Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1952 A Nascent Soul Stone from the Past Life

Just when Bai Xiang's heart was about to jump out of her throat, her eyes blurred, and the master appeared in front of her with a calm expression.

"Master...what did you do?" Bai Xiang asked in a low voice.

Langxing showed her the scene of killing the monster beast just now, and saw the body of the leader of the group of giant beasts walking in the air suddenly shook, and then a white light flashed, and its huge body fell from the air. After going down, the other giant beasts were startled in fear, and then began to flee in all directions.

Bai Xiang looked at the master's elegant figure in the picture and said with difficulty, "Did you kill that giant beast?" .??.

Langxing showed her this just to reassure her. He nodded with a smile and said, "Well, it's easy to dispatch such a monster. You're not afraid this time, are you?"

Bai Xiang looked at her master with reverence and nodded vigorously, but her body was shivering involuntarily. For a person like her who had just entered the path of cultivation, killing such a monster was far better than fighting against Lu Pu. A great monk like Zi was much more shocking, and the image of the master in her heart became even taller.

Early the next morning, while letting the spirit crane rest, Langxing noticed that a man and a woman who were in the early stages of Nascent Soul cultivation were sneaking towards them from the north. Finally, they saw the monks from Puyunzhou. Lang Xing and Bai Xiang intercepted the two men.

"Two fellow Taoists, where did this come from? Do you know how the war with the monsters is going?"

The two people were wary at first, but they calmed down after seeing clearly that Lang Xing was just a monk from Puyunzhou. The man looked at Bai Xiang, who was wearing Nanjingzhou clothes, and said, "Aren't you a Puyunzhou monk?"

Langxing replied, "We have just come from Nanjingzhou, but we can be regarded as monks from Puyunzhou. Do you two fellow Taoists know how the war is going ahead?"

"You came from Nanjingzhou?!" Both of them looked surprised.

Lang Xing frowned slightly in confusion and said, "Yes, why do the two fellow Taoists look like this?"

"Do you know the route to Nanjingzhou?" the woman asked excitedly.

"Are you going to Nanjingzhou?" Lang Xing understood more clearly.

"Well... just tell me if you know the route. If you can tell us, we will reward you heavily." The man took out ten Nascent Soul Stones and looked at Lang Xing with eager eyes.

Langxing smiled and said, "There is no need for reward. I can tell you the route, but you must swear with your Taoist heart not to tell anyone else." Shen Qing took them through this secret passage. It is best not to leak it to too many people. Know.

"Okay, okay!!" The man immediately took out the oath and swore an oath, and the woman followed suit and swore an oath. Then both of them looked at Lang Xing eagerly.

"Tell me first how the war is going ahead." Lang Xing asked calmly.

The man hurriedly replied, "The fight was quite brutal at first, but the monster has lost its vigor in Nanjingzhou, and it can't get much benefit here. The offensive is now weak, and Qianzonghui is mobilizing its army." Counterattack."

"Oh, tell me the way you came here." Lang Xing said and first passed the secret passage to Nanjingzhou to him with his spiritual thoughts.

"Okay, okay!!" The man also sent a road map to Langxing, and then said with mixed feelings, "Can we really get to Nanjingzhou from here?"

Lang Xing nodded and said, "This road is very safe, and there are not many monsters in Nanjingzhou anymore. You two can go there with confidence."

"Hey!" The man waved his fist in joy, and said to Langxing repeatedly, "I really met a noble person, thank you little Taoist friend!

Thank you so much, fellow Taoist. I dare to ask you your name. My husband and I will never forget your great kindness! "

Lang Xing waved his hand and said, "Consider it that we are destined. There is no need to ask about our names. You two should leave as soon as possible."

"This...good! I hope we can meet again in the future, so that we can have a chance to repay our Taoist friends." The man sincerely sent the ten Nascent Soul Stones to Lang Xing.

Lang Xing reached out and took one, "I just want to take one. There are many places where you are unfamiliar with the place where you can use spirit stones. I have no shortage of spirit stones. Don't be polite anymore."

"Thank you... thank you so much!" The man didn't know how to express his gratitude. He cupped his hands again and said, "My name is Shi Jin, and this is my fellow Taoist Qi Juan. Since fellow Taoists are not rewarded, we can only sincerely Pray to God and wish that fellow Taoists will attain enlightenment and become immortals soon.”

Lang Xing nodded with a smile and made a sideways gesture inviting them to set off.

Shi Jin and Qi Juan saluted and thanked them while flying, and then turned around and galloped away after flying for a while.

Lang Xing had no way of knowing, but he really had some fate with these two people. When he was still looking for money, he bought a kind of silk called Muyunsi from these two people's stalls at the treasure fair. He also gave them a Nascent Soul Stone as a deposit and ordered them to buy Muyun Silk that lasted for more than three thousand years. Later, when Shi Jin was in danger while collecting the spiritual grass, Qi Juan went to Zixiao Palace for help. Xun Yi couldn't get away at that time. He left the matter to Yan Bing to deal with, and then he forgot about it and didn't bother about it again.

Now the Nascent Soul Stone as a deposit is back in his hands, but the cause and effect are unknown to both parties.

With the road map given by Shi Jin and Qi Juan, walking will be smoother.

On the road again, Bai Xiang asked curiously, "Master, what's going on with these two people?" The languages ​​​​of the two places are different. Although Langxing taught her some Puyunzhou words, she did not yet have the erudite memory ability of a monk, so I couldn't understand the conversation just now.

After Lang Xing explained it to her, Bai Xiang asked curiously, "Didn't you say before that the exercises in the two places are different and the pills should not be taken randomly? It was so inconvenient after they went there. Is it really that bad here in Puyunzhou?" ? I think they are similar to the people over there."

Langxing sighed, "Who would be willing to leave their hometown if they live well? In this regard, the mortal world is the same as the cultivation world. In some places, the corvee tax is light, and people live easier. In some places, the corvage tax is heavy, and people live a more relaxed life. It’s unbearable.”

"Our Nanjingzhou is the best, right? I heard them say that our Tianlu Alliance is very good."

Lang Xing nodded and said, "The Tianlu Alliance is indeed very good. Thanks to Cihang Immortal Lord and other virtuous people who have brought great benefits to the party."

Bai Xiang blinked and looked at the master and said, "You will definitely be able to benefit the world in the future. This disciple also hopes to become such a person."

Lang Xing smiled and shook his head and said, "I can't do it. I just want to take care of the people around me. This is enough to keep me busy."

Bai Xiang disapproved and said, "When you become a great supernatural power, you will be able to take care of me. I think you will be no worse than Immortal Cihang."

Lang Xing continued to shake his head and said, "Even if I become a mid-stage monk, I don't want to do those things. People are different. I feel a headache when I think about those troubled things, and I don't think they have anything to do with me. There are people who are worthy of my energy. If I encounter injustice, I will take care of it. If I see someone who is suffering, I will help them. That’s it. I will never do it for the entire cultivation world.”

Bai Xiang whispered in confusion, "But...but don't you also admire virtuous people like Cihang Xianzun?" Just when Bai Xiang's heart was about to jump out of his throat, his eyes blurred. The master appeared in front of her with a calm expression.

"Master...what did you do?" Bai Xiang asked in a low voice.

Langxing showed her the scene of killing the monster beast just now, and saw the body of the leader of the group of giant beasts walking in the air suddenly shook, and then a white light flashed, and its huge body fell from the air. After going down, the other giant beasts were startled in fear, and then began to flee in all directions.

Bai Xiang looked at the master's elegant figure in the picture and said with difficulty, "Did you kill that giant beast?"

Langxing showed her this just to reassure her. He nodded with a smile and said, "Well, it's easy to dispatch such a monster. You're not afraid this time, are you?"

Bai Xiang looked at her master with reverence and nodded vigorously, but her body was shivering involuntarily. For a person like her who had just entered the path of cultivation, killing such a monster was far better than fighting against Lu Pu. A great monk like Zi was much more shocking, and the image of the master in her heart became even taller.

Early the next morning, while letting the spirit crane rest, Langxing noticed that a man and a woman who were in the early stages of Nascent Soul cultivation were sneaking towards them from the north. Finally, they saw the monks from Puyunzhou. Lang Xing and Bai Xiang intercepted the two men.

"Two fellow Taoists, where did this come from? Do you know how the war with the monsters is going?"

The two people were wary at first, but they calmed down after seeing clearly that Lang Xing was just a monk from Puyunzhou. The man looked at Bai Xiang, who was wearing Nanjingzhou clothes, and said, "Aren't you a Puyunzhou monk?"

Langxing replied, "We have just come from Nanjingzhou, but we can be regarded as monks from Puyunzhou. Do you two fellow Taoists know how the war is going ahead?"

"You came from Nanjingzhou?!" Both of them looked surprised.

Lang Xing frowned slightly in confusion and said, "Yes, why do the two fellow Taoists look like this?"

"Do you know the route to Nanjingzhou?" the woman asked excitedly.

"Are you going to Nanjingzhou?" Lang Xing understood more clearly.

"Well... just tell me if you know the route. If you can tell us, we will reward you heavily." The man took out ten Nascent Soul Stones and looked at Lang Xing with eager eyes.

Langxing smiled and said, "There is no need for reward. I can tell you the route, but you must swear with your Taoist heart not to tell anyone." Shen Qing took them through this secret passage, so it is best not to leak it to too many people. Know.

"Okay, okay!!" The man immediately took out the oath and swore an oath, and the woman followed suit and swore an oath. Then both of them looked at Lang Xing eagerly.

"Tell me first how the war is going ahead." Lang Xing asked calmly.

The man hurriedly replied, "The fight was quite brutal at first, but the monster has lost its vigor in Nanjingzhou, and it can't get much benefit here. The offensive is now weak, and Qianzonghui is mobilizing its army." Counterattack."

"Oh, tell me the way you came here." Lang Xing said and first passed the secret passage to Nanjingzhou to him with his spiritual thoughts.

"Okay, okay!!" The man also sent a road map to Langxing, and then said with mixed feelings, "Can we really get to Nanjingzhou from here?"

Lang Xing nodded and said, "This road is very safe, and there are not many monsters in Nanjingzhou anymore. You two can go there with confidence."

"Hey!" The man waved his fist in joy, and said to Langxing repeatedly, "I really met a noble person, thank you little Taoist friend!

Thank you so much, fellow Taoist. I dare to ask you your name. My husband and I will never forget your great kindness! "

Lang Xing waved his hand and said, "Consider it that we are destined. There is no need to ask about our names. You two should leave as soon as possible."

"This...good! I hope we can meet again in the future, so that we can have a chance to repay our Taoist friends." The man sincerely sent the ten Nascent Soul Stones to Lang Xing.

Lang Xing reached out and took one, "I just want to take one. There are many places where you are unfamiliar with the place where you can use spirit stones. I have no shortage of spirit stones. Don't be polite anymore."

"Thank you... thank you so much!" The man didn't know how to express his gratitude. He cupped his hands again and said, "My name is Shi Jin, and this is my fellow Taoist Qi Juan. Since fellow Taoists are not rewarded, we can only sincerely Pray to God and wish that fellow Taoists will attain enlightenment and become immortals soon.”

Lang Xing nodded with a smile and made a sideways gesture inviting them to set off.

Shi Jin and Qi Juan saluted and thanked them while flying, and then turned around and galloped away after flying for a while.

Lang Xing had no way of knowing, but he really had some fate with these two people. When he was still looking for money, he bought a kind of silk called Muyunsi from these two people's stalls at the treasure fair. He also gave them a Nascent Soul Stone as a deposit and ordered them to buy Muyun Silk that lasted for more than three thousand years. Later, when Shi Jin was in danger while collecting the spiritual grass, Qi Juan went to Zixiao Palace for help. Xun Yi couldn't get away at that time. He left the matter to Yan Bing to deal with, and then he forgot about it and didn't bother about it again.

Now the Nascent Soul Stone as a deposit is back in his hands, but the cause and effect are unknown to both parties.

With the road map given by Shi Jin and Qi Juan, walking will be smoother.

On the road again, Bai Xiang asked curiously, "Master, what's going on with these two people?" The languages ​​​​of the two places are different. Although Langxing taught her some Puyunzhou words, she did not yet have the erudite memory ability of a monk, so I couldn't understand the conversation just now.

After Lang Xing explained it to her, Bai Xiang asked curiously, "Didn't you say before that the exercises in the two places are different and the pills should not be taken randomly? It was so inconvenient after they went there. Is it really that bad here in Puyunzhou?" ? I think they are similar to the people over there."

Langxing sighed, "Who would be willing to leave their hometown if they live well? In this regard, the mortal world is the same as the cultivation world. In some places, the corvee tax is light, and people live easier. In some places, the corvage tax is heavy, and people live a more relaxed life. It’s miserable.”

"Our Nanjingzhou is the best, right? I heard them say that our Tianlu Alliance is very good."

Lang Xing nodded and said, "The Tianlu Alliance is indeed very good. Thanks to Cihang Immortal Lord and other virtuous people who have brought great benefits to the party."

Bai Xiang blinked and looked at the master and said, "You will definitely be able to benefit the world in the future. This disciple also hopes to become such a person."

Lang Xing smiled and shook his head and said, "I can't do it. I just want to take care of the people around me. This is enough to keep me busy."

Bai Xiang disapproved and said, "When you become a great supernatural power, you will naturally be able to take care of me. I think you will be no worse than Immortal Cihang."

Lang Xing continued to shake his head and said, "Even if I become a mid-stage monk, I don't want to do those things. People are different. I feel a headache when I think about those troubled things, and I don't think they have anything to do with me. There are people who are worthy of my energy. If I encounter injustice, I will take care of it. If I see someone who is suffering, I will help them. That’s it. I will never do it for the entire cultivation world.”

Bai Xiang whispered in confusion, "But...but don't you also admire virtuous people like Immortal Cihang?"

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