Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1943 We have this fate

Lang Xing looked up at Su Wan, who was still flying around in the sky, and murmured to himself, "That's great, you are really calm." He really didn't see any change in Su Wan's expression these days, and he didn't expect it. They are making great strides forward.

"Okay? Can you tell me what you think is the source of the power of thought?" Su Wan suddenly fell from the air, pointed at the two halves of the rabbit-shaped concave mark, and asked with excitement and pride in her eyes, which made Lang Xing even more excited. It was impossible to connect her with the calm-hearted fairy before.

Lang Xing said with a grimace, "Not yet. I didn't expect you to progress so fast. I have to tell you some things slowly."

"Bang!" Su Wan raised her chin with disdain and dissatisfaction. She was now so happy that her true colors were revealed, as if she had suddenly regressed from a gentle and quiet female cultivator in the middle Nascent Soul stage to a youthful girlhood.

Lang Xing looked at her amused and said, "I'm telling the truth. Although you are making rapid progress, there is still a long way to go, and there are still many problems to be solved. Let's continue down the road after Shen Anjing makes more preparations." Let’s talk about it.”

"Yes." Su Wan put away her unruly attitude and nodded rationally with a smile. After truly stepping into the new world, she became more convinced of Lang Xing and believed that Lang Xing was not playing tricks on her.

"I can retreat this time. Should we continue to stay here or go back to Xuanfang Sect first?"

"Hmm..." Before Lang Xing could make a decision, Bai Xiang's urgent cry suddenly came from the distance.

"Master! Master! Where are you?"

Su Wan used her spiritual consciousness to see Bai Xiang holding a cut open fruit core with excitement on her face, and then smiled and said, "Could she also be able to gather the power of her thoughts?"

Lang Xing's brows moved, and he flew over, followed by Su Wan.

After Bai Xiang saw Master, she held the fruit core and stomped her feet in excitement and said, "Master, look! Look!"

Langxing looked at the core of the fruit she was holding and saw that there was a small piece of sesame seed on the kernel.

The skin was torn, "You didn't break it when you cut it open, right?"

"No, no, no!!!!" Bai Xiang stamped his feet repeatedly, his face flushed with excitement.

Su Wan picked up the nuts and looked at them, then nodded approvingly to Bai Xiang.

When Bai Xiang saw that Su Wan confirmed her results, she nodded happily to Su Wan.

Lang Xing was very pleased and said, "Your talent is not inferior to that of your junior sister. This is really beyond my expectation."

"Junior sister?" Bai Xiang looked at the master in confusion. It turned out that the master had recently accepted another disciple?

"Go!" Su Wan gave Lang Xing an angry and funny look.

"Oh! Hee hee..." Bai Xiang finally understood that the master was making fun of Fairy Su, and he laughed happily again.

"That's great Xiang'er, your injury will definitely be cured!" Lang Xing said excitedly.

The cultivation of thoughts is not as easy to see the progress as the practice of spiritual power. Only when the power of thoughts is used can the level be compared. Bai Xiang's improvement to this point is indeed beyond Lang Xing's expectation. It is not an exaggeration to say that she has talent that is not inferior to Su Wan. Although she has obtained the true inheritance of Lang Xing, after all, she has no cultivation. Although cultivation and thoughts are on two different paths, they can learn from each other and complement each other. Moreover, Su Wan has honed her skills for more than a thousand years. His state of mind is far inferior to that of Bai Xiang.

What makes Bai Xiang's rapid progress is not only her qualifications, but also her determination to fight to the death. Only when her injuries are healed can she resume her spiritual path. Su Wan's understanding of "taking the heart as the source" makes sense, and her strong wish is A more extreme example that can condense powerful thoughts is the "Fenghentie" that Lu Gang is meditating on. The method of "Fenghentie" is not the right way to use thoughts. Only people with a temperament like Lu Gang can do it.

There are some achievements in learning, so although Fenhentie is the most precious treasure of Qianxu Palace, it has been shelved all year round because it is close to evil magic. This is the attitude of the cultivation world towards the art of mind.

Bai Xiang was so excited that tears of joy flashed in her eyes. The progress she had made in enlightenment made her more confident in returning to the path of cultivation. At this moment, she seemed to have just climbed up from the abyss, and was on the edge of the cliff with surprise and fear. It is still unclear whether she can finally stay away from the abyss, but at least she can be happy now.

Su Wan said to Lang Xing, "We have to find a suitable place to practice. Xuanfang will definitely not be able to send people with many eyes and Zaza. I have a place that can accommodate the three of us. Are you willing to go?"

Lang Xing muttered, "I originally planned to find a place to practice with Lu Gang and Shu Yan. Xiang'er won't be able to be with them after learning this set of exercises. It would be best if you have a suitable place. You two can practice together, and I can rest assured that you will take care of her when I am out."

Su Wan's eyes flashed and she said, "Then let's go back to Xuanfang Sect to say hello to Jiangxiao and the others. The time is not short now and they will definitely be worried. Then I will take you to that place."

Bai Xiang pulled Lang Xing's sleeves in a panic, and said in a low voice with a grimace, "Master, no matter where you go, take your disciple with you. I don't want to be separated from you."

Lang Xing knew that she was scared, so he looked at her distressedly and said, "Don't worry, I will never let you be hurt by others again."

Bai Xiang nodded gratefully and clutched his master's sleeves tightly.

Langxing looked at Su Wan and said with a spiritual thought, "No matter how much you trust Tianqing, this location must not be known to him, otherwise I won't be able to take Xiang'er there."

Su Wan looked a little embarrassed and said, "This is natural, I won't mention it to him." In order to resolve this embarrassment, she

Then he changed the topic and said, "I think the trip to Jade Sea should be postponed. Xiang'er is in shock at the moment and needs your care. I also need to calm down and understand."

Lang Xing was silent. This was indeed a problem. If Jiang Xiao insisted on going to Yuhai, he could only follow and leave Bai Xiang to Su Wan. He couldn't rest assured. The main reason was that there was a natural feeling involved. Bai Xiang was given to Su Wan. It is undoubtedly the safest way to send it to Shen Qing, but that will bring a lot of trouble to Shen Qing. Bai Xiang is almost a mortal and has too many things to take care of.

"Let's go and see Jiangxiao and the others first." After finishing speaking, Langxing called Linghe over.

After the three of them flew into the sky on the crane, Bai Xiang and Su Wan looked back at the mountainous area where they had lived for more than two months. Here they entered a new world of road cultivation. This landscape witnessed them A major turning point in life.

"Master, I feel so at ease these days." Bai Xiang said with hope.

Langxing smiled knowingly and said, "The cultivation world is far more dangerous than the mortal world, but I promise you that I will let you live a peaceful and peaceful life from now on. I will protect you with all my heart until you can establish your own business."

"Thank you so much, Master, I have given you so much trouble." Bai Xiang looked at Master with gratitude and embarrassment. Master's words made her feel at ease.

Lang Xing smiled lovingly and said, "No need to thank you, we have this fate."

Su Wan has taken on many disciples. Looking at the joyful expression on Lang Xing's face, she can understand what it feels like. In the past, she felt that fate was unreasonable, erratic and unreliable. , now that she knows the secret of reincarnation, she sees these two people with great insight. She can conclude that Lang Xing and Bai Xiang must have a great destiny. The reason why Lang Xing can feel so happy in taking care of Bai Xiang is to pay off his debt. With the relaxation and joy he felt afterward, he was repaying his debt and repaying Bai Xiang for the kindness he had shown him in the past.

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