Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1985 Two great powers join forces to deceive

It only took more than half a month for Langxing to complete the refinement of Qiancheng Mansion.

Xiaoyao Immortal asked him to demonstrate. When the two of them came to high in the sky, Langxing easily created a gray-black phantom up to a hundred feet high behind him. In the phantom, there were clouds and mist, and two majestic huge pillars could be seen half-hidden. Half-appearing, like two doorposts, I am afraid that only the Immortal Sect has such momentum.

The space between the two door pillars was full of surging clouds, as if countless wild beasts were about to surge out. The ferocious power of destroying everything made Xiaoyao Xianjun feel horrified in his heart.

"Okay!" Immortal Xiaoyao said hurriedly, a little afraid that Langxing wouldn't be able to control this weapon spirit and would suffer a heavy blow in vain.

Lang Xing put away the shadow behind him, but the fierceness on his face and eyes did not dissipate immediately. This weapon spirit was so powerful that he could no longer control his mind after it was activated.

Immortal Xiaoyao warned, "Don't continue to refine it. It's enough at this point. Don't have too much contact with this weapon spirit. Remember, it's just your magic weapon. Don't treat it as a friend."

"Yes." After the ferocious look in Lang Xing's eyes dissipated, there was a look of fear. After truly realizing the terrifying power of this treasure, he was already wary without the instructions from Immortal Xiaoyao.

"Let's go." Immortal Xiaoyao took him towards the south.

"How are those two fairy concubines?" Langxing asked about Fairy Concubine Jingshui and Hanxiang. Immortal Xiaoyao didn't say who he was going to see, so he couldn't ask, but he really wanted to see them. That Mirror Water Fairy Concubine.

"They are rare to see. I haven't seen them since the last time we were separated." Xiaoyao Xianjun didn't want to tell the story that Jingshui Fairy Princess should have returned to the flower world. He was telling the truth. Since we parted outside Yunxing Pavilion, After that, he never went to see these two flower fairies again.

"Oh..." Lang Xing showed a little miss. Seeing that Immortal Xiaoyao had no intention of picking up the slack, he had no choice but to suppress the idea of ​​begging him to take him to see the Immortal Concubine Jingshui, and instead adjusted the mood lying on his shoulder. Tuntian, he had to let Tuntian understand that its abilities were different from before, and it had to be more careful when roaring, otherwise it would be too easy to hurt innocent people.

After traveling for two consecutive days, when it was approaching noon, Immortal Xiaoyao slowed down and seemed to have discovered something.

Soon Langxing saw a brilliance flickering in the mountains in the distance, as if someone was practicing a spell. Then his eyes widened and he shouted excitedly, "Go over! Go over! Go over there!!!"

Immortal Xiaoyao asked doubtfully, "What are you going to do?"

Lang Xing was so excited that he couldn't wait any longer. He shook off Immortal Xiaoyao's hand and rushed over. As he flew quickly, he sent a message back to Immortal Xiaoyao, "She is a good sister of mine!"

Immortal Xiaoyao said calmly, "Then just stay here for now. I'll come back to pick you up when I'm done."

"Okay, okay!" Lang Xing didn't want to say any more to Xiaoyao Xianjun, because the person practicing the spell was his sister Minglan!

Immortal Xiaoyao left quietly. This was all agreed between him and Minglan. In order to prevent Lang Xing from having the slightest suspicion, Minglan chose this place far away from the sea and mountains to meet Lang Xing, and also asked Immortal Xiaoyao to meet him. After delaying for several months, Lang Xing tried his best not to connect this meeting with the search for Yu Chan. The two great supernatural powers took great pains and were full of caution in coaxing Lang Xing.

In this case, it would be strange for Langxing not to be deceived. How could he

Thinking of the last time he and Shen Qing were "picked up" from Haishan Domain to Yu Chan, it was his sister Ming Lan.

"Sister Minglan! Sister Minglan!!" Langxing shouted excitedly all the way. He missed this sister Minglan so much. The unexpected reunion made his heart so happy that he almost jumped out of his throat.

"It's you?!" Ming Lan looked surprised.

"Hehe, hehe, Sister Minglan, I've always wanted to find you but I don't know where to look, hehe..." Langxing stood in front of Minglan and kept giggling.

Minglan couldn't help but laugh at his smile, and she covered her mouth and laughed.

"Hey, sister Minglan, why are you here?"

Minglan looked at him with eyes filled with relief and said, "I live a life where I am at home all over the world. It's great to see that you are okay. Last time you fell asleep for so long and scared me. Later, Shu Yan and the others told me that you often do this." , I just gave it a break and waited for you for several years. I couldn’t wait any longer and left. Later I went there to look for you, but you had already left. "

"Hehe, I'm fine. Shu Yan and the others told me, so you're worried about me, hehe."

"Don't make me smile so stupidly!" Minglan had to ask him to put away his smile, as this would make it impossible to continue the conversation.

"Hehe..." Lang Xing deliberately smiled hard again, venting some of the joy in his heart before restraining his silly smile a little.

"Why are you here?" Minglan asked pretendingly.

"I was passing here following a senior. The senior had something to do, so he dropped me off."

"Oh, tell me what happened to you in your dream?"

"I can't tell clearly. It may have something to do with my understanding of the years, but I haven't had any clues about it, so it's hard to say whether it's really related to that."

Minglan asked for details again and saw that he really didn't know, so she had to let go of the matter.

After talking about falling into a dream, Langxing suddenly put on an air of settling accounts and said, "You lied to me!"

Minglan's heart trembled, and she pretended to be calm and said, "What did I lie to you about?"

"There are no twists and turns in that gap at all. You're kidding me!" Lang Xing couldn't help but laugh halfway through his words.

Minglan secretly breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help but laugh again when she remembered the past of teasing this boy.

After settling the account, Langxing took out a spiritual fruit given by the little monkey, handed it over and said, "This is what I promised you."

Ming Lan took the spirit fruit and said with a smile, "I'm serious about it, but I can't help but remember it."

"Of course I have to remember that you are so good to me. I have been thinking about how to find you all these years. Just before I came here, I went to that gap. By the way, I lent that place to others. , now there lives an immortal concubine and several of his late Yuan Ying disciples.”

Minglan shook her head and said, "It doesn't matter. That place is just a place I found accidentally. I have no intention of going back to live there. Tell me how your cultivation is going."

When this topic was brought up, Lang Xing immediately felt ashamed, lowered his head and said, "Sister Minglan, I have done something very sorry for you. I will pass on the set of exercises you taught me to me." Disciple."

Ming Lan couldn't help but frown when she heard this, with a look of obvious displeasure on her pretty face. She never expected that Lang Xing would do such a thing. It only took more than half a month for Langxing to complete the refinement of Qiancheng Mansion.

Xiaoyao Immortal asked him to demonstrate. When the two of them came to high in the sky, Langxing easily created a gray-black phantom up to a hundred feet high behind him. In the phantom, there were clouds and mist, and two majestic huge pillars could be seen half-hidden. Half-appearing, like two doorposts, I am afraid that only the Immortal Sect has such momentum.

The space between the two door pillars was full of surging clouds, as if countless wild beasts were about to surge out. The ferocious power of destroying everything made Xiaoyao Xianjun feel horrified in his heart.

"Okay!" Immortal Xiaoyao said hurriedly, a little afraid that Langxing would not be able to control this weapon spirit and would suffer a heavy blow in vain.

Lang Xing put away the shadow behind him, but the fierceness on his face and eyes did not dissipate immediately. This weapon spirit was so powerful that he could no longer control his mind after it was activated. ??

Immortal Xiaoyao warned, "Don't continue to refine it. It's enough at this point. Don't have too much contact with this weapon spirit. Remember, it's just your magic weapon. Don't treat it as a friend."

"Yes." After the ferocious look in Lang Xing's eyes dissipated, there was a look of fear. After truly realizing the terrifying power of this treasure, he was already wary without the instructions from Immortal Xiaoyao.

"Let's go." Immortal Xiaoyao took him towards the south.

"How are those two fairy concubines?" Langxing asked about Fairy Concubine Jingshui and Hanxiang. Immortal Xiaoyao didn't say who he was going to see, so he couldn't ask, but he really wanted to see them. That Mirror Water Fairy Princess.

"They are rare to see. I haven't seen them since the last time we were separated." Xiaoyao Xianjun didn't want to tell the story that Jingshui Fairy Princess should have returned to the flower world. He was telling the truth. Since we parted outside Yunxing Pavilion, After that, he never went to see these two flower fairies again.

"Oh..." Lang Xing showed a little miss. Seeing that Immortal Xiaoyao had no intention of picking up the slack, he had no choice but to suppress the idea of ​​begging him to take him to see the Immortal Concubine Jingshui, and instead adjusted the mood lying on his shoulder. Tuntian, he had to let Tuntian understand that its abilities were different from before, and it had to be more careful when roaring, otherwise it would be too easy to hurt innocent people.

After traveling for two consecutive days, when it was approaching noon, Immortal Xiaoyao slowed down and seemed to have discovered something.

Soon Langxing saw a brilliance flashing in the mountains in the distance, as if someone was practicing a spell. Then his eyes widened and he shouted excitedly, "Go over! Go over! Go over there!!!"

Immortal Xiaoyao asked doubtfully, "What are you going to do?"

Lang Xing was so excited that he couldn't wait any longer. He shook off Immortal Xiaoyao's hand and rushed over. As he flew quickly, he sent a message back to Immortal Xiaoyao, "She is a good sister of mine!"

Immortal Xiaoyao said calmly, "Then just stay here for now. I'll come back to pick you up when I'm done."

"Okay, okay!" Lang Xing didn't want to say any more to Xiaoyao Xianjun, because the person practicing the spell was his sister Minglan!

Immortal Xiaoyao left quietly. This was all agreed between him and Minglan. In order to prevent Lang Xing from having the slightest suspicion, Minglan chose this place far away from the sea and mountains to meet Lang Xing, and also asked Immortal Xiaoyao to meet him. After delaying for several months, Lang Xing tried his best not to connect this meeting with the search for Yu Chan. The two great supernatural powers took great pains and were full of caution in coaxing Lang Xing.

In this case, it would be strange for Langxing not to be deceived. How could he

Thinking of the last time he and Shen Qing were "picked up" from Haishan Domain to Yu Chan, it was his sister Ming Lan.

"Sister Minglan! Sister Minglan!!" Langxing shouted excitedly all the way. He missed this sister Minglan so much. The unexpected reunion made his heart so happy that he almost jumped out of his throat.

"It's you?!" Ming Lan looked surprised.

"Hehe, hehe, Sister Minglan, I've always wanted to find you but I don't know where to look, hehe..." Langxing stood in front of Minglan and kept giggling.

Minglan couldn't help but laugh at his smile, and she covered her mouth and laughed.

"Hey, sister Minglan, why are you here?"

Minglan looked at him with eyes filled with relief and said, "I live a life where I am at home all over the world. It's great to see that you are okay. Last time you fell asleep for so long and scared me. Later, Shu Yan and the others told me that you often do this." , I just gave it a break and waited for you for several years. I couldn’t wait any longer and left. Later I went there to look for you, but you had already left. "

"Hehe, I'm fine. Shu Yan and the others told me, so you're worried about me, hehe."

"Don't make me smile so stupidly!" Minglan had to ask him to put away his smile, as this would make it impossible to continue the conversation.

"Hehe..." Lang Xing deliberately smiled hard again, venting some of the joy in his heart before restraining his silly smile a little.

"Why are you here?" Minglan asked pretendingly.

"I was passing here following a senior. The senior had something to do, so he dropped me off."

"Oh, tell me what happened to you in your dream?"

"I can't tell clearly. It may be related to the fact that I have comprehended the years, but I haven't gained any clue, so it's hard to say whether it is really related to that."

Minglan asked for details again and saw that he really didn't know, so she had to let go of the matter.

After talking about falling into a dream, Langxing suddenly put on an air of settling accounts and said, "You lied to me!"

Minglan's heart trembled, and she pretended to be calm and said, "What did I lie to you about?"

"There are no twists and turns in that gap at all. You're kidding me!" Lang Xing couldn't help but laugh halfway through his words.

Minglan secretly breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help but laugh again when she remembered the past of teasing this boy.

After settling the account, Langxing took out a spiritual fruit given by the little monkey, handed it over and said, "This is what I promised to give you."

Minglan took the spirit fruit and said with a smile, "I'm interested, but I can't help but remember it."

"Of course I have to remember that you are so good to me. I have been thinking about how to find you all these years. Just before I came here, I went to that gap. By the way, I lent that place to others. , and now there lives an immortal concubine and several of his late Yuan Ying disciples.”

Minglan shook her head and said, "It doesn't matter. That place is just a place I found accidentally. I have no intention of going back to live there. Tell me how your cultivation is going."

When this topic was brought up, Lang Xing immediately felt ashamed, lowered his head and said, "Sister Minglan, I have done something very sorry for you. I will pass on the set of exercises you taught me to me." Disciple."

Ming Lan couldn't help but frown when she heard this, and there was a clear look of displeasure on her pretty face. She never expected that Lang Xing would do such a thing.

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