Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1913 Seven Scrolls

Langxing took a circuitous route towards Tianqing.

This might be a trap. The old man's last act of pretending to leave but hiding and watching was probably because he suspected that he had abnormal detection abilities. Even if this is a trap, Lang Xing has to find a way out of it. The trap is often the place closest to the flaw. Perceiving magical powers is not his biggest reliance. If the other party sees through it, then he will see through it.

They were more than 700 miles away, and after going around and around, they got closer at dusk. The strange thing was that Tianqing not only didn't move, but also didn't call out.

Langxing looked at a small hill in front of him and said to Su Wan in his heart, "He is right behind the hill. Be careful. No matter what you see, be calm and don't act rashly."

Su Wan spent the whole day in torment. Now that she knew that Tianqing was behind the mountain bag, she felt anxious and anxious at the same time. Could it be that Tianqing, who was so silent, was also hurt like Yuanqing? She really wished she could rush over and take a look right away.

"Let's spend the night here." Langxing pointed to a forest nearby and said to Su Wan, in order to make some noise to test Tianqing's reaction.

"Okay." Su Wan's pounding heartbeat made her feel that her voice was a little distant. .??.

There was no response from behind the mountain bag.

"Let me check the situation around here." After Su Wan said that, seeing that Lang Xing had no objection, she walked towards the hill.

Lang Xing followed him silently. He also wanted to go immediately to see what kind of tricks Tianqing was playing.

The two turned around and were stunned by the scene in front of them.

Behind the hill is a flat grassland. On the grass are seven white jade slabs that are as tall as a person. Each jade slab is painted with an ink painting. Tianqing stood in front of the seventh jade slab with his back to them. Motionless as if frozen there.

"Tianqing?" Su Wan called softly. Seeing that Tianqing had no response, she did not go up immediately, but looked at Langxing. Even without Langxing's previous instructions, she would not face this situation. Will act recklessly.

"Tianqing!" Langxing seemed reckless enough and roared with all his strength.

Wan was so frightened that her delicate body trembled, and she couldn't help but feel anxious in her heart. She was worried about the negative consequences of Lang Xing's rude roar. She quickly turned back to look at Tianqing, and happened to see Tianqing turn around. Tianqing's eyes were full of anger, but the anger soon faded into displeasure.

With a look of displeasure that could not be concealed, Tian Qing nodded to them, then looked at Su Wan with joy in his eyes and said, "Great! I finally found you. I'll talk to you later. Don't disturb me yet." ." After saying that, he hurriedly turned his head back and stared at the picture in front of him.

It seemed that he had just entered a state of selflessness, so he didn't hear the noise they deliberately made.

Lang Xing and Su Wan looked at each other, their hearts full of doubts. What kind of picture could make Tian Qing still have this obsession in a desperate situation?

Su Wan gestured to Lang Xing to go over and take a look, asking Lang Xing to stay where he was and be on guard for the time being.

Lang Xing nodded. Su Wan acted calmly enough to make him feel reassured.

Seven jade slabs were separated from where he stood

It was more than two hundred feet away. You could see what was painted on it with your eyesight. After a few glances, Langxing stopped looking at it. He was afraid that the scroll had some magical power that he could not resist, so he turned his gaze to Focus on Amelia Su and be prepared to bring her back at any time.

Su Wan walked to the first jade plate very carefully, looked at it for a while, then moved to look at the second piece. After finishing the third piece, she turned back to look at the first piece, and then walked away quietly. When she came back, in order not to disturb Tianqing, she pulled Lang Xing back several hundred feet and said in a low voice, "There is no magic protection on the jade plate. I was afraid that you would be worried. I didn't look at the paintings carefully. I only saw the paintings." The technique is extremely superb, and there is a stunning beauty in each painting. Other than that, there is nothing special about it. The one Tianqing looked at seemed to be unfinished. I was afraid of disturbing him, so I didn’t get close to see him.”

Lang Xing nodded appreciatively. Su Wan was very smart in doing things and could distinguish priorities. "You wait here, I will go over and take a look. If you see any signs of obsession in me, go over and pull me back." After that, he Just walk towards the first jade slab.

The white jade board is shiny and smooth. The first jade board depicts a bustling market scene, with shops and houses, carriages and pedestrians, trees, flowers and plants all lifelike. The strokes are extremely delicate. There are no less than a hundred characters in the painting. Because of Su Wan As a reminder, Langxing noticed the stunning beauty holding a fan in a garden. Although the beauty in the painting was only as big as a little finger, her unparalleled beauty could still be seen.

Langxing looked at the painting for a while, but couldn't see any mystery, so he walked to the second jade slab. The style of the second painting was completely different from the previous one. The strokes were free and bold, and it depicted a In the picture of mountain dwelling, two majestic mountains are dotted with several small mountain villages. The mountains painted with rough brush and ink give people a sense of majesty. The houses, mountain people, chickens and dogs outlined with simple brush strokes add to this majesty. Just the right amount of vitality and warmth.

The stunning beauty in this painting is a woman picking wild fruits. She is just a figure outlined with a few strokes. She only has an outline and no eyebrows, but her graceful figure and moving profile are enough to make people want to see her. beautiful.

The third scroll depicts pastoral scenery. The style of strokes is somewhere in between the first two. The fields, villages, shepherd boys, and cultivators are all peaceful and peaceful. A beautiful woman appears in the backyard of a farmhouse, playing with a child. , apparently a mother and son.

Seeing this, Lang Xing really admires Su Wan's observation ability. There is more than one woman in these three paintings, and these three are indeed outstandingly beautiful. They are obviously not on the same level as the other women. But if it weren't for the Amelia Su reminded him that he really couldn't sum up this point.

I turned sideways and looked at the paintings on the remaining four jade boards. The fourth painting was a battle in the world, the fifth was a fairy mountain on the sea, and the sixth was another fighting scene, but there were only seven people in the painting. The person's clothing should look like disciples of two sects fighting.

The seventh painting Tianqing looked at was a scene in a boudoir. The brocade couch with hanging curtains, the mirror stand by the window, the exquisite tables, the richly decorated wardrobes and chests all showed the presence of the mistress. However, a creepy ghost appears in this charming picture. It is a fierce monster with green face and fangs and strong limbs covered with scales. It is walking in from the door.

Langxing understood why Su Wan said that the portrait was unfinished because there was no stunning beauty in the painting. Langxing took a circuitous route towards Tianqing.

This might be a trap. The old man's last act of pretending to leave but hiding and watching was probably because he suspected that he had abnormal detection abilities. Even if this is a trap, Lang Xing has to find a way out of it. The trap is often the place closest to the flaw. Perceiving magical powers is not his biggest reliance. If the other party sees through it, then he will see through it.

They were more than 700 miles away, and after going around and around, they got closer at dusk. The strange thing was that Tianqing not only didn't move, but also didn't call out.

Langxing looked at a small hill in front of him and said to Su Wan in his heart, "He is right behind the hill. Be careful. No matter what you see, be calm and don't act rashly."

Su Wan spent the whole day in torment. Now that she knew that Tianqing was behind the mountain bag, she felt anxious and anxious at the same time. Could it be that Tianqing, who was so silent, was also hurt like Yuanqing? She really wished she could rush over and take a look right away.

"Let's spend the night here." Langxing pointed to a forest nearby and said to Su Wan, in order to make some noise to test Tianqing's reaction.

"Okay." Su Wan's pounding heartbeat made her feel that her voice was a little distant.

There was no response from behind the mountain bag.

"Let me check the situation around here." After Su Wan said that, seeing that Lang Xing had no objection, she walked towards the hill.

Lang Xing followed him silently. He also wanted to go immediately to see what kind of tricks Tianqing was playing.

The two turned around and were stunned by the scene in front of them.

Behind the hill is a flat grassland. On the grass are seven white jade slabs that are as tall as a person. Each jade slab is painted with an ink painting. Tianqing stood in front of the seventh jade slab with his back to them. Motionless as if frozen there.

"Tianqing?" Su Wan called softly. Seeing that Tianqing had no response, she did not go up immediately, but looked at Langxing. Even without Langxing's previous instructions, she would not face this situation. Will act recklessly.

"Tianqing!" Langxing seemed reckless enough and roared with all his strength.

Wan was so frightened that her delicate body trembled, and she couldn't help but feel anxious in her heart. She was worried about the negative consequences of Lang Xing's rude roar. She quickly turned back to look at Tianqing, and happened to see Tianqing turn around. Tianqing's eyes were full of anger, but the anger soon faded into displeasure.

With a look of displeasure that could not be concealed, Tian Qing nodded to them, then looked at Su Wan with joy in his eyes and said, "Great! I finally found you. I'll talk to you later. Don't disturb me yet." ." After saying that, he hurriedly turned his head back and stared at the picture in front of him.

It seemed that he had just entered a state of selflessness, so he didn't hear the noise they deliberately made.

Lang Xing and Su Wan looked at each other, their hearts full of doubts. What kind of picture could make Tian Qing still have this obsession in a desperate situation?

Su Wan gestured to Lang Xing to go over and take a look, asking Lang Xing to stay where he was and be on guard for the time being.

Lang Xing nodded. Su Wan was calm enough to make him feel reassured.

Seven jade slabs were separated from where he stood

It was more than two hundred feet away. You could see what was painted on it with your eyesight. After a few glances, Langxing stopped looking at it. He was afraid that the scroll had some magical power that he could not resist, so he turned his gaze to Focus on Amelia Su and be prepared to bring her back at any time.

Su Wan walked to the first jade plate very carefully, looked at it for a while, then moved to look at the second piece. After finishing the third piece, she turned back to look at the first piece, and then walked away quietly. When she came back, in order not to disturb Tianqing, she pulled Lang Xing back several hundred feet and said in a low voice, "There is no magic protection on the jade plate. I was afraid that you would be worried. I didn't look at the paintings carefully. I only saw the paintings." The technique is extremely superb, and there is a stunning beauty in each painting. Other than that, there is nothing special about it. The one Tianqing looked at seemed to be unfinished. I was afraid of disturbing him, so I didn’t get close to see him.”

Lang Xing nodded appreciatively. Su Wan was very smart in doing things and could distinguish priorities. "You wait here, I will go over and take a look. If you see any signs of obsession in me, go over and pull me back." After that, he Just walk towards the first jade slab.

The white jade board is shiny and smooth. The first jade board depicts a bustling market scene, with shops and houses, carriages and pedestrians, trees, flowers and plants all lifelike. The strokes are extremely delicate. There are no less than a hundred characters in the painting. Because of Su Wan As a reminder, Langxing noticed the stunning beauty holding a fan in a garden. Although the beauty in the painting was only as big as a little finger, her unparalleled beauty could still be seen.

Langxing looked at the painting for a while, but couldn't see any mystery, so he walked to the second jade slab. The style of the second painting was completely different from the previous one. The strokes were free and bold, and it depicted a In the picture of mountain dwelling, two majestic mountains are dotted with several small mountain villages. The mountains painted with rough brush and ink give people a sense of majesty. The houses, mountain people, chickens and dogs outlined with simple brush strokes add to this majesty. Just the right amount of vitality and warmth.

The stunning beauty in this painting is a woman picking wild fruits. She is just a figure outlined with a few strokes. She only has an outline and no eyebrows, but her graceful figure and moving profile are enough to make people want to see her. beautiful.

The third scroll depicts pastoral scenery. The style of strokes is somewhere in between the first two. The fields, villages, shepherd boys, and cultivators are all peaceful and peaceful. A beautiful woman appears in the backyard of a farmhouse, playing with a child. , apparently a mother and son.

Seeing this, Lang Xing really admires Su Wan's observation ability. There is more than one woman in these three paintings, and these three are indeed outstandingly beautiful. They are obviously not on the same level as the other women. But if it weren't for the Amelia Su reminded him that he really couldn't sum up this point.

I turned sideways and looked at the paintings on the remaining four jade boards. The fourth painting was a battle in the world, the fifth was a fairy mountain on the sea, and the sixth was another fighting scene, but there were only seven people in the painting. The person's clothing should look like disciples of two sects fighting.

The seventh painting Tianqing looked at was a scene in a boudoir. The brocade couch with hanging curtains, the mirror stand by the window, the exquisite tables, the richly decorated wardrobes and chests all showed the presence of the mistress. However, a creepy ghost appears in this charming picture. It is a fierce monster with green face and fangs and strong limbs covered with scales. It is walking in from the door.

Langxing understood why Su Wan said that the portrait was unfinished because there was no stunning beauty in the painting.

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