Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1949: Enlightenment of Life

"Let's talk about what Heaven is."

Langxing chose a common topic in the world of cultivation. He and Shen Qing had unique insights in this regard, such as the heaven and earth being a grand magic circle that traps all spirits, and whether wolves eating sheep is the way of heaven, etc.

Su Wan also has her own thoughts on this aspect, but when talking about this, she feels that Lang Xing's point of view is more innovative.

Although this is an ordinary topic, if the discussion goes deeper, it will inevitably involve all those novel ideas, so Lang Xing only touched on it, which was enough to make Su Wan happy and shocked.

Every couple who has just come to the edge of love will appear abnormal. Their mentality of worrying about gains and losses will make them cramped and sensitive. They always want to carefully test each other's feelings in various ways, and they will be unable to control their emotions when they fluctuate. They often lose their temper and act arrogantly towards each other, even people like Lang Xing and Su Wan are not exempt from this habit. .??.

Fortunately, both of them knew how to exercise restraint and tolerance, so there was not much awkwardness and embarrassment during this period. However, due to restraint, this period became longer. After all, plainness is not the way to talk about love. Without turbulent heart waves, there will be no burning passion. Because of Xun Yi, because of Tian Qing, and because of Yu Chan, the two of them hesitated while standing by the river of love.

Winter and summer came and went, and two years passed like this. During this period, Su Wan went into seclusion again, and Lang Xing also went into seclusion once. It took less than half a year, and then Lang Xing became taciturn and obviously had something on his mind. Apart from occasionally giving Bai Xiang advice, Just spend the whole day staring at the flowers, plants and trees in the dense forest.

On this day, Amelia Su couldn't help but go over and ask, "What are you thinking about?"

Lang Xing pointed to the big tree in front of him and said, "Vitality."

"Vitality?" Su Wan was surprised.

Langxing frowned lightly and said, "One of my elders is about to reach the end of his life. I don't know what's going on now. I read some classics about vitality when I was in Qianxu Palace, and I want to figure out a way to extend his life."

After Su Wan learned what was going on, she said, "Our Xuanfang Sect has several life-extending elixirs. What is your elder's cultivation level?"

Lang Xing shook his head and said, "In the Feather Transformation stage, ordinary life-extending pills are useless. Only condensing life force can help her extend her life."

Su Wan said worriedly, "But as far as I know, those who refine vitality are evil ways that harm living beings."

Lang Xing's eyes were gloomy and he said, "Extracting vitality will definitely kill living beings, but I can't control that much anymore. Now I'm just worried about not finding a good way."

Su Wan shook her head and said that she didn't know how to extract vitality. She could see that the elder was very important to Lang Xing, so she couldn't mention the evil things anymore.

Lang Xing hesitated and said, "I want to go out."

"Looking for a way to refine vitality?" Su Wan's heart was raised. If this was the case, then Langxing would have to look for those mysterious and strange evil sects.

"No, I want to go see the elder first."

"Oh, can I accompany you?" Su Wan was worried that after visiting the elder, he would still find those evil sects.

Langxing hesitated for a moment and confessed, "I'm going to Puyunzhou. Please help me take care of Xiang'er."

Su Wan pursed her lips and refused to agree to this matter. If she went to Puyunzhou, she would be even more worried.

Langxing said in a pleading tone, "Maybe we can go and come back after a visit. It's a long way and it would be too much trouble to take Xiang'er with us."

"I'll go with you, or let Jiang Xiao

Let Xiyang accompany you. "

Lang Xing smiled and said, "No need, I have to let the two of them watch over Lu Gang for me. You don't have to worry about me. Even if I run into a group of big monsters, I can still save my life. It will be safer when I get to Puyunzhou." Yes, there are many people who will protect me.”

Su Wan stared at him and asked, "Do you have a deep relationship with Zixiao Palace?" She had wanted to ask this question for a long time. She had asked Jiangxiao before, and Jiangxiao's answer was that Langxing had been to Zixiao Palace. , has something to do with Zixiao Palace, and now she can't believe anything Jiangxiao says, especially about Langxing.

Lang Xing nodded hesitantly and said perfunctorily, "The relationship is pretty good."

"How deep is it? Is the elder you are talking about the Princess Huarui of Zixiao Palace?" Su Wan's heartbeat quickened.

"It's not convenient for me to tell you more about Pu Yunzhou." Lang Xing couldn't help but be wary when he saw Su Wan's expression was different.

"You don't trust me so much?" Su Wan wanted to take the words out of his mouth.

"It's not that I don't trust you, but I'm telling you that it won't do you any good and it won't be of any use."

"You don't have to worry that I will leak out what happened to you there. I have met several immortal kings and fairies in Zixiao Palace. Because of Xunyi's relationship, they are very good to me. Huarui and I I also had a relationship with the Palace Master, so it can be said that not only do I have no hostility towards Zixiao Palace, but I also feel some closeness to him."

The more eager Su Wan became, the more wary Langxing became. He couldn't figure out why Su Wan was so excited, so there was suspicion in his eyes.

Su Wan realized that her gaffe had aroused Lang Xing's suspicion, and couldn't help but secretly regret it. She hurriedly found an excuse and said, "Xunyi was once the Seventh Immortal Lord of Zixiao Palace. I am more concerned about the news of Zixiao Palace, so I want to inquire more about it." ”

Lang Xing just smiled and had no intention of saying anything more. Su Wan's excuse was too clumsy and not enough to eliminate Lang Xing's doubts.

"If it's not convenient for you to say, forget it." Su Wan could only put it aside knowingly. If Lang Xing was really the reincarnation of Xun Yi, he would have exposed too many flaws and it would be easy for him to figure out the secrets of reincarnation. The wisdom of this kid This is no joke.

Langxing walked down the slope and said, "I will tell you when there is a suitable time in the future. It is really useless and useless to tell you now. If you are concerned about the news about Zixiao Palace, I can help you find out. You Want to know something?"

Su Wan continued to work hard and said, "It would be best if I could personally visit the Master of Huarui Palace and several immortal kings and fairies. Otherwise, please take me to Puyunzhou and put me in Zixiao Palace, waiting for you." After visiting the elder, let’s come back together so that we can take care of him on the way.”

"No, you are a monk from Nanjingzhou. You will be in a lot of trouble after you get there. Don't think about it. I'll go tell Xiang'er and then we have to leave." After finishing speaking, Lang Xing went to find Bai Xiang. .

Master Huarui Immortal Concubine is about to reach the end of her life. This matter has always been on Langxing's mind. He didn't have much ability before, and all the senior brothers and sisters are people with great supernatural powers. With this group of senior brothers and sisters, it will be his turn to think of ways for his master. Don't worry too much about it. Now that his abilities are getting bigger and bigger, he naturally has to pay more attention to this matter.

In fact, what he learned during the last retreat was how to refine vitality, but unfortunately he didn't gain anything. Before the retreat, his heart was still calm. After all, the senior sister, second senior sister, and sixth senior brother all had the magical power of transforming into feathers, so he wanted to give it to him. Master's matter of extending his life had been taken care of a long time ago, but after leaving seclusion, his heart was not so peaceful. After chatting with Su Wan, his eagerness increased, making him just want to return to Zixiao Palace immediately to inquire. this matter. "Let's talk about what Heaven is."

Langxing chose a common topic in the world of cultivation. He and Shen Qing had unique insights in this regard, such as the heaven and earth being a grand magic circle that traps all spirits, and whether wolves eating sheep is the way of heaven, etc.

Su Wan also has her own thoughts on this aspect, but when talking about this, she feels that Lang Xing's point of view is more innovative.

Although this is an ordinary topic, if the discussion goes deeper, it will inevitably involve all those novel ideas, so Lang Xing only touched on it, which was enough to make Su Wan happy and shocked.

Every couple who has just come to the edge of love will appear abnormal. Their mentality of worrying about gains and losses will make them cramped and sensitive. They always want to carefully test each other's feelings in various ways, and they will be unable to control their emotions when they fluctuate. They often lose their temper and act arrogantly towards each other, even people like Lang Xing and Su Wan are not exempt from this habit.

Fortunately, both of them knew how to exercise restraint and tolerance, so there was not much awkwardness and embarrassment during this period. However, due to restraint, this period became longer. After all, plainness is not the way to talk about love. Without turbulent emotions, there will be no burning passion. Because of Xun Yi, because of Tian Qing, and because of Yu Chan, the two of them hesitated while standing by the river of love.

Winter and summer came and went, and two years passed like this. During this period, Su Wan went into seclusion again, and Lang Xing also went into seclusion once. It took less than half a year, and then Lang Xing became taciturn and obviously had something on his mind. Apart from occasionally giving Bai Xiang advice, Just spend the whole day staring at the flowers, plants and trees in the dense forest.

On this day, Amelia Su couldn't help but go over and ask, "What are you thinking about?"

Lang Xing pointed to the big tree in front of him and said, "Vitality."

"Vitality?" Su Wan was surprised.

Langxing frowned lightly and said, "One of my elders is about to reach the end of his life. I don't know what's going on now. I read some classics about vitality when I was in Qianxu Palace, and I want to figure out a way to extend his life."

After Su Wan learned what was going on, she said, "Our Xuanfang Sect has several life-extending elixirs. What is your elder's cultivation level?"

Lang Xing shook his head and said, "In the Feather Transformation stage, ordinary life-extending pills are useless. Only condensing life force can help her extend her life."

Su Wan said worriedly, "But as far as I know, those who refine vitality are evil ways that harm living beings."

Lang Xing's eyes were gloomy and he said, "Extracting vitality will definitely kill living beings, but I can't control that much anymore. Now I'm just worried about not finding a good way."

Su Wan shook her head and said that she didn't know how to extract vitality. She could see that the elder was very important to Lang Xing, so she couldn't mention the evil things anymore.

Lang Xing hesitated and said, "I want to go out."

"Looking for a way to refine vitality?" Su Wan's heart was raised. If this was the case, then Langxing would have to look for those mysterious and strange evil sects.

"No, I want to go see the elder first."

"Oh, can I accompany you?" Su Wan was worried that after visiting the elder, he would still find those evil sects.

Langxing hesitated for a moment and confessed, "I'm going to Puyunzhou. Please help me take care of Xiang'er."

Su Wan pursed her lips and refused to agree to this matter. If she went to Puyunzhou, she would be even more worried.

Langxing said in a pleading tone, "Maybe we can go and come back after a visit. It's a long way and it would be too much trouble to take Xiang'er with us."

"I'll go with you, or let Jiang Xiao

Let Xiyang accompany you. "

Lang Xing smiled and said, "No need, I have to let the two of them watch over Lu Gang for me. You don't have to worry about me. Even if I run into a group of big monsters, I can still save my life. It will be safer when I get to Puyunzhou." Yes, there are many people who will protect me.”

Su Wan stared at him and asked, "Do you have a deep relationship with Zixiao Palace?" She had wanted to ask this question for a long time. She had asked Jiangxiao before, and Jiangxiao's answer was that Langxing had been to Zixiao Palace. , has something to do with Zixiao Palace, and now she can't believe anything Jiangxiao says, especially about Langxing.

Lang Xing nodded hesitantly and said perfunctorily, "The relationship is pretty good."

"How deep is it? Is the elder you are talking about the Princess Huarui of Zixiao Palace?" Su Wan's heartbeat quickened.

"It's not convenient for me to tell you more about Pu Yunzhou." Lang Xing couldn't help but be wary when he saw Su Wan's expression was different.

"You don't trust me so much?" Su Wan wanted to take the words out of his mouth.

"It's not that I don't trust you, but I'm telling you that it won't do you any good and it won't be of any use."

"You don't have to worry that I will leak out what happened to you there. I have met several immortal kings and fairies in Zixiao Palace. Because of Xunyi's relationship, they are very good to me. Huarui and I I also had a relationship with the Palace Master, so it can be said that I have no hostility towards Zixiao Palace, and I also have some feelings of closeness."

The more eager Su Wan became, the more wary Langxing became. He couldn't figure out why Su Wan was so excited, so there was suspicion in his eyes.

Su Wan realized that her gaffe had aroused Lang Xing's suspicion, and couldn't help but secretly regret it. She hurriedly found an excuse and said, "Xunyi was once the Seventh Immortal Lord of Zixiao Palace. I am more concerned about the news of Zixiao Palace, so I want to find out more." ”

Lang Xing just smiled and had no intention of saying anything more. Su Wan's excuse was too clumsy and not enough to eliminate Lang Xing's doubts.

"If it's not convenient for you to say, forget it." Su Wan could only put it aside knowingly. If Lang Xing was really the reincarnation of Xun Yi, he would have exposed too many flaws and it would be easy for him to figure out the secrets of reincarnation. The wisdom of this kid This is no joke.

Langxing walked down the slope and said, "I will tell you when there is a suitable time in the future. It is really useless and useless to tell you now. If you are concerned about the news about Zixiao Palace, I can help you find out. You Want to know something?"

Su Wan continued to work hard and said, "It would be best if I could personally visit the Master of Huarui Palace and several immortal kings and fairies. Otherwise, please take me to Puyunzhou and put me in Zixiao Palace, waiting for you." After visiting the elder, let’s come back together so that we can take care of him on the way.”

"No, you are a monk from Nanjingzhou. You will be in a lot of trouble after you get there. Don't think about it. I'll go tell Xiang'er and then we have to leave." After finishing speaking, Lang Xing went to find Bai Xiang. .

Master Huarui Immortal Concubine is about to reach the end of her life. This matter has always been on Langxing's mind. He didn't have much ability before, and all the senior brothers and sisters are people with great supernatural powers. With this group of senior brothers and sisters, it will be his turn to think of ways for his master. Don't worry too much about it. Now that his abilities are getting bigger and bigger, he naturally has to pay more attention to this matter.

In fact, what he learned during the last retreat was how to refine vitality, but unfortunately he didn't gain anything. Before the retreat, his heart was still calm. After all, the senior sister, second senior sister, and sixth senior brother all had the magical power of transforming into feathers, so he wanted to give it to him. Master's matter of extending his life had been taken care of a long time ago, but after leaving seclusion, his heart was not so peaceful. After chatting with Su Wan, his eagerness increased, making him just want to return to Zixiao Palace immediately to inquire. this matter.

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