that I'm being angry with you, it's that you are too..." Lang Xing didn't want to ruin the atmosphere at the moment, so he waved his hand and said, "Okay, let's not talk anymore. We will have something to talk about in the future."

"I have listened to you so much. You really shouldn't be dissatisfied with this. I also have something to hide. And if you think about it from my position, how can I, a person in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, easily treat someone like me?" Do you obey the advice of a cultivator in the Kailuo Stage?"

"Okay, I will let you continue to admire me. Then all you have to do is tell me that you were stupid at that time, just like you admit that you were stupid when you became Xun Yi's master now."

"Go to hell!" Su Wan scolded unconvinced, but her heart was secretly shaken. The speaker was unintentional, but the listener was intentional. Lang Xing's joke made Su Wan a little moved. Is it really arranged by God? Let her wrong Xun Yi again? Lang Xing suddenly said this. Is Xun Yi trying to hint to himself through Lang Xing?

"Hahaha, let's wait and see!" Lang Xing was full of confidence and laughed happily. He didn't have the blessing to enjoy such fun in his previous life. Although Su Wan had shown some girlish charm to Xun Yi in the later period, she was not as open as she was at this moment, and Xun Yi didn't dare to bear it.

The two talked about this and that for a while, and Lang Xing fell silent first, still because of Yu Chan.

After the sky was bright, Lang Xing looked back and forth at the flowers, plants and trees nearby, pretending to be looking for clues, because Tian Qing didn't move.

Su Wan kept her promise and waited quietly. Although her face was calm, she was inexplicably entangled in her heart. She knew that Lang Xing was competing with Tian Qing. She longed for a chance to meet Tian Qing, but after seeing Tian Qing, she had to leave Tian Qing and go with Lang Xing. How could she explain this to Tian Qing?

After an hour, Tian Qing still did not move.

Lang Xing could not wait any longer and said to Su Wan with his mind, "He has not moved since dusk yesterday. I decided to go and see. You have to be fully prepared. No matter what happens, you must stay by my side. And you have to promise me that I will make the decision this time, otherwise I will not take you there."

Su Wan looked into the distance and nodded slightly with difficulty. God really tortures people. Why does he make it so difficult for her? "If you can get out, where will you go next?" Su Wan asked about Lang Xing's future whereabouts.

"Go back to your Xuanfang Sect and meet up with Xiyang and the others. Jiangxiao wants to go to Yuhai to look for Gongsun Chong, and Xiyang plans to take you with him." Langxing originally strongly opposed Xiyang's idea of ​​taking Su Wan with him, but now he took the initiative to reveal this news. He felt that it was better to let Su Wan go to Yuhai than to let her mix with Tianqing.

"Oh? I have seen Gongsun Chong. If Jiangxiao and the others find out about him, I would like to go with them to find out where Yuhai is?" Su Wan showed an interested look.

"It is in the southwest direction, very remote and far away. It is a sea area outside Nanjingzhou. It is quite dangerous to go there."

"Then I should go with you. First, I can add a helper to you, and second, I can have an experience."

"Let's talk about it later. This matter has not been finalized yet."

"If you can't go, what are your plans? Go to Sijia?" Su Wan looked at him with a different look and asked.

"She won't be in seclusion for too short a time this time." Lang Xing looked a little embarrassed, and said vaguely, "She is a great cultivator in the late stage of Huayu, I can't always disturb her."

Su Wan had a teasing smile in her eyes, but she didn't really say it, and continued to ask, "Where are you going?"

Lang Xing pondered and said, "Maybe I will go to see my disciples first, then go to the battlefield ahead to settle a debt, and then... find a place to settle down as a long-term residence."

"Have you accepted disciples?" Su Wan asked with a smile. Although she had accepted many disciples when she was at the same level as Lang Xing, the childishness that Lang Xing sometimes showed made her feel that Lang Xing was not a person who could be a master.

"It was purely a coincidence. I didn't want to accept disciples. How could I accept disciples with my cultivation level?" Lang Xing misunderstood the smile in Su Wan's tone.

"No, no, I accepted disciples when I was in the middle stage of Jindan. I didn't mean that your cultivation was low. I just felt that..." Su Wan kept her mouth shut in time. If she said that Lang Xing was a little childish, Lang Xing would definitely be more unhappy. She smiled and waved her hand and said, "Where is your disciple now? If you don't mind, you can stay in Xuanfang Sect temporarily, and don't look for a place to settle down. The monsters in Shuiqingzhou are doomed to fail. I think it won't be long before you can return to Qianxu Palace." "Thank you for your kindness, but we want to find a place for ourselves to practice outside the sect, not for temporary residence." "Do you want to open your own sect? Who are you? Are Xiyang and Jiangxiao with you?" "It's just me, Lu Gang, and Shu Yan. We are not opening a sect, but just want to be more free. We will still return to the sect frequently. . "Oh, then you must tell me after you find a good place, so that it will be more convenient to find you in the future, or I can help you find it. I am quite free now. At this stage of cultivation, I can only wait for the spiritual light that can make me break through the realm. " "Okay, I wish for it. "Lang Xing's tone was a bit perfunctory. Su Wan's enthusiasm made it difficult for him to refuse, but if he got too close to Su Wan, his guilt towards Yu Chan would become stronger. He also felt that the perfunctory meaning in his tone was too obvious, and he hurriedly continued in a joking tone, "You are really generous. Now you have the leisure to talk about these things." Su Wan said helplessly, "I would like to talk about the current predicament, but there is really nothing to talk about, and I can't find any way." "That's right." Lang Xing echoed. "I am beginning to agree with your idea of ​​a quick battle. Now it's a bit hard to bear." She didn't agree with a quick battle, but she was afraid that if it dragged on for too long, Tian Qing would starve to death. "It would be great if you agree." Lang Xing felt that Su Wan was good, she had her own ideas and was not stubborn.

"You are very smart." Su Wan praised Lang Xing.

"Don't make fun of me." Lang Xing said with a sweet feeling in his heart.

"I'm telling the truth. At first I thought you were just relying on the support behind you, but now I see that there is something extraordinary about you."

"Okay, okay, that's all you have to say, hahaha." Lang Xing felt a little overwhelmed by the praise and felt a little embarrassed.

"We can be considered friends." Su Wan took the opportunity to get close to each other. If she could escape, she was going to put Tian Qing aside first. It was her turn to spend some time on Lang Xing.

"Of course, a real friend in need."

Su Wan nodded with satisfaction, "Then I'll do it once. You can't get angry with me every time in the future. If you have any dissatisfaction with me, you should speak it out calmly. I really treat you as a friend."

"It's not that I'm being angry with you, it's that you are too..." Lang Xing didn't want to ruin the atmosphere at the moment, so he waved his hand and said, "Okay, let's not talk anymore. We will have something to talk about in the future."

"I have listened to you so much. You really shouldn't be dissatisfied with this. I also have something to hide. And if you think about it from my position, how can I, a person in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, easily treat someone like me?" Do you obey the advice of a cultivator in the Kailuo Stage?"

"Okay, I will let you continue to admire me. Then all you have to do is tell me that you were stupid at that time, just like you admit that you were stupid when you became Xun Yi's master now."

"Fuck you!" Su Wan rebuked unconvincedly, but her heart was secretly shaken. The speaker was unintentional, but the listener was intentional. Lang Xing's joke made Su Wan a little distracted. Could it be that God really Is that how it was arranged? Let her suffer and seek change again? When Lang Xing suddenly said this, was Xun Yi trying to give him a hint through Lang Xing's mouth?

"Hahahaha, let's see!" Langxing was confident and smiled happily. He was not blessed to enjoy such fun in his previous life. Although Su Wan also showed some daughterly feelings toward Xunyi in the later period, she still After all, he wasn't as relaxed as he was now, and Xun Yi didn't dare to bear it.

The two of them chatted for a while, but Langxing fell silent first, still because of Yuchan.

After the sky brightened, Langxing looked back and forth at the flowers, plants and trees nearby as if looking for clues, because Tianqing didn't move at the same spot.

Su Wan kept her promise and waited quietly. Although her face was calm, there was an unspeakable tangle in her heart. She knew that Langxing was competing with Tianqing, and she longed to be with Tianqing. Given the opportunity to meet, it was obvious that she would have to abandon Tianqing and go with Langxing. How could she explain this to Tianqing?

A full hour passed, but Tianqing still didn't move.

Lang Xing couldn't wait any longer, and said to Su Wan in his heart, "He hasn't moved since dusk yesterday. I decided to go and have a look. You must be fully prepared. No matter what happens, you must stay by my side, and you must Promise me that it’s up to me this time, otherwise I won’t take you there.”

Su Wan looked into the distance and nodded slightly with difficulty. God is really good at torturing people. Why are you making things so difficult for her?

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