Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1968 You are just a confused person

"Purple Sky Palace, Langxing." After Langxing answered, he piloted the Deyi Eagle and flew towards those people. He was a little impatient at being disturbed for nothing.

Those people judged that the visitor must be of high status because of the mighty Deyi Eagle, and the one who didn't want to sit up turned out to be a young monk in the alchemy stage.

Someone recognized him and came forward and said, "So it's you, who are you here with? Don't go any further." These people are soldiers from the Beihan Camp of the Nine Camps of Tiandao. The Beihan Camp was formed by personnel from various sects in northern Xinjiang. , mostly have contacts with Yin Yang Palace and Wuzhen Sect, and these two sects that dominate northern Xinjiang have deep hatred against Zixiao Palace, so these people will not be too polite to the people of Zixiao Palace.

"Why can't we go forward?" Lang Xing asked puzzledly.

"Beihan Camp is setting up defenses here. No one is allowed to cross the border." Someone gave an explanation. Although the attitude was not very respectful, it was not frowning. After all, the other party was the Immortal Lord of Zixiao Palace, and they did not dare to offend them too much. .

"Why are you setting up defenses here and not allowing me to pass by?" Langxing looked at these four people. Three of the four were in the middle stage of Yuanying and one was in the late stage of Yuanying. In the past, he would not have dared to provoke the people from Beijiang. , but now they no longer take these people seriously. .??.

"This is an order from above, to prevent anyone from tipping off the enemy." A tall man stared at Lang Xing with an unkind look and said.

Lang Xing looked at him coldly and said, "Do you think I am a collaborator?"

The man narrowed his eyes and snorted, "The military order is strict. If it says no one is allowed to cross the border, then no one can cross it!"

Lang Xing chuckled and said, "If any of the Immortal Lords from the Nine Sects were here, I'm afraid you wouldn't dare to stop me, right? You think I'm easy to bully, right?" As an Immortal Lord, Second Senior Sister, they had carefully studied how to treat others. He has been taught that because his words and deeds are related to the face of Zixiao Palace and the other party's attitude is so rude, if he is blocked back like this, it will be an embarrassment to Zixiao Palace.

In fact, with his little cultivation, it's nothing to break into Northern Xinjiang to embarrass him. His brothers and sisters would be thankful if they didn't lose their lives here. The arrogant Pei Yuan would also be beaten when he came here. Did he have to run back in disgrace? But he was in a bad mood now, so he didn't want to be angry and embarrassed.

"The military order is like a mountain. No immortal king can pass through here." The late Nascent Soul monk said in a majestic tone.

"Really? Then let's make a bet here. I'll find an immortal king. If you stop him, my Taoist heart will fall forever. If you can't stop him, your Taoist heart will fall forever." Lang Xing said with He looked at the great monk wearing a mighty military robe with joking eyes. He was quite vicious. He had ruined his Taoist heart and wished he could destroy other people's Taoist hearts as well.

The great monk in the late Nascent Soul stage was the deputy commander of Beihan Camp. Seeing that he could not deceive Langxing, he instead threatened, "Stop messing around here! For the sake of your young age, we will not argue with you, no matter who you are with." If you come, go back quickly. If you make trouble again, I will sue you for disrupting military affairs!"

"Presumptuous!" Lang Xing suddenly got angry, pointed at him and yelled, "How dare you talk to me like this? How many brains do you have!"

The big monk looked angry, but he didn't dare to talk back. Although it was very embarrassing for him to be pointed at the nose and scolded by a little monk, but the other person was the Immortal Lord of Zixiao Palace. If he talked back today, there would be certain consequences. It's too good to be true. Although the nine sects are fighting overtly and covertly, their interests are consistent in maintaining the hierarchy. It's because I underestimated this little monk and let others take advantage of him, making it difficult for me to ride a tiger. .

This great monk in the late Nascent Soul stage is well aware of the power of this and would rather lose his face than get into trouble with this, but how can his subordinates lose their face?

A fat man with a white face who was more scheming calmly said to Lang Xing, "Don't be crazy about this. Northern Xinjiang is not a place for you to run wild. Pay attention to your little life." Divine thoughts cannot be displayed and cannot be used. Evidence, so his threat was full of vicious and sinister meaning.

The burly man had no such scheming, and glared at Lang Xing angrily and said, "Don't be so shameless! You can yell at me in the Zixiao Palace, but this is Northern Xinjiang! And we are acting under orders, so what status do you have?" Is it bigger than a military order?"

Lang Xing originally wanted to show off his evil fire and save face. If these two people were not troublesome, he would turn around and go back. Anyway, he was not very determined to find Yu Chan. He had been absent-minded these days. I didn't realize that I had reached the area between Puyunzhou and Shuiqingzhou.

These two guys with no eyebrows finally found something to do for Lang Xing. With their spirits lifted, all the depression in their hearts was suddenly swept away.

He first said to the burly man with mocking eyes, "You are just a stupid thing. You don't even know how you died." Then he turned to the fat white man, and the mocking look in his eyes was replaced by a cold look, "What do you think? It's smart to threaten me with spiritual thoughts, right? Then I tell you, I don't need any evidence to kill you. Do you know who taught me this?"

"It's the Little Demon Lord." Langxing, who used the other's methods to retaliate, also told him the answer with his spiritual thoughts.

Fatty Bai's face changed slightly. If the Little Demon Lord really told him this, it means that the relationship between the Little Demon Lord and this kid is very close. If the Little Demon Lord is willing to stand up for this kid, then his little life No one can protect him.

Seeing that this kid was still so arrogant, the burly man couldn't help but said angrily, "No matter who taught you, it's useless! We are executing military orders, do you still have the guts to fight against the Tiandao Nine Camps and Qianzonghui!"

Lang Xing was fed up with this confused thing. He looked at the great monk in the late Yuan Ying stage coldly and said, "You can pretend to be confused with me and allow your subordinates to be disrespectful to me, but I'm not confused. I'll have to settle the account." Those who are not bad will figure it out with you!" After saying that, he used the God Binding Technique to attack the rude man. He was sure that these people would not dare to attack him.

The great monk in the late Nascent Soul sighed in his heart, and before Langxing could take action, he issued a restraint to restrain the burly subordinate. He had to admit that not only was this kid not confused, but he was also very smart. They were in trouble today. deal.

"You must not be so disrespectful to Xiaoxianjun. Why don't you understand such a few rules?" After scolding the imprisoned subordinate, he turned around and wanted to explain to Langxing, but saw that Langxing had already He activated a long knife and struck down on his subordinate.

"Xiao Xianjun, please have mercy!" He made a request but did not stop him, because he judged that the force of Lang Xing's sword was just to vent hatred, not to kill people.

The burly officer was like a fish caught in a fishing net. He had nowhere to dodge and could only activate his body-protecting divine light to resist the attack.

The long knife struck the body-protecting divine light and burst into a blue-purple light. After slashing him once, Langxing was furious and slashed twice more. The last slash made the man vomit blood.

With the late stage cultivation of Dan Dan, he chopped up a person who was in the middle stage of Nascent Soul until he vomited blood. This surprised several people present and made them a little embarrassed. They looked at Lang Xing with a look in their eyes. There is evil intention. "Purple Sky Palace, Langxing." After Langxing answered, he piloted the Deyi Eagle and flew towards those people. He was a little impatient at being disturbed for nothing.

Those people judged that the visitor must be of high status because of the mighty Deyi Eagle, and the one who didn't want to sit up turned out to be a young monk in the alchemy stage.

Someone recognized him and came forward and said, "So it's you, who are you here with? Don't go any further." These people are soldiers from the Beihan Camp of the Nine Camps of Tiandao. The Beihan Camp was formed by personnel from various sects in northern Xinjiang. , mostly have contacts with Yin Yang Palace and Wuzhen Sect, and these two sects that dominate northern Xinjiang have deep hatred against Zixiao Palace, so these people will not be too polite to the people of Zixiao Palace.

"Why can't we go forward?" Lang Xing asked puzzledly.

"Beihan Camp is setting up defenses here. No one is allowed to cross the border." Someone gave an explanation. Although the attitude was not very respectful, it was not frowning. After all, the other party was the Immortal Lord of Zixiao Palace, and they did not dare to offend them too much. .

"Why are you setting up defenses here and not allowing me to pass by?" Langxing looked at these four people. Three of the four were in the middle stage of Yuanying and one was in the late stage of Yuanying. In the past, he would not have dared to provoke the people from Beijiang. , but now they no longer take these people seriously.

"This is an order from above, to prevent anyone from tipping off the enemy." A tall man stared at Lang Xing with an unkind look and said.

Lang Xing looked at him coldly and said, "Do you think I am a collaborator?"

The man narrowed his eyes and snorted, "The military order is strict. If it says no one is allowed to cross the border, then no one can cross it!"

Lang Xing chuckled and said, "If any of the Immortal Lords from the Nine Sects were here, I'm afraid you wouldn't dare to stop me, right? You think I'm easy to bully, right?" As an Immortal Lord, Second Senior Sister, they had carefully studied how to treat others. He has been taught that because his words and deeds are related to the face of Zixiao Palace and the other party's attitude is so rude, if he is blocked back like this, it will be an embarrassment to Zixiao Palace.

In fact, with his little cultivation, it's nothing to break into Northern Xinjiang to embarrass him. His brothers and sisters would be thankful if they didn't lose their lives here. The arrogant Pei Yuan would also be beaten when he came here. Did he have to run back in disgrace? But he was in a bad mood now, so he didn't want to be angry and embarrassed.

"The military order is like a mountain. No immortal king can pass through here." The late Nascent Soul monk said in a majestic tone.

"Really? Let's make a bet here. I'll find an immortal king. If you stop him, my Taoist heart will fall forever. If you can't stop him, your Taoist heart will fall forever." Lang Xing said with He looked at the great monk wearing a mighty military robe with a joking look. He was quite vicious. He had ruined his Taoist heart and wished he could destroy other people's Taoist hearts as well.

The great monk in the late Nascent Soul stage was the deputy commander of Beihan Camp. Seeing that he could not deceive Langxing, he instead threatened, "Stop messing around here! For the sake of your young age, we will not argue with you, no matter who you are with." If you come, go back quickly. If you make trouble again, I will sue you for disrupting military affairs!"

"Presumptuous!" Lang Xing suddenly got angry, pointed at him and yelled, "How dare you talk to me like this? How many brains do you have!"

The big monk looked angry, but he didn't dare to talk back. Although it was very embarrassing for him to be pointed at the nose and scolded by a little monk, but the other person was the Immortal Lord of Zixiao Palace. If he talked back today, there would be certain consequences. It's too good to be true. Although the nine sects are fighting openly and secretly, their interests are consistent in maintaining the hierarchy. It's because I underestimated this little monk and let others take advantage of him, making it difficult for me to ride a tiger. .

This great monk in the late Nascent Soul stage is well aware of the power of this and would rather lose his face than get into trouble with this, but how can his subordinates lose their face?

A fat man with a white face who was more scheming calmly said to Lang Xing, "Don't be mad at me. Northern Xinjiang is not a place for you to run wild. Pay attention to your little life." Divine thoughts cannot be displayed and cannot be used. Evidence, so his threat was full of vicious and sinister meaning.

The burly man had no such scheming, and glared at Lang Xing angrily and said, "Don't be so shameless! You can yell at me in the Zixiao Palace, but this is Northern Xinjiang! And we are acting under orders, so what status do you have?" Is it bigger than a military order?"

Lang Xing originally wanted to show off his evil fire and save face. If these two people were not troublesome, he would turn around and go back. Anyway, he was not very determined to find Yu Chan. He had been absent-minded these days. I didn't realize that I had reached the area between Puyunzhou and Shuiqingzhou.

These two guys with no eyebrows finally found something to do for Lang Xing. With their spirits lifted, all the depression in their hearts was suddenly swept away.

He first said to the burly man with mocking eyes, "You are just a stupid thing. You don't even know how you died." Then he turned to the fat white man, and the mocking look in his eyes was replaced by a cold look, "What do you think? It's smart to threaten me with your spiritual thoughts, right? Then I tell you, I don't need any evidence to kill you. Do you know who taught me this?"

"It's the Little Demon Lord." Langxing, who used the other's methods to retaliate, also told him the answer with his spiritual thoughts.

Fatty Bai's face changed slightly. If the Little Demon Lord really told him this, it means that the relationship between the Little Demon Lord and this kid is very close. If the Little Demon Lord is willing to stand up for this kid, then his little life No one can protect him.

Seeing that this kid was still so arrogant, the burly man couldn't help but said angrily, "No matter who taught you, it's useless! We are executing military orders, do you still have the guts to fight against the Tiandao Nine Camps and Qianzonghui!"

Lang Xing was fed up with this confused thing. He looked at the great monk in the late Yuan Ying stage coldly and said, "You can pretend to be confused with me and allow your subordinates to be disrespectful to me, but I'm not confused. I'll have to settle the account." Those who are not bad will figure it out with you!" After saying that, he used the God Binding Technique to attack the rude man. He was sure that these people would not dare to attack him.

The great monk in the late stage of Nascent Soul sighed in his heart, and before Langxing could take action, he issued a ban to restrain the burly subordinate. He had to admit that not only was this kid not confused, but he was also very smart. They were in trouble today. deal.

"You must not be so disrespectful to Xiaoxianjun. Why don't you understand such a few rules?" After scolding the imprisoned subordinate, he turned around and wanted to explain to Langxing, but saw that Langxing had already He activated a long knife and struck down on his subordinate.

"Xiao Xianjun, please have mercy!" He made a request but did not stop him, because he judged that the force of Lang Xing's sword was just to vent hatred, not to kill people.

The burly officer was like a fish caught in a fishing net. He had nowhere to dodge and could only activate his body-protecting divine light to resist the attack.

The long knife struck the body-protecting divine light and burst into a blue-purple light. After slashing him once, Langxing was furious and slashed twice more. The last slash made the man vomit blood.

With the late stage cultivation of Dan Jie, he chopped up a person who was in the middle stage of Nascent Soul until he vomited blood. This surprised several people present and made them a little embarrassed. They looked at Lang Xing with a look in their eyes. There is evil intention.

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