Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1961 Oh, forget it

In the first section of the journey, Lang Xing flew not very fast in Deyi Diao.

Although Second Senior Sister's persuasion made him figure out the master's matter, he still hoped to see his master again, so he searched for his master while walking.

Searching forward with his spiritual consciousness like this will inevitably harass others, and his powerful spiritual consciousness does not match his cultivation level. When the harassed people come to find him, it is difficult for him to explain, so he can only mobilize Deyi The eagle ran away, and if he couldn't escape, he would act arrogant like the Eight Immortals, but this was not the answer after all.

A few days later, Langxing lamented in his heart, stopped trying to find his master, and urged the Deyi Eagle to fly quickly.

After bypassing the sects in Northern Xinjiang along the route he took last time, he ran towards the gap with the magma. Firstly, he wanted to visit Senior Sister Yanxia, ​​and secondly, he wanted to find out if Sister Minglan was here. Found him.

Yanxia was quite surprised by this young junior brother's sudden visit. Immortal Concubine Chixia now lives here with four disciples. Due to the fate of her previous life, the concubine was very fond of Langxing and intended to keep Langxing for a longer period of time. Give him some pointers.

Langxing didn't want to linger anymore. After asking Qingming that Sister Lan had never been here before, he deduced that he was traveling with the two senior sisters and had to go to meet the two senior sisters as soon as possible. After leaving some spiritual stones for Yanxia, ​​he wanted to Farewell.

Yanxia was naturally worried and insisted on escorting him to meet the two senior sisters. After walking for a while, Langxing spent a lot of effort to send her back.

After Yanxia left, Bai Xiang played with the red crystal stone that Yanxia gave her and said, "Master, why do you have so many good friends? I can see that Master Yanxia really cares about you." .??.

"This is fate." Lang Xing embedded the red crystal stone in her hairpin. With the protection of this fire crystal stone, Bai Xiang would not have to worry about being injured by the cold.

"Then you really made a lot of good connections in your last life." Bai Xiang still had mortal concepts in his mind, and most mortals believed in reincarnation.

"Haha, then we must have had a deep connection in our previous lives." Lang Xing joked with her.

"It must be." Bai Xiang said seriously, and after speaking, he blinked and became stunned.

When passing by the place where the imperial concubine and Xian Xu lived, Lang Xing walked around. He didn't want Bai Xiang to see these two people.

When approaching the magic circle of Bingfeng, Langxing asked Deyi Diao to slow down and let Bai Xiang take a look at the scenery here.

"It's so beautiful, Master, I feel like my heart is shaking." Bai Xiang said with an intoxicated look.

Lang Xing closed his eyes and said nothing. He noticed that Bai Xiang seemed to be showing signs of going into seclusion. This was impossible for a young monk who had just practiced for a few years. Moreover, Bai Xiang's Qi Palace was broken, and the only That bit of cultivation is gone, but after learning the Lingxin Clan’s techniques, it can’t be judged by common sense.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Bai Xiang to close his eyes and become motionless.

Langxing didn't dare to move her, and told Deyi Diao to fly gently.

Bai Xiang completed her first retreat in her life on the back of the eagle, and she opened her eyes three full days later.

"Master..." Bai Xiang looked confused when she woke up. She didn't have the ability to calculate time and couldn't figure out what happened.

Lang Xing said happily, "You have just been in seclusion for three days."

"Retreat?" Of course Bai Xiang had heard of retreat, but it was still quite far away to her. How could she be able to go into retreat all of a sudden? After thinking for a moment, I remembered some vague things. I don’t know when these things appeared in my mind.


"Master! Can I retreat?" Her eyes flashed with tears of excitement. Being able to retreat means that the path of cultivation has not been interrupted!

"Yes!" Lang Xing nodded vigorously. He was no less surprised than Bai Xiang.

"Master! Master..." Bai Xiang threw herself into the master's arms and burst into tears with excitement.

"I said it will definitely work. With your understanding, you can repair the Qi Palace very quickly." The stone in Lang Xing's heart fell to the ground. He was full of magic in the eyes of others, but Bai Xiang made him see the magic. .

Bai Xiang couldn't say anything and couldn't stop her tears of joy. She was finally convinced that she could resume cultivation. This was even better to her than being resurrected from the dead!

Before Bai Xiang could recover from her excitement, a sharp cry came from the distance. She felt the Deyi Eagle beneath her tremble suddenly, and then let out a cry of protest.

Lang Xing patted Bai Xiang's back gently, telling her not to panic. After Bai Xiang came out of seclusion, he controlled the Deyi Eagle and flew towards Bingfeng's magic circle. At this moment, the little bird came out with Shen Qing.

The little bird was naturally very happy to see Langxing, but he was very dissatisfied that Langxing was with the big eagle. He stared at those cold eyes and wanted to kill the Deyi eagle. Langxing comforted Deyi while Diao, while comforting the little bird, was too busy to explain to Bai Xiang.

Shen Qing stood in the air behind the little bird as if nothing was wrong. She couldn't control the little bird, and she didn't dare to offend the little bird. Otherwise, she would never be able to enter or leave this magic circle in the future, so she could only leave this matter to Lang Xing. , she knew that this was nothing to Lang Xing.

After a while, the bird and the Deyi Eagle stopped chirping. Although their hostility was eliminated by Lang Xing, they were still wary of each other.

Langxing released the Deyi Eagle and let it roam freely in this deserted place.

As soon as the Deyi Eagle flew away, the little bird immediately rushed in front of Langxing, pecked at Langxing with its already quite sharp beak, and made a dissatisfied cry. It is a fairy bird, and it cannot compare with those heartless ones. Birds and beasts, this is venting Long Xing's resentment for abandoning it.

The cold air emitted by the little bird was too strong. Although Bai Xiang was protected by the fire crystal stone, Lang Xing still did not dare to be careless. He activated the protective divine light to protect Bai Xiang tightly. No matter how hard he persuaded or persuaded, he could not make him half-heartedly resentful and half-hearted. The joyful bird calmed down. She had no choice but to let Shen Qing take Bai Xiang over and take the little bird to a distance to settle the grudge.

Shen Qing watched Lang Xing and the bird chasing each other among the glaciers with a smile, and said to Bai Xiang, "Tell me how he accepted you."

Being held by the most amazing woman in the cultivation world, Bai Xiang was so excited that he could hardly speak. He looked at Shen Qing with admiration and told the whole story of how he was accepted by the master. The master had said Shen Qing is a person who is closer than Master Jiangxiao, so she has no reason to hide anything.

After Bai Xiang finished telling the story about his master's battle with Lu Puzi, Langxing coaxed the little birds, and they came back affectionately.

As soon as Langxing came over, he looked at Shen Qing with a displeased look on his face and asked, "Why are you so uneasy! At first you didn't let me ride the bird out of the magic circle, saying it was too dangerous, and you had to use the Qiankun Bag to get in and out. , How could you take this risk?”

Shen Qing said with a smile in his eyes, "It's because I have made some progress in the research on this magic circle, and I only tried it when I thought it was not too dangerous."

"Oh, forget it." Lang Xing's anger disappeared immediately.

Bai Xiang was amused by Master's childish behavior and smiled. From this, she became more aware of how close the relationship between Master and Uncle Shen Qing was. In the first section of the journey, Lang Xing drove the Deyi Eagle not very fast.

Although Second Senior Sister's persuasion made him figure out the master's matter, he still hoped to see his master again, so he searched for his master while walking.

Searching forward with his spiritual consciousness like this will inevitably harass others, and his powerful spiritual consciousness does not match his cultivation level. When the harassed people come to find him, it is difficult for him to explain, so he can only mobilize Deyi The eagle ran away, and if he couldn't escape, he would act arrogant like the Eight Immortals, but this was not the answer after all.

A few days later, Langxing lamented in his heart, stopped trying to find his master, and urged the Deyi Eagle to fly quickly.

After bypassing the sects in Northern Xinjiang along the route he took last time, he ran towards the gap with the magma. Firstly, he wanted to visit Senior Sister Yanxia, ​​and secondly, he wanted to find out if Sister Minglan was here. Found him.

Yanxia was quite surprised by this young junior brother's sudden visit. Immortal Concubine Chixia now lives here with four disciples. Due to the fate of her previous life, the concubine was very fond of Langxing and intended to keep Langxing for a longer period of time. Give him some pointers.

Langxing didn't want to linger anymore. After asking Qingming that Sister Lan had never been here before, he deduced that he was traveling with the two senior sisters and had to go to meet the two senior sisters as soon as possible. After leaving some spiritual stones for Yanxia, ​​he wanted to Farewell.

Yanxia was naturally worried and insisted on escorting him to meet the two senior sisters. After walking for a while, Langxing spent a lot of effort to send her back.

After Yanxia left, Bai Xiang played with the red crystal stone that Yanxia gave her and said, "Master, why do you have so many good friends? I can see that Master Yanxia really cares for you."

"This is fate." Lang Xing embedded the red crystal stone in her hairpin. With the protection of this fire crystal stone, Bai Xiang would not have to worry about being injured by the cold.

"Then you really made a lot of good connections in your last life." Bai Xiang still had mortal concepts in his mind, and most mortals believed in reincarnation.

"Haha, then we must have had a deep connection in our previous lives." Lang Xing joked with her.

"It must be." Bai Xiang said seriously, and after speaking, he blinked and became stunned.

When passing by the place where the imperial concubine and Xian Xu lived, Lang Xing walked around. He didn't want Bai Xiang to see these two people.

When approaching the magic circle of Bingfeng, Langxing asked Deyi Diao to slow down and let Bai Xiang take a look at the scenery here.

"It's so beautiful, Master, I feel like my heart is shaking." Bai Xiang said with an intoxicated look.

Lang Xing closed his eyes and said nothing. He noticed that Bai Xiang seemed to be showing signs of going into seclusion. This was impossible for a young monk who had just practiced for a few years. Moreover, Bai Xiang's Qi Palace was broken, and the only That bit of cultivation is gone, but after learning the Lingxin Clan’s techniques, it can’t be judged by common sense.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Bai Xiang to close his eyes and become motionless.

Langxing didn't dare to move her, and told Deyi Diao to fly gently.

Bai Xiang completed her first retreat in her life on the back of the eagle, and she opened her eyes three full days later.

"Master..." Bai Xiang looked confused when she woke up. She didn't have the ability to calculate time and couldn't figure out what happened.

Lang Xing said happily, "You have just been in seclusion for three days."

"Retreat?" Of course Bai Xiang had heard of retreat, but it was still quite far away to her. How could she be able to go into retreat all of a sudden? After thinking for a moment, I remembered some vague things. I don’t know when these things appeared in my mind.


"Master! Can I retreat?" Her eyes flashed with tears of excitement. Being able to retreat means that the path of cultivation has not been interrupted!

"Yeah!" Lang Xing nodded vigorously. He was no less surprised than Bai Xiang.

"Master! Master..." Bai Xiang threw herself into the master's arms, bursting into tears with excitement.

"I said it will definitely work. With your understanding, you can repair the Qi Palace very quickly." The stone in Lang Xing's heart fell to the ground. He was full of magic in the eyes of others, but Bai Xiang made him see the magic. .

Bai Xiang couldn't say anything and couldn't stop her tears of joy. She was finally convinced that she could resume cultivation. This was even better to her than being resurrected from the dead!

Before Bai Xiang could recover from her excitement, a sharp cry came from the distance. She felt the Deyi Eagle beneath her tremble suddenly, and then it also let out a cry of protest.

Lang Xing patted Bai Xiang's back gently, telling her not to panic. After Bai Xiang came out of seclusion, he controlled the Deyi Eagle and flew towards Bingfeng's magic circle. At this moment, the little bird came out with Shen Qing.

The little bird was naturally very happy to see Langxing, but he was very dissatisfied that Langxing was with the big eagle. He stared at those cold eyes and wanted to kill the Deyi eagle. Langxing comforted Deyi while Diao, while comforting the little bird, was too busy to explain to Bai Xiang.

Shen Qing stood in the air behind the little bird as if nothing was wrong. She couldn't control the little bird, and she didn't dare to offend the little bird. Otherwise, she would never be able to enter or leave this magic circle in the future, so she could only leave this matter to Lang Xing. , she knew that this was nothing to Lang Xing.

After a while, the bird and the Deyi Eagle stopped chirping. Although their hostility was eliminated by Lang Xing, they were still wary of each other.

Langxing released the Deyi Eagle and let it roam freely in this deserted place.

As soon as the Deyi Eagle flew away, the little bird immediately rushed in front of Langxing, pecked at Langxing with its already quite sharp beak, and made a dissatisfied cry. It is a fairy bird, not as good as those heartless ones. Birds and beasts, this is venting Long Xing's resentment for abandoning it.

The cold air emitted by the little bird was too strong. Although Bai Xiang was protected by the fire crystal stone, Lang Xing still did not dare to be careless. He activated the body-protecting divine light to protect Bai Xiang tightly. No amount of persuasion could make him half-heartedly resentful and half-hearted. The joyful bird calmed down. She had no choice but to let Shen Qing take Bai Xiang over and take the little bird to a distance to settle the grudge.

Shen Qing watched Lang Xing and the bird chasing each other among the glaciers with a smile, and said to Bai Xiang, "Tell me how he accepted you."

Being held by the most amazing woman in the cultivation world, Bai Xiang was so excited that he could hardly speak. He looked at Shen Qing with admiration and told the whole story of how he was accepted by the master. The master had said Shen Qing is a person who is closer than Master Jiangxiao, so she has no reason to hide anything.

After Bai Xiang finished telling the story about his master's battle with Lu Puzi, Langxing coaxed the little birds, and each of them came back affectionately.

As soon as Langxing came over, he looked at Shen Qing with a displeased face and asked, "Why are you so uneasy! At first you didn't let me ride the bird out of the magic circle, saying it was too dangerous, and you had to use the Qiankun bag to get in and out. , How could you take this risk?"

Shen Qing said with a smile in his eyes, "It's because I have made some progress in the research on this magic circle, and I only tried it when I thought it was not too dangerous."

"Oh, forget it." Lang Xing's anger disappeared immediately.

Bai Xiang was amused by Master's childish behavior and smiled. From this, she became more aware of how close the relationship between Master and Uncle Shen Qing was.

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