Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1914 Don’t be obsessed, right?

The contents of the seven paintings were completely irrelevant. Langxing felt that it was difficult to see any clues in a short time, so he turned around to find Su Wan.

"Do you think it will be some kind of skill or spell?" He asked Su Wan in a low voice. As a monk, when encountering such a situation, he would definitely think of this first.

"Most likely, but I can't figure out the way out of it. Tian Qing must have figured it out." Su Wan said, looking at the jade slabs.

"He has been watching for a day and a night." Lang Xing found an excuse with a dull face, but he felt weak in his heart. He felt that he might not be able to see anything even if he watched for two days and two nights. This may have something to do with his painting skills. Relatedly, he knew nothing about painting.

"I'll go take a look again." Su Wan was a little unwilling to admit defeat.

The two of them took turns to see it twice more, and night fell.

"We are just following nature and making stupid mistakes. This is a waste of time. Even if we understand it, what's the use? How can we have time to pay attention to this now?" Lang Xing found another reason.

Su Wan frowned slightly and said, "These jade slabs are the only things we have seen in this world that are not protected by magic. They should not be let go easily."

"Maybe we can find others, even the old man's cave, but the scope of our search is not large enough. These paintings are just exercises and spells at most, and they definitely have nothing to do with the way out."

Su Wan hesitated and said, "Do you think if you understand it thoroughly, you will be able to break the magic protection here?"

"You really don't think so. Will they show us the means to crack the protection?"

"Some experts have such a temper. They are confident that others are not that smart. Firstly, they do it to tease you, and secondly, they want to show off, so that you know there is a way out but just can't figure it out." Su Wan I am not sure about my guess, but seeing that Tian Qing has hope of understanding, I want to buy him more time. If my guess is right, I can get out of trouble.

I was so sick that I had to seek medical treatment indiscriminately.

"Hmph, I think you are deceiving yourself and others. Tianqing probably thinks the same way as you do. I won't follow you here to have sweet dreams." After finishing speaking, Langxing got into the canopy of a big tree and faced After looking at those paintings a few times, he gave up and felt that he could not see any mystery. Instead of continuing to be competitive, it was better to hide his clumsiness. This time, he could only let Tianqing compete, which made him feel very hopeless. To save face, I decided to leave early tomorrow morning.

Su Wan did not follow Lang Xing to climb into the tree canopy. She stood guarding Tianqing and silently thought about the paintings in her heart. Being caught between these two people, she could not act favorably. She had to try her best to be impartial. But this is too difficult, and Lang Xing now feels that she is leaning towards Tianqing.

The three of them didn't move for the whole night. As soon as it got light, Long Xing came to Su Wan and wanted to mention leaving to her. He had been holding back all night.

Before he could speak, Su Wan made a silent gesture to him, and then pointed to Tianqing in the distance with a happy face.

Tianqing was still standing in front of the seventh jade board, but he was no longer motionless. He was raising his arm to draw on the jade board with his fingers, as if outlining an image.

Lang Xing wanted to deliberately make some noise to interrupt Tian Qing's thoughts, but that would definitely be despised by Su Wan, so he could only look at Tian Qing with some disdain, praying in his heart that he would never let this kid do it. Of course, he also considered whether Tianqing would become famous. If Tianqing was acting, he would definitely become famous.

The movements of Tianqing's hands are getting faster and faster, as if he can't help but express the enlightenment in his heart.

"Don't you go crazy? I think it's best to wake him up." Lang Xing said bravely.

Su Wan hurriedly caught him

He stretched out his arms and shook his head at him, fearing to disturb Tianqing and not even daring to say a word.

Lang Xing was very bored and said, "Then you just accompany him to be stupid here. I have to find a way out."

Su Wan pleaded in a low voice, "It looks like we don't have to wait long, let's wait a little longer."

Lang Xing couldn't say anything else, so he had to wait depressedly.

"Pen! Get the pen quickly!" Tianqing, who was immersed in the state of selflessness, shouted excitedly and eagerly.

"Where can I get you a pen?" Lang Xing said angrily, his voice not low.

Su Wan raised her hand to cover his mouth, staring at Tianqing anxiously.

At this moment, a brush with a black jade stem appeared out of thin air in Tianqing's hand. Tianqing grabbed the brush without thinking and started drawing on the jade board.

Both Su Wan and Lang Xing's eyes widened, and before they could make any reaction, they were restrained by a restraint.

Langxing complained secretly, thinking that he would soon be defeated by Tianqing in front of Su Wan, and forgot to activate his magical power. People were around and he didn't notice it. In fact, even if he found out, there was no good way to deal with it. , as long as people want to take action, he can't.

"Hahahaha..." After finishing the painting, Tianqing looked at the scroll and laughed heartily.

"Hahahaha..." Another burst of laughter sounded beside Tianqing, and then the old man with white beard and hair appeared.

Tianqing was shocked and stepped back again and again, looking at the brush in his hand as if he had just woken up from a dream.

The old man looked at Tian Qing with approval and said, "I didn't expect you to have such qualifications. These seven scrolls were left by me when I was enlightening here three thousand years ago. Although this seventh level is similar to what you have attained, But I still couldn't put pen to paper. Now I know it's because there is a missing spirit that passed through Zixuan Qi Mansion.

Due to the force, the spiritual power swirling in the Taigu Vein also moved slower. "He said while pointing at the body of the woman Tianqing had just added to the painting.

At this time, both Lang Xing and Su Wan saw the woman who was attracted by Tianqing. She was not unaware of the ghosts at the door as they thought, nor did she look frightened after noticing the ghosts. Instead, she stood quietly in the makeup. She looked at the ghost calmly in front of the stage, with a slight smile on her lips. It must be said that Tianqing's painting skills are quite extraordinary, and one can clearly feel the woman's mentality that she does not take this ferocious ghost seriously at all. It seems that he is still secretly holding back the idea of ​​playing tricks on this ghost.

This unexpected picture left Lang Xing speechless. Even if Tianqing was acting with the old man, this picture could still give him an unpredictable and profound feeling. Moreover, the meaning of the picture does have dragons and tigers fighting, the transformation of strength and weakness, yin and yang. Dividing and combining means the method of regulating spiritual power.

"Senior, please forgive me for being reckless. I didn't know what to do in my obsession. I hope you will forgive me, senior." After Tianqing calmed down, he held the brush in both hands and bowed before presenting it to the old man.

"It's too late for me to be happy, how can I blame you? Okay, okay, don't be afraid, I just don't make things difficult for you. My little Taoist friend, you call it Tianqing, right? With your understanding, I am willing to spend the rest of the year with you. I'd like to ask you not to worry about my previous rudeness."

Tian Qing was flattered and said, "How dare you! We should be punished for trespassing into the Immortal Mansion. I cannot bear the flattery of my seniors. I will never dare to sit with my seniors to discuss friendship. If we can get some support from our seniors, we will be in the next three lives." "Blessed, I wonder how many more paintings there are in this scroll?"

"There are eleven levels in total. If you want to learn this spell, you have to stay. Let's learn together and I will treat you with sincerity." The old man looked very sincere.

Tianqing looked at Su Wan and said hesitantly, "You can't help but appreciate your love for me so much. I am also very eager to continue my enlightenment. I am willing to stay, but I beg you to let them go."

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