Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1969 Yin Yang Palace, Flawless

Langxing responded with a contemptuous smile to the hostile looks of these people. He slapped the burly officer on the head with a long knife and said with a bit of pleasure, "Killing you is as easy as killing an ant. But I really have no interest in arguing with a fool like you. If you dare to kill me, I will smear your hands. If you dare to say one more word, I will cut off your tongue. "

The burly officer stared at his superior with wide eyes, his eyes almost popping out of his head. His eyes were full of grief, anger and humiliation. He wanted to fight desperately, but his superior kept using his spiritual mind to order him to endure.

"I'm going to kill him! Even if I have to kill him, I'm going to kill this little brat!" He screamed at his superior with his spiritual mind.

The great monk in the late Nascent Soul stage replied with a calm spiritual thought, "Killing him won't be your responsibility alone. We will all die, and the people close to us will also be affected."

The burly officer's eyes were bloodshot, and he yelled at Lang Xing, "Kill me if you can!" He was considered a respectable person in Northern Xinjiang, and he didn't want to live after being insulted like this.

It was quite hopeless to meet such a treacherous person like Lang Xing. After all, he was carrying out military orders. If he killed him, he would definitely be in trouble. But his words had already been spoken and he couldn't be slapped in the face like this, so he had to swing his knife and chop him again. He said, "If you don't want your tongue, I'll cut it off for you!"

The great monk in the late stage of Nascent Soul stepped forward to block the sword for his subordinate, and said to Lang Xing with a stern face, "The Immortal Lord also said that he is just a confused person. Please don't be acquainted with him. Just treat it as a gift to me." Let’s save some face in Hanying.”

Lang Xing took advantage of this step and ignored the fool. He turned to look at the fat white man and said with a cold smile, "Just teach a fool like him a lesson. You won't be able to do anything that easy."

"What do you want?" Fatty Bai said forcefully.

Lang Xing put the long knife on his shoulder, looked at him with disgust and said, "There are not many people I will kill, but you are one of them. You want me to pay attention to my life, right? Okay, then you should also pay attention to yours." Save your life, let's see who loses his life first." The little devil would have killed the fat man immediately, because the little devil couldn't resist the temptation of pleasure, but Lang Xing wouldn't. By doing this, he would not cause trouble for his senior brothers and sisters just because of his temporary pleasure.

The fat white man didn't dare to say a word, but his twinkling eyes revealed his inner panic.

Langxing glanced at them domineeringly and said, "I'm just going to cross the border, and none of you are going to stop me!" He was not that kind of person, so he felt quite bored after making the fuss. Even when it got to this point, he was beaten by these people. Forced, even if he doesn't look for Yu Chan, he still has to continue walking forward.

As soon as his shouting ended, a disdainful snort came from the distance, followed by lukewarm words, "So domineering, who did I think it was? It turns out to be you."

Following these words, a handsome man with a somewhat sinister appearance and a pretty beauty with a flower letter flew over leisurely.

This man is known to Lang Xing. They met last time when he rescued Pei Yuan and killed Sun Rui. Mo Hui, a close disciple of Wuzhen Sect Three Soul Immortal Lord!

Seeing Mo Hui, Lang Xing smiled, raised his eyebrows and said with disdain, "Ha, you ran very fast last time, and you ran in a very organized manner. It can be seen that you spent a lot of time on escaping. drill."

Mo Hui said with a superior look on his face, "Having hurt so many people, Pei Yuan has to worry a lot about the aftermath, right? I'm still waiting for you to come again, but there has been no movement for so many years. It seems that those people have a long memory." ”

Langxing retorted, "

It's not that they have long memories, they are busy practicing their pursuit and escape strategies. After all, you are so efficient in escaping. If you don't practice your pursuit and escape skills, it will be useless even if you come. They can only look at your backs and sigh helplessly. "

Mo Hui said disdainfully, "You guys only have this little lip service left."

Lang Xing waved his hand and said, "Don't count me with them. If I joined the Qian Shao Alliance, your life would have been lost long ago."

Mo Hui laughed. He was not pretending, but he felt funny from the bottom of his heart.

The Huaxin woman next to him had a smile on her lips and watched the two bickering with interest. Her expression was calm and leisurely, and her beautiful eyes were half open and half closed with a hazy meaning. Whether she was looking at Lang Xing or Mo Hui, her eyes were It's like looking at a naughty child. Her expression is a bit like that of Saint Sika, but upon closer inspection, it's quite different.

Lang Xing has been secretly paying attention to this woman. This woman looks so special, like a beauty who has stepped out of an ink painting. From head to foot, she is almost only black and white. Her skin is better than snow, and her green silk hair is as white as ink. The dress is decorated with different shades of black, the shoes and socks are also white with light ink patterns, and even the hairpin accessories are in black and white, which makes her look almost pure and elegant. The difference in color is her pair of light cherry lips.

Lang Xing was quite knowledgeable. One look at this woman's attire and she knew that she was from the Yin and Yang Palace, and her cultivation should have reached the late Nascent Soul stage. Judging from the physical appearance, she was about three thousand years old.

The second senior sister mentioned this woman when she told him about the cultivation situation in Puyunzhou. She was Wuxia, the tenth generation disciple of Yin Yang Palace, ranked sixth. She was a mysterious figure with extremely high talent and rarely appeared in public.

Wu Zhenzong and Yin Yang Palace are both enemies of Zixiao Palace, and Lang Xing has no status advantage in front of these two people. There will be no good results if they continue to entangle, so he returns to Deyi Diao's back and looks at him proudly. He looked at Mo Hui and said, "The future of your Wuzhen Sect is so bleak, but you can still smile so happily. You are really strong and admirable. I have no interest in wasting time with you here. Seeing that you are dressed like this in Beihan I'm on duty with the camp, right? I want to go to the front to play, are you here to stop me?"

When mentioning the prospects of Wuzhen Sect, Mo Hui's eyes turned cold, but then he smiled and said, "If you insist on going forward, we can't stop you. We don't dare to do anything to you. We can only report this matter. But I advise you to go back as soon as possible. With your level of cultivation, you might as well ride on this eagle. You are not just for fun, you are here to deliver food to the monsters."

Wu Xia was amused by these words and smiled slightly.

Lang Xing said in a grumpy tone, "I have nothing but courage. Do you have the guts to follow me and see how I feed the monsters with my body? You are so good at escaping, you will definitely be fine."

Mo Hui was now in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and it would be disrespectful to continue bickering with Lang Xing, so he turned sideways and made a gesture of sending Lang Xing off, saying, "We have also advised you, so you can do it yourself." "

When Langxing was about to urge the Deyi Eagle to move forward, Wuxia took a step forward and said in a somewhat lazy voice, "Don't you know me?"

Lang Xing pretended to hesitate and said, "It looks familiar. It seems that someone mentioned it to me, but I can't remember it."

Wu Xia curled her lips slightly, not wanting to argue with him and announced her family background, "Yin Yang Palace, Wu Xia, shouldn't you give me a gift?"

"Oh! Yes, yes, I remember, my younger brother Lang Xing has met senior sister Wu Xia." Lang Xing stood on the back of the sculpture and cupped his hands to Wu Xia. Langxing responded with a contemptuous smile to the hostile looks of these people. He slapped the burly officer on the head with a long knife and said with a bit of pleasure, "Killing you is as easy as killing an ant. But I really have no interest in arguing with a fool like you. If you dare to kill me, I will smear your hands. If you dare to say one more word, I will cut off your tongue. "

The burly officer stared at his superior with wide eyes, his eyes almost popping out of his head. His eyes were full of grief, anger and humiliation. He wanted to fight desperately, but his superior kept using his spiritual mind to order him to endure.

"I'm going to kill him! Even if I have to kill him, I'm going to kill this little brat!" He screamed at his superior with his spiritual mind.

The great monk in the late Nascent Soul stage replied with a calm spiritual thought, "Killing him won't be your responsibility alone. We will all die, and the people close to us will also be affected."

The burly officer's eyes were bloodshot, and he yelled at Lang Xing, "Kill me if you can!" He was considered a respectable person in Northern Xinjiang, and he didn't want to live after being insulted like this.

It was quite hopeless to meet such a treacherous person like Lang Xing. After all, he was carrying out military orders. If he killed him, he would definitely be in trouble. But his words had already been spoken and he couldn't be slapped in the face like this, so he had to swing his knife and chop him again. He said, "If you don't want your tongue, I'll cut it off for you!"

The great monk in the late stage of Nascent Soul stepped forward to block the sword for his subordinate, and said to Lang Xing with a stern face, "The Immortal Lord also said that he is just a confused person. Please don't be acquainted with him. Just treat it as a gift to me." Let’s save some face in Hanying.”

Lang Xing took advantage of this step and ignored the fool. He turned to look at the fat white man and said with a cold smile, "Just teach a fool like him a lesson. You won't be able to do anything that easy."

"What do you want?" Fatty Bai said forcefully.

Lang Xing put the long knife on his shoulder, looked at him with disgust and said, "There are not many people I will kill, but you are one of them. You want me to pay attention to my life, right? Okay, then you should also pay attention to yours." Save your life, let's see who loses his life first." The little devil would have killed the fat man immediately, because the little devil couldn't resist the temptation of pleasure, but Lang Xing wouldn't. By doing this, he would not cause trouble for his senior brothers and sisters just because of his temporary pleasure.

The fat white man didn't dare to say a word, but his twinkling eyes revealed his inner panic.

Langxing glanced at them domineeringly and said, "I'm just going to cross the border, and none of you are going to stop me!" He was not that kind of person, so he felt quite bored after making the fuss. Even when it got to this point, he was beaten by these people. Forced, even if he doesn't look for Yu Chan, he still has to continue walking forward.

As soon as his shouting ended, a disdainful snort came from the distance, followed by lukewarm words, "So domineering, who did I think it was? It turns out to be you."

Following these words, a handsome man with a somewhat sinister appearance and a pretty lady flying over leisurely.

This man is known to Lang Xing. They met last time when he rescued Pei Yuan and killed Sun Rui. Mo Hui, a close disciple of Wuzhen Sect Three Soul Immortal Lord!

Seeing Mo Hui, Lang Xing smiled, raised his eyebrows and said with disdain, "Ha, you ran very fast last time, and you ran in a very organized manner. It can be seen that you spent a lot of time on escaping. drill."

Mo Hui said with a superior look on his face, "Having hurt so many people, Pei Yuan has to worry a lot about the aftermath, right? I'm still waiting for you to come again, but there has been no movement for so many years. It seems that those people have a long memory." ”

Lang Xing retorted, "

It’s not that they have long memories, they are busy rehearsing their pursuit and escape strategies. After all, you are so efficient at escaping. If you don’t practice your pursuit and escape skills well, it will be useless even if you come. They can only look at your backs and sigh helplessly. "

Mo Hui said disdainfully, "You guys only have this little lip service left."

Lang Xing waved his hand and said, "Don't count me with them. If I joined the Qian Shao Alliance, your life would have been lost long ago."

Mo Hui laughed. He was not pretending, but he felt funny from the bottom of his heart.

The flower girl next to him had a smile on her lips and watched the two bickering with interest. Her expression was calm and leisurely, and her beautiful eyes were half open and half closed with a hazy meaning. Whether she was looking at Lang Xing or Mo Hui, her eyes were It's like looking at a naughty child. Her expression is a bit like that of Saint Sika, but upon closer inspection, it's quite different.

Lang Xing has been secretly paying attention to this woman. This woman looks so special, like a beauty who has stepped out of an ink painting. From head to foot, she is almost only black and white. Her skin is better than snow, and her green silk hair is as white as ink. The dress is decorated with different shades of black, the shoes and socks are also white with light ink patterns, and even the hairpin accessories are in black and white, which makes her look almost pure and elegant. The difference in color is her pair of light cherry lips.

Lang Xing was quite knowledgeable. One look at this woman's attire and she knew that she was from the Yin and Yang Palace, and her cultivation should have reached the late Nascent Soul stage. Judging from the physical appearance, she was about three thousand years old.

The second senior sister mentioned this woman when she told him about the cultivation situation in Puyunzhou. She was Wuxia, the tenth generation disciple of Yin Yang Palace, ranked sixth. She was a mysterious figure with extremely high talent and rarely appeared in public.

Wu Zhenzong and Yin Yang Palace are both enemies of Zixiao Palace, and Lang Xing has no status advantage in front of these two people. There will be no good fruit if he continues to entangle, so he returns to Deyi Diao's back and looks at him proudly. He looked at Mo Hui and said, "The future of your Wuzhen Sect is so bleak, but you can still smile so happily. You are really strong and admirable. I have no interest in wasting time with you here. Seeing that you are dressed like this in Beihan I'm on duty with the camp, right? I want to go to the front to play, are you here to stop me?"

When mentioning the prospects of Wuzhen Sect, Mo Hui's eyes turned cold, but then he smiled and said, "If you insist on going forward, we can't stop you. We don't dare to do anything to you. We can only report this matter. But I advise you to go back as soon as possible. With your level of cultivation, you are not as good as the eagle you are riding on. You are not just for fun, you are here to deliver food to the monsters."

Wu Xia was amused by these words and smiled slightly.

Lang Xing said in a grumpy tone, "I have nothing but courage. Do you have the guts to follow me and see how I feed the monsters with my body? You are so good at escaping, you will definitely be fine."

Mo Hui was now in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and it would be disrespectful to continue bickering with Lang Xing, so he turned sideways and made a gesture of sending Lang Xing off, saying, "We have also advised you, so you can do it yourself." "

When Langxing was about to urge the Deyi Eagle to move forward, Wuxia took a step forward and said in a somewhat lazy voice, "Don't you know me?"

Langxing pretended to hesitate and said, "It looks familiar. It seems that someone mentioned it to me, but I can't remember it."

Wu Xia curled her lips slightly, not wanting to argue with him and announced her family background, "Yin Yang Palace, Wu Xia, shouldn't you give me a gift?"

"Oh! Yes, yes, I remember, my younger brother Lang Xing has met senior sister Wu Xia." Lang Xing stood on the back of the sculpture and cupped his hands to Wu Xia.

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