Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1983 It’s boring when you grow up

It was Immortal Xiaoyao who aroused Tuntian's vigilance. That loud roar disturbed Immortal Xiaoyao who was thousands of miles away with his eyes closed to meditate, so he used his spiritual consciousness to sweep this way. It was this spiritual consciousness that swept over. This made Tuntian feel in danger.

Immortal Xiaoyao withdrew his consciousness after seeing the situation clearly. The problem he was thinking about was related to his own destiny, which was far more important than helping Langxing comfort the little frog. He believed that Langxing could handle the little frog well. , Lang Xing is more capable than him in regulating spiritual creatures.

Little Frog could no longer feel the threat from Xiaoyao Xianjun, and soon turned his attention to Langxing.

"Don't shout, don't make a sound, don't shout." Langxing comforted the little frog with his heart and slowed down the excavation speed, because he felt that this stupid brother who had been with him for nearly a thousand years was actually hostile to him. Although the hostility is not very strong.

When he could use his spiritual consciousness to check the condition of the little frog, Langxing saw that the little frog had turned white again, but its belly was black. It was the kind of deep black that can make people feel lost. The fourth auspicious cloud has appeared on his belly. The four red auspicious clouds no longer shine. The pattern on Tuntian's belly is called Fan Yun pattern. The appearance of this fourth auspicious cloud makes the word "Fan Yun" more appropriate. Look. It looks more like red clouds surging out, but this dark belly is not what it should be normally.

"It's me, we are brothers, don't scream, don't scream." Langxing walked forward for a while and then stopped, using his heart to talk about friendship with Tuntian, because he felt that Tuntian felt the same for him. The feeling of closeness has become much weaker. After his Taoism has increased significantly, Tuntian is no longer the little frog, and has become more powerful and majestic.

It took a lot of effort for Lang Xing to return to the space where Tuntian was. The last distance was particularly difficult. The roar shook the nearby rocks even more densely. After entering that space, Lang Xing saw that this place was much better than before. Nearly twice as big, his little frog was hiding in a deep hole. Obviously the little frog's roar came from this direction. The hole was like a trumpet, with an outer edge of more than ten feet high, and then It stretched inwards for more than a thousand feet, and it was hard for Lang Xing to believe that Tun Tian, ​​who was only the size of a teacup, was so powerful.

In addition to the changes in Tuntian's belly, which turned black, the golden eyes also changed significantly. Not only did the golden light become more powerful, but the majesty of a great spiritual beast appeared inside, and the eyes looking at Langxing were indifferent and wary. , and the occasional flash of light can make people feel a sharp chill.

"You don't recognize me anymore?" Although Langxing didn't dare to easily provoke this silly brother who had become aggressive, Tuntian's attitude made him feel very dissatisfied, and he started to complain in his heart.

"Gu..." Little Frog made a soft sound in his throat, and slowly took two steps back, staring at Lang Xing with eyes still full of alertness.

"You have become more capable, and I can't reach higher than you." Lang Xing gave up the idea of ​​getting closer, sat down on the ground, and looked at this stupid brother with no conscience in anger.

"I'll find a good place for you later and let you go." Although Langxing meant to be angry, it was inevitable that he would bring out a deep feeling of reluctance. Thoughts can convey his true feelings better than words. past.

Little Frog seemed to understand Lang Xing's mood, the sharp light in his eyes faded a little, and he slowly crawled forward two steps.

"That's right, we are brothers!" Seeing the little frog, he felt a little excited.

The feeling of closeness made Langxing's heart warm.

"I almost died of sadness just now. Don't hold a grudge against me. I didn't expect you to be so quick-tongued."

"You finally woke up after sleeping for so long. I was so happy that I forgot about the inner alchemy."


Langxing explained patiently while pouring out his heart. Although he expressed each meaning over and over again, he still could not ensure that Little Frog could understand everything. However, he was patient enough in this regard. When he won over Ting Zhiling, he But I continued to talk about it for three or four years.

After only half an hour, the little frog crawled out of the hole, and then started to jump towards Lang Xing while being pulled and scolded by Lang Xing. When it was three feet away, it seemed reluctant to get closer. .

Lang Xing tried hard for a long time but still had no effect. Finally, he was angry and heartbroken and said, "White-eyed frog, a heartless frog. After eating one of my inner elixirs from a ten-thousand-year-old beast, you turned your back and stopped recognizing your brothers."

The little frog stuck out his long tongue and swallowed with a grunt. He obviously understood the meaning of the Ten Thousand Years Divine Beast's inner elixir, and he didn't know if he understood anything else.

"I won't let you eat it! Who told you not to treat me as a brother!" Lang Xing used his spiritual power to condense a red ten thousand year inner elixir.

Tuntian got a little anxious, took two steps back and puffed out his belly, making a "gurgling" sound in his throat.

"Here you go! I'll give it to you later!" Lang Xing was so frightened that he quickly surrendered and explained patiently, "I'll eat it when you're hungry. You can't eat it now."

Although Swallowing Heaven's spiritual intelligence has improved, it is incomparable with those spiritual beasts that have been enlightened early through practice. The spiritual intelligence it currently possesses is still very limited. For it, the temptation of food is difficult to resist. With food comes brotherhood, so after finding out what Langxing was thinking, it immediately jumped on top of Langxing's head, raised its body high with its two front legs, and lay there proudly .

"Hey, I'll let you be proud for two days." Lang Xing said happily, but this time he didn't dare to convey the meaning in his mind.

In this way, Lang Xing carried a little frog on his head for two full days. After two days of instilling brotherly love, Tun Tian finally got close to him again, put down his pretense of being a big spiritual beast, and not only got off Lang Xing's head , and started to lick Lang Xing's face with his tongue again as before.

After this thrilling and tortuous journey, Langxing not only regained his silly brother, but also helped him to become a great spiritual beast with four cloud patterns. Needless to say, he felt happy in his heart. The only thing that made him feel Unfortunately, swallowing the sky is not as fun as before.

In the past, Tuntian was slow and silly, not much fun, but when Langxing teased it, it would chase after Langxing and jump on Langxing, but now Tuntian I can't tease it out of its liveliness. No matter I put it on the ground or on my shoulders, it just stands proudly with its two front legs. Sometimes it opens its eyes a little, and most of the time it simply closes them. Eyes.

"It's boring to grow up." He sighed helplessly, thinking of himself from Tuntian. Tuntian slept for hundreds of years. When he played with Tuntian, he was still a child, laughing and playing with Lu Gang and Shu Yan all day long. There was never enough fun and laughter. Now that he had grown up, he no longer had that heartless joy with Lu Gang and Shu Yan. It was Immortal Xiaoyao who aroused Tuntian's vigilance. That loud roar disturbed Immortal Xiaoyao who was thousands of miles away with his eyes closed to meditate, so he used his spiritual consciousness to sweep this way. It was this spiritual consciousness that swept over. This made Tuntian feel in danger.

Immortal Xiaoyao withdrew his consciousness after seeing the situation clearly. The problem he was thinking about was related to his own destiny, which was far more important than helping Langxing comfort the little frog. He believed that Langxing could handle the little frog well. , Lang Xing is more capable than him in regulating spiritual creatures.

Little Frog could no longer feel the threat from Xiaoyao Xianjun, and soon turned his attention to Langxing.

"Don't shout, don't make a sound, don't shout." Langxing calmed the little frog with his heart and slowed down the excavation speed, because he felt that this stupid brother who had been with him for nearly a thousand years was actually hostile to him. Although the hostility is not very strong.

When he could use his spiritual consciousness to check the condition of the little frog, Langxing saw that the little frog had turned white again, but its belly was black. It was the kind of deep black that can make people feel lost. The fourth auspicious cloud has appeared on his belly. The four red auspicious clouds no longer shine. The pattern on Tuntian's belly is called Fan Yun pattern. The appearance of this fourth auspicious cloud makes the word "Fan Yun" more appropriate. Look. It looks more like red clouds surging out, but this dark belly is not what it should be normally.

"It's me, we are brothers, don't scream, don't scream." Langxing walked forward for a while and then stopped, using his heart to talk about friendship with Tuntian, because he felt that Tuntian had a great deal of affection for him. The feeling of closeness has faded a lot, and after his Taoism has risen significantly, Tuntian is no longer the little frog, and has become more powerful and majestic.

It took a lot of effort for Lang Xing to return to the space where Tuntian was. The last distance was particularly difficult. The roar shook the nearby rocks even more densely. After entering that space, Lang Xing saw that this place was much better than before. Nearly twice as big, his little frog was hiding in a deep hole. Obviously the little frog's roar came from this direction. The hole was like a trumpet, with an outer edge of more than ten feet high, and then It stretched inwards for more than a thousand feet, and it was hard for Lang Xing to believe that Tuntian, who was only the size of a teacup, was so powerful.

In addition to the changes in Tuntian's belly, which turned black, the golden eyes also changed significantly. Not only did the golden light become more powerful, but the majesty of a great spiritual beast appeared inside, and the eyes looking at Langxing were indifferent and wary. , and the occasional flash of light can make people feel a sharp chill.

"You don't recognize me anymore?" Although Langxing didn't dare to easily provoke this silly brother who had become aggressive, Tuntian's attitude made him feel very dissatisfied, and he started to complain in his heart.

"Gu..." Little Frog made a soft sound in his throat, and slowly took two steps back, staring at Lang Xing with eyes still full of alertness.

"You have become more capable, and I can't reach higher than you." Langxing gave up the idea of ​​getting closer, sat down on the ground, and looked at this stupid brother with no conscience in an annoyed manner.

"I'll find a good place for you later and let you go." Although Lang Xing sounded angry, it would inevitably bring out a deep feeling of reluctance. Thoughts can convey his true feelings better than words. past.

Little Frog seemed to understand Lang Xing's mood, the sharp light in his eyes faded a little, and he slowly crawled forward two steps.

"That's right, we are brothers!" Seeing the little frog, he felt a little excited.

The feeling of closeness made Langxing's heart warm.

"I almost died of sadness just now. Don't hold a grudge against me. I didn't expect you to be so quick-tongued."

"You finally woke up after sleeping for so long. I was so happy that I forgot about the inner alchemy."


Langxing explained patiently while pouring out his heart. Although he expressed each meaning over and over again, he still could not ensure that Little Frog could understand everything. However, he was patient enough in this regard. When he won over Ting Zhiling, he But I continued to talk about it for three or four years.

After only half an hour, the little frog crawled out of the hole, and then started to jump towards Lang Xing while being pulled and scolded by Lang Xing. When it was three feet away, it seemed reluctant to get closer. .

Lang Xing tried hard for a long time but still had no effect. Finally, he was angry and heartbroken and said, "White-eyed frog, a heartless frog. After eating one of my inner elixirs from a ten-thousand-year-old beast, you turned your back and stopped recognizing your brothers."

The little frog stuck out his long tongue and swallowed with a grunt. He obviously understood the meaning of the Ten Thousand Years Divine Beast's inner elixir, but he didn't know if he understood anything else.

"I won't let you eat it! Who told you not to treat me as a brother!" Lang Xing used his spiritual power to condense a red ten thousand year inner elixir.

Tuntian got a little anxious, took two steps back and puffed out his belly, making a "gurgling" sound in his throat.

"Here you go! I'll give it to you later!" Lang Xing was so frightened that he quickly surrendered and patiently explained, "I'll eat it when you're hungry. You can't eat it now."

Although Swallowing Heaven's spiritual intelligence has improved, it is incomparable with those spiritual beasts that have been enlightened early through practice. The current spiritual intelligence it possesses is still very limited. For it, the temptation of food is difficult to resist. With food comes brotherhood, so after finding out what Langxing was thinking, it immediately jumped on top of Langxing's head, raised its body high with its two front legs, and lay there proudly. .

"Hehe, I'll let you be proud for two days." Lang Xing said happily, but this time he didn't dare to convey the meaning in his mind.

In this way, Lang Xing carried a little frog on his head for two days. After two days of instilling brotherly love, Tun Tian finally got close to him again. He put down his airs as a big spiritual beast and not only got off Lang Xing's head , and started to lick Lang Xing's face with his tongue as before.

After this thrilling and tortuous journey, Langxing not only regained his silly brother, but also helped him to become a great spiritual beast with four cloud patterns. Needless to say, he felt happy in his heart. The only thing that made him feel Unfortunately, swallowing the sky is not as fun as before.

In the past, Tuntian was slow and silly, not much fun, but when Langxing teased it, it would chase after Langxing and jump on Langxing, but now Tuntian I can't tease it out of its liveliness. No matter I put it on the ground or on my shoulders, it just stands proudly with its two front legs. Sometimes it opens its eyes a little, and most of the time it simply closes them. Eyes.

"It's boring to grow up." He sighed helplessly, thinking of himself from Tuntian. Tuntian slept for hundreds of years. When he played with Tuntian, he was still a child, laughing and playing with Lu Gang and Shu Yan all day long. There was never enough fun and laughter. Now that he had grown up, he no longer had that heartless joy with Lu Gang and Shu Yan.

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