Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1960 Why bother forcing disciples?

Lang Xing continued, "Some so-called righteousness is just a view that most people agree with, and most people mean mediocrity. The things they admire must be beneficial to them, such as protecting borders and territory, such as The Guardian Sect, they need to stick together to survive better, and at the same time, they also hope to draw those powerful people into their camp.

Every group has its own righteousness. What you need to realize now is that you do not belong to a mediocre group. Don’t be bound by the righteousness they follow and cover your eyes. "

"Well! I understand what you said, Master, but am I really as extraordinary as you say?"

Lang Xing nodded happily and said, "Your understanding is much higher than I originally thought. It can be said to be outstanding. In fact, many people have great potential, but they are delayed by mediocre cognition, and in the end they can only It’s just mediocre.”

Bai Xiang was extremely happy and said, "Without your guidance, this disciple would never have had such knowledge. I really don't know how to repay your great kindness."

Lang Xing pretended to be displeased and said, "I've told you so many times, but you still open your mouth and shut up just to repay your kindness. If this continues, your level won't be much higher."

Bai Xiang pursed his lips with a thoughtful look, "I understand, you just don't want me to carry the burden of repaying my kindness. In fact, what you just said was very clear. The master of Qianxu Palace and the second son of Zixiao Palace Master, you will fight to the death. You also have a deep heart to repay your kindness. You are already such a person and in such a state, why bother forcing your disciples?"

"Presumptuous." Lang Xing scolded with a smile.

Bai Xiang smiled without fear and said, "I didn't say anything wrong. You don't need to cherish me so much. If I don't even appreciate your kindness, what kind of person would I be? Is that still a human being?"

Lang Xing helplessly shook his head and said, "It is right to know how to be grateful, but you must also know when to stop. Your master in Zixiao Palace could have been immortalized for a long time. It is because we, the disciples, cannot reassure her that we drag her down." She can't leave until today. Sometimes attachment is also a kind of bondage. To be grateful, you must always stand in the other person's position and think about problems. If I am in danger, what I want to see most is that you act according to your ability. If you don't care about life and death, go and save me. Me, that would not be repayment, but would push me into a more painful situation.”

"The master of Qianxu Palace and the second uncle of Zixiao Palace don't want to see you running to remonstrate with your death."

Lang Xing nodded, "You are right. Knowing the truth and being able to act according to the truth are two realms. I hope you can surpass me in this aspect. That will make me extremely happy."

Bai Xiang said perfunctorily, "I will not disappoint your expectations, but you have to give me more time. I have just embarked on the path of cultivation."

Lang Xing snorted, "Don't play tricks on me. This has nothing to do with the years of cultivation. It's only about wisdom. Think about it carefully and thoroughly, so that I can rest assured as soon as possible."

"Yes!" Bai Xiang agreed crisply. She now understood Master's temper and knew how to get along with him.

"This eagle is so big." Bai Xiang was looking for a topic to talk about, trying to distract his master from his heavy mood.

Langxing stroked Deyi Diao's back feathers and said, "This is what your Sixth Master gave me. He has a nickname called Little Demon Lord. He is a powerful person who can stir up Pu Yunzhou. You will know him in the future." He's so awesome. I'll take you to meet him when I get the chance."

Bai Xiang sighed with emotion, "Oh, I really feel like I'm a step ahead

When you reach the sky, you will be surrounded by big people who can shake things up. "

"It won't be long before you realize they're no more than that."

"Hey, famous teachers produce great disciples, how can I be so lucky?" Bai Xiang coquettishly held her master's arm.

Langxing put on a profound smile, "You have earned this blessing by yourself. In terms of qualifications alone, your brother's qualifications are higher than yours. I had no intention of accepting a disciple at the time, but because of the conversations you two had along the way, I let him I have the intention to lead you to the path of cultivation, and no matter how high his qualifications are, I will not bless him. But if he is as grateful and filial as you, I will It is very likely that you, my siblings, will be brought into cultivation together, so you have to earn your blessings. If you uphold good intentions, your blessings will become greater and greater in the future."

"Ah? My younger brother is more qualified than me? Master..."

Lang Xing shook his head and said, "You don't need to beg me for him. I can do whatever you want for most things, but there are some things that I can't do. Let alone accepting him as a disciple, I won't even entrust him to others to practice, because That goes against my principles as a human being.”

Bai Xiang muttered in a low voice, "Although my little brother has a lot of problems, he is still young. As long as he is taught patiently, he will be able to correct all his problems. He is actually not too bad..."

Lang Xing smiled calmly and said, "I won't be patient with him. The result of taking him in will probably be to kill him with my own hands in the end. You must be patient with him, but you only have so much cultivation." , there is no chance to lead him to the path of cultivation. This is his fate. It is his own fault. He cannot blame others. Growing up with a sister like you, he refuses to learn from you. Your mother is also a very good person. God has given him many opportunities.”

Bai Xiang sighed. Although the master said it right, the love between brother and sister was so deep that it was inevitable that he still felt a little unwilling in his heart.

Lang Xing stopped paying attention to her. She had already said what she needed to say. The main reason for mentioning her younger brother was to let Bai Xiang understand where blessings come from. If Bai Xiang only wanted to help her younger brother, then she couldn't do it. She knows that there must be a limit to addiction.

After a while, Bai Xiang seemed to have turned a corner and whispered, "Master, are you not angry? I figured it out. I shouldn't be so greedy. My brother and mother have been properly accommodated. This is already an accident." It’s such a blessing, asking for more is just greed.”

Lang Xing said, "It's good to understand. We can only enjoy the blessings we deserve. What we force will not be blessings, but disasters. Help the good more and let the good prevail. Supporting the evil will trap the good. He is in a difficult situation. Your brother cannot be said to be evil, but his character cannot be considered good. He cannot be taught easily. If he is brought into the world of cultivation, his qualifications may endanger the other party. It is difficult for him to have a good ending. I should be satisfied that I can live a prosperous life because of you, and you as a sister can be considered worthy of him. "

"Well, I won't think about helping him enter the cultivation world anymore."

Lang Xing praised, "This is where your wisdom lies. I'm not deceiving you. You can really surpass me. In this matter, I don't have your transparency."

"You're just trying to trick me!" Being praised so highly by her master, Bai Xiang coquettishly acted coquettishly and quickly changed the subject, "You haven't said where you are going?"

"Take you to see Shen Qing and let her meet the person who will replace her as the most amazing woman in the cultivation world."

"Master~!" Bai Xiang blushed and shook the master's arm reluctantly. Lang Xing continued, "Some so-called righteousness is just a view that most people agree with, and most people mean mediocrity. The things they admire must be beneficial to them, such as protecting borders and territory, such as The Guardian Sect, they need to stick together to survive better, and at the same time, they also hope to draw those powerful people into their camp.

Every group has its own righteousness. What you need to realize now is that you do not belong to a mediocre group. Don’t be bound by the righteousness they follow and cover your eyes. "

"Well! I understand what you said, Master, but am I really as extraordinary as you say?"

Lang Xing nodded happily and said, "Your understanding is much higher than I originally thought. It can be said to be outstanding. In fact, many people have great potential, but they are delayed by mediocre cognition, and in the end they can only It’s just mediocre.”

Bai Xiang was extremely happy and said, "Without your guidance, this disciple would never have such knowledge. I really don't know how to repay your great kindness."

Lang Xing pretended to be displeased and said, "I've told you so many times, but you still open your mouth and shut up just to repay your kindness. If this continues, your level won't be much higher."

Bai Xiang pursed his lips with a thoughtful look, "I understand, you just don't want me to carry the burden of repaying my kindness. In fact, what you just said was very clear. The master of Qianxu Palace and the second son of Zixiao Palace Master, you will fight to the death. You also have a deep heart to repay your kindness. You are already such a person and in such a state, why bother forcing your disciples?"

"Presumptuous." Lang Xing scolded with a smile.

Bai Xiang smiled without fear and said, "I didn't say anything wrong. You don't need to cherish me so much. If I don't even appreciate your kindness, what kind of person would I be? Is that still a human being?"

Lang Xing helplessly shook his head and said, "It is right to know how to be grateful, but you must also know when to stop. Your master in Zixiao Palace could have been immortalized for a long time. It is because we, the disciples, cannot reassure her that we drag her down." She can't leave until today. Sometimes attachment is also a kind of bondage. To be grateful, you must always stand in the other person's position and think about problems. If I am in danger, what I want to see most is that you act according to your ability. If you don't care about life and death, go and save me. Me, that would not be repayment, but would push me into a more painful situation.”

"The master of Qianxu Palace and the second uncle of Zixiao Palace don't want to see you running to remonstrate with your death."

Lang Xing nodded, "You are right. Knowing the truth and being able to act according to the truth are two realms. I hope you can surpass me in this aspect. That will make me extremely happy."

Bai Xiang said perfunctorily, "I will not disappoint your expectations, but you have to give me more time. I have just embarked on the path of cultivation."

Lang Xing snorted, "Don't play tricks on me. This has nothing to do with the years of cultivation. It's only about wisdom. Think about it carefully and thoroughly, so that I can rest assured as soon as possible."

"Yes!" Bai Xiang agreed crisply. She now understood Master's temper and knew how to get along with him.

"This eagle is so big." Bai Xiang was looking for a topic, hoping to help his master distract his heavy heart.

Langxing stroked Deyi Diao's back feathers and said, "This is what your Sixth Master gave me. He has a nickname called Little Demon Lord. He is a powerful person who can stir up Pu Yunzhou. You will know him in the future." He's so awesome. I'll take you to meet him when I get the chance."

Bai Xiang sighed with emotion, "Oh, I really feel like I'm a step ahead

When you reach the sky, you will be surrounded by big people who can shake things up. "

"It won't be long before you realize they're no more than that."

"Hey, famous teachers produce great disciples, how can I be so lucky?" Bai Xiang coquettishly held her master's arm.

Langxing put on a profound smile, "You have earned this blessing by yourself. In terms of qualifications alone, your brother's qualifications are higher than yours. I had no intention of accepting a disciple at the time, but because of the conversations you two had along the way, I let him I have the intention to lead you to the path of cultivation, and no matter how high his qualifications are, I will not bless him. But if he is as grateful and filial as you, I will It is very likely that you, your siblings, will be brought into the path of cultivation together, so blessings are earned by yourself. If you uphold good intentions, your blessings will become greater and greater in the future."

"Ah? My qualifications are higher than mine? Master..."

Lang Xing shook his head and said, "You don't need to beg me for him. I can do whatever you want for most things, but there are some things that I can't do. Let alone accepting him as a disciple, I won't even entrust him to others to practice, because That goes against my principles as a human being.”

Bai Xiang muttered in a low voice, "Although my little brother has a lot of problems, he is still young. As long as he is taught patiently, he will be able to correct all his problems. He is actually not too bad..."

Lang Xing smiled calmly and said, "I won't be patient with him. The result of taking him in will probably be to kill him with my own hands in the end. You must be patient with him, but you only have so much cultivation." , there is no chance to lead him to the path of cultivation. This is his fate. It is his own fault. He cannot blame others. Growing up with a sister like you, he refuses to learn from you. Your mother is also a very good person. God has given him many opportunities.”

Bai Xiang sighed. Although his master was right, he still felt a little unwilling to accept it because of the deep love between brother and sister.

Lang Xing stopped paying attention to her. She had already said what needed to be said. The main reason for mentioning her brother was to let Bai Xiang understand where blessings came from. If Bai Xiang only wanted to help her brother, then she couldn't follow her instructions. She knows that there must be a limit to addiction.

After a while, Bai Xiang seemed to have turned a corner and whispered, "Master, are you not angry? I figured it out. I shouldn't be so greedy. My brother and mother have been properly accommodated. This is already an accident." It’s such a blessing, asking for more is just greed.”

Lang Xing said, "It's good to understand. We can only enjoy the blessings we deserve. What we force will not be blessings, but disasters. Help the good more and let the good prevail. Supporting the evil will trap the good. He is in a difficult situation. Your brother cannot be said to be evil, but his character cannot be considered good. He cannot be taught easily. If he is brought into the world of cultivation, his qualifications may endanger the other party. It is difficult for him to have a good ending. I should be satisfied that I can live a prosperous life because of you, and you as a sister can be considered worthy of him. "

"Well, I won't think about helping him enter the cultivation world anymore."

Lang Xing praised, "This is where your wisdom lies. I'm not deceiving you. You can really surpass me. In this matter, I don't have your transparency."

"You're just trying to trick me!" Being praised so highly by her master, Bai Xiang coquettishly acted coquettishly and quickly changed the subject, "You haven't said where you are going?"

"Take you to see Shen Qing and let her meet the person who will replace her as the most amazing woman in the cultivation world."

"Master~!" Bai Xiang blushed and shook the master's arm reluctantly.

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