Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1991 You really know how to curse!

Langxing used his spiritual energy to condense a big red flower with an ugly shape, and then printed it on the flawless skirt.

"What are you doing?" Wu Xia asked puzzledly, but did not stop her, letting the red flower stay on the hem of her skirt.

"To make this dress more suitable for you." Langxing said, looking at the red flower that made a big show on the simple and elegant skirt.

"You are really good at cursing!" Wuxia glared at him angrily, and flicked his fingers to scatter the red flower condensed with spiritual energy.

Lang Xing cast a sideways glance at Wuxia with no interest, and said, "For your knowledge, I should give you a vulgar red flower. Who am I to stand out from the crowd? There are many people in the world who are better than me. I am self-aware, but even if I am better than me, A hundred times stronger, I also think it is still just a sheep. There is nothing to stand out from the flock, just a group of sheep. There is not that big difference between the smart ones and the stupid ones, so I will not be bored like standing out from the flock, and I will also be because I am a sheep. A smarter sheep lives happily and leisurely among the sheep."

Wuxia was amused by him and said, "I don't know whether I should praise you for your transcendental state of mind or say that you have no ambitions, but there is one thing that really pleases me about you, and that is that you are as cute as a sheep. He’s approachable, and he’s also a cunning and funny little lamb.”

Langxing pointed forward and said, "If you don't go back quickly, I will sell you to the big monster in Beihai as my concubine. I know two big monsters at the feather level. You can choose the one you like more." " ??

"Stop scaring me! Stop flying forward." Wuxia knew clearly that he was talking nonsense, but she still felt a little uneasy. After all, this kid was so evil. At this moment, she felt that this kid was like an evil little lamb all over his body. .

Langxing stopped Deyi Diao and advised, "Go back. We are somewhat destined and get along quite well. I hope that we can make each other happy next time we meet. I sincerely hope that you can meet us as soon as possible." Get rid of the mud and become a holy lotus blooming in the fairy garden."

Wu Xia said displeasedly, "Are you so eager to drive me away?"

Lang Xing said calmly, "I really have a lot of things to do, so it's not convenient to take you with me. Besides, I have to return to Zixiao Palace soon."

Wu Xia floated up, pointed at Lang Xing with his finger and flew backwards, saying, "Lang Xing, you are waiting for me. I will have to settle this debt with you sooner or later." After that, he waved his hand and shook off the Kasukawa. After passing by, the long sword was activated so that it bloomed with a yellow light that was about ten feet long, and the power was quite frightening.

When Saikawa flew close to Langxing, the light of his sword suddenly disappeared, causing Langxing to start a false alarm. When he caught the sword, Wuxia's figure was already thousands of miles away.

"Hey! There's no one like you! Come back!" Langxing shouted and saw that he had no intention of stopping, so he stopped shouting, looked at his hand and put it away helplessly, and then urged Deyi Diao Fly east.

Wu Xia stopped in the air thousands of miles away, watching Lang Xing go away with her spiritual consciousness. At this moment, she felt a little sad for giving away the knife, but after all, she was also the Sixth Fairy of Yin Yang Palace and a great monk in the late Nascent Soul. She still had this bit of pride. Thinking about what Lang Xing had said during these two interactions, she persuaded herself in her heart that if it was worth it, the vision she gained from them would be worth it.

As she turned around and walked back, she was thinking about the Eight Immortals of Zixiao Palace. This guy was simply too mysterious, too evil, and too magical. What if such a person just thought he was a slightly smarter sheep? , then is there anyone in this world who can become an immortal?

When she saw Mo Hui rushing toward her in a hurry, she immediately sent a spiritual message and said, "I'm going back to the palace. I'll talk about anything later."

Mo Hui shouted anxiously, "I'm so anxious. Where did you and that kid go? I've been looking for you like crazy these days."

"I'm fine. I have something urgent to do now and I have to rush back. See you later." Wu Xian spread out his body skills and instantly chased Mo Hui out of sight, and then he galloped back to the Yin Yang Palace.

Langxing flew east and west for a while, and after confirming that Wuxia was not following him secretly, he flew straight to the glacier where Shen Qing was.

Along the way, he also looked for the small snowflake that could emit a strange cold that he and Shen Qing had encountered when they first came here. The small snowflake was no longer there. Lang Xing didn't know whether to hope that it could find a better place or whether to hope that it would find a better place. I hope it is gone. This thing is countless times stupider than Tuntian. When Tuntian grows up, it becomes dangerous and boring. If this thing grows up, it will definitely be even more dangerous and boring.

When they returned to the glacier, the little ice phoenix was still practicing and did not come out. Langxing did not want to disturb it, so he broke into the ice wall maze and relied on the small clouds to guide the way. It took him two days to enter the magic circle.

Shen Qing has been worried about him these days. Seeing him come back happily, he wonders what good thing happened to him.

"I met Sister Minglan, and I got my Taoist heart back!" Lang Xing concealed his reunion with Immortal Xiaoyao. Senior Xiaoyao didn't want to be known, and he had to hide it even from Shen Qing.

"How did you meet?" Shen Qing felt that there must be something going on here.

"I bumped into her accidentally. What a coincidence. I'm so lucky!" Langxing didn't want to say too much. Sister Minglan also didn't want to be known, so he had to mention it in order to reassure Shen Qing.

"Are you sure you have found your Taoist heart?" Shen Qing is a sensible person and knows that Minglan must have told Lang Xing to keep it secret. Langxing had just lost his Taoist heart, so she didn't want to ask further.

"Well! Look at my Qi Mansion." Lang Xing handed over his hand and said proudly and happily, "I made it myself."

After examining the fake Nascent Soul, Shen Qing had a thoughtful look in her eyes. Based on her attainments in the power of thought, she could clearly see that there was the art of thought in the method of condensing the fake Nascent Soul.

"How is it? Is it enough to confuse the fake with the real thing? I seem to have some understanding again, and I am more confident that I can cure Xiang'er."

"Xian'er's progress is also very fast, and her understanding is indeed high enough."

"Hehe, my disciple is going to take away your title of the most amazing woman in terms of cultivation speed. I'll go see her." After Lang Xing said that, he happily flew towards the small courtyard where Bai Xiang lived, and flew out Not long ago, he suddenly thought of Tuntian and returned to his busy schedule.

"There is one more good thing I want to tell you. Tuntian woke up and his Taoism improved. He gave birth to the fourth cloud-turning pattern. I wasted a ten-thousand-year-old beast's inner elixir and became nothing at all. It's fun." Langxing said as he called out Tun Tian. The restriction on Tun Tian was imposed by Yu Chan, and its improvement in Taoism did not have any impact on that restriction.

Langxing was also worried that the white-eyed frog would not recognize Shen Qing. Unexpectedly, when Tuntian came out and saw Shen Qing, he jumped onto Shen Qing's shoulder, affectionately stretched out his long tongue and licked Shen Qing's face.

Lang Xing glared at Tuntian angrily and turned to look for Bai Xiang. Tuntian had been following Shen Qing before, so he had nothing to be angry with because he had a deep relationship with Shen Qing, but the gap was too big. Langxing used his spiritual energy to condense a big red flower with an ugly shape, and then printed it on the flawless skirt.

"What are you doing?" Wu Xia asked puzzledly, but did not stop her, letting the red flower stay on the hem of her skirt.

"To make this dress more suitable for you." Langxing said, looking at the red flower that made a big show on the simple and elegant skirt.

"You are really good at cursing!" Wuxia glared at him angrily, and flicked his fingers to scatter the red flower condensed with spiritual energy.

Lang Xing cast a sideways glance at Wuxia with no interest, and said, "For your little knowledge, I should give you a vulgar red flower. Who am I to stand out from the crowd? There are many people in the world who are better than me. I am self-aware, but even if I am better than me, A hundred times stronger, I also think it is still just a sheep. There is nothing to stand out from the flock, just a group of sheep. There is not that big difference between the smart ones and the stupid ones, so I will not be bored like standing out from the flock, and I will also be because I am a sheep. A smarter sheep lives happily and leisurely among the sheep." ??

Wuxia was amused by him and said, "I don't know whether I should praise you for your transcendental state of mind or say that you have no ambitions, but there is one thing that really pleases me about you, and that is that you are as cute as a sheep. He’s approachable, and he’s also a cunning and funny little lamb.”

Langxing pointed forward and said, "If you don't go back quickly, I will sell you to the big monster in Beihai as my concubine. I know two big monsters at the feather level. You can choose the one you like more." "

"Stop scaring me! Stop flying forward." Wuxia knew clearly that he was talking nonsense, but she still felt a little uneasy. After all, this kid was so evil. At this moment, she felt that this kid was like an evil little lamb all over his body. .

Langxing stopped Deyi Diao and advised, "Go back. We are somewhat destined and get along quite well. I hope that we can make each other happy next time we meet. I sincerely hope that you can be together as soon as possible." Get rid of the mud and become a holy lotus blooming in the fairy garden."

Wu Xia said displeasedly, "Are you so eager to drive me away?"

Lang Xing said calmly, "I really have a lot of things to do, so it's not convenient to take you with me. Besides, I have to return to Zixiao Palace soon."

Wu Xia floated up, pointed at Lang Xing with his finger and flew backwards, saying, "Lang Xing, you are waiting for me. I will have to settle this debt with you sooner or later." After that, he waved his hand and shook off the Kasukawa. After passing by, the long sword was activated so that it bloomed with a yellow light that was about ten feet long, and the power was quite frightening.

When Saikawa flew close to Langxing, the light of his sword suddenly disappeared, causing Langxing to give a false alarm. When he caught the sword, Wuxia's figure was already thousands of miles away.

"Hey! There's no one like you! Come back!" Lang Xing shouted and saw that he had no intention of stopping, so he stopped shouting, looked at his hand and put it away helplessly, and then urged Deyi Diao Fly east.

Wu Xia stopped in the air thousands of miles away, watching Lang Xing go away with her spiritual consciousness. At this moment, she felt a little sad for giving away the knife, but after all, she was also the Sixth Fairy of Yin Yang Palace and a great monk in the late Nascent Soul. She still had this bit of pride. Thinking about what Lang Xing had said during these two interactions, she persuaded herself in her heart that if it was worth it, the vision she gained from them would be worth it.

As she turned around and walked back, she was thinking about the Eight Immortals of Zixiao Palace. This guy was simply too mysterious, too evil, and too magical. What if such a person just thought he was a slightly smarter sheep? , then is there anyone in this world who can become an immortal?

When she saw Mo Hui rushing toward her in a hurry, she immediately sent a spiritual message and said, "I'm going back to the palace. I'll talk about anything later."

Mo Hui shouted anxiously, "I'm so anxious. Where did you and that kid go? I've been looking for you like crazy these days."

"I'm fine. I have something urgent to do now and I have to rush back. See you later." Wu Xian spread out his body skills and instantly chased Mo Hui out of sight, and then he galloped back to the Yin Yang Palace.

Langxing flew east and west for a while, and after confirming that Wuxia was not following him secretly, he flew straight to the glacier where Shen Qing was.

Along the way, he also looked for the small snowflake that could emit a strange cold that he and Shen Qing had encountered when they first came here. The small snowflake was no longer there. Lang Xing didn't know whether to hope that it could find a better place or whether to hope that it would find a better place. I hope it is gone. This thing is countless times stupider than Tuntian. When Tuntian grows up, it becomes dangerous and boring. If this thing grows up, it will definitely be even more dangerous and boring.

When they returned to the glacier, the little ice phoenix was still practicing and did not come out. Langxing didn't want to disturb it, so he broke into the ice wall maze and relied on the little clouds to lead the way. It took him two days to enter the magic circle.

Shen Qing has been worried about him these days. Seeing him come back happily, he wonders what good thing happened to him.

"I met Sister Minglan, and I got my Taoist heart back!" Lang Xing concealed his reunion with Immortal Xiaoyao. Senior Xiaoyao didn't want to be known, and he had to hide it even from Shen Qing.

"How did you meet?" Shen Qing felt that there must be something going on here.

"I bumped into her accidentally. What a coincidence. I'm so lucky!" Langxing didn't want to say too much. Sister Minglan also didn't want to be known, so he had to mention it in order to reassure Shen Qing.

"Are you sure you have found your Taoist heart?" Shen Qing is a sensible person and knows that Minglan must have told Lang Xing to keep it secret. Langxing had just lost his Taoist heart, so she didn't want to ask further.

"Well! Look at my Qi Mansion." Lang Xing handed over his hand and said proudly and happily, "I made it myself."

After examining the fake Nascent Soul, Shen Qing had a thoughtful look in her eyes. Based on her attainments in the power of thought, she could clearly see that there was the art of thought in the method of condensing the fake Nascent Soul.

"How is it? Is it enough to confuse the fake with the real thing? I seem to have some understanding again, and I am more confident that I can cure Xiang'er."

"Xian'er's progress is also very fast, and her understanding is indeed high enough."

"Hehe, my disciple is going to take away your title of the most amazing woman in terms of cultivation speed. I'll go see her." After Lang Xing said that, he happily flew towards the small courtyard where Bai Xiang lived, and flew out Not long ago, he suddenly thought of Tuntian and returned to his busy schedule.

"There is one more good thing I want to tell you. Tuntian woke up and his Taoism improved. He gave birth to the fourth cloud-turning pattern. I wasted a ten-thousand-year-old beast's inner elixir and became nothing at all. It's fun." Langxing said as he called out Tun Tian. The restriction on Tun Tian was imposed by Yu Chan, and its improvement in Taoism did not have any impact on that restriction.

Langxing was also worried that the white-eyed frog would not recognize Shen Qing. Unexpectedly, when Tuntian came out and saw Shen Qing, he jumped onto Shen Qing's shoulder, affectionately stretched out his long tongue and licked Shen Qing's face.

Lang Xing glared at Tuntian angrily and turned to look for Bai Xiang. Tuntian had been following Shen Qing before, so he had nothing to be angry with because he had a deep relationship with Shen Qing, but the gap was too big.

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