Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1948 Can I give you some advice?

Su Wan raised her eyes and looked leisurely into the depths of the forest, with a slight smile on her lips.

"Hehe, I really belong to you." Lang Xing said nonchalantly. Mind attacks are not as easy to detect as spiritual power attacks. He is calculated based on his ability, so he has nothing to say.

Su Wan looked at him with a half-smile, and warned, "If you don't want to make progress, I'm afraid you won't be able to be proud in front of me for long."

Lang Xing rolled his eyes at her and said, "We'll go our separate ways from now on. Even if you're stronger than me, you won't have a chance to show off."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere immediately changed, and both of them fell silent.

After a while, Su Wan looked at Lang Xing with sincere eyes and said, "We are friends in need. No matter how you think of me, I will always treat you as a true friend. I also hope that we can meet each other often in the future. The world is good to us." It’s not a big deal anymore, it’s not difficult to meet.”

Langxing wanted to follow what she said, but he still had the problem of Tianqing in his heart, so he smiled and said, "Thank you for your support. I will treat you as a true friend. But whether we meet or not is not just about the distance." It’s useless to talk about it now. We just treat each other as friends. No matter what, I have to visit you every once in a while before you can fight against the confusion of meditation. "

With Su Wan's intelligence, she could naturally guess why he said this. If Tianqing was really the reincarnation of Xun Yi, her friendship with Lang Xing would probably be difficult to develop. It would be useless for her to get close to Lang Xing. .

As she gets to know Lang Xing better, Su Wan appreciates this mysterious and sincere person more and more. In the past, she hoped to exclude Lang Xing from the list of suspected seekers, but now she no longer has that idea. This made her situation even more difficult.

"If I don't have the ability to fight against the sea of ​​meditation for the rest of my life, will you insist on coming to see me all the time?"

After asking, Su Wan glanced at Lang Xing, then raised her head to look at the sky that was covered by branches and leaves with only a few gaps left.

"Of course you have to persevere to the end. Who knew it was me who broke your Taoist heart?"

"You can give up when you feel reluctant. You don't owe me anything. On the contrary, I should be grateful to you for bringing me into a new realm."

Lang Xing said with a grimace, "It's pointless to talk about this. We are friends."

Su Wan frowned slightly and looked steadily into the depths of the forest. The sorrow in her heart made her feel so difficult and helpless.

Langxing advised, "Don't worry about these uncertain things. No one knows what will happen in the future, so why worry about it."

Su Wan remained unmoved and continued to stare into the depths of the forest, which seemed a bit sexual.

Lang Xing had no choice but to soften his tone again and said, "Okay,? If you treat me like a friend, then I will come to see you often in the future."

Su Wan turned her head to look at him, then walked forward slowly and silently.

Lang Xing followed, not knowing how to persuade him.

Su Wan stopped not far away, turned around and looked at Lang Xing and said, "Lang Xing, I don't have many friends, because I'm not good at making friends, and I don't like making friends. I prefer to be quiet, but I have never made friends." I cherish every friend I have. You are very trustworthy. I know you are sincerely helping me. No matter whose favor it is, I will always remember your kindness. ”

Lang Xing waved his hand, and Su Wan rushed to say before he could speak, "Listen to me, I have a huge difficulty that I can't express clearly, so

I have repeatedly expressed how much I value you as a friend. Don't ask me what my difficulties are. I won't tell you, not even in this life. I want to make a very sincere request to you. We will always be friends. , whether it’s Jiangxiao or Tianqing, don’t let them affect our friendship. "

"Okay." Lang Xing nodded and agreed, but he was a little disapproving in his heart. If Su Wan and Tianqing became Taoist couples, he would definitely not have too much contact with Su Wan.

"Alas..." Su Wan sighed helplessly. She could see that Lang Xing was perfunctory, but she really had no better way to say these heartfelt words.

Her appearance made Lang Xing feel pity for her, and he said with a smile, "I know how you feel. Since you value me as a friend so much, I have nothing to say. When Xiang'er's injury is cured, I will I’ll help you figure out Tianqing’s suspicions. You don’t have to worry that I will wrongly accuse him. If I wanted to deal with him, I would have killed him long ago.”

Su Wan frowned slightly in embarrassment, a little regretful that she had directly mentioned Tianqing just now, so it would be fine if she didn't pierce the window paper, but this piercing would cause trouble.

Langxing narrowed his eyes and said, "Even if I don't want to help you, I still have to find out about this matter, not only to settle the score with that old guy, but also to solve some mysteries that bother me."

Su Wan's eyes flashed for a while and she made up her mind and said, "Okay, I trust you. If Tianqing comes to Xuanfang Sect to find me, I can let you meet him, but don't make it difficult for me." After a pause, she added He said, "Because Tianqing involves my unspeakable difficulties."

"Okay..." Lang Xing was so curious about her reason that he felt itchy.

The two finally reached an agreement, which eased the atmosphere a little. Su Wan cheered up and said, "Let's practice our tactics. You attack with your mind, and I attack with my cultivation."

Lang Xing smiled and shook his head and said, "If it's really for actual combat, you should attack with your mind. It doesn't matter whether it works or not."

Su Wan pointed at him angrily and said, "You look down on my cultivation!"

Lang Xing laughed and said, "Even if I look down on your treasure, your spiritual treasure is not worthy of carrying my shoes."

"Lang Xing, you are so..." Su Wan lost her temper midway through her words. Although Lang Xing was quite irritating, what she said was always the truth.

Lang Xing suppressed a smile and said, "When you refine your mental attack to a certain level, this spiritual treasure will be enough. Look back. If there is a chance, I will get you a better spiritual treasure." "He is really confident now. It's no wonder that with his combat power that can defeat the great monks in the late Nascent Soul stage, he can compete for a place at the pinnacle of the cultivation world. Brother Zhui'er now has the qualifications to look down upon the cultivation world.

"I don't need you to get spiritual treasures for me, we don't have that kind of friendship!" Su Wan scolded in confusion, "Lang Xing, you are such a boring person, you can always ruin people's mood!"

"Hahaha..., okay, okay, blame me, blame me, let's start the drill, listen to you, I attack with my mind, you use spiritual power."

"No more practice." Su Wan said these three words without interest.

"Then...shall I call out Xiao Yunduo to show you?"

"I do not want to see."

"Then...shall I teach you some teachings?"

Su Wan really wanted to choke him to the end, but she couldn't stop choking on the third sentence. This bastard always had a way to force her to swallow her anger. It was really frustrating, but she had to listen to the law. Su Wan raised her eyes and looked leisurely into the depths of the forest, with a slight smile on her lips.

"Hehe, I really belong to you." Lang Xing said nonchalantly. Mind attacks are not as easy to detect as spiritual power attacks. He is calculated based on his ability, so he has nothing to say.

Su Wan looked at him with a half-smile, and warned, "If you don't want to make progress, I'm afraid you won't be able to be proud in front of me for long."

Lang Xing rolled his eyes at her and said, "We'll go our separate ways from now on. Even if you're stronger than me, you won't have a chance to show off."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere immediately changed, and both of them fell silent.

After a while, Su Wan looked at Lang Xing with sincere eyes and said, "We are friends in need. No matter how you think of me, I will always treat you as a true friend. I also hope that we can meet each other often in the future. The world is good to us." It’s not a big deal anymore, it’s not difficult to meet.”

Langxing wanted to follow what she said, but he still had the problem of Tianqing in his heart, so he smiled and said, "Thank you for your support. I will treat you as a true friend. But whether we meet or not is not just about the distance." It’s useless to talk about it now. We just treat each other as friends. No matter what, I have to visit you every once in a while before you can fight against the confusion of meditation. "

With Su Wan's intelligence, she could naturally guess why he said this. If Tianqing was really the reincarnation of Xun Yi, her friendship with Lang Xing would probably be difficult to develop. It would be useless for her to get close to Lang Xing. .

As she gets to know Lang Xing better, Su Wan appreciates this mysterious and sincere person more and more. In the past, she hoped to exclude Lang Xing from the list of suspected seekers, but now she no longer has that idea. This made her situation even more difficult.

"If I don't have the ability to fight against the sea of ​​meditation for the rest of my life, will you insist on coming to see me all the time?"

After asking, Su Wan glanced at Lang Xing, then raised her head to look at the sky that was covered by branches and leaves with only a few gaps left.

"Of course you have to persevere to the end. Who knew it was me who broke your Taoist heart?"

"You can give up when you feel reluctant. You don't owe me anything. On the contrary, I should be grateful to you for bringing me into a new realm."

Lang Xing said with a grimace, "It's pointless to talk about this. We are friends."

Su Wan frowned slightly and looked steadily into the depths of the forest. The sorrow in her heart made her feel so difficult and helpless.

Langxing advised, "Don't worry about these uncertain things. No one knows what will happen in the future, so why worry about it."

Su Wan remained unmoved and continued to stare into the depths of the forest, which seemed a bit sexual.

Lang Xing had no choice but to soften his tone again and said, "Okay,? If you treat me like a friend, then I will come to see you often in the future."

Su Wan turned her head to look at him, and then walked forward slowly and silently.

Lang Xing followed, not knowing how to persuade him.

Su Wan stopped not far away, turned around and looked at Lang Xing and said, "Lang Xing, I don't have many friends, because I'm not good at making friends, and I don't like making friends. I prefer to be quiet, but I have never made friends." I cherish every friend I have. You are very trustworthy. I know you are sincerely helping me. No matter whose favor it is, I will always remember your kindness. ”

Lang Xing waved his hand, and Su Wan rushed to say before he could speak, "Listen to me, I have a huge difficulty that I can't express clearly, so

I have repeatedly expressed how much I value you as a friend. Don't ask me what my difficulties are. I won't tell you, not even in this life. I want to make a very sincere request to you. We will always be friends. , whether it’s Jiangxiao or Tianqing, don’t let them affect our friendship. "

"Okay." Lang Xing nodded and agreed, but he was a little disapproving in his heart. If Su Wan and Tianqing became Taoist couples, he would definitely not have too much contact with Su Wan.

"Alas..." Su Wan sighed helplessly. She could see that Lang Xing was perfunctory, but she really had no better way to say these heartfelt words.

Her appearance made Lang Xing feel pity for her, and he said with a smile, "I know how you feel. Since you value me as a friend so much, I have nothing to say. When Xiang'er's injury is cured, I will I’ll help you figure out Tianqing’s suspicions. You don’t have to worry that I will wrongly accuse him. If I wanted to deal with him, I would have killed him long ago.”

Su Wan frowned slightly in embarrassment, a little regretful that she had directly mentioned Tianqing just now, so it would be fine if she didn't pierce the window paper, but this piercing would cause trouble.

Langxing narrowed his eyes and said, "Even if I don't want to help you, I still have to find out about this matter, not only to settle the score with that old guy, but also to solve some mysteries that bother me."

Su Wan's eyes flashed for a while and she made up her mind and said, "Okay, I trust you. If Tianqing comes to Xuanfang Sect to find me, I can let you meet him, but don't make it difficult for me." After a pause, she added He said, "Because Tianqing involves my unspeakable difficulties."

"Okay..." Lang Xing was so curious about her reason that he felt itchy.

The two finally reached an agreement, which eased the atmosphere a little. Su Wan cheered up and said, "Let's practice our tactics. You attack with your mind, and I attack with my cultivation."

Lang Xing smiled and shook his head and said, "If it's really for actual combat, you should attack with your mind. It doesn't matter whether it works or not."

Su Wan pointed at him angrily and said, "You look down on my cultivation!"

Lang Xing laughed and said, "Even if I look down on your treasure, your spiritual treasure is not worthy of carrying my shoes."

"Lang Xing, you are so..." Su Wan lost her temper midway through her words. Although Lang Xing was irritating, what she said was always the truth.

Lang Xing suppressed a smile and said, "When you refine your mental attack to a certain level, this spiritual treasure will be enough. Look back. If there is a chance, I will get you a better spiritual treasure." "He is really confident now. It's no wonder that with his combat power that can defeat the great monks in the late Nascent Soul stage, he can compete for a place at the pinnacle of the cultivation world. Brother Zhui'er now has the qualifications to look down upon the cultivation world.

"I don't need you to get spiritual treasures for me, we don't have that kind of friendship!" Su Wan scolded in confusion, "Lang Xing, you are such a boring person, you can always ruin people's mood!"

"Hahaha..., okay, okay, blame me, blame me, let's start the drill, listen to you, I attack with my mind, you use spiritual power."

"No more practice." Su Wan said these three words without interest.

"Then...shall I call out Xiao Yunduo to show you?"

"I do not want to see."

"Then...shall I teach you some teachings?"

Su Wan really wanted to choke him to the end, but she couldn't stop choking on the third sentence. This bastard always had a way to force her to swallow her anger. It was really frustrating, but she had to listen to the law.

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