Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1970 Is he better than me?

Wu Xia nodded to Lang Xing with a smile, his expression seemed quite cordial.

"This little junior brother of yours is quite interesting. Who are you here with?"

Lang Xing saw that she was treating him like a child, so he raised his chin, put on an arrogant posture like a jade tree facing the wind, and said, "Why do I need others to follow me when I go out? Senior sister Wuxia, I didn't expect you to be so beautiful. Are you interested in going to the front to have some fun together?”

Wu Xia couldn't help laughing and said, "Invite me to travel with you? Don't you think you are a little too young?"

Mo Hui laughed heartily on the side, and the four people before him also looked relieved and took pleasure in the misfortune.

Lang Xinghun glanced at Mo Hui nonchalantly and said, "He's not much older than me. Is he any better than me?"

Mo Hui nodded and teased, "That means my cultivation level is only two levels higher than yours. There is really no one else who is better than you."

This time even the burly officer who had been beaten laughed.

As if Lang Xing couldn't hear the teasing, he said to Wu Xia with a serious face, "You heard it? His cultivation level is a little higher than mine, and everything else is not as good as mine."

Wuxia couldn't help but cover his mouth with his hands and said, "At least you are really interesting. If you really came out on your own, then go back quickly. Now that I have run into you, I have to advise you before you move forward." It’s no longer fun, Beihan Camp is setting up defenses here to be wary of monsters coming from this way.”

Langxing said calmly, "Senior Sister, don't worry about it anymore. Since you don't want to travel with us, just stay with this little brother of Wuzhen Sect. It's a pity." He kept saying such crazy things because he had no time to treat him like a child. , which is against his taboo. Back then, Mo Hui openly teased Yue Hong, but now he is also making flirtatious remarks about Wu Xia. It must be said that the way of heaven is reincarnated.

This time, the smile disappeared from Wu Xia's face, not because she was angry, but because she could tell that something was not right about this kid. She was already in the late Nascent Soul stage, and her eyesight was extraordinary.

"If you don't listen, then there's nothing I can do." After she said that, she turned around and left. It seemed that she was angry with Lang Xing, but actually she wanted to avoid suspicion. Before leaving, she glanced at Beihan Camp. Those four people.

Mo Hui followed Wu Xia away. The two of them came here not to cause trouble for Lang Xing personally, but to cheer up the four people from Beihan Camp. If they didn't get involved, those four people might not dare to touch Zixiao Palace. Although they did not send even a single divine thought to these four people from the beginning to the end, they all gave hints to these four people with their hidden eyes, because they were going to kill the three junior disciples of Zixiao Palace who had great magical powers. , they had to be extremely careful not to let the slightest clue slip.

After the two left, Langxing also urged the Deyi Eagle to fly forward. Thinking about the unforgettable Wuxia, he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. Lustfulness is a man's nature. It has nothing to do with loyalty. He has no involvement in Wuxia. He was satisfied, but he felt that having such a beautiful woman by Mo Hui's side was really a waste of money. In fact, that's all he thought. Mo Hui could be regarded as an outstanding young talent anywhere, a rare genius in the world. On the contrary, It was him, a young monk who only had alchemy cultivation, who would make people sigh if he and Wu Xia were paired together.

Flying out of the defense range of Beihan Camp, Langxing still flew the Deyi Eagle unhurriedly. He seemed to be carefree and lazy, but secretly he did not dare to relax at all.

With the magical power in his mind, he knew that this matter could not be settled. Mo Hui and Wu Xia came over and would not just persuade him out of good intentions. Although he admired Wu Xia's style, he was not obsessed with it. Neither of them would have any good intentions towards him, but there was no doubt that these two people would not take action against him personally.

That old and cunning late-stage Nascent Soul monk would definitely not come to kill him. The only ones who would come would be the fat white man and the bastard whom he had taught him a lesson. The fat white man was driven to a dead end by himself, and the only way out was to kill and silence him. Well, Lang Xing just wanted to kill him and pushed him to the dead end. In other words, he had already figured out how to kill this person at that time.

People's tempers will change according to their status and abilities. Now Lang Xing has begun to deliberately plan to kill people, and he is getting further and further away from the honest Zhui'er.

Lang Xing's guess was good. As soon as he flew less than ten thousand miles, he found Fatty Bai and the bastard chasing after him hurriedly. Because the Deyi Eagle was so fast, they were afraid that Lang After a thousand miles, the two people disappeared, but they didn't know that the young man in front of them had already discovered their traces.

Out of caution, Langxing didn't wait for the two of them to get closer and urged the Deyi Eagle to fly forward faster, in order to test whether any late Nascent Soul monks were secretly spying on him. If he wanted to kill these two people, he would inevitably expose the true story. Of course, strength cannot be seen by others. With Deyi Diao's speed, it was easy to get rid of the two mid-stage Nascent Soul monks. Lang Xing did not push Deyi Diao's speed to the extreme, and kept at a speed that gradually distanced him from the two.

The two people behind him could only chase with all their might and had no time to hide their figures. They were determined to put Lang Xing to death.

Langxing's caution actually brought about a result that was a bit beyond his expectation. He actually noticed that there was a person chasing up from behind the two people. The other person must be a late Nascent Soul cultivation level, although his figure was hidden. Yes, but in a chase at this speed, it’s hard to escape Lang Xing’s perception.

After catching up with the two men, this person slowed down and seemed to have no intention of approaching.

Lang Xing's eyes flashed for a few times, and then he controlled Deyi Diao to suddenly turn around and rush back. This move exceeded the expectations of the two people behind him. Under Deyi Diao's speed, they had no time to hide their figures. The distance between the two sides has shortened to only six to seven hundred miles, which is already within the detection range of a late-stage elixir-forming monk's spiritual consciousness. There is no point in hiding his body anymore.

"Baby, grandpa is here to kill you!" The bastard who had been beaten rushed towards Langxing with red eyes.

Fatty Bai didn't say a word. Although his eyes were more cruel than that of the bastard, the speed he rushed towards was slightly slower than that of the bastard. Even though there was no turning back, he was still playing tricks, hoping to let his companion complete this task. hit.

Langxing flew up from the back of Deyi Diao, and stood calmly in the air with a long knife in his hand. He focused most of his energy on staring at the big monk with his mind and magical powers, and sent these two small characters in the middle stage of Yuan Ying away from each other. For him, it was a matter of waving his hand.

A sudden change occurred in this electric light and flint. The two people who were rushing towards Langxing suddenly stopped and were frozen there while maintaining their forward posture.

"Junior brother, you are really hiding your secrets." Following these words, Wu Xia's figure flashed out behind the two people. Wu Xia smiled and nodded to Lang Xing, his expression seemed quite cordial.

"This little junior brother of yours is quite interesting. Who are you here with?"

Lang Xing saw that she was treating him like a child, so he raised his chin, put on an arrogant posture like a jade tree facing the wind, and said, "Why do I need others to follow me when I go out? Senior sister Wuxia, I didn't expect you to be so beautiful. Are you interested in going to the front to have some fun together?”

Wu Xia couldn't help laughing and said, "Invite me to travel with you? Don't you think you are a little too young?"

Mo Hui laughed heartily on the side, and the four people before him also looked relieved and took pleasure in the misfortune.

Lang Xinghun glanced at Mo Hui nonchalantly and said, "He's not much older than me. Is he any better than me?"

Mo Hui nodded and teased, "That means my cultivation level is only two levels higher than yours. There is really no one else who is better than you."

This time even the burly officer who had been beaten laughed.

As if Lang Xing couldn't hear the teasing, he said to Wu Xia with a serious face, "You heard it? His cultivation level is a little higher than mine, and everything else is not as good as mine."

Wuxia couldn't help but cover his mouth with his hands and said, "At least you are really interesting. If you really came out on your own, then go back quickly. Now that I've run into you, I have to give you some advice before you move forward." It’s no longer fun, Beihan Camp is setting up defenses here to be wary of monsters coming from this way.”

Langxing said calmly, "Senior Sister, don't worry about it anymore. Since you don't want to travel with us, just stay with this little brother of Wuzhen Sect. It's a pity." He kept saying such crazy things because he had no time to treat him like a child. , which is against his taboo. Back then, Mo Hui openly teased Yue Hong, but now he is also making flirtatious remarks about Wu Xia. It must be said that the way of heaven is reincarnated.

This time, the smile disappeared from Wu Xia's face, not because she was angry, but because she could tell that something was not right about this kid. She was already in the late Nascent Soul stage, and her eyesight was extraordinary.

"If you don't listen, then there's nothing I can do." After she said that, she turned around and left. It seemed that she was angry with Lang Xing, but actually she wanted to avoid suspicion. Before leaving, she glanced at Beihan Camp. Those four people.

Mo Hui followed Wu Xia away. The two of them came here not to cause trouble for Lang Xing personally, but to cheer up the four people from Beihan Camp. If they didn't get involved, those four people might not dare to touch Zixiao Palace. Although they did not send even a single divine thought to these four people from the beginning to the end, they all gave hints to these four people with their hidden eyes, because those who wanted to kill were the three junior brothers with great magical powers in Zixiao Palace. , they had to be extremely careful not to let the slightest clue slip.

After the two left, Langxing also urged the Deyi Eagle to fly forward. Thinking about the unforgettable Wuxia, he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. Lustfulness is a man's nature. It has nothing to do with loyalty. He has no involvement in Wuxia. He was satisfied, but he felt that having such a beautiful woman by Mo Hui's side was really a waste of money. In fact, that's all he thought. Mo Hui could be regarded as an outstanding young talent anywhere, a rare genius in the world. On the contrary, It was him, a young monk who only had alchemy cultivation, who would make people sigh if he and Wu Xia were paired together.

Flying out of the defense range of Beihan Camp, Langxing still flew the Deyi Eagle unhurriedly. He seemed to be carefree and lazy, but secretly he did not dare to relax at all.

With the magical power in his mind, he knew that this matter could not be settled. Mo Hui and Wu Xia came over and would not just persuade him out of good intentions. Although he admired Wu Xia's style, he was not obsessed with it. Neither of them would have any good intentions towards him, but there was no doubt that these two people would not take action against him personally.

That old and cunning late-stage Nascent Soul monk would definitely not come to kill him. The only ones who would come would be the fat white man and the bastard whom he had taught him a lesson. The fat white man was driven to a dead end by himself, and the only way out was to kill and silence him. Well, Lang Xing just wanted to kill him and pushed him to the dead end. In other words, he had already figured out how to kill this person at that time.

People's tempers will change according to their status and abilities. Now Lang Xing has begun to deliberately plan to kill people, and he is getting further and further away from the honest Zhui'er.

Lang Xing's guess was right. As soon as he flew less than ten thousand miles, he found Fatty Bai and the bastard chasing after him hurriedly. Because the Deyi Eagle was so fast, they were afraid that Lang After a thousand miles, the two people disappeared, but they didn't know that the young man in front of them had already discovered their traces.

Out of caution, Langxing didn't wait for the two of them to get closer and urged the Deyi Eagle to fly forward faster, in order to test whether any late Nascent Soul monks were secretly spying on him. If he wanted to kill these two people, he would inevitably expose the true story. Of course, strength cannot be seen by others. With Deyi Diao's speed, it was easy to get rid of the two mid-stage Nascent Soul monks. Lang Xing did not push Deyi Diao's speed to the extreme, and kept at a speed that gradually distanced him from the two.

The two people behind him could only chase him with all their strength and had no time to hide their figures. They were determined to put Lang Xing to death.

Langxing's caution actually brought about a result that was a bit beyond his expectation. He actually noticed that there was a person chasing up from behind the two people. The other person must be a late Nascent Soul cultivation level, although his figure was hidden. Yes, but in a chase at this speed, it’s hard to escape Lang Xing’s perception.

After catching up with the two men, this person slowed down and seemed to have no intention of approaching.

Lang Xing's eyes flashed for a few times, and then he controlled Deyi Diao to suddenly turn around and rush back. This move exceeded the expectations of the two people behind him. Under Deyi Diao's speed, they had no time to hide their figures. The distance between the two sides has shortened to only six to seven hundred miles, which is already within the detection range of a late-stage elixir-forming monk's spiritual consciousness. There is no point in hiding his body anymore.

"Baby, grandpa is here to kill you!" The bastard who had been beaten rushed towards Langxing with red eyes.

Fatty Bai didn't say a word. Although his eyes were more cruel than that of the bastard, the speed he rushed towards was slightly slower than that of the bastard. Even though there was no turning back, he was still playing tricks, hoping to let his companion complete this task. hit.

Langxing flew up from the back of Deyi Diao, stood calmly in the air with a long knife in his hand, and focused most of his energy on staring at the big monk with his mind and magical powers, sending these two minor characters in the middle stage of Yuan Ying away from each other. For him, it was a matter of waving his hand.

A sudden change occurred in this electric light and flint. The two people who were rushing towards Langxing suddenly stopped and were frozen there while maintaining their forward posture.

"Junior brother, you are really hiding your secrets." Following these words, Wu Xia's figure flashed out behind the two people.

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