Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1967 I just don’t regret it

"Are you never going to tell us your name?" Xian Xu pretended to be playful, but her expression was obviously unnatural.

"Ah..." Lang Xing didn't expect that she would start a family affair with him. He was startled for a moment before saying, "I told the imperial concubine, what do you call me?"

My Xuanxing will be fine. "

Xianxu smiled and said, "I know, this is the name she gave you. You originally wanted us to call you Dark Star. She always likes to call you Xiao Xuanxing when talking about you."

"Haha." Lang Xing smiled awkwardly. It was really hard to get along with Xian Xu.

"When did you come? How long have you been here?" Xianxu changed the subject in order to ease the embarrassment.

"A little more than half a month."

"Then...why did she go into seclusion?" Xianxu asked confused.

"Well... we talked about Taoism, and she gained some insights and went into seclusion."

"Oh, what profound Taoist teachings? Can I listen to it?" Xianxu made a playful look again.

Lang Xing said perfunctorily, "If you want to go into seclusion too, I won't be able to leave. I'll tell you next time."

"Will you come again?" Xianxu stared at him and asked.

"I'll come when I have free time." Lang Xing's eyes wandered, obviously a little impatient.

"She misses you so much, come if you have time." Xian Xu said seriously, as if the purpose of this conversation was to make this request to Lang Xing on behalf of her good sister.

"Okay." Lang Xing didn't want to say a word more, hoping that this conversation would end soon.

"Then... you go, I will take care of her." Xianxu couldn't stand the awkward atmosphere anymore.

"Okay, I'll help you." Lang Xing smiled with relief and flew away.

"Hey, I shouldn't have lost my temper with you that day, and I won't do it again." Xian Xu sent this divine thought to Lang Xing, who was flying far away.

Lang Xing turned around and waved to her with a smile on his face, and then fled out of the magic circle.

After looking at the place where Lang Xing disappeared for a while, Xian Xu lowered her head in shame and flew towards her residence. It was hard to describe how bitter and bitter she felt in her heart. In the past, she was secretly disdainful of the emperor's behavior in seducing Lang Xing. But now she is a little jealous of the imperial concubine.

After being forced to live such a life of isolation, the only man left in their world is Lang Xing. Even if Lang Xing is a pig, they will be particularly concerned about it, not to mention that this boy is still such a kind person. Well, Concubine Zeng had pushed her into Lang Xing's arms over and over again before, and coupled with Lang Xing's initial lustful behavior, she naturally felt that her relationship with Lang Xing was ambiguous.

Unlike the imperial concubine, she had a sweetheart, but this situation made that loyalty meaningless, so she had other thoughts about Lang Xing, but after all, she was entangled, so she had this ambiguity Due to the unknown behavior, Langxing stayed for three more days, and finally mustered up some courage to do some testing, but was embarrassed by Langxing's perfunctory attitude.

Speaking of which, she was interested in Lang Xing because she felt sorry for him. She felt that Lang Xing was too kind to the imperial concubine, but the imperial concubine had focused all her attention on cultivation in recent years. Although she repeatedly emphasized to Lang Xing that the imperial concubine was She missed him very much, but that was not the case, so she felt that the imperial concubine was not worthy of Lang Xing being so kind to her.


Xu Zai was heartbroken for Lang Xing, but as soon as Lang Xing came out of the magic circle, he quickly left her behind like a burden. He didn't even have the interest to think about it for a second. It was the first time he saw her. When he saw Xianxu, he was in a state of lust, and he still had some desire for this delicate fairy, but now he has no interest in Xianxu at all, and he feels like he is suffering if he stays with her for a while.

If you want to live a life that is not humble, you must first live with confidence and your own brilliance. Xianxu is obviously still far from it. This unnecessary entanglement makes her even darker in the eyes of Lang Xing.

Extravagant hopes can make people lose their dignity. Extravagant hopes without self-awareness are even more sad. What you can get in return is the boredom and contempt of others. It is not easy to understand that it is not easy. Not only must you have the wisdom to understand yourself , one must have the sense to reduce desires. In this regard, the imperial concubine is undoubtedly much better than Xianxu, so the treatment they received from Lang Xing is also completely different.

After Langxing got on the Deyi Eagle, he flew quickly in order to avoid the fairy catkins as quickly as possible. After flying far enough, he breathed a sigh of relief and sat on the back of the Eagle in boredom, looking at the sky and not knowing where to go. He originally He wanted to spend more time in peace and quiet in the gentle countryside, but the fairy catkins disturbed his peace. He still doesn't want to go back to Shen Qing, mainly because he has nothing to do when he goes back. Bai Xiang's enlightenment won't need his guidance for a while, and Xiaoniao is also practicing, so Shen Qing will only have to worry about him when he goes back.

Going to see Lingxiang? Langxing thought about it for a while and then gave up the idea. Although he was thinking about Lingxiang, Lingxiang was not an interesting person. With his current mood, he didn't want to go there.

Although he has stayed in Puyunzhou for many years, he has not made many friends. Now he really can't think of where to go.

Although he couldn't think of a place to go, Deyi Diao flew all the way to the west under his guidance. That was the direction he and Shen Qing took when they went to find Yu Chan last time. Of course he wanted to find Yu Chan. , but Shen Qing's warning made him unable to muster much confidence. He was indeed not able to participate in the matter of the great supernatural powers in the middle stage of Yuan Yu.

In a hesitant state of mind, Deyi Eagle flew towards the west calmly. Later, Langxing simply lay down and stopped thinking about where he wanted to go for the time being, and instead started thinking about his future.

If the Taoist heart is destroyed, I am afraid that he will never be qualified to live next to Yu Chan. This was the goal of his life before. If he loses this goal, what should he live for?

Su Wan? Thinking of Su Wanlangxing, he became even more discouraged, and he had led her to a different path of cultivation. With this fairy's intelligence, her future achievements would not be lower than Yu Chan's. If she had not lost her Taoist heart, he didn't think it was a big deal, but His future ends here if he loses his Taoist heart. Previously, he had been afraid that other losses would occur with the loss of his Taoist heart. Now he realizes that his confidence and pride have begun to collapse with the loss of his Taoist heart.

If you are not worthy of Yu Chan or Su Wan, then what should you live for?

Three days later, Langxing's eyes looking at the sky were a little dim and blurred.

Seven days later, Lang Xing changed from lying on his back to curling up on his side. He refused to think any more. Anyway, he had no regrets. As long as Bai Xiang could be cured, he would accept the loss no matter how much he lost. But now he refused to think. The situation has already shown that he is holding on and is preparing to escape.

"May I ask which immortal king is here to visit?"

A divine thought full of respect made the sluggish Lang Xing sit up. He raised his eyes and saw several people wearing the uniforms of the Nine Camps of Tiandao appearing far ahead. "Are you never going to tell us your name?" Xian Xu pretended to be playful, but her expression was obviously unnatural.

"Ah..." Lang Xing didn't expect that she would start a family affair with him. He was startled for a moment before saying, "I told the imperial concubine, what do you call me?"

My Xuanxing will be fine. "

Xianxu smiled and said, "I know, this is the name she gave you. You originally wanted us to call you Dark Star. She always likes to call you Xiao Xuanxing when talking about you."

"Haha." Lang Xing smiled awkwardly. It was really hard to get along with Xian Xu.

"When did you come? How long have you been here?" Xianxu changed the subject in order to ease the embarrassment.

"A little more than half a month."

"Then...why did she go into seclusion?" Xianxu asked confused.

"Well... we talked about Taoism, and she gained some insights and went into seclusion."

"Oh, what profound Taoist teachings? Can I listen to it?" Xianxu made a playful look again.

Lang Xing said perfunctorily, "If you want to go into seclusion too, I won't be able to leave. I'll tell you next time."

"Will you come again?" Xianxu stared at him and asked.

"I'll come when I have free time." Lang Xing's eyes wandered, obviously a little impatient.

"She misses you so much, come if you have time." Xian Xu said seriously, as if the purpose of this conversation was to make this request to Lang Xing on behalf of her good sister.

"Okay." Lang Xing didn't want to say a word more, hoping that this conversation would end soon.

"Then... you go, I will take care of her." Xianxu couldn't stand the awkward atmosphere anymore.

"Okay, I'll help you." Lang Xing smiled with relief and flew away.

"Hey, I shouldn't have lost my temper with you that day, and I won't do it again." Xian Xu sent this divine thought to Lang Xing, who was flying far away.

Lang Xing turned around and waved to her with a smile on his face, and then ran out of the magic circle as if running away.

After looking at the place where Lang Xing disappeared for a while, Xian Xu lowered her head in shame and flew towards her residence. It was hard to describe how bitter and bitter she felt in her heart. In the past, she was secretly disdainful of the emperor's behavior in seducing Lang Xing. But now she is a little jealous of the imperial concubine.

After being forced to live such a life of isolation, the only man left in their world is Lang Xing. Even if Lang Xing is a pig, they will be particularly concerned about it, not to mention that this boy is still such a kind person. Well, Concubine Zeng had pushed her into Lang Xing's arms over and over again before, and coupled with Lang Xing's initial lustful behavior, she naturally felt that her relationship with Lang Xing was ambiguous.

Unlike the imperial concubine, she had a sweetheart, but this situation made that loyalty meaningless, so she had other thoughts about Lang Xing, but after all, she was entangled, so she had this ambiguity Due to the unknown behavior, Langxing stayed for three more days. Finally, he mustered up some courage and wanted to do some testing, but was embarrassed by Langxing's perfunctory attitude.

Speaking of which, she was interested in Lang Xing because she felt sorry for him. She felt that Lang Xing was too kind to the imperial concubine, but the imperial concubine had focused all her attention on cultivation in recent years. Although she repeatedly emphasized to Lang Xing that the imperial concubine was She missed him very much, but that was not the case, so she felt that the imperial concubine was not worthy of Lang Xing being so kind to her.


Xu Zai was heartbroken for Lang Xing, but as soon as Lang Xing came out of the magic circle, he quickly left her behind like a burden. He didn't even have the interest to think about it for a second. It was the first time he saw her. When he saw Xianxu, he was in a state of lust, and he still had some desire for this delicate fairy, but now he has no interest in Xianxu at all, and he feels like he is suffering if he stays with her for a while.

If you want to live a life that is not humble, you must first live with confidence and your own brilliance. Xianxu is obviously still far from it. This unnecessary entanglement makes her even darker in the eyes of Lang Xing.

Extravagant hopes can make people lose their dignity. Extravagant hopes without self-awareness are even more sad. What you can get in return is the boredom and contempt of others. It is not easy to understand that it is not easy. Not only must you have the wisdom to understand yourself , one must have the sense to reduce desires. In this regard, the imperial concubine is undoubtedly much better than Xianxu, so the treatment they received from Lang Xing is also completely different.

After Langxing got on the Deyi Eagle, he flew quickly in order to avoid the fairy catkins as quickly as possible. After flying far enough, he breathed a sigh of relief and sat on the back of the Eagle in boredom, looking at the sky and not knowing where to go. He originally He wanted to spend more time in peace in the gentle countryside, but the fairy catkins disturbed his peace. He still doesn't want to go back to Shen Qing, mainly because he has nothing to do when he goes back. Bai Xiang's enlightenment won't need his guidance for a while, and Xiaoniao is also practicing, so Shen Qing will only have to worry about him when he goes back.

Go and see Ling Xiang? Langxing thought about it for a while and then gave up the idea. Although he was thinking about Lingxiang, Lingxiang was not an interesting person. With his current mood, he didn't want to go there.

Although he has stayed in Puyunzhou for many years, he has not made many friends. Now he really can't think of where to go.

Although he couldn't think of a place to go, Deyi Diao flew all the way to the west under his guidance. That was the direction he and Shen Qing took when they went to find Yu Chan last time. Of course he wanted to find Yu Chan. , but Shen Qing's warning made him unable to muster much confidence. He was indeed not able to participate in the matter of the great supernatural powers in the middle stage of Yuan Yu.

In a hesitant state of mind, Deyi Eagle flew towards the west calmly. Later, Langxing simply lay down and stopped thinking about where he wanted to go for the time being, and instead started thinking about his future.

If the Taoist heart is destroyed, I am afraid that he will never be qualified to live next to Yu Chan. This was the goal of his life before. If he loses this goal, what should he live for?

Su Wan? Thinking of Su Wanlangxing, he became even more discouraged. He had led her to a different path of cultivation. With this fairy's intelligence, her future achievements would not be lower than Yuchan's. If she had not lost her Taoist heart, he didn't think it was a big deal, but His future ends here if he loses his Taoist heart. Previously, he had been afraid that other losses would occur with the loss of his Taoist heart. Now he realizes that his confidence and pride have begun to collapse with the loss of his Taoist heart.

If you are not worthy of Yu Chan or Su Wan, then what should you live for?

Three days later, Langxing's eyes looking at the sky were a little dim and blurred.

Seven days later, Lang Xing changed from lying on his back to curling up on his side. He refused to think any more. Anyway, he had no regrets. As long as Bai Xiang could be cured, he would accept the loss no matter how much he lost. But now he refused to think. The situation has already shown that he is holding on and is preparing to escape.

"May I ask which immortal king is here to visit?"

A divine thought full of respect made the sluggish Lang Xing sit up. He raised his eyes and saw several people wearing the uniforms of the Nine Camps of Tiandao appearing far ahead.

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