Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1982 Bear with it...

Tuntian continued to turn black, from jet black to shiny black.

Seeing that a catastrophe was brewing, Langxing was at a loss as he desperately called to Immortal Xiaoyao with his spiritual thoughts and comforted the poor little frog with his heart thoughts. He could feel the extreme pain of the little frog.

"Hold on! Hold on!" He encouraged the little frog with regret, and put his hand on the little frog, but he didn't know how to help the little frog, and tears flashed in his eyes.

Tuntian's belly was beating up and down, and the three red auspicious clouds on it were floating and shining with the ups and downs of his belly, as if they were alive.

"Gu..." Tuntian made a soft sound in his throat.

Langxing trembled with fright, hurriedly turned behind it, and said in his heart, "If you want to scream, just scream in front. It's best not to make the sound come out." Although it was very difficult for the poor little frog to make such a request at this time. It's too much, but the power of Tuntian's roar in such a painful situation must not be underestimated. Ordinarily, he should run away. Xiaoyao Immortal Lord has not set up an access restriction in this space, but he can't bear to let Xiaowa here by himself. endure the pain.

"Gu..." There was another sound in Tuntian's throat, and a faint layer of light black mist emitted from its body, and its belly beat faster.

"Bear it..." Lang Xing shed tears because he felt that Tun Tian was in pain to the point where he wanted to die. Yes, Tun Tian was in so much pain that he wanted to die. He could sense this thought of Tun Tian.

"" Tuntian's throat began to make continuous sounds, but each one was weaker than the last. It seemed that it could no longer hold on. Black air was still emanating from its skin, and its shiny body gradually lost its luster. The luster turned into a dark color that seemed to suck the eyes in.

Langxing clenched his teeth and tears silently flowed down his face into two small rivers. The hand pressing on the little frog couldn't help trembling. A powerful spiritual power had gathered in the palm of his hand. He had to help this follower. The brother who had killed him for nearly a thousand years was freed. This tragedy was caused by his own hands. He was so sorry for this brother.

If he couldn't feel the pain of Tuntian, he would definitely not end this brother's life, but his perception made him feel the pain as if he was personally experiencing it, and he had to help a group of brothers.

"Good brother, I'm sorry for you..." Lang Xing cried and conveyed his thoughts to Tuntian. He closed his eyes and raised his trembling palms to slap down hard. He had to give his brother a happy death and let him die cleanly. , died so hard that not even a painful residue was left.

When a palm fell, Langxing withdrew his spiritual power before he could hit it, because he noticed that Tuntian ran out from under his palm. It should be that Tuntian understood his intention to take action from that thought, and tried his best to It tried its best to escape, but this movement used up all its remaining strength. It only jumped a foot or so away, and then fell to the ground with a thud. It lay there motionless with its four legs spread out as if dead.

Langxing wiped his tears and said with great sadness, "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I won't do anything. I want to help you. Don't be afraid. I won't do anything. I will stay with you."

The dying Tun Tian wanted Lang Xing to stay away. After sensing Tun Tian's intention, Lang Xing immediately took a few steps back and looked at his suffering brother with tears in his eyes.

This means that Tuntian's emotional world is relatively simple. There are no complex emotions such as swearing at people close to him. Otherwise,

What Zelangxing felt was Tunyun's yelling.

Seeing that Tuntian's body was gradually enveloped by the emanating black energy, Lang Xing stopped crying and instead stared at the black energy with wide eyes, because he felt that the pain of Tuntian was lessening, and the black energy It gradually became as thick as ink. He didn't dare to use his spiritual consciousness to explore it, nor did he dare to disturb it with his mind anymore. He could only stare at it.

After two hours, Lang Xing's eyes were so wide open that he finally saw a red light coming from the black mist that had expanded to the size of an upside-down iron pot. It should be the red light on Tuntian's belly. The light from three auspicious clouds.

Langxing swallowed, and his heart jumped, as if little frogs were jumping into his heart.

As time went by, the red light coming out of the black mist became brighter and brighter. Langxing was trembling with excitement, and his feet were stepping back step by step. He saw hope and considered that he could not give it to him at this moment. The little frog would cause any disturbance, and he was afraid that the little frog would suddenly scream, so the best way was to avoid it first. After retreating to the edge of the space, he quietly used the earth escape technique to sneak into the hard In the iron stone wall, he retreated several thousand feet before stopping. He carefully made a small space for himself, and nestled there full of joy.

After more than three hours, he cautiously sent out a ray of consciousness to look over there, and saw that the red light in the black mist became brighter again. It fled more than a thousand feet into the distance.

After several more secret checks, Langxing found that Langxing had already fled to a place nearly ten thousand feet away. At this point, he felt much more at ease. He was sure that Little Frog would be able to survive this disaster, but he didn't know what impact this accident would have on Little Frog. Blessings and disasters, Lang Xing didn't dare to think too brightly, he just wanted not to let the little frog get too much harm. Now he didn't dare to regret the inner elixir of the ten thousand-year-old beast at all. He almost killed his brother and committed the financial obsession again. It's just too unreasonable.

After waiting for five days, there was no obvious change in Xiaowa. Langxing couldn't stand it anymore and dived tens of thousands of feet away to find a room as big as a room to relax and rest. He seemed to be on fire these five days. Like a child covering his ears with firecrackers waiting for the explosion, he activated the protective divine light and dared not relax for a moment, not knowing when his brother would roar.

Langxing just took a breath and took out a spirit fruit to fill his stomach. A dull roar came, followed by a sudden shaking, which made him unable to sit still. He hurriedly activated the protective divine light, and when the shaking passed, the room he created was already full of cracks.

The power of this roar shocked Lang Xing and became ecstatic. It seemed that not only was Tuntian not damaged, but he was also a blessing in disguise. The power of this roar was not a little bit greater than before!

After regaining consciousness, Lang Xing hurriedly used his mental powers. He had to ask this brother to stop screaming. If the space collapsed, this stupid brother would bury himself alive, and such a big movement said Sorry, Senior Xiaoyao has been disturbed.

As soon as his mental power came into play, he immediately sensed that Tun Tian was on full alert and preparing to attack. It sensed the presence of danger. Lang Xing didn't know what kind of danger it had discovered. In this case, he did not dare to use Earth Escape. Technique dives in. If Tuntian screams while he is halfway through the dive, he will definitely die. He can only use his spiritual power to forcefully open a passage to meet Tuntian. Tuntian continued to turn black, from jet black to shiny black.

Seeing that a catastrophe was brewing, Langxing was at a loss as he desperately called to Immortal Xiaoyao with his spiritual thoughts and comforted the poor little frog with his heart thoughts. He could feel the extreme pain of the little frog.

"Hold on! Hold on!" He encouraged the little frog with regret, and put his hand on the little frog, but he didn't know how to help the little frog, and tears flashed in his eyes.

Tuntian's belly was beating up and down, and the three red auspicious clouds on it were floating and shining with the ups and downs of his belly, as if they were alive.

"Gu..." Tuntian made a soft sound in his throat.

Langxing trembled with fright, hurriedly turned behind it, and said in his heart, "If you want to scream, just scream in front. It's best not to make the sound come out." Although it was very difficult for the poor little frog to make such a request at this time. It's too much, but the power of Tuntian's roar in such a painful situation must not be underestimated. Ordinarily, he should run away. Xiaoyao Immortal Lord has not set up an access restriction in this space, but he can't bear to let Xiaowa here by himself. endure the pain.

"Gu..." There was another sound in Tuntian's throat, and a faint layer of light black mist emitted from its body, and its belly beat faster.

"Bear it..." Lang Xing shed tears because he felt that Tun Tian was in pain to the point where he wanted to die. Yes, Tun Tian was in so much pain that he wanted to die. He could sense this thought of Tun Tian.

"" Tuntian's throat began to make continuous sounds, but each one was weaker than the last. It seemed that it could no longer hold on. Black air was still emanating from its skin, and its shiny body gradually lost its luster. The luster turned into a dark color that seemed to suck the eyes in.

Langxing clenched his teeth and tears silently flowed down his face into two small rivers. The hand pressing on the little frog couldn't help trembling. A powerful spiritual power had gathered in the palm of his hand. He had to help this follower. The brother who had killed him for nearly a thousand years was freed. This tragedy was caused by his own hands. He was so sorry for this brother.

If he couldn't feel the pain of Tuntian, he would definitely not end this brother's life, but his perception made him feel the pain as if he was personally experiencing it, and he had to help a group of brothers.

"Good brother, I'm sorry for you..." Lang Xing cried and conveyed his thoughts to Tuntian. He closed his eyes and raised his trembling palms to slap down hard. He had to give his brother a happy death and let him die cleanly. , died so hard that not even a painful residue was left.

When a palm fell, Langxing withdrew his spiritual power before he could hit it, because he noticed that Tuntian ran out from under his palm. It should be that Tuntian understood his intention to take action from that thought, and tried his best to It tried its best to escape, but this movement used up all its remaining strength. It only jumped a foot or so away, and then fell to the ground with a thud. It lay there motionless with its four legs spread out as if dead.

Lang Xing wiped his tears and said with great sadness, "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I won't do anything. I want to help you. Don't be afraid. I won't do anything. I will stay with you."

The dying Tun Tian wanted Lang Xing to stay away. After sensing Tun Tian's intention, Lang Xing immediately took a few steps back and looked at his suffering brother with tears in his eyes.

This means that Tuntian's emotional world is relatively simple. There are no complex emotions such as swearing at people close to him. Otherwise,

What Zelangxing felt was Tunyun's yelling.

Seeing that Tuntian's body was gradually enveloped by the emanating black energy, Lang Xing stopped crying and instead stared at the black energy with wide eyes, because he felt that the pain of Tuntian was lessening, and the black energy It gradually became as thick as ink. He did not dare to use his spiritual consciousness to explore it, nor did he dare to use his mind to disturb it anymore. He could only stare at it.

After two hours, Lang Xing's eyes were so wide open that he finally saw a red light coming from the black mist that had expanded to the size of an upside-down iron pot. It should be the red light on Tuntian's belly. The light from three auspicious clouds.

Langxing swallowed, and his heart jumped, as if little frogs were jumping into his heart.

As time went by, the red light coming out of the black mist became brighter and brighter. Langxing was trembling with excitement, and his feet were stepping back step by step. He saw hope and considered that he could not give it to him at this moment. The little frog would cause any disturbance, and he was afraid that the little frog would suddenly scream, so the best way was to avoid it first. After retreating to the edge of the space, he quietly used the earth escape technique to sneak into the hard In the iron stone wall, he retreated several thousand feet before stopping. He carefully made a small space for himself, and nestled there full of joy.

After more than three hours, he cautiously sent out a ray of consciousness to look over there, and saw that the red light in the black mist became brighter again. It fled more than a thousand feet into the distance.

After several more secret checks, Langxing found that Langxing had already fled to a place nearly ten thousand feet away. At this point, he felt much more at ease. He was sure that Little Frog would be able to survive this disaster, but he didn't know what impact this accident would have on Little Frog. Blessings and disasters, Lang Xing didn't dare to think too brightly, he just wanted not to let the little frog get too much harm. Now he didn't dare to regret the inner elixir of the ten thousand-year-old beast at all. He almost killed his brother and committed the financial obsession again. It's just too unreasonable.

After waiting for five days, there was no obvious change in Xiaowa. Langxing couldn't stand it anymore and dived tens of thousands of feet away to find a room as big as a room to relax and rest. He seemed to be on fire these five days. Like a child covering his ears with firecrackers waiting for the explosion, he activated the protective divine light and dared not relax for a moment, not knowing when his brother would roar.

Langxing had just taken a breath and took out a spirit fruit to fill his stomach. A dull roar came, followed by a shaking of the ground, which made him unable to sit still. He hurriedly activated the protective divine light, and when the shaking passed, the room he created was already full of cracks.

The power of this roar shocked Lang Xing and became ecstatic. It seemed that not only was Tuntian not damaged, but he was also a blessing in disguise. The power of this roar was not a little bit greater than before!

After regaining consciousness, Lang Xing hurriedly used his mental powers. He had to ask this brother to stop screaming. If the space collapsed, this stupid brother would bury himself alive, and such a big movement said Sorry, Senior Xiaoyao has been disturbed.

As soon as his mental power came into play, he immediately sensed that Tun Tian was on full alert and preparing to attack. It sensed the presence of danger. Lang Xing didn't know what kind of danger it had discovered. In this case, he did not dare to use Earth Escape. Technique dives in. If Tuntian screams while he is halfway through the dive, he will definitely die. He can only use his spiritual power to forcefully open a passage to meet Tuntian.

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