Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1953 I went out to play

Lang Xing put away the smile on his face, looked at her calmly and said, "It depends on what you care about more. A person's energy is limited. The more you give to outsiders, the less you will leave for yourself and those close to you." One thing, if I were caring about the world, I would definitely be fighting monsters right now, so I wouldn’t be able to take care of you like I do now, and I wouldn’t have time to visit your master.”

Bai Xiang bit her lip gently, her eyes filled with thought.

Langxing paused for a moment before continuing, "Not all the cultivators in Nanjingzhou are good people. I think that fighting for them is far less important than taking good care of you. I am a cultivator in Nanjingzhou and have enjoyed the tranquility of Nanjingzhou. So when there was trouble in Nanjingzhou, I couldn't do nothing, so I went to kill the monsters and did my part. I think this way I can feel at ease."

"Oh..." Bai Xiang obviously still had different ideas.

Langxing continued to teach, "Do you still remember what I told you about your master in Qianxu Palace asking me to go out for refuge before the disaster? For mediocre people, guarding the gate of the master and guarding the place where you are Continent is a matter of life and death for them, so they have to fight for it. But if your vision is limited to the sect and Nanjingzhou, then it will be difficult to achieve success. Do your best to take care of your relatives and friends, and then Focus more energy on enlightenment, because you have extraordinary qualifications and all kinds of excellent conditions brought to you by your teacher. When your cultivation level is high enough, you can do whatever you want. "

Bai Xiang nodded vigorously and said, "Disciple, I understand."

Lang Xing smiled and said, "You may not really understand. I will take you to see a disciple of Cihang Immortal Lord later and ask her to tell you how to treat the world. The disciples of the Immortal Lord suffered many casualties in this war." Tragic, the person I want to take you to see also lost most of his life. It can be said that the Immortal Lord has benefited Nanjingzhou, but he did not take good care of his disciples. This is good or bad. The benevolent sees benevolence and the wise see wisdom. I am right The immortal respects him deeply, but he will not learn from him."

"Do you still know the disciples of Cihang Immortal Lord?" Bai Xiang asked in surprise, feeling

I feel that my master is so powerful.

"Her name is Shen Qing, she is..."

"Ah! I've heard of it! She is the most amazing woman in the cultivation world!" Bai Xiang shouted excitedly.

Shen Qing is really famous all over the world. Lang Xing smiled, "Yes, that's her. We are very good friends. She is my best friend. She is closer than Master Jiangxiao."

"Yeah!" Bai Xiang clenched his fists excitedly. He never thought that he would be lucky enough to meet the most amazing woman in the cultivation world.

Seeing her so happy, Lang Xing also smiled happily. He recalled that he was also very pleasantly surprised when he met Shen Qing for the first time.

At noon the next day, Langxing was teaching Bai Xiang what Pu Yunzhou said, when he suddenly frowned slightly and controlled the spirit crane to fly to the northeast.

"What's wrong?" Bai Xiang asked uneasily.

"There are monsters over there." Langxing pointed to the west and said in a calm tone.

"Oh." Bai Xiang felt relieved when he saw his master was so calm.

After less than a cup of tea, Langxing frowned again and changed direction again to gallop due north. At this time, his expression became a little solemn.

"Master..." Bai Xiang's heart was hanging again.

Langxing stared straight ahead and said, "There are monsters coming from the left, right and rear. They are definitely not coming towards us. There may be some trouble nearby. Don't be afraid, our spirit crane is not slow." , can escape."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lang Xing noticed the fluctuation of spiritual power coming from the front left, and could conclude that a large-scale battle was taking place over there. While urging the spirit crane to fly as fast as possible, he held Bai Xiang tightly. hand

Be prepared for a hard fight.

"Who are you!"

As this spiritual thought came, Langxing used his spiritual consciousness to detect an army of hundreds of people flying thousands of miles away. He knew the banner they were flying. It was the one Shen Qing and the others intercepted when they first entered Puyunzhou. They live in Xinpu camp, one of the nine camps of Tiandao under Qianzonghui.

Lang Xing waved his hand and made a mark of Zixiao Palace in the air, then drove the spirit crane and rushed towards the army.

After the two sides got closer, a great monk in the late Nascent Soul stage came up to him and asked in surprise, "Are you the little immortal king from Zixiao Palace?! Why are you here?"

Lang Xing didn't know this person, so he didn't care to be polite at this moment. He hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "I want to go back to Zixiao Palace. Please give me a safe route map."

At this time, six monks in the middle stage of Nascent Soul rushed over and saluted one after another when they arrived in front of Langxing. No matter they were middle-aged or white-haired, no matter what rank they wore in the military, they all saluted as juniors. When paying homage, some say they are paying homage to their uncle, while others say they are paying homage to their master.

The great monk said to Lang Xing with a solemn expression, "The military situation is urgent. I cannot personally escort Little Immortal Lord." Then he turned to the six Zixiao disciples and nodded at two of them, "You two, escort Little Immortal Lord quickly. Go to Bian Shuai and make no mistakes!”

The four people who were not selected all frowned, and one of them said in a tone that could not be argued with, "We, the Zixiao Sect, must ensure that the Eight Immortals are foolproof." The other three frowned.

The great monk in the late stage of Nascent Soul nodded helplessly and watched the six people escorting their little immortal king away. He could only curse these people in his heart for being slippery. The disciples of the nine sects who could fight in front of the formation were all They didn't do well in their respective sects, but even these people he didn't dare to offend easily.

This time, Bai Xiang understood what the Master meant by respecting status.

What did it mean? Seeing the six great monks guarding them with respectful faces, she felt like she was in a dream.

Lang Xing briefly asked about the current situation, and the answer he got was almost the same as what Shi Jin said. The current battle was a counterattack by the army on the edge of the town. There were four battlefields fighting at the same time. The nearby army commanded by Erxianjun Xinyi The 2,000-strong army at the edge of the town was responsible for the left wing of the battle, which happened to be where he and Bai Xiang were.

After flying for half an hour, they arrived at the camp where Xinyi's commander was located. Among the direct disciples of the nine sects, Xinyi was considered an upright person. Although he could not compare with Qi Jia and others who were on the battlefield and fought bloody battles, he was There are not many people in Puyunzhou who can supervise the battle so close to the battlefield as an immortal king.

When he heard that his junior brother had actually appeared here, Xinyi left the commander's tent in disbelief and came out to greet him.

"Why are you here?!" When Xinyi met, he frowned in fear and asked. If something happened to this little guy, the four sisters in Neihai would blame him to death.

Bai Xiang timidly leaned closer to Lang Xing. The other party's momentum was too scary. Not only did the great monk in handsome robes and an angry face have a terrifying majesty, but also the crowd of subordinates and guards around him formed a terrifying atmosphere. The pomp and circumstance is quite scary, all of them have a good dignity, and no one has low cultivation level.

"I went out to play. I missed Master and wanted to go back and have a look. I didn't expect that when I got here, I happened to catch up with a war." Lang Xing said with a smile. He was not afraid of this second senior brother at all. In terms of mentality, he is more confident than Xunyi in his previous life. After all, he is the top disciple of Inner Sea, and his current ability also gives him this confidence.

"Nonsense! Where have you been?" Xinyi looked at Bai Xiang and asked.

"Second Senior Brother, don't scare her." Lang Xing frowned and protected Bai Xiang behind him, who was starting to tremble with fright.

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