Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1989 You are nothing!

Immortal Xiaoyao came not long after Minglan left. He had been standing nearby, waiting to send Langxing back so that he could discuss matters with Minglan.

As soon as Langxing saw Immortal Xiaoyao, he immediately reported the good news and said, "There is no need to worry about Concubine Chan. I just got the exact news. Concubine Chan is fine and is not imprisoned."

"That will save trouble. Your friend is gone?" Immortal Xiaoyao secretly suppressed a smile, thinking that this is also your retribution. Who made you lie to this and that all your life without telling the truth?

"She's gone, Senior Xiaoyao, do you have any other plans next?" Lang Xing really wanted to stay with this senior for a few more days.

However, Immortal Xiaoyao didn't have time to accompany him, so he said, "I still have some things to deal with. It's not convenient for me to take you with me. I'll send you back now."

"Oh, then you don't have to worry about me, I can go back by myself." Lang Xing felt quite reluctant to give up, but there was nothing he could do.

Immortal Xiaoyao didn't talk nonsense to him. He took him and flew in the direction of Deyi Diao. As he flew, he asked, "What's going on with your cultivation?"

Lang Xing said happily, "My sister gave me some guidance, and I made a fake Nascent Soul according to her method."

"Well, it's pretty good. It's hard to tell if it's a fake without careful inspection." Immortal Xiaoyao praised him and didn't ask any more questions. He had the demeanor of a worldly expert. He could just go back and ask Minglan about this matter. Yes, there is no need to embarrass Lang Xing.

"Hehe." It was really inconvenient for Lang Xing to say more, so Xianjun Xiaoyao really saved him trouble by not asking further questions.

After finding Deyi Diao, Lang Xing said reluctantly, "If you still want to kill those who practice soul arts, please take me with you. I can already help."

Immortal Xiaoyao patted him on the shoulder and said, "You don't have to worry about me. No one in this world can keep me. If you encounter someone who melts other people's souls in the future, don't be merciful. Just think of it as doing me a favor." ”

"Yeah! I've written it down!" Lang Xing nodded vigorously. It was rare for Senior Xiaoyao to ask him to do something, so of course he had to do his best, but he didn't know that this was someone instructing him to accumulate moral virtue.

Watching Xiaoyao Immortal Lord go away with a feeling of farewell, Langxing stood there in despair for a while before boarding the Deyi Diao and embarked on his return journey. He reunited with Senior Xiaoyao and Sister Minglan, whom he had often missed, but they were both in a short time. After getting together, they separated. This is really something that can't be helped. He has other people's things to do, and he also has his own things to do. We are not the same people, and we can only look forward to seeing each other again in the future.

The sadness of parting was soon diluted by the surge of joy. This absent-minded outing was a blessing. Not only did he help Senior Xiaoyao kill a powerful enemy, but he also met Sister Minglan who allowed him to recover. Got the Taoist heart.

Beautiful! The more Lang Xing thought about it, the more beautiful she became. She couldn't help but jump from the Deyi Eagle's back into the air and dance. After tossing for a while, she happily returned to the Eagle's back, controlling the Deyi Eagle to move with lightning speed.

Two days later, he approached the defensive area of ​​Beihan Camp. When he wanted to change direction and go around the North Sea, he saw Wu Xia, who was as elegant as an ink painting lady, coming towards him.

"Lang Xing! Lang Xing! I have something to tell you!" Wu Xia sent an urgent message as he flew over quickly, as if he was afraid that Lang Xing would escape.

Langxing stopped the Deyi Diao and waited for her calmly.

Wuxia flew directly to the back of the eagle, looked at Langxing with his eyes full of mesmerizing beauty, and said, "I ran here specially."

Waiting for you, I know that even if you come back, you will avoid those people in Beihan Camp. "

Lang Xing looked at her with a smile and said, "Don't be blind, I have to pretend to be in the early stage of Nascent Soul now."

"Who cares about your cultivation level? You can pretend to be whatever cultivation level you like. I just want to ask..." Wu Xia looked at Lang Xing hesitantly, but Yin Zhen Immortal Lord not only gave her a stern warning , and forced her to take an oath, so she couldn't ask Lang Xing directly.

Lang Xing smiled evilly and said, "What do you want to ask?"

Wu Xia said angrily and angrily, "You know what I want to ask! Lang Xing, just tell me something you can say. I have sworn an oath that I will never tell anyone about what I saw that day, including you." What you are saying to me right now.”

Lang Xing made an incomprehensible expression and said, "You know I am not a child, right?"

Wuxia nodded and said, "Senior sister is blind, and today I know what kind of talent is called a genius. Langxing, I know you are very good to me. I have too many doubts in my heart. If I don't solve them, I will hold them back." No, just help me."

"You can't hold it back. There are a lot of confusing things in this world. Since you have made an oath, I advise you to ask less. I can tell you with certainty that if you break the oath, you will definitely be punished by God. "

"Lang Xing..." Wu Xia looked pitiful.

Lang Xing felt a little soft-hearted, and mused, "Uncle Yin Zhen finally discussed Taoism with the senior, and then decided to let the soul refining sect give up the soul refining technique,"

Wu Xia nodded repeatedly and encouraged him to continue speaking with longing eyes.

Lang Xing paused and said again, "That thin old man is dead."

Wu Xia nodded harder, and the encouragement and praise in his eyes became stronger.

"There's nothing left to say to you."

"Lang Xing~!" Wu Xia complained in dissatisfaction, not only frowning, but also wrinkled his nose.

Lang Xing said slowly, "I can't reveal to you my relationship with that senior, my true abilities can't be revealed to you, and the reason for their fight can't be revealed to you. Apart from that, I don't know anything else. What else do you think?" What do you want me to tell you?"

Wu Xian said shamelessly, "I can't ask anything anyway, so I'll just follow you. I'll follow you wherever you go."

Langxing urged the Deyi Eagle to fly towards Beihai, and said calmly, "It's up to you. I'll go to Beihai for a spin first, and then return to Zixiao Palace. If you dare to follow, just follow."

"Lang Xing, you are really nothing!" Wu Xia cursed softly in anger.

Lang Xing rolled his eyes and looked at her and said, "I'm doing this for your own good."

Wu Xian threatened, "You are helping outsiders deal with the Yin Zhen Immortal Lord. You are cheating on the inside and outside. If word spreads, you will be in trouble!"

Lang Xing laughed and said, "You still treat me like a child, right? If you are not afraid of breaking your oath and being punished by God, and if you are not afraid of the senior settling accounts with you, then go ahead and pass it on. Besides, Uncle Yin Zhen didn't blame me. Do you think I'm afraid you'll spread the word?"

Wu Xia said harshly, "Immortal Yin Zhen doesn't blame you because it's forced by the situation. Just wait!"

Langxing glanced at her with a slightly mocking look, then looked forward and said, "Stop acting like a little girl, you are also a late-stage Nascent Soul monk after all." Immortal Xiaoyao came not long after Minglan left. , he has been standing nearby, waiting to send Lang Xing back so that he can discuss things with Ming Lan.

As soon as Langxing saw Immortal Xiaoyao, he immediately reported the good news and said, "There is no need to worry about Concubine Chan. I just got the exact news. Concubine Chan is fine and is not imprisoned."

"That will save trouble. Your friend is gone?" Immortal Xiaoyao secretly suppressed a smile, thinking that this is also your retribution. Who made you lie to this and that all your life without telling the truth?

"She's gone, Senior Xiaoyao, do you have any other plans next?" Lang Xing really wanted to stay with this senior for a few more days.

However, Immortal Xiaoyao didn't have time to accompany him, so he said, "I still have some things to deal with. It's not convenient for me to take you with me. I'll send you back now."

"Oh, then you don't have to worry about me, I can go back by myself." Lang Xing felt quite reluctant to give up, but there was nothing he could do.

Immortal Xiaoyao didn't talk nonsense to him. He took him and flew in the direction of Deyi Diao. As he flew, he asked, "What's going on with your cultivation?"

Lang Xing said happily, "My sister gave me some guidance, and I made a fake Nascent Soul according to her method."

"Well, it's pretty good. It's hard to tell if it's a fake without careful inspection." Immortal Xiaoyao praised him and didn't ask any more questions. He had the demeanor of a worldly expert. He could just go back and ask Minglan about this matter. Yes, there is no need to embarrass Lang Xing.

"Hehe." It was really inconvenient for Lang Xing to say more, so Xianjun Xiaoyao really saved him trouble by not asking further questions.

After finding Deyi Diao, Lang Xing said reluctantly, "If you still want to kill those who practice soul arts, please take me with you. I can already help."

Immortal Xiaoyao patted him on the shoulder and said, "You don't have to worry about me. No one in this world can keep me. If you encounter someone who melts other people's souls in the future, don't be merciful. Just think of it as doing me a favor." ”

"Yeah! I've written it down!" Lang Xing nodded vigorously. It was rare for Senior Xiaoyao to ask him to do something, so of course he had to do his best, but he didn't know that this was someone instructing him to accumulate moral virtue.

Watching Xiaoyao Immortal Lord go away with a feeling of farewell, Langxing stood there in despair for a long time before boarding the Deyi Eagle and embarking on the return journey. He reunited with Senior Xiaoyao and Sister Minglan, whom he had often missed, but they were both in a short time. After getting together, we separated, which was really helpless. He had other people's things to do, and he also had his own things to do. We are not the same people, and we can only look forward to seeing each other again in the future.

The sadness of parting was soon diluted by the surge of joy. This absent-minded outing was a blessing. Not only did he help Senior Xiaoyao kill a powerful enemy, but he also met Sister Minglan who allowed him to recover. Got the Taoist heart.

Beautiful! The more Lang Xing thought about it, the more beautiful she became. She couldn't help but jump from the Deyi Eagle's back into the air and dance. After tossing for a while, she happily returned to the Eagle's back, controlling the Deyi Eagle to move with lightning speed.

Two days later, he approached the defensive area of ​​Beihan Camp. When he wanted to change direction and go around the North Sea, he saw Wu Xia, who was as elegant as an ink painting lady, coming towards him.

"Lang Xing! Lang Xing! I have something to tell you!" Wu Xia sent an urgent message as he flew over quickly, as if he was afraid that Lang Xing would escape.

Langxing stopped the Deyi Diao and waited for her calmly.

Wuxia flew directly to the back of the eagle, looked at Langxing with his eyes full of mesmerizing beauty, and said, "I ran here specially."

Waiting for you, I know that even if you come back, you will avoid those people in Beihan Camp. "

Lang Xing looked at her with a smile and said, "Don't be blind, I have to pretend to be in the early stage of Nascent Soul now."

"Who cares about your cultivation level? You can pretend to be whatever cultivation level you like. I just want to ask..." Wu Xia looked at Lang Xing hesitantly, but the Immortal Lord Yin Zhen not only gave her a stern warning. , and forced her to take an oath, so she couldn't ask Lang Xing directly.

Lang Xing smiled evilly and said, "What do you want to ask?"

Wu Xia said angrily and angrily, "You know what I want to ask! Lang Xing, just tell me something you can say. I have sworn an oath that I will never tell anyone about what I saw that day, including you." What you are saying to me right now.”

Lang Xing made an incomprehensible expression and said, "You know I am not a child, right?"

Wuxia nodded and said, "Senior sister is blind. Today I know what kind of talent is called a genius. Langxing, I know you are very good to me. There are too many doubts in my heart. If I don't solve them, I will hold them back." No, just help me."

"You can't hold it back. There are a lot of confusing things in this world. Since you have made an oath, I advise you to ask less. I can tell you with certainty that if you break the oath, you will definitely be punished by God. "

"Lang Xing..." Wu Xia looked pitiful.

Lang Xing felt a little soft-hearted, and mused, "Uncle Yin Zhen finally discussed Taoism with the senior, and then decided to let the soul refining sect give up the soul refining technique,"

Wu Xia nodded repeatedly and encouraged him to continue speaking with longing eyes.

Lang Xing paused and said again, "That thin old man is dead."

Wu Xia nodded harder, and the encouragement and praise in his eyes became stronger.

"There's nothing left to say to you."

"Lang Xing~!" Wu Xia complained with great dissatisfaction, not only frowning, but also wrinkled his nose.

Lang Xing said slowly, "I can't reveal to you my relationship with that senior, my true abilities can't be revealed to you, and the reason for their fight can't be revealed to you. Apart from that, I don't know anything else. What else do you think?" What do you want me to tell you?”

Wu Xian said shamelessly, "I can't ask anything anyway, so I'll just follow you. I'll follow you wherever you go."

Langxing urged the Deyi Eagle to fly towards Beihai, and said calmly, "It's up to you. I'll go to Beihai for a spin first, and then return to Zixiao Palace. If you dare to follow, just follow."

"Lang Xing, you are really nothing!" Wu Xia cursed softly in anger.

Lang Xing rolled his eyes and looked at her and said, "I'm doing this for your own good."

Wu Xian threatened, "You are helping outsiders deal with the Yin Zhen Immortal Lord. You are cheating on the inside and outside. If word spreads, you will be in trouble!"

Lang Xing laughed and said, "You still treat me like a child, right? If you are not afraid of breaking your oath and being punished by God, and if you are not afraid of the senior settling accounts with you, then go ahead and pass it on. Besides, Uncle Yin Zhen didn't blame me. Do you think I'm afraid you'll spread the word?"

Wu Xia said harshly, "Immortal Yin Zhen doesn't blame you because it's forced by the situation. Just wait!"

Lang Xing glanced at her with a slightly mocking look, then looked forward and said, "Stop acting like a little girl. You are also a late Nascent Soul monk after all."

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