Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1984 You are so evil

Tuntian is as quiet as a jade ornament all day long. It doesn't want to be disturbed, just like a great monk who wants to stabilize his cultivation after breaking through the realm. Moreover, it has to continue to absorb the remaining effectiveness of the ten thousand-year-old divine beast's inner elixir. .

Bored, Langxing had no choice but to attract several other spiritual creatures, trying to summon Xiao Yunduo out, but Xiao Yunduo seemed to be wary of Tuntian, who had become a big spiritual beast, and refused to come out despite any words, so he had to take the water with him. The Ting Sword was released, hoping to deepen the relationship with the spirit of Tian Ting. Unexpectedly, the Shui Ting Sword was pointed at Tuntian as soon as it came out, and Tun Tian fled into the deep cave.

Heavenly thunder is what any decent spiritual beast is afraid of. They are naturally invincible. Lang Xing hurriedly put away the Shui Ting Sword, but no matter how much he coaxed him, Tun Tian refused to come out of the hole.

Langxing had to let it slow down for a while, but unexpectedly, the frightened Tuntian made Xiaoyunduo regain his old feelings. It floated out and slowly circled around Tuntian. Tuntian remained the same as before towards Xiaoyunduo. Being so close, the two spiritual beings quickly got to play together.

Xiaoyunduo came out to comfort Tuntian, which relieved Langxing. He sat down alone and far away from the two of them and became dazed.

When my thoughts were wandering, I thought of Su Wan. As I thought about it, I felt like grass had grown in my heart. I wanted to see her and wanted to see her. Then I thought about whether I should take advantage of this free time to go back to Nanjingzhou. Anyway, Xiaoyao Xianjun's The enlightenment may take several years. Lu Gang, Shu Yan, Jiang Xiao and Xi Yang also need to be visited by him.

Realizing that he wouldn't be able to stay here anymore if he continued thinking about it, he forced his thoughts back. He accidentally saw that he was holding the wooden box containing "Qiancheng Mansion" in his hand. He couldn't help but wonder how he took it out. After thinking about it for a while, I realized that I had just thought about promising to get a spiritual treasure for Su Wan, and had the idea of ​​​​melting the Qiancheng Mansion and giving the Phoenix Spirit Hairpin to Su Wan. This thought passed in a flash. Yes, I must have taken out this treasure at that time.

Do you want to give Su Wan the Fengling hairpin? Langxing touched the wooden box in his hand, and while thinking about it, he unknowingly used his mental power on the artifacts in Qiancheng Mansion.

"Huh?" When he felt the powerful weapon spirit, Lang Xing still threw the wooden box out of his mind as before, but then he made a suspicious sound, frowned and carefully thought about what he had just felt. There seemed to be a sense of sadness in the strong killing intent, which he had never felt before.

After cheering up, he sat cross-legged in front of the wooden box and carefully activated his spiritual power.

After several trials, he determined that the weapon spirit had the intention of mourning, but the sadness was vaguely obscured by the strong killing intent.

This may be a bridge to get closer to the spirit of the weapon! Lang Xing became excited and finally found something fun!

One day, two days, three days..., Langxing remained motionless and devoted himself to communicating with the weapon spirit. Gradually, his expression became sad.

More than ten days later, Immortal Xiaoyao appeared silently next to Lang Xing. Tuntian hid in the cave, squinting his golden eyes, retreating and moving forward, undecided whether to help Lang Xing. Star should still run for his life.

Lang Xing felt the arrival of Immortal Xiaoyao, and opened his eyes to look at Immortal Xiaoyao, with an expression as if he was immersed in deep sadness and could not extricate himself for a moment.

"What's wrong? First, hold on to your Sky Swallowing Bird." Immortal Xiaoyao patted Lang Xing on the shoulder.

To show comfort.

Langxing couldn't help but laugh when he looked at Tuntian. Although the smile was ugly, it made most of the sadness in his heart laugh away. What was funny was not only Tuntian's hesitant look, but also the smile that always gave people a sense of humor. The little cloud was in a good mood, and it actually stuck to Tuntian's belly, turning itself into the appearance of the fifth auspicious cloud, and pretending to dress up Tuntian as a fairy beast with five cloud patterns.

After comforting Queen Tuntian, Langxing said to Xiaoyao Immortal, "I'm fine. I was infected by the sorrow contained in this weapon spirit."

Immortal Xiaoyao picked up the wooden box, opened it and looked at it, and said worriedly, "This weapon spirit is too powerful, can you control it?"

Lang Xing nodded slowly and said, "With my level of cultivation, I definitely can't urge it to launch continuous attacks, but it should be possible to get it to launch a single attack. I think it will be about the same in a month or two." "

"You are really evil." Immortal Xiaoyao sighed sincerely. Although he could no longer use this kind of treasure, he could judge from his knowledge that if Monk Huayu wanted to melt this treasure, he would have to use at least For hundreds of years, this kid was much more powerful than Xun Yi.

Langxing stood up and looked at Qiancheng Mansion, with a sad look on his eyebrows and said, "I can feel the great sadness in it, but it is difficult to find out the root cause. It is hidden too deeply, or it may have been erased." ”

Immortal Xiaoyao advised, "Don't think about finding out the source. It has been refined into a weapon spirit with little intelligence. There is no point in finding out the source. Using it to kill more evil people is the best thing for it." It is comforted, there is no need to feel pity, only killing can bring it comfort, and the final destruction is relief for it." He felt that he was somewhat similar to this weapon spirit, so he gave this opinion. The most important thing was that he was afraid that Langxing would not be willing to use this treasure. He still remembered that Langxing was reluctant to call out the little monkey when he was besieged by monsters because he cherished it.

"Yes." Lang Xing quite agreed with Xiaoyao Xianjun's advice, but the grief of this weapon spirit still made him feel very uncomfortable.

Immortal Xiaoyao handed him the wooden box and said, "If it only takes a month or two, let's wait until you have melted it before we leave. I have some ideas about enlightenment and I need to talk to a friend. , I’ll help you find Yu Chan after the discussion is over.”

"Hey, okay!" Lang Xing agreed happily. Of course, if someone had something to do, he would have to take care of other people's affairs. He had to agree happily. But of course, the sooner he could find Concubine Chan, the better, so he followed up. He said, "Let's put the refining thing for later. I'm a little tired. Let's leave now."

How could his little thought be concealed from Xiaoyao Immortal Lord, "After you have melted, you can leave. When you are tired, take a rest first, and then rest and then melt." After leaving these words, Xiaoyao Immortal Lord left. .

Lang Xing can only be an obedient child in Xiaoyao Immortal. They don't give him any chance to play tricks. Xiaoyao Immortal can't manipulate Xunyi because Xunyi doesn't care about anything. He doesn't even care about his life. Anyone who still wants to die has nothing to do with him, but if he wants to manipulate Lang Xing, he can easily do it. Xun Yi has been against him from the beginning, and Lang Xing has been submissive to him from the beginning.

Langxing teased Tuntian and Xiaoyunduo for a while. Xiaoyunduo, who was clinging to Tuntian's belly for life and death, made Langxing unable to help but want to laugh. In a happy mood, most of his fatigue was eliminated. He cheered up and immediately devoted himself to it again. The communication with the weapon spirit forced him to go all out to do this. Tuntian is as quiet as a jade ornament all day long. It doesn't want to be disturbed, just like a great monk who wants to stabilize his cultivation after breaking through the realm. Moreover, it has to continue to absorb the remaining effectiveness of the ten thousand-year-old divine beast's inner elixir. .

Bored, Langxing had no choice but to attract several other spiritual creatures, trying to call Xiao Yunduo out, but Xiao Yunduo seemed to be wary of Tuntian, who had become a big spiritual beast, and refused to come out despite any words, so he had to take the water with him. The Ting Sword was released, hoping to deepen the relationship with the spirit of Tian Ting. Unexpectedly, as soon as the Shui Ting Sword came out, it pointed at Tun Tian, ​​who fled into the deep cave.

Heavenly thunder is what any decent spiritual beast is afraid of. They are naturally invincible. Lang Xing hurriedly put away the Shui Ting Sword, but no matter how much he coaxed him, Tun Tian refused to come out of the hole.

Langxing had to let it slow down for a while, but unexpectedly, the frightened Tuntian made Xiaoyunduo regain his old feelings. It floated out and slowly circled around Tuntian. Tuntian remained the same as before towards Xiaoyunduo. Being so close, the two spiritual beings quickly got to play together.

Xiaoyunduo came out to comfort Tuntian, which relieved Langxing. He sat down alone and far away from the two of them and fell into a daze.

When my thoughts were wandering, I thought of Su Wan. As I thought about it, I felt like grass had grown in my heart. I was itching to go see her. Then I started to think about whether I should take advantage of this free time to go back to Nanjingzhou. Anyway, Xiaoyao Xianjun's The enlightenment may take several years. Lu Gang, Shu Yan, Jiang Xiao and Xi Yang also need to be visited by him.

Realizing that he wouldn't be able to stay here anymore if he continued thinking about it, he forced his thoughts back. He accidentally saw that he was holding the wooden box containing "Qiancheng Mansion" in his hand. He couldn't help but wonder how he took it out. After thinking about it for a while, I realized that I had just thought about promising to get a spiritual treasure for Su Wan, and had the idea of ​​​​melting the Qiancheng Mansion and giving the Phoenix Spirit Hairpin to Su Wan. This thought passed in a flash. Yes, I must have taken out this treasure at that time.

Do you want to give Su Wan the Fengling hairpin? Lang Xing stroked the wooden box in his hand, and while thinking about it, he unknowingly used his mental power on the artifacts in Qiancheng Mansion.

"Huh?" When he felt the powerful weapon spirit, Lang Xing still threw the wooden box out of his mind as before, but then he made a suspicious sound, frowned and carefully thought about what he had just felt. There seemed to be a sense of sadness in the strong killing intent, which he had never felt before.

After cheering up, he sat cross-legged in front of the wooden box and carefully activated his spiritual power.

After several trials, he determined that the weapon spirit had the intention of mourning, but the sadness was vaguely obscured by the strong killing intent.

This may be a bridge to get closer to the spirit of the weapon! Lang Xing became excited and finally found something fun!

One day, two days, three days..., Langxing remained motionless and devoted himself to communicating with the weapon spirit. Gradually, his expression became sad.

More than ten days later, Immortal Xiaoyao appeared silently next to Lang Xing. Tuntian hid in the cave, squinting his golden eyes, retreating and moving forward, undecided whether to help Lang Xing. Star should still run for his life.

Lang Xing felt the arrival of Immortal Xiaoyao, and opened his eyes to look at Immortal Xiaoyao, with an expression as if he was immersed in deep sadness and couldn't extricate himself for a moment.

"What's wrong? First hold on to your Sky Swallowing Bird." Immortal Xiaoyao patted Lang Xing on the shoulder.

To show comfort.

Langxing couldn't help but laugh when he looked at Tuntian. Although the smile was ugly, it made most of the sadness in his heart laugh away. What was funny was not only Tuntian's hesitant look, but also the smile that always gave people a sense of humor. The little cloud was in a good mood, and it actually stuck to Tuntian's belly, turning itself into the appearance of the fifth auspicious cloud, and pretending to dress up Tuntian as a fairy beast with five cloud patterns.

After comforting Queen Tuntian, Langxing said to Xiaoyao Immortal Lord, "I'm fine. I was infected by the sorrow contained in this weapon spirit."

Immortal Xiaoyao picked up the wooden box, opened it and looked at it, and said worriedly, "This weapon spirit is too powerful, can you control it?"

Lang Xing nodded slowly and said, "With my level of cultivation, I definitely can't urge it to launch continuous attacks, but it should be possible to get it to launch a single attack. I think it will be about the same in a month or two." "

"You are really evil." Immortal Xiaoyao sighed sincerely. Although he could no longer use this kind of treasure, he could judge from his knowledge that if Monk Huayu wanted to melt this treasure, he would have to use at least For hundreds of years, this kid was much more powerful than Xun Yi.

Langxing stood up and looked at Qiancheng Mansion, with a sad look on his eyebrows and said, "I can feel the great sadness in it, but it is difficult to find out the root cause. It is hidden too deeply, or it may have been erased." ”

Immortal Xiaoyao advised, "Don't think about finding out the source. It has been refined into a weapon spirit with little intelligence. There is no point in finding out the source. Using it to kill more evil people is the best thing for it." It is comforted, there is no need to feel pity, only killing can bring it comfort, and the final destruction is relief for it." He felt that he was somewhat similar to this weapon spirit, so he gave this opinion. The most important thing was that he was afraid that Langxing would not be willing to use this treasure. He still remembered that Langxing was reluctant to call out the little monkey when he was besieged by monsters because he cherished it.

"Yes." Lang Xing quite agreed with Xiaoyao Xianjun's advice, but the grief of this weapon spirit still made him feel very uncomfortable.

Immortal Xiaoyao handed him the wooden box and said, "If it only takes a month or two, let's wait until you have melted it before we leave. I have some ideas about enlightenment and I need to talk to a friend. , I’ll help you find Yu Chan after the discussion is over.”

"Hey, okay!" Lang Xing agreed happily. Of course, if someone had something to do, he would have to take care of other people's affairs. He had to agree happily. But of course, the sooner he could find Concubine Chan, the better, so he followed up. He said, "Let's put the refining thing for later. I'm a little tired. Let's leave now."

How could his little thought be concealed from Xiaoyao Immortal Lord, "After you have melted, you can leave. When you are tired, take a rest first, and then rest and then melt." After leaving these words, Xiaoyao Immortal Lord left. .

Lang Xing can only be an obedient child in Xiaoyao Immortal. They don't give him any chance to play tricks. Xiaoyao Immortal can't manipulate Xunyi because Xunyi doesn't care about anything. He doesn't even care about his life. Anyone who still wants to die has nothing to do with him, but if he wants to manipulate Lang Xing, he can easily do it. Xun Yi has been against him from the beginning, and Lang Xing has been submissive to him from the beginning.

Langxing teased Tuntian and Xiaoyunduo for a while. Xiaoyunduo, who was clinging to Tuntian's belly for life and death, made Langxing unable to help but want to laugh. In a happy mood, most of his fatigue was eliminated. He cheered up and immediately devoted himself to it again. The communication with the weapon spirit forced him to go all out to do this.

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