Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1981: Boredom is about to cause trouble

When Immortal Xiaoyao came back, Langxing was urging his consciousness to sweep around in order to make as much noise as possible. No matter what kind of things he attracted, it was possible to find some clues, but Xiaoyao didn't know Xianjun and Minglan had already negotiated a deal and sold him out.

"Did you find anything?"

"No." Immortal Xiaoyao said, looking up at the sky, pretending to check where the last thunder came from.

"Then...shall we go forward?" he asked with a look of pleading in his eyes.

"I want to meditate here for a while." On the one hand, Immortal Xiaoyao wanted to make the show more complete, and on the other hand, he really wanted to meditate.

"Okay, you can understand it, I will protect you from the side." Lang Xing quickly agreed.

"Just coax yourself." After saying that, Immortal Xiaoyao took him down into the ground, made a space of several tens of feet for him, and then left.

Lang Xing stayed bored for three months. For the enlightenment of great supernatural powers, three months was nothing. Lang Xing was prepared to wait for several years, but for a For monks who have lost their Taoist mind and cannot enter the state of enlightenment, this kind of waiting is a bit difficult.

Langxing could only summon Xiao Yunduo to keep him company, trying to let it help him develop a state of enlightenment, but it was useless. In his idle time, he went to play with the four weapons of Feng Ling Hairpin, Mo Xin Cone, and Shui Ting Sword. Although this can enhance the relationship between him and the spirit, their intelligence is too low to be used as playmates. ??

During the second month of waiting, Langxing took out the "Qiancheng Mansion" given by the second senior sister. He did not want to touch this treasure. He only wanted to leave it to the second senior sister when he returned to Zixiao Palace. Now I had to use it to kill some time.

"Qiancheng Mansion" is the most powerful treasure of Fairy Jin Ping. Fairy Jin Ping is Yu Chan's mortal enemy, so she is the first person Yu Chan looks for after breaking through the realm and entering the middle stage of becoming a feather. This fairy died tragically. , and this treasure also fell into the hands of Yu Chan, who then gave it to Fairy Huarui in order to please Xun Yi. This is a treasure that requires the cultivation of Feather to be activated.

As the name suggests, "Qiancheng Mansion" is a place that accommodates thousands of iron cavalry. Its weapon spirit is the commander of thousands of armies. This weapon spirit is not only powerful but also unruly. Even Fairy Jinping cannot completely tame it. Every time she urges it, Touching this treasure is equivalent to a fight with the weapon spirit.

The first ray of consciousness that Langxing sent into Qiancheng Mansion was strangled without detecting anything. This made him grin. Fortunately, he had extremely rich experience in using Lingbao. This first The rays of spiritual consciousness sent in were extremely cautious, otherwise just this one would be enough for him.

This path of spiritual consciousness didn't work, so he switched to the magical power of his mind. When he sensed the powerful weapon spirit, his heart suddenly pounded, and he subconsciously threw the treasure in his hand on the ground. This weapon spirit was too powerful, too powerful. So fierce.

The Phoenix Spirit Hairpin, the Black Heart Cone, and the Xuanshui Sword are top-grade spiritual treasures. Their weapon spirits are extremely powerful and ferocious, not to mention the Heavenly Ting Spirit that contains the power of thunder, but their strength and Fierce tyrants are simple and crude. As long as you don't offend them, they will not show off their power. However, the weapon spirit of Qiancheng Mansion is like a vigilant and powerful leader. Whenever an invading enemy is discovered, he will immediately lead Qian Cheng to do so. Thousands of troops and horses killed him.

Lang Xing felt the aura of being destroyed by the enemy.

This is a treasure specially made for killing. Although all attack spirit treasures are made for killing, this weapon spirit has undoubtedly been successfully infused with a greater and stronger intention to kill. It seems to live only for killing. .

After calming down his shocked mind, Langxing knelt down and looked at the treasure he had thrown to the ground. Through two contacts with his consciousness and mind, he understood why only the cultivation of Yu Yu could activate this treasure. Well, with his ability, he cannot make the weapon spirit obey orders through persuasion. It is obviously difficult to communicate with such a weapon spirit that only has the intention to kill. It is like talking to a madman who holds a knife and only wants to kill people. The truth is, he turns a deaf ear to whatever you say.

After thinking for a while, he put this treasure into the Qiankun Bag. He took out this treasure just to find something to do, but since it is so unfun, there is no need to waste so much energy on it. Anyway, I also want to return it to Second Senior Sister.

After putting away the Qiancheng Mansion, he carefully took out a piece of gray-black mud from his arms. Wrapped in the mud was Tuntian. Lang Xing could hardly remember how many years it had been sleeping, and he was worried that it would just die like this. I slept to death, but I didn't dare to disturb it casually for fear of ruining its retreat. All I could do was to use my mind to feel whether it was still alive every once in a while.

"It's almost done, brother." Langxing said worriedly to the piece of mud. He missed this stupid brother very much.

"Wake up, how about I give you a ten-thousand-year inner elixir?" Lang Xing took out a ten-thousand-year inner elixir and shook it in front of the mud. "There is also the inner elixir of the ten-thousand-year beast. If you want to wake up, I can do it." Here you go…smell it.”

Langxing had a proud smirk on his face, as if he had really tricked Tuntian, which showed how bored he was. Then he really took out the inner elixir of a ten thousand-year-old beast, with that wicked smirk on his face. He brought the inner elixir of the ten-thousand-year-old beast close to the mud, "Smell it, are you hungry? I have another one, and I can give you a sniff of that one."

Just when Lang Xing wanted to take out the inner elixir of the second ten thousand year beast, the piece of gray-black mud silently turned into fine powder and collapsed, revealing the jade-like inner elixir inside. The little white frog, Tuntian's eyes are closed, as if he is still in retreat.

As soon as Lang Xing's eyes widened, he saw a flash of red light, and the inner elixir of the ten thousand year divine beast in his hand had been rolled away with his tongue and swallowed into his belly.

"Huh?!" Only then did Lang Xing let out a cry that was mixed with surprise and distress. It was the inner elixir of the ten thousand-year-old beast. It was a treasure that could benefit people a lot just by feeling it, but after all, it contained more surprises. Yes, as long as Tuntian is safe and sound, he is willing to put the inner elixir of another ten-thousand-year-old beast into it.

"You..." Lang Xing was overjoyed and was about to say a few words to Tuntian when he saw that Tuntian's jade-like body was filled with black, spreading from his chest and abdomen to his limbs. The blackness gradually faded away at a speed visible to the eyes. Darkening, a small white jade-like frog turned into a dark jade-like little frog in an instant.

When Lang Xing realized that this was the change caused by the inner elixir of the divine beast, his joy suddenly turned into fear. It was only at this moment that he thought about the big question of whether Tuntian could withstand the inner elixir of the ten thousand year divine beast. He was a student Those who are alchemists know how powerful the inner elixir of the ten thousand year beast is. Even if such an inner elixir is refined into a pill for late-stage Nascent Soul monks, at least two can be made. The medicinal properties are powerful enough. . How could such a young Tuntian endure the whole inner elixir? When Immortal Xiaoyao came back, Langxing was urging his consciousness to sweep around in order to make as much noise as possible. No matter what kind of things he attracted, it was possible to find some clues, but Xiaoyao didn't know Xianjun and Minglan had already negotiated a deal and sold him out.

"Did you find anything?"

"No." Immortal Xiaoyao said, looking up at the sky, pretending to check where the last thunder came from.

"Then...shall we go forward?" He asked with a look of pleading in his eyes. .??.

"I want to meditate here for a while." On the one hand, Immortal Xiaoyao wanted to make the show more complete, and on the other hand, he really wanted to meditate.

"Okay, you can understand it, I will protect you from the side." Lang Xing quickly agreed.

"Just coax yourself." After saying that, Immortal Xiaoyao took him down into the ground, made a space of several tens of feet for him, and then left.

Lang Xing stayed bored for three months. For the enlightenment of great supernatural powers, three months was nothing. Lang Xing was prepared to wait for several years, but for a For monks who have lost their Taoist mind and cannot enter the state of enlightenment, this kind of waiting is a bit difficult.

Langxing could only summon Xiao Yunduo to keep him company, trying to let it help him develop a state of enlightenment, but it was useless. In his idle time, he went to play with the four weapons of Feng Ling Hairpin, Mo Xin Cone, and Shui Ting Sword. Although this can enhance the relationship between him and the spirit, their intelligence is too low to be used as playmates.

During the second month of waiting, Langxing took out the "Qiancheng Mansion" given by the second senior sister. He did not want to touch this treasure. He only wanted to leave it to the second senior sister when he returned to Zixiao Palace. Now I had to use it to kill some time.

"Qiancheng Mansion" is the most powerful treasure of Fairy Jin Ping. Fairy Jin Ping is Yu Chan's mortal enemy, so she is the first person Yu Chan looks for after breaking through the realm and entering the middle stage of becoming a feather. This fairy died tragically. , and this treasure also fell into the hands of Yu Chan, who then gave it to Fairy Huarui in order to please Xun Yi. This is a treasure that requires the cultivation of Feather to be activated.

As the name suggests, "Qiancheng Mansion" is a place that accommodates thousands of iron cavalry. Its weapon spirit is the commander of thousands of armies. This weapon spirit is not only powerful but also unruly. Even Fairy Jinping cannot completely tame it. Every time she urges it, Touching this treasure is equivalent to a fight with the weapon spirit.

The first ray of consciousness that Langxing sent into Qiancheng Mansion was strangled without detecting anything. This made him grin. Fortunately, he had extremely rich experience in using Lingbao. This first The rays of spiritual consciousness sent in were extremely cautious, otherwise just this one would be enough for him.

This path of spiritual consciousness didn't work, so he switched to the magical power of his mind. When he sensed the powerful weapon spirit, his heart suddenly pounded, and he subconsciously threw the treasure in his hand on the ground. This weapon spirit was too powerful, too powerful. So fierce.

Phoenix Spirit Hairpin, Black Heart Cone, and Xuanshui Sword are top-grade spiritual treasures. Their weapon spirits are extremely powerful and ferocious, not to mention the Heavenly Ting Spirit that contains the power of thunder, but their strength and Fierce tyrants are simple and crude. As long as you don't offend them, they will not show off their power. However, the weapon spirit of Qiancheng Mansion is like a vigilant and powerful leader. Whenever an invading enemy is discovered, he will immediately lead Qian Cheng to do so. Thousands of troops and horses killed them.

Lang Xing felt the aura of being destroyed by the enemy.

This is a treasure specially made for killing. Although all attack spirit treasures are made for killing, this weapon spirit has undoubtedly been successfully infused with a greater and stronger intention to kill. It seems to live only for killing. .

After calming down his shocked mind, Langxing knelt down and looked at the treasure he had thrown to the ground. Through two contacts with his consciousness and mind, he understood why only the cultivation of Yu Yu could activate this treasure. Well, with his ability, he cannot make the weapon spirit obey orders through persuasion. It is obviously difficult to communicate with such a weapon spirit that only has the intention to kill. It is like talking to a madman who holds a knife and only wants to kill people. The truth is, he turns a deaf ear to whatever you say.

After thinking for a while, he put this treasure into the Qiankun Bag. He took out this treasure just to find something to do, but since it is so unfun, there is no need to waste so much energy on it. Anyway, I also want to return it to Second Senior Sister.

After putting away the Qiancheng Mansion, he carefully took out a piece of gray-black mud from his arms. Wrapped in the mud was Tuntian. Lang Xing could hardly remember how many years it had been sleeping, and he was worried that it would just die like this. I slept to death, but I didn't dare to disturb it casually for fear of ruining its retreat. All I could do was to use my mind to feel whether it was still alive every once in a while.

"It's almost done, brother." Langxing said worriedly to the piece of mud. He missed this stupid brother very much.

"Wake up, how about I give you a ten-thousand-year inner elixir?" Lang Xing took out a ten-thousand-year inner elixir and shook it in front of the mud. "There is also the inner elixir of the ten-thousand-year beast. If you want to wake up, I can do it." Here you go…smell it.”

Langxing had a proud smirk on his face, as if he had really tricked Tuntian, which showed how bored he was. Then he really took out the inner elixir of a ten thousand-year-old beast, with that wicked smirk on his face. He brought the inner elixir of the ten-thousand-year-old beast close to the mud, "Smell it, are you hungry? I have another one, and I can give you a sniff of that one."

Just when Lang Xing wanted to take out the inner elixir of the second ten thousand year beast, the piece of gray-black mud silently turned into fine powder and collapsed, revealing the jade-like inner elixir inside. The little white frog, Tuntian's eyes are closed, as if he is still in retreat.

As soon as Lang Xing's eyes widened, he saw a flash of red light, and the inner elixir of the ten thousand year divine beast in his hand had been rolled away with his tongue and swallowed into his belly.

"Huh?!" Only then did Lang Xing let out a cry that was mixed with surprise and distress. It was the inner elixir of the ten thousand-year-old beast. It was a treasure that could benefit people a lot just by feeling it, but after all, it contained more surprises. Yes, as long as Tuntian is safe and sound, he is willing to put the inner elixir of another ten-thousand-year-old beast into it.

"You..." Lang Xing was overjoyed and was about to say a few words to Tuntian when he saw that Tuntian's jade-like body was filled with black, spreading from his chest and abdomen to his limbs. The blackness gradually faded away at a speed visible to the eyes. Darkening, a small white jade-like frog turned into a dark jade-like little frog in an instant.

When Lang Xing realized that this was the change caused by the inner elixir of the divine beast, his joy suddenly turned into fear. It was only at this moment that he thought about the big question of whether Tuntian could withstand the inner elixir of the ten thousand year divine beast. He was a student Those who are alchemists know how powerful the inner elixir of the ten thousand year beast is. Even if such an inner elixir is refined into a pill for late-stage Nascent Soul monks, at least two can be made. The medicinal properties are powerful enough. . How could such a young Tuntian endure the whole inner elixir?

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