Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1942 I killed it

As the saying goes, you don’t know the blessings when you are in the midst of blessings. This principle also applies to the realm.

Langxing can be said to be extremely high in his life. He was born with a talent. His cultivation began in Qianxu Palace, the top sect in the world of cultivation. Accompanying him in his growth was Shen Qing, the sweet girl of heaven. Those who helped him wholeheartedly were Xiaoyao Xianjun, Minglan, Fairy Princess Huarui, Fairy Mirror Water, Zhixia, Little Demon Lord, Yuchan, Hengguan Immortal Lord, etc. have great magical powers in the form of feathers. Even a pig like this can turn them into the king among pigs.

Langxing is used to discussing Taoism with these people at the top of the cultivation world, and they have been with each other for more than just receiving advice. His current state is even higher than these great supernatural powers. His views and opinions not only include his own wisdom. There are also many great supernatural powers and wisdom, so it is not surprising that Su Wan was inadvertently put into seclusion.

Su Wan's retreat lasted only seven days. When she opened her eyes under the red sunset that day, she smiled slightly at Lang Xing and said nothing. Lang Xing could see that not only had she come out of the confusion of losing her Taoist heart, but she had also become wiser and more confident, and she seemed to have entered a new realm.

In the following days, Su Wan almost stopped talking. She either sat quietly or wandered absentmindedly among the mountains all day long. The expression on her pretty face was always light, as if she was in a distant world. He only showed concentration when he saw Lang Xing healing Bai Xiang's Qi Palace.

Two months later, Su Wan went out for a stroll for two days and did not return. When Langxing found her, she was guarding a gray little rabbit under a cliff. The little rabbit fell from the cliff. His bones were broken in several places and his lungs were severely damaged.

"There's no cure." Lang Xing said softly to Su Wan, whose face was full of compassion.

"Well, I'll stay with it." Su Wan waved her hand to Langxing, signaling him not to disturb the little rabbit here.

Langxing comforted the little rabbit with his thoughts. The strong pain in the other person's heart made him feel sad and left without daring to stay any longer.

When night fell, Su Wan came back, with a touch of sadness on her face, holding the dead little rabbit in her arms.

"I killed it." Su Wan put the little rabbit in front of Lang Xing.

"It's a kind deed to help it relieve its pain." Lang Xing comforted her. After saying this, she felt something was wrong. Judging from Su Wan's expression, it was obvious that she would not bring the rabbit back to Bai Xiang as food. Then she would put the dead rabbit back. What are you bringing back? Thinking of this, I used my spiritual consciousness to check and was shocked to find that more than half of the little rabbit's liver was missing.

"I want to try to use the power of my mind to repair its damaged liver." Su Wan said with some guilt.

"You...can you gather the power of your thoughts?" Lang Xing asked in surprise.

Su Wan looked at the little rabbit on the ground with a thoughtful look and recalled, "I wanted to cure it so much at that time. I tried my best to gather my thoughts. After trying a few times, I suddenly felt out of control. When I came back to my senses, That's what happened to his liver."

Lang Xing said a little anxiously, "Then... then you should retreat and meditate! It has no chance of surviving, so there is no need to feel sorry for it."

Su Wan shook her head and said, "My mood cannot be closed off. It has made me break through that layer of confusion. I want to stay with it more."

When Lang Xing wanted to persuade him again, he thought of the words "act according to one's heart", then calmed down and said, "It's okay, you have already had that experience, and it will not be difficult next. In such a short period of time, You can make a breakthrough. Your understanding and wisdom make me feel inferior.

. "

"It's your guidance." After speaking, Su Wan pointed to her heart and revealed her insights, "Everything lies in the heart, and the power of thoughts comes from the heart."

Lang Xing put on a faint smile and shook his head gently, "I also think it means that all wishes come true, but... that may not be the case."

Su Wan frowned slightly and asked, "Then what do you think its origin is?"

Lang Xing continued to shake his head and said, "I haven't fully understood it yet, but with the realm of 'heart as the source', I can condense some power of thought. When you can use the power of thought as you wish, we will take the next step." Let’s talk about it.”

"Okay." Su Wan seemed to be in a calm state of mind. She was not impatient at all, as if she didn't take this huge mystery seriously. She picked up the little rabbit and turned around and left.

Langxing saw with her spiritual consciousness that she chose a geomantic treasure land for the little rabbit near a stream on a gentle valley, then made an exquisite small coffin of fine wood to bury the little rabbit, and then dug a The deep pit was filled with a lot of grass, and then the small coffin was put in.

"You really have a leisurely mind." Lang Xing gritted his teeth at the sight.

He thought that burying the little rabbit like this would be grand enough, but Su Wan didn't fill up the hole immediately. Instead, she got a few big stones and placed them beside the hole, and then sat there quietly as if And also a wake for the little rabbit.

Langxing was really convinced, but then he thought, if such a little rabbit helped him realize a new realm, he would probably do his best to bury it grandly. Thinking about it in another person's shoes, he didn't feel that Su What Wan did was funny.

Three days later, Lang Xing's view of Su Wan changed again, because Su Wan was still keeping vigil for the little rabbit. Isn't this a little too heavy on love and justice?

Seven days later, Su Wan was still standing by the pit with no intention of burying the little rabbit.

In the evening, Langxing couldn't sit still. He thought to himself that Su Wan was not sick, right? How can you guard a rabbit for seven days and not be done with it? Just when he was about to go over and take a look, Su Wan stood up and patted a big stone with her hand. The stone cracked and Lang Xing was shocked to see that there was a stone about the size of a little gray rabbit inside. rabbit!

Su Wan opened her mouth with a smile and placed the stone rabbit next to the small coffin. This was to give the little rabbit a companion.

"Yeah~!" Su Wan soared into the sky with a cry of infinite joy. She waved her jade hands and used her spiritual power to roll up the soil and finally filled the hole.

Su Wan, who flew high into the sky, closed her eyes and flew away in the wind. She did not activate the protective light, and allowed the strong wind to blow over her cheeks and make her skirts flutter. Even Lang Xing could feel the overwhelming joy and excitement that could not be vented.

"It's really amazing." Lang Xing admired sincerely in his heart, and couldn't help but smile on his face. He was really happy that Su Wan could be so smart and understanding.

When Su Wan vented her inner joy, Langxing flew to the place where the little rabbit was buried. He first looked at the stone that had been patted away. From the gravure, it could be seen that the stone rabbit was not exquisitely made, but it could Even Shen Qing would be stunned to achieve such results in two or three months.

After looking at that stone, he used his spiritual consciousness to examine the nearby stones. Two of them were cracked, and two others had holes of varying sizes. As the saying goes, you don’t know the blessings when you are in the midst of blessings. This principle also applies to the realm.

Langxing can be said to be extremely high in his life. He was born with a talent. His cultivation began in Qianxu Palace, the top sect in the world of cultivation. Accompanying him in his growth was Shen Qing, the sweet girl of heaven. Those who helped him wholeheartedly were Xiaoyao Xianjun, Minglan, Fairy Princess Huarui, Fairy Mirror Water, Zhixia, Little Demon Lord, Yuchan, Hengguan Immortal Lord, etc. have great magical powers in the form of feathers. Even a pig like this can turn them into the king among pigs.

Langxing is used to discussing Taoism with these people at the top of the cultivation world, and they have been with each other for more than just receiving advice. His current state is even higher than these great supernatural powers. His views and opinions not only include his own wisdom. There are also many great supernatural powers and wisdom, so it is not surprising that Su Wan was inadvertently put into seclusion.

Su Wan's retreat lasted only seven days. When she opened her eyes under the red sunset that day, she smiled slightly at Lang Xing and said nothing. Lang Xing could see that not only had she come out of the confusion of losing her Taoist heart, but she had also become wiser and more confident, and she seemed to have entered a new realm.

In the following days, Su Wan almost stopped talking. She either sat quietly or wandered absentmindedly among the mountains all day long. The expression on her pretty face was always light, as if she was in a distant world. He only showed concentration when he saw Lang Xing healing Bai Xiang's Qi Palace.

Two months later, Su Wan went out for a stroll for two days and did not return. When Langxing found her, she was guarding a gray little rabbit under a cliff. The little rabbit fell from the cliff. His bones were broken in several places and his lungs were severely damaged.

"There's no cure." Lang Xing said softly to Su Wan, whose face was full of compassion.

"Well, I'll stay with it." Su Wan waved her hand to Langxing, signaling him not to disturb the little rabbit here.

Langxing comforted the little rabbit with his thoughts. The strong pain in the other person's heart made him feel sad and left without daring to stay any longer.

When night fell, Su Wan came back, with a touch of sadness on her face, holding the dead little rabbit in her arms.

"I killed it." Su Wan put the little rabbit in front of Lang Xing.

"It's a kind deed to help it relieve its pain." Lang Xing comforted her. After saying this, she felt something was wrong. Judging from Su Wan's expression, it was obvious that she would not bring the rabbit back to Bai Xiang as food. Then she would put the dead rabbit back. What are you bringing back? Thinking of this, I used my spiritual consciousness to check and was shocked to find that more than half of the little rabbit's liver was missing.

"I want to try to use the power of my mind to repair its damaged liver." Su Wan said with some guilt.

"You...can you gather the power of your thoughts?" Lang Xing asked in surprise.

Su Wan looked at the little rabbit on the ground with a thoughtful look and recalled, "I wanted to cure it so much at that time. I tried my best to gather my thoughts. After trying a few times, I suddenly felt out of control. When I came back to my senses, That's what happened to his liver."

Lang Xing was a little anxious and said, "Then... then you should retreat and meditate! It will never survive, so there is no need to feel sorry for it."

Su Wan shook her head and said, "My mood cannot be closed off. It has made me break through that layer of confusion. I want to stay with it more."

When Lang Xing wanted to persuade him again, he thought of the words "act according to one's heart", then calmed down and said, "It's okay, you have already had that experience, and it will not be difficult next. In such a short period of time, You can make a breakthrough. Your understanding and wisdom make me feel inferior.

. "

"It's your guidance." After speaking, Su Wan pointed to her heart and revealed her insights, "Everything lies in the heart, and the power of thoughts comes from the heart."

Lang Xing put on a faint smile and shook his head gently, "I also think it means that all wishes come true, but... that may not be true."

Su Wan frowned slightly and asked, "Then what do you think its origin is?"

Lang Xing continued to shake his head and said, "I haven't fully understood it yet, but with the realm of 'heart as the source', I can condense some power of thought. When you can use the power of thought as you wish, we will take the next step." Let’s talk about it.”

"Okay." Su Wan seemed to be in a calm state of mind. She was not impatient at all, as if she didn't take this huge mystery seriously. She picked up the little rabbit and turned around and left.

Langxing saw with her spiritual consciousness that she chose a geomantic treasure land for the little rabbit near a stream on a gentle valley, then made an exquisite small coffin of fine wood to bury the little rabbit, and then dug a The deep pit was filled with a lot of grass, and then the small coffin was put in.

"You really have a leisurely mind." Lang Xing gritted his teeth at the sight.

He thought that burying the little rabbit like this would be grand enough, but Su Wan didn't fill up the hole immediately. Instead, she got a few big stones and placed them beside the hole, and then sat there quietly as if And also to keep a wake for the little rabbit.

Langxing was really convinced, but then he thought about it, if such a little rabbit helped him realize a new realm, he would probably do his best to bury it grandly. Thinking about it in another person's shoes, he didn't feel that Su What Wan did was funny.

Three days later, Lang Xing's view of Su Wan changed again, because Su Wan was still keeping vigil for the little rabbit. Isn't this a bit too sentimental and righteous?

Seven days later, Su Wan was still standing by the pit with no intention of burying the little rabbit.

In the evening, Langxing couldn't sit still. He thought to himself that Su Wan was not sick, right? How can you guard a rabbit for seven days and not be done with it? When he was about to go over and take a look, Su Wan stood up and patted a big stone with her hand. The stone cracked open. Lang Xing was shocked to see that there was a stone about the size of a little gray rabbit inside. rabbit!

Su Wan opened her mouth with a smile and placed the stone rabbit next to the small coffin. This was to give the little rabbit a companion.

"Yeah~!" Su Wan soared into the sky with a cry of infinite joy. She waved her jade hands and used her spiritual power to roll up the soil and finally filled the hole.

Su Wan, who flew high into the sky, closed her eyes and flew away in the wind. She did not activate the protective light, and allowed the strong wind to blow over her cheeks and make her skirts flutter. Even Lang Xing could feel the overwhelming joy and excitement that could not be vented.

"It's really amazing." Lang Xing admired sincerely in his heart, and couldn't help but smile on his face. He was really happy that Su Wan could be so smart and understanding.

When Su Wan vented her inner joy, Langxing flew to the place where the little rabbit was buried. He first looked at the stone that had been patted away. From the gravure, it could be seen that the stone rabbit was not exquisitely made, but it could Even Shen Qing would be stunned to achieve such results in two or three months.

After looking at that stone, he used his spiritual consciousness to examine the nearby stones. Two of them were cracked, and two others had holes of varying sizes.

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