Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1954: Can’t Fall Behind Others

Xinyi waved his hand, waved away the subordinates and guards around him, and then said with a calm face, "You went to Nanjingzhou?"

Lang Xing nodded calmly and said, "Yes, Second Senior Sister promised to let me go."

Xinyi exhaled in frustration and scolded, "You are too ignorant. You dare to run around at this time?! Don't say anything. I will send someone to take you back immediately. Don't come out again!"

Langxing said unhappily, "I'm not a child anymore, Second Senior Brother. Besides, Second Senior Sister dares to let me go and have a wander. Are you smarter than Second Senior Sister?" After talking back, he used his spiritual thoughts instead and said, "This Bai Xiang is me. New disciple, you scold me like this, how can I lose face in front of my disciples?"

Xinyi felt dumbfounded that such a young monk actually accepted a disciple. As a closed disciple of Zixiao Palace, accepting a major disciple of Zhangmai was a big deal. How could it be such a trivial matter? Moreover, the one he accepted was a little girl from Nanjingzhou, but his junior brother had already lost face. He could no longer be so disrespectful to his junior brother.

He softened his tone and said, "It's too dangerous outside now. I'm afraid something will happen to you. Let's go back to the palace first. You're about to go back, too. I won't care if your second senior sister lets you out again."

Seeing that the second senior brother was no longer so irritable and stern, Lang Xing pulled Bai Xiang over and said, "This is the second senior uncle from Waihai. Please pay your respects to the second senior uncle."

Bai Xiang shivered like a frightened little rabbit and gave Xinyi a gift.

Xinyi said forcefully and seductively, "Okay, okay, your name is Xiang'er, right? Don't be afraid. Master just said a few words to you because he was a little anxious. Don't panic. How did you get hurt? Come on, let me Master, take a look."

Langxing stopped her and said, "No need, Second Senior Brother, I'll just take her to Second Senior Sister for treatment. You are so busy with military affairs, so I won't bother you here. You can send two people to take us back."

Xinyi took out a small purple bottle and handed it to Lang Xing, and said with spiritual thought, "I am also keeping in mind the life span of my master's wife. This is a newly obtained life-extending elixir. Please help me take it back and give it to your second senior sister to keep." That's all I can do."

Langxing took the vial and saluted respectfully, "Thank you so much, Second Senior Brother."

Xinyi patted his shoulder and said, "Silly boy, it's your turn to come and thank me. Master's wife has a loving mother to us. Although you are Master's close disciple, when it comes to your feelings for Master's wife, we are better than you." It's much deeper. I only hate that I only have so little ability and can't repay Master's kindness more. You go back and wait for Master. I don't know if she will come back. If she comes back, I must send someone. Come and send me a message."

"Yes." Lang Xing looked at the vial and asked, "How effective is this elixir?"

Xinyi shook his head slightly and said, "Although it is extremely rare, it can only last for about ten years. You mainly have to rely on your two senior sisters and Xinxie for this matter. I'm afraid your fourth senior sister can't help much." ”

Second Senior Brother's words made Langxing feel a haze in his heart. He couldn't wait for a moment and said, "Second Senior Brother, please quickly arrange an escort. I will return to the palace right away."

Xinyi called two of his proud disciples and ordered them to escort his junior uncle back to the palace quickly without delaying along the way. He also carefully ordered them to find a Puyunzhou dress for Bai Xiang to change into first.

Watching his junior brother take Bai Xiang away on the crane, Xinyi's brows slowly wrinkled. With his eyesight, he could see that there must be something wrong with this junior brother's cultivation. Just by looking at his demeanor, he was definitely not. Now that the pill-forming monk has it, there must be a reason why the second junior sister dared to let him go out alone.

This made Xinyi couldn't help but think of another junior brother, Xinqing. Xinqing had developed a weird golden elixir, and his cultivation was also in a mess. What kind of fate was Zixiao Palace following? The two close disciples are so weird, I hope this little guy won't be as troublesome as Xinqing.

Thinking about this, Xinyi recalled Xinyi

Qing's voice and smile sighed sadly, that little thing was so deceptive. As soon as he arrived at Zixiao Palace, he kept bringing blessings to everyone, but he was repeatedly wronged and wronged because of his unspeakable difficulties. He also reprimanded him. He, but that little thing never cared about it and just endured it with a smile on his face.

"Xinqing, why didn't you even give Second Brother a chance to apologize!" Xinyi looked up at the sky and lamented in his heart. Full of sorrow and nowhere to vent, a dark gray cloud drifting by was covered by his spiritual power. It was so shocked that it became invisible.

Everyone who noticed the vibration of the majestic spiritual power rushed out of the camp and looked at what happened in horror.

"The escort battalion will follow me to fight!" After Xinyi issued the military order in a deep voice, he took a step forward and reached hundreds of miles away. He was going to vent his grief on those monsters.

Lang Xing was on the road again and had no intention of saying anything to Bai Xiang. He wished he could see the second senior sister immediately and ask her if she was ready to extend his master's life.

The place they passed was the front line of the confrontation with the monsters, and the back was much safer. Occasionally, they would see sporadic battles to eliminate the monsters.

On the third day, Langxing unexpectedly saw a group of acquaintances in front of him, about thirty people, with a battle flag flying behind them and three big words written on them - Qian Shaomeng!

"Hi! Langxing! Langxing!" Pei Yuan shouted excitedly when he saw Langxing and rushed towards him.

"What are you doing?" Lang Xing asked curiously.

"Protect the territory, protect the territory, and drive away the monsters! We, the Qian Young League, are all descendants of wealthy families, so naturally we cannot lag behind others in this kind of thing." Pei Yuan said solemnly.

Langxing took a lot of effort to force out a smile, and cursed in his heart, we are already three or four days away from the front line, and your grandma is still not behind others. At this time, several big monks who were guarding and protecting this group of young masters flew over to greet him. These people were all from the Three Immortals University held by Zixiao Palace.

I have seen them at the meeting, and they are all well-known figures from various sects.

After several major monks greeted Lang Xing, they chatted with Xinyi's two disciples about the war ahead.

Pei Yuan continued to ask Lang Xing, "Where have you been these years? Where are Jiangxiao and Xiyang?"

Lang Xing said perfunctorily, "I have been traveling outside. I was caught by my second senior brother, and he escorted me back to the palace."

Pei Yuanpan laughed and said, "Why are you still cultivating alchemy? With this level of cultivation, you can't travel. I think all you can do is travel every day."

Langxing smiled and looked at Quanjuan, Xiaoshaxing and others who were standing aside, and asked, "Guyunzhan, Lanyin, Xinya, Hehua and the others are not acting with you?"

The little evil star chuckled and said, "They don't bother hanging out with us anymore."

Quan Jue glared at Xiao Xiuxing displeasedly. This was too disgraceful for him as the leader of the alliance.

Pei Yuan used his spiritual thoughts to Lang Xing and said, "Both Hehua and Xin Xin have gone to Northern Xinjiang and should be back soon. Now that our victory is determined, they will definitely come back to gain some military exploits."

Quan Jue warmly invited Lang Xing, "You can kill the monsters with us. Uncle Xinyi will definitely agree to this. I will help you get rid of the two people escorting you."

Of course, Pei Yuan couldn't let Quan Jue steal this favor, and said hurriedly, "I'll just tell them both. I know both of them."

Lang Xing hurriedly waved his hands and said, "No, no, no, I have a new disciple. She is a little injured. I have to take her back as soon as possible to ask Second Senior Sister to heal her. I can't kill monsters here with you anymore."

Pei Yuan held back a smile and looked at Bai Xiang and said, "You have the nerve to accept a disciple with such little cultivation. I think you are just trying to defraud us of the meeting gift." As he spoke, he took out two bottles of healing elixirs and a pile of Nascent Soul Stones. To Bai Xiang, although this kid's words are unpleasant, his actions are generous enough. The value of those two bottles of healing elixirs is quite high.

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