Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1992 That Su Wan...

When Bai Xiang saw Master, he happily greeted her. Then he stamped his feet and complained, "Master, why didn't you say anything to me when you went out?"

Lang Xing smiled and said, "I just wanted to go out and walk around casually. I didn't expect to stay here for so long. Is it okay here? I have to go back to Zixiao Palace. If you think it's okay to live here, then you can practice here peacefully." , I’ll pick you up later.”

Bai Xiang asked alertly, "Are you coming back to pick me up after going to Zixiao Palace?"

"Well... I still have some other things to do, which may take some time." Lang Xing planned to settle Tianqing's matter.

Bai Xiang lowered his head and said, "It's quite peaceful here, and Master Shen is also very nice, but... I'm afraid this will cause too much trouble to Master Shen."

At this time, Shen Qing walked in and said, "It doesn't matter, you can stay here first. It's very big here and you can't disturb me."

Lang Xing coaxed with some condescension, "I'll try to come back as soon as possible. Only Master Shen and I can give you some pointers on the exercises you practice. Just live with her for a while. Only by putting you here can I It’s the most reassuring.”

"Okay, I respect my orders." Although Bai Xiang had a hundred reluctances in his heart, he could only agree.

Shen Qing said to Lang Xing with his spiritual thoughts, "I can help you take care of her in a short period of time, but it won't take too long. Her cultivation can only be guided by you."

Shen Qing knew that he would have to go back to Nanjingzhou. Jiangxiao and Lu Gang were enough to keep Langxing busy. Now that he was entangled with Su Wan again, he didn't know how many troubles would arise in the future, so she You have to use Baixiang to restrain Langxing.

"I'll try my best to come back as soon as possible, but I guess it won't be too soon." Langxing had to prepare Shen Qing. If he went to Yuhai, it would definitely take several years or even longer.

Shen Qing turned around and left without saying anything. She didn't want to force Lang Xing too much, and Su Wan had already met Lang Xing, so this matter was out of her control.

After Langxing spent more than an hour instructing Bai Xiang, he went to pick two "Snow Python" twigs and two blue ice fruits. He came to the side of the cold hill and chose a place far away from the birds. After eating the two spiritual fruits, I enjoyed the unspeakable wonderful taste.

Shen Qing felt completely at ease when she saw that he was in a good mood. She looked at Lang Xing's face full of intoxication from a distance with her spiritual consciousness. She had unspeakable emotions in her heart. The change was so great, it felt a bit like Lang Xing watching the grown-up Tun Tian, ​​but it wasn't that intense. After all, Lang Xing was as close to her heart as before.

Five days later, the little bird's training came to an end. Langxing also asked Bai Xiang to stop practicing. He patiently introduced Bai Xiang to the little bird and taught the little bird not to hurt Bai Xiang. He told the little bird again and again until the little bird got tired of it. .

After playing with Xiaoniao and Bai Xiang for two more days, and confirming that Xiaoniao knew how to take care of the weak Bai Xiang, he went to say goodbye to Shen Qing.

Shen Qing insisted on letting him take Tuntian with him, but Lang Xing refused but had to agree.

When they parted, Shen Qing hesitated to say, "That Su Wan..." After only saying this half of the sentence, she shook her head and said no more.

"You don't like her?" Langxing asked with concern.

Shen Qing smiled lightly and waved his hands to show that he didn't want to say more.

Langxing was a little depressed and asked the bird to send him out of the magic circle. Shen Qing obviously didn't like Su Wan, and Jiang Xiao didn't like Su Wan either. Could there be something wrong with Su Wan?

The little bird's reluctance made Langxing play with the little bird for two more days. The little bird was so close to him, and he felt a little sorry for the little bird. Now is the time when the little bird needs a playmate. Shen Qing

In this matter, we can only do it to an unsatisfactory level.

In the end, it took a combination of coaxing and deception to get the bird back to the magic circle.

Riding the Deyi Eagle and flying straight to Northern Xinjiang, Langxing didn't want to go back through that remote road this time. He had full confidence to cross Northern Xinjiang. Firstly, he had become more capable, and secondly, Zixiao Gong's current power has made these people in Northern Xinjiang dare not touch him easily.

On the third day after entering Northern Xinjiang, I unexpectedly met Guyun Zhan and Lan Yin. The two of them were out for fun.

When Lan Yin heard that Lang Xing came here alone without anyone to accompany him, she couldn't help but get angry and scolded him for being less trustworthy than the seventh senior brother.

Gu Yunzhan had been smiling and watching Lang Xing being scolded, and seeing the way Lang Xing dealt with Lan Yin with a playful smile, he felt that this boy seemed to be no simpler than Xinqing, and he had been a little mistaken before.

"Let's go, we'll take you back on the teleportation array, and you're not allowed to run around anymore." Lan Yin scolded Lang Xing and was about to take him away. She had a natural affinity for Lang Xing, and with the Qingyun Sect and She also had to do her best to take good care of the little Eight Immortals due to her relationship with Zixiao Palace.

"I was afraid that something would happen to the eagle here, so I didn't take the teleportation array." Lang Xing and Lan Yin pulled and refused to leave.

"Then we will escort you to a safe place." Guyunzhan stood up and spoke for Langxing.

Lan Yin had no choice but to let go. Lang Xing flew to the back of the eagle and waved to the two of them, "Come on, come on, let's sit down together."

Lan Yin shook her head and said, "We just need to follow you." She knew De Yi Diao and knew how powerful this beast was.

"Come on, you." Lang Xing flew over and pulled Lan Yin onto the back of the sculpture. Guyunzhan saw that Deyi Diao was very tame, so he also climbed onto the back of the sculpture.

Flying over the vast snowfields of northern Xinjiang, Langxing asked Guyun, "Do you, the Youqi Sect, practice soul arts?"

Guyunzhan nodded and said, "Soul magic is one of our more important magics. Nearly half of the people in the sect are studying it to some extent."

Lang Xing said with a somewhat serious look, "It's best to persuade them to give up this technique. I heard that the Soul Refining Sect is in trouble, and they will give up the Soul Refining technique completely."

"What?" Lan Yin's eyes widened in disbelief, "Wouldn't the Soul Refining Sect break their own arms if they gave up on the Soul Refining Technique? Their biggest reliance is on the Soul Refining Technique."

Lang Xing glanced at her and said, "Isn't this nonsense? Otherwise, can they be called the Soul Refining Sect? You don't have to say that?"

"Where did you hear this ghost news? You can't believe such a ridiculous thing!" Lan Yin pinched Lang Xing's waist hard. This kid actually dared to choke her with words like this. It was really irritating.

Guyun Zhan frowned and asked, "Is this true?"

Lang Xing was pinched so much that he grinned, nodded to Guyun Zhan and said, "If such a big thing is true, the news will be spread soon. We will know the truth in a few days."

"Who did you listen to?" Gu Yunzhan didn't dare to take it lightly. Soul skills are very important to their Youqi Sect.

Langxing used his spiritual thoughts to say to the two of them, "I can't say much to you. I can only tell you that there are extremely powerful people who are killing the soul-refining sects. I don't want to see you suffer, so I'm revealing some news to you. You Don’t betray me, don’t tell anyone that I told you.”

"Is this true?" Lan Yin panicked.

Guyunzhan looked at Langxing solemnly, hoping that he could reveal more, so he used his spiritual thoughts to say, "You are so righteous, we will definitely not betray you, can you say more?" Seeing Bai Xiang, Master happily greeted me, then stamped his feet and complained, "Master, why didn't you say anything to me when you went out?"

Lang Xing smiled and said, "I just wanted to go out and walk around casually. I didn't expect to stay here for so long. Is it okay here? I have to go back to Zixiao Palace. If you think it's okay to live here, then you can practice here peacefully." , I’ll pick you up later.”

Bai Xiang asked alertly, "Are you coming back to pick me up after going to Zixiao Palace?"

"Well... I still have some other things to do, which may take some time." Lang Xing planned to settle Tianqing's matter.

Bai Xiang lowered his head and said, "It's quite peaceful here, and Master Shen is also very nice, but... I'm afraid this will cause too much trouble to Master Shen."

At this time, Shen Qing walked in and said, "It doesn't matter, you can stay here first. It's very big here and you can't disturb me."

Lang Xing coaxed with some condescension, "I'll try to come back as soon as possible. Only Master Shen and I can give you some pointers on the exercises you practice. Just live with her for a while. Only by putting you here can I It’s the most reassuring.”

"Okay, I respect my orders." Although Bai Xiang had a hundred reluctances in his heart, he could only agree.

Shen Qing said to Lang Xing with his spiritual thoughts, "I can help you take care of her in a short period of time, but it won't take too long. Her cultivation can only be guided by you."

Shen Qing knew that he would have to go back to Nanjingzhou. Jiangxiao and Lu Gang were enough to keep Langxing busy. Now that he was entangled with Su Wan again, he didn't know how many troubles would arise in the future, so she You have to use Baixiang to restrain Langxing.

"I'll try my best to come back as soon as possible, but I guess it won't be too soon." Langxing had to prepare Shen Qing. If he went to Yuhai, it would definitely take several years or even longer.

Shen Qing turned around and left without saying anything. She didn't want to force Lang Xing too much, and Su Wan had already met Lang Xing, so this matter was out of her control.

After Langxing spent more than an hour instructing Bai Xiang, he went to pick two "Snow Python" twigs and two blue ice fruits. He came to the side of the cold hill and chose a place far away from the birds. After eating the two spiritual fruits, I enjoyed the unspeakable wonderful taste.

Shen Qing felt completely at ease when she saw that he was in a good mood. She looked at Lang Xing's face full of intoxication from a distance with her spiritual consciousness. She had unspeakable emotions in her heart. The change was so great, it felt a bit like Lang Xing watching the grown-up Tun Tian, ​​but it wasn't that intense. After all, Lang Xing was as close to her heart as before.

Five days later, the little bird's training came to an end. Langxing also asked Bai Xiang to stop practicing. He patiently introduced Bai Xiang to the little bird and taught the little bird not to hurt Bai Xiang. He told the little bird again and again until the little bird got tired of it. .

After playing with Xiaoniao and Bai Xiang for two more days, and confirming that Xiaoniao knew how to take care of the weak Bai Xiang, he went to say goodbye to Shen Qing.

Shen Qing insisted on letting him take Tuntian with him, but Lang Xing refused but had to agree.

When they parted, Shen Qing hesitated to say, "That Su Wan..." After only saying this half of the sentence, she shook her head and said no more.

"You don't like her?" Langxing asked with concern.

Shen Qing smiled lightly and waved his hands to express that he did not want to say more.

Langxing was a little depressed and asked the bird to send him out of the magic circle. Shen Qing obviously didn't like Su Wan, and Jiang Xiao didn't like Su Wan either. Could there be something wrong with Su Wan?

The little bird's reluctance made Langxing play with the little bird for two more days. The little bird was so close to him, and he felt a little sorry for the little bird. Now is the time when the little bird needs a playmate. Shen Qing

In this matter, we can only do it to an unsatisfactory level.

In the end, it took a combination of coaxing and deception to get the bird back to the magic circle.

Riding the Deyi Eagle and flying straight to Northern Xinjiang, Langxing didn't want to go back through that remote road this time. He had full confidence to cross Northern Xinjiang. Firstly, he had become more capable, and secondly, Zixiao Gong's current power has made these people in Northern Xinjiang dare not touch him easily.

On the third day after entering Northern Xinjiang, I unexpectedly met Guyun Zhan and Lan Yin. The two of them were out for fun.

When Lan Yin heard that Lang Xing came here alone without anyone to accompany him, she couldn't help but get angry and scolded him for being less trustworthy than the seventh senior brother.

Gu Yunzhan had been smiling and watching Lang Xing being scolded, and seeing the way Lang Xing dealt with Lan Yin with a playful smile, he felt that this boy seemed to be no simpler than Xinqing, and he had been a little mistaken before.

"Let's go, we'll take you back on the teleportation array, and you're not allowed to run around anymore." Lan Yin scolded Lang Xing and was about to take him away. She had a natural affinity for Lang Xing, and with the Qingyun Sect and She also had to do her best to take good care of this little Eight Immortal Lord due to her relationship with Zixiao Palace.

"I was afraid that something would happen to the eagle here, so I didn't take the teleportation array." Lang Xing and Lan Yin pulled and refused to leave.

"Then we will escort you to a safe place." Guyunzhan stood up and spoke for Langxing.

Lan Yin had no choice but to let go. Lang Xing flew to the back of the eagle and waved to the two of them, "Come on, come on, let's sit down together."

Lan Yin shook her head and said, "We just need to follow you." She knew De Yi Diao and knew how powerful this beast was.

"Come on, you." Lang Xing flew over and pulled Lan Yin onto the back of the sculpture. Guyunzhan saw that Deyi Diao was very tame, so he also climbed onto the back of the sculpture.

Flying over the vast snowfields of northern Xinjiang, Langxing asked Guyun, "Do you, the Youqi Sect, practice soul arts?"

Guyunzhan nodded and said, "Soul magic is one of our more important magics. Nearly half of the people in the sect are studying it to some extent."

Lang Xing said with a somewhat serious look, "It's best to persuade them to give up this technique. I heard that the Soul Refining Sect is in trouble, and they will give up the Soul Refining technique completely."

"What?" Lan Yin's eyes widened in disbelief, "Wouldn't the Soul Refining Sect break their own arms if they gave up on the Soul Refining Technique? Their biggest reliance is on the Soul Refining Technique."

Lang Xing glanced at her and said, "Isn't this nonsense? Otherwise, can they be called the Soul Refining Sect? You don't have to say that?"

"Where did you hear this ghost news? You can't believe such a ridiculous thing!" Lan Yin pinched Lang Xing's waist hard. This kid actually dared to choke her with words like this. It was really irritating.

Guyun Zhan frowned and asked, "Is this true?"

Lang Xing was pinched so much that he grinned, nodded to Guyun Zhan and said, "If such a big thing is true, the news will be spread soon. We will know the truth in a few days."

"Who did you listen to?" Gu Yunzhan didn't dare to take it lightly. Soul skills are very important to their Youqi Sect.

Langxing used his spiritual thoughts to say to the two of them, "I can't say much to you. I can only tell you that there are extremely powerful people who are killing the soul-refining sects. I don't want to see you suffer, so I'm revealing some news to you. You Don’t betray me, don’t tell anyone that I told you.”

"Is this true?" Lan Yin panicked.

Gu Yunzhan looked at Lang Xing solemnly, hoping that he could reveal more, so he used his spiritual thoughts to say, "You are so righteous, we will definitely not betray you, can you say more?"

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