Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1990 Is this a piece of shit?

Wu Xia suddenly felt discouraged. He could see that Lang Xing was not pretending, but was really looking down at him, so he puffed up his chest and said, "The worst case is death. As long as it doesn't harm the teacher, I would have risked it a long time ago, so I'm just waiting here to find out."

Lang Xing looked at her in confusion, then understood and said with a smile, "Are you afraid that senior won't let you go?"

Wu Xia pursed her lips tightly and said with spiritual thought, "I saw something I shouldn't have seen."

Lang Xing laughed and said, "You underestimate that senior too much. He doesn't take you seriously at all."

"Really?" Wu Xia stared at Lang Xing and asked.

"Just put your mind at ease. I guarantee he won't come to trouble you. If someone wants to kill you, you won't survive until now." Only then did Lang Xing realize that she was still worried about this.

Wu Xia looked at Lang Xing with a complicated expression and said, "I was a little bit muttered, guessing that you might have said something nice for me, but there is no guarantee that he won't come to trouble me later. I really want to die rather than drag down the teacher." Waiting here.”

Lang Xing nodded half-truthfully and said, "You're not stupid. You guessed it right. I tried my best to persuade the senior to let you go. Don't worry, your life has been saved. You don't have to worry anymore." You don't need to be too grateful, just take out your broken knife and repay me."

"Lang Xing, please tell me the truth." Wu Xia made a pleading tone.

"You're not willing to part with a broken knife?" Lang Xing was quite interested in teasing her at the moment.

Wu Xia took out Kaikawa and threw it on him, feeling distressed and saying, "I'll give it to you. I got this with great difficulty. Please tell me the truth!"

Langxing played with the knife for a while, then threw it back to her and said, "How can I, the Immortal Lord, care about such a useless thing like yours? I feel sorry for you."

Wu Xia felt a little embarrassed at this time, and thrust the knife into Lang Xing's hand again and said, "Senior Sister's kindness, just take it as a favor." She knew that although Lang Xing had a powerful spiritual treasure, he still needed this knife. , Saikawa was much stronger than the long and light sword he used. After seeing Lang Xing's extraordinary abilities and complicated background, she felt that it would be worthwhile to get closer to this kid.

"If you accept it with your heart, please don't accept the things." Langxing didn't want to take advantage of her. The value of this knife was not low.

"You look down on me, don't you?" Wu Xia looked at Lang Xing feigning anger.

There was some sincerity in Lang Xing's eyes, and he smiled and said, "Forget it, I know you really want to give it to me, but it's too expensive. You'd better keep it and change into high-quality clothes."

Wu Xia said seriously, "I listened to your warning and figured it out. You are right. As long as you stay away from disputes as much as possible, these treasures will not be of much use. I only want to get high-quality clothes, but I am a bit lost. , I have to thank you for reminding me."

Langxing narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at her and said, "If you really think so, it will really make me deeply gratified." In his opinion, Wuxia is like an elegant orchid mixed in the random flowers and weeds. If you can It is undoubtedly a pleasure to transplant this orchid to a pure place so that it can find peace and appear elegant.

"I really think so!" Wuxia nodded vigorously.

Langxing threw Saikawa to her again and joked, "If Guo has realized something, then giving me such a piece of shit in return is like cutting off flesh. You are not an ordinary money fan. If you just use this to coax me, Then I won’t even bother to ask for your things, and I won’t be interested in matching you again in the future.

Take care of you. "

Wu Xiayu said with embarrassment, "You are just talking cheap words. Is this a piece of shit? I can't compare with you because of your wealth. In your eyes, you are a piece of shit, but to me, you are a thorn in my side."

Lang Xing said meaningfully, "With your cultivation level, the power of this knife is already worthless. You treat it as a treasure because it is worth a good price. Only when you stop treating it as a thorn in your side can you take a step further."

Wu Xia said calmly, "You are so powerful that you dare to interfere in the fights of great supernatural powers. Now I can only listen to you no matter what you say, but if I have such a rich family background as you, I can not use this sword." Take it seriously.”

Lang Xing looked at her sideways and said, "Your family is rich enough, Fairy Six. Looking at the whole world, there aren't many people who are richer than your family. If you say that, you don't understand what I mean."

"I understand, I understand, okay Lang Xing, no matter what the relationship between Yin Yang Palace and Zixiao Palace will be in the future, both of us will try to be as little involved as possible, so as not to hurt the relationship today, okay?" After Wu Xian finished speaking, he used a word of intimacy. Looking at Lang Xing with interest.

Lang Xing said without enthusiasm, "It depends on whether the people in Yin Yang Palace are sensible. Naturally, I don't want to get too involved in this kind of thing, but if those close to me are threatened by Yin Yang Palace, I am sure It needs to be managed.”

Wu Xia pouted and said, "You were right when you tried to persuade me not to get involved in the dispute, but when it was your turn, you made a different argument."

Lang Xing argued, "I only take care of those people close to me, not the entire Zixiao Palace. There is a difference."

"Okay, okay, okay, I won't compete with you on this. Anyway, your Zixiao Palace is in full swing now. We won't mess with you, and we can't afford to mess with you. If we make trouble, it can only be because you deliberately bully us. Don't follow them. Just get up and bully us.”

"If Zixiao Palace comes to trouble you, it will be karma. When Zixiao Palace declined, your Yin Yang Palace bullied us a lot. I have heard a lot about the grievances and grievances between the two sides."

Wu Xia sighed, "I've been talking for a long time and it's all in vain. If the two sides start fighting, you will still intervene, so why are you trying to persuade me to be less involved?"

Lang Xing frowned and scolded, "Are your ears just decorations? I made it clear enough that as long as those people close to me don't participate, I won't care. I only have a few close people in Zixiao Palace. ”

Wu Xia retorted, "You are just standing and talking without hurting your back. You are saying this because you think your Zixiao Palace has no victory but no defeat. Let me ask you, if the two sides have a big battle, what will happen if our Yin Yang Palace accidentally wins? This is the end of it." Chief Bi, even if those close to you never participate in the war, their lives will become difficult in the future. Will you really stand by and watch? I think you will get involved immediately once Zixiao Palace is at a disadvantage. "

Langxing was speechless. He was silent for a while before saying, "Would Qianzong let this happen? But the truth you said exists. It is difficult for us to stay away from the disputes in the world, even if we just want to take care of him." It’s not easy to take care of the people close to you. This is a web. I can’t get rid of it, and I don’t want to get rid of it, because I don’t know if I will fall into the abyss after getting rid of it. The best way is to hang on the net as quietly as possible. Don’t let yourself be tied up too tightly, that way you can enjoy it more, anyway, I think it’s pretty good for now.”

Wu Xia said with envy, "Of course you think it's good. You can be considered at the top. You have an impressive ability at a young age, just like standing out from the flock of chickens. But if a crane always stands among the chickens, sooner or later It will be boring, and then your pain will come." Wuxia suddenly felt discouraged. He could see that Langxing was not pretending, but was really looking down on him, so he puffed up his chest and said, "The worst is to die. , As long as it doesn’t harm the teacher, I’ve already given up, so I’m just waiting here to find out.”

Lang Xing looked at her in confusion, then understood and said with a smile, "Are you afraid that senior won't let you go?"

Wu Xia pursed her lips tightly and said with spiritual thought, "I saw something I shouldn't have seen."

Lang Xing laughed and said, "You underestimate that senior too much. He doesn't take you seriously at all."

"Really?" Wu Xia stared at Lang Xing and asked.

"Just put your mind at ease. I guarantee he won't come to trouble you. If someone wants to kill you, you won't survive until now." Only then did Lang Xing realize that she was still worried about this.

Wu Xia looked at Lang Xing with a complicated expression and said, "I was a little bit muttered, guessing that you might have said something nice for me, but there is no guarantee that he won't come to trouble me later. I really want to die rather than drag down the teacher." Waiting here." .??.

Lang Xing nodded half-truthfully and said, "You're not stupid. You guessed it right. I tried my best to persuade the senior to let you go. Don't worry, your life has been saved. You don't have to worry anymore." You don't need to be too grateful, just take out your broken knife and repay me. "

"Lang Xing, please tell me the truth." Wu Xia made a pleading tone.

"You're not willing to part with a broken knife?" Lang Xing was quite interested in teasing her at the moment.

Wu Xia took out Kaikawa and threw it on him, feeling distressed and saying, "I'll give it to you. I got this with great difficulty. Please tell me the truth!"

Langxing played with the knife for a while, then threw it back to her and said, "How can I, the Immortal Lord, think so much of such a useless thing like yours? I feel sorry for you."

Wu Xia felt a little embarrassed at this time, and thrust the knife into Lang Xing's hand again and said, "Senior Sister, please accept it as a favor." She knew that although Lang Xing had a powerful spiritual treasure, he still needed this knife. , Saikawa was much stronger than the long and light sword he used. After seeing Lang Xing's extraordinary abilities and complicated background, she felt that it would be worthwhile to get closer to this kid.

"If you accept it with your heart, please don't accept the things." Langxing didn't want to take advantage of her. The value of this knife was not low.

"You look down on me, don't you?" Wu Xia looked at Lang Xing feigning anger.

There was some sincerity in Langxing's eyes, and he smiled and said, "Forget it, I know you really want to give it to me, but it's too expensive. You'd better keep it and change into high-quality clothes."

Wu Xia said seriously, "I listened to your warning and figured it out. You are right. As long as you stay away from disputes as much as possible, these treasures will be of little use. I only want to get high-quality clothes, but I am a bit lost. , I have to thank you for reminding me.”

Langxing narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at her and said, "If you really think so, it will really make me deeply gratified." In his opinion, Wuxia is like an elegant orchid mixed in the random flowers and weeds. If you can It is undoubtedly a pleasure to transplant this orchid to a pure place so that it can find peace and appear elegant.

"I really think so!" Wu Xia nodded vigorously.

Langxing threw Saikawa to her again and joked, "If Guo has enlightened himself, then giving me such a useless thing in return is like cutting off flesh. You are not an ordinary money fan. If you just use this to coax me, Then I won’t even bother to ask for your things, and I won’t be interested in matching you again in the future.

Take care of you. "

Wu Xiayu said with embarrassment, "You are just talking cheap words. Is this a piece of shit? I can't compare with you because of your wealth. In your eyes, you are a piece of shit, but to me, you are a thorn in my side."

Lang Xing said meaningfully, "With your cultivation level, the power of this knife is already worthless. You treat it as a treasure because it is worth a good price. Only when you stop treating it as a thorn in your side can you take a step further."

Wu Xia said calmly, "You are so powerful that you dare to interfere in the fights of great supernatural powers. Now I can only listen to you no matter what you say, but if I have such a rich family background as you, I can not use this sword." Take it seriously.”

Lang Xing looked at her sideways and said, "Your family is rich enough, Fairy Six. Looking at the whole world, there aren't many people who are richer than your family. If you say that, you don't understand what I mean."

"I understand, I understand, okay Lang Xing, no matter what the relationship between Yin Yang Palace and Zixiao Palace will be in the future, both of us will try to be as little involved as possible, so as not to hurt the relationship today, okay?" After Wu Xian finished speaking, he used a word of intimacy. Looking at Lang Xing with interest.

Lang Xing said without enthusiasm, "It depends on whether the people in Yin Yang Palace are sensible. Naturally, I don't want to get too involved in this kind of thing, but if those close to me are threatened by Yin Yang Palace, I am sure It needs to be managed.”

Wu Xia curled his lips and said, "You were right when you advised me not to get involved in the dispute, but when it was your turn, you made a different argument."

Lang Xing argued, "I only take care of those people close to me, not the entire Zixiao Palace. There is a difference."

"Okay, okay, okay, I won't compete with you on this. Anyway, your Zixiao Palace is in full swing now. We won't mess with you, and we can't afford to mess with you. If we make trouble, it can only be because you deliberately bully us. Don't follow them. Just get up and bully us.”

"If Zixiao Palace comes to trouble you, it will be karma. When Zixiao Palace declined, your Yin Yang Palace bullied us a lot. I have heard a lot about the grievances and grievances between the two sides."

Wu Xia sighed, "I've been talking for a long time and it's all in vain. If the two sides start fighting, you will still intervene, so why are you trying to persuade me to be less involved?"

Lang Xing frowned and scolded, "Are your ears just decorations? I made it clear enough that as long as those people close to me don't participate, I won't care. I only have a few close people in Zixiao Palace. ”

Wu Xia retorted, "You are just standing and talking without hurting your back. You are saying this because you think your Zixiao Palace has no victory but no defeat. Let me ask you, if the two sides have a big battle, what will happen if our Yin Yang Palace accidentally wins? This is the end of it." Chief Bi, even if those close to you never participate in the war, their lives will become difficult in the future. Will you really stand by and watch? I think you will get involved immediately once Zixiao Palace is at a disadvantage. "

Langxing was speechless. He was silent for a while before saying, "Would Qianzong let this happen? But the truth you said exists. It is difficult for us to stay away from the disputes in the world, even if we just want to take care of him." It’s not easy to take care of the people close to you. This is a web. I can’t get rid of it, and I don’t want to get rid of it, because I don’t know if I will fall into the abyss after getting rid of it. The best way is to hang on the net as quietly as possible. Don’t let yourself be tied up too tightly, that way you can enjoy it more, anyway, I think it’s pretty good for now.”

Wu Xia said with envy, "Of course you think it's good. You can be considered at the top. You have an impressive ability at a young age, just like standing out from the flock of chickens. But if a crane always stands among the chickens, sooner or later It will be boring, and then your pain will come.”

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