Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2001 How about I scold you again!

Su Wan pursed her lips and used her spiritual power to push the four thousand Nascent Soul Stones in front of the third disciple of Baise Peak, Mang Ling. It was he who brought the people here this time.

After Mang Ling collected the spirit stone, Langxing said to Su Wan, "It has nothing to do with you, and it has nothing to do with the Xuanfang Sect." After saying that, he asked Mang Ling, "Is that right? You, Fairy Su and the Xuanfang Sect Is the grudge settled?"

Mang Ling immediately nodded and said, "It's over, we won't cause trouble for them anymore." He had seen Lang Xing's methods, but he was not very afraid of Lang Xing, because he thought Lang Xing just had some weird tricks. The master was crippled with one move. That was because the master underestimated the enemy and was caught off guard. Even if this kid had some powerful skills, it would be impossible to withstand the attacks of so many of them.

Lang Xing waved his hand to Su Wan and said in his heart, "Take the disciples of the Xuan Fang Sect and retreat. Don't cause trouble for them."

Su Wan could see that Lang Xing would not just let it go, so she hurriedly ordered Huang Ying to take the disciples of the Xuan Fang Sect back to the school, and at the same time said to Lang Xing, "This is good, don't make trouble, I am not lacking." This little spiritual stone can resolve this grudge."

Langxing did not reply to Su Wan directly, but looked at Ju Ling and said, "Since you still want to settle accounts with Fairy Su, it's just right. I also have accounts to settle with you. You insulted me just now, and Ci Ling also insulted me at that time. As Disciple of Qianxu Palace, my face is much more valuable than Ci Ling’s. You said that Ci Ling’s face is worth 8,000 Nascent Soul Stones, and my young master’s face is worth at least 80,000. I know you can’t afford that much, then I'll just ask you for three thousand yuan." Originally, he wanted to settle the matter with two thousand Nascent Soul Stones, but since Ju Ling didn't want to let it go, he could only leave one thousand yuan for Qing Ling. Baby stone, this is a fair price.

Ju Ling's forehead burst into flames before he could finish his words, and he pointed at Lang Xing and said, "Little brat! Stop using Qianxugong to scare people. Your broken face is not worth even a spiritual stone in the eyes of the Taoist. I'm going to scold you again." How about that! You ignorant little brat!"

Su Wan sighed in her heart and said to Lang Xing, "Don't kill anyone, otherwise it will be very troublesome." She did not persuade Lang Xing to be patient, because she knew that she could not persuade Lang Xing anymore.

"Get out of here, grandma!" Lu Gang roared from behind.

At this time, Jiangxiao's spiritual thoughts came, "I can't stop him!"

Lu Gang's scolding brought the situation to the edge of immediate action. The disciples of the Junlu Sect all mobilized the treasures. Su Wan and Shu Yan also mobilized the treasures. Jiang Xiao was still holding Lu Gang's arm. , but was dragged to the front of the formation by Lu Gang.

Langxing pointed at Ju Ling and said, "Come on, let's find a quieter place to settle things between us." He didn't want to disturb Xiyang who was in seclusion, so after saying that, he flew away into the distance.

The two groups of people kept a distance of more than ten thousand feet and flew together to a place three thousand miles away from the Xuanfang Sect.

After standing still in the air, Lang Xing said to the only four people behind him, "No one is allowed to do anything. We are all standing here and are not allowed to move." After saying this, he specifically said to Lu Gang and Shu Yan with his heart, "I can easily take these things. Everyone has been killed, so you don’t have to worry about anything.”

The people from the Junlu Sect were also discussing countermeasures with their spiritual thoughts. When they saw Langxing flying over alone, they stopped their discussion and set up a half-moon formation, ready to launch a group attack on Langxing at any time.

Langxing stood down more than a thousand feet away from them and mocked, "Is your Junlu sect still considered a famous sect? More than a dozen people in the middle stage of Yuanying, you actually want to attack a person like me in the early stage of Yuanying? You guys are too Have you made a fool of yourself to the Junlu Sect?"

These words made those in the Junlu Sect feel a little feverish on their faces, and they couldn't help but let go

After relaxing the urge to use the treasures, the bright brilliance in the camp faded a bit.

Lang Xing pointed at Ju Ling and said, "I'll settle the accounts with him first. You guys can see if it's fair or not. If you think it's fair, let's forget about it for today. If you think it's unfair, let's continue to calculate until the end." Until you think it’s fair.”

"Okay, what do you want to do, little brat!" Ju Ling was about to go into battle carrying his golden axe.

Mang Ling grabbed Ju Ling and said to Lang Xing, "We know that you have a powerful treasure. Although your cultivation level is low, your powerful treasure and weird body skills are enough to defeat a monk who is one level higher than you. A pair of A duel is not fair."

Langxing pointed the long knife at Ju Ling and said sternly, "I only use this knife, come here, you bastard!" The man called him a brat one after another, and he couldn't bear it anymore.

"You must have your Taoist heart to guarantee that you will only use this sword." Mang Ling said uneasily.

Lang Xing looked at him with disgust and said, "Your grandfather, I have never failed to keep in mind what I said. Come on, you two come together!"

"Lang Xing!" Su Wan was so anxious that she wanted to fly over to stop him.

"You don't need to worry about it!" Lu Gang blocked Su Wan with his blood-iron stick. Ju Ling insulted Lang Xing one after another. Even if Lang Xing was willing to spare the fat man, he would not give up.

"Watch the battle!" Jiang Xiao shouted at Lu Gang and Su Wan with an angry face. She had to be ready to defend Lang Xing from the other side's siege at all times. These two people made her feel upset.

On the other side of the battlefield, Mang Ling let go of Ju Ling and sneered at Lang Xing, "As long as you don't use the spirit treasure, you are not qualified to put us two to death with your little ability. Just listen to me. There will be no casualties in a fair fight." Damn, if you don’t keep your word, you will definitely die today!”

"Get out of here!" Lang Xing shouted angrily when he saw that he had not been tricked.

Mang Ling's eyes flashed fiercely after being scolded, and he shouted to Ju Ling who had already rushed to the scene, "Teach this little brat a lesson!"

Ju Ling stopped three hundred feet away from Lang Xing, and attacked Lang Xing with coercion. At the same time, he said in a majestic voice that contained cultivation, "This is a duel between you and me to settle personal grudges. Are you willing to challenge?" He had to say this up front so that he could be held accountable by Qianxu Palace and Tianlu Alliance in the future.

Lu Gang ignored Su Wan and stared at the battlefield with his blood-iron stick. Although Lang Xing had shown him the scene of fighting against the big monster, he had never seen Lang Xing fight against the big monk, so he was very worried at the moment. It was nervousness. Although Shu Yan knew Lang Xing a little better, she seemed more nervous than Lu Gang.

Jiangxiao had personally tested Lang Xing's skills and knew that Lang Xing could easily dispatch a mid-stage Nascent Soul monk. What worried her was that the other party would swarm after Lang Xing won.

Su Wan was the least worried about Lang Xing. She was worried about the Yunlu sect, fearing that if Lang Xing killed them all, the matter would become a big deal. She knew very well that if she continued to persuade Lang Xing, Adding fuel to the fire, logically it would be best for her to leave now, but she couldn't worry about Lang Xing. After all, the other party had more than a dozen great monks in the middle Nascent Soul stage.

"I'm willing to accept the challenge." Lang Xing replied with a cold voice. After saying that, he ducked to the side because the opponent's ax had turned into a golden light and struck towards him.

Ju Ling had five points left before he started, but even so, he was still worried that he would kill the opponent in one fell swoop. He just wanted to cripple Lang Xing, and did not want to take Lang Xing's life. It wouldn't be easy to explain if someone died. As a monk whose cultivation level is one level higher than the opponent's, there is no reason why he can't grasp this measure. Su Wan pursed her lips and used her spiritual power to push the four thousand Nascent Soul Stones in front of the third disciple of Baise Peak, Mang Ling. It was he who brought the people here this time.

After Mang Ling collected the spirit stone, Langxing said to Su Wan, "It has nothing to do with you, and it has nothing to do with the Xuanfang Sect." After saying that, he asked Mang Ling, "Is that right? You, Fairy Su and the Xuanfang Sect Is the grudge settled?"

Mang Ling immediately nodded and said, "It's over, we won't cause trouble for them anymore." He had seen Lang Xing's methods, but he was not very afraid of Lang Xing, because he thought Lang Xing just had some weird tricks. The master was crippled with one move. That was because the master underestimated the enemy and was caught off guard. Even if this kid had some powerful skills, it would be impossible to withstand the attacks of so many of them.

Lang Xing waved his hand to Su Wan and said in his heart, "Take the disciples of the Xuan Fang Sect and retreat. Don't cause trouble for them."

Su Wan could see that Lang Xing would not just let it go, so she hurriedly ordered Huang Ying to take the disciples of the Xuan Fang Sect back to the school, and at the same time said to Lang Xing, "This is good, don't make trouble, I am not lacking." This little spiritual stone can resolve this grudge."

Langxing did not reply to Su Wan directly, but looked at Ju Ling and said, "Since you still want to settle accounts with Fairy Su, it's just right. I also have accounts to settle with you. You insulted me just now, and Ci Ling also insulted me at that time. As Disciple of Qianxu Palace, my face is much more valuable than Ci Ling’s. You said that Ci Ling’s face is worth 8,000 Nascent Soul Stones, and my young master’s face is worth at least 80,000. I know you can’t afford that much, then I'll just ask you for three thousand yuan." Originally, he wanted to settle the matter with two thousand Nascent Soul Stones, but since Ju Ling didn't want to let it go, he could only leave one thousand yuan for Qing Ling. Baby stone, this is a fair price. .??.

Ju Ling's forehead burst into flames before he could finish his words, and he pointed at Lang Xing and said, "Little brat! Stop using Qianxugong to scare people. Your broken face is not worth even a spiritual stone in the eyes of the Taoist. I'm going to scold you again." How about that! You ignorant little brat!"

Su Wan sighed in her heart and said to Lang Xing, "Don't kill anyone, otherwise it will be very troublesome." She did not persuade Lang Xing to be patient, because she knew that she could not persuade Lang Xing anymore.

"Get out of here, grandma!" Lu Gang roared from behind.

At this time, Jiangxiao's spiritual thoughts came, "I can't stop him!"

Lu Gang's scolding brought the situation to the edge of immediate action. The disciples of the Junlu Sect all mobilized the treasures. Su Wan and Shu Yan also mobilized the treasures. Jiang Xiao was still holding Lu Gang's arm. , but was dragged to the front of the formation by Lu Gang.

Langxing pointed at Ju Ling and said, "Come on, let's find a quieter place to settle things between us." He didn't want to disturb Xiyang who was in seclusion, so after saying that, he flew away into the distance.

The two groups of people kept a distance of more than ten thousand feet and flew together to a place three thousand miles away from the Xuanfang Sect.

After standing still in the air, Lang Xing said to the only four people behind him, "No one is allowed to do anything. We are all standing here and are not allowed to move." After saying this, he specifically said to Lu Gang and Shu Yan with his heart, "I can easily take these things. Everyone has been killed, so you don’t have to worry about anything.”

The people from the Junlu Sect were also discussing countermeasures with their spiritual thoughts. When they saw Langxing flying over alone, they stopped their discussion and set up a half-moon formation, ready to launch a group attack on Langxing at any time.

Langxing stood down more than a thousand feet away from them and mocked, "Is your Junlu sect still considered a famous sect? More than a dozen people in the middle stage of Yuanying, you actually want to attack a person like me in the early stage of Yuanying? You guys are too Have you made a fool of yourself to the Junlu Sect?"

These words made those in the Junlu Sect feel a little feverish on their faces, and they couldn't help but let go

After relaxing the urge to use the treasures, the bright brilliance in the camp faded a bit.

Lang Xing pointed at Ju Ling and said, "I'll settle the accounts with him first. You guys can see if it's fair or not. If you think it's fair, let's forget about it for today. If you think it's unfair, let's continue to calculate until the end." Until you think it’s fair.”

"Okay, what do you want to do, little brat!" Ju Ling was about to go into battle carrying his golden axe.

Mang Ling grabbed Ju Ling and said to Lang Xing, "We know that you have a powerful treasure. Although your cultivation level is low, your powerful treasure and weird body skills are enough to defeat a monk who is one level higher than you. A pair of A duel is not fair."

Langxing pointed the long knife at Ju Ling and said sternly, "I only use this knife, come here, you bastard!" The man called him a brat one after another, and he couldn't bear it anymore.

"You must have your Taoist heart to guarantee that you will only use this sword." Mang Ling said uneasily.

Lang Xing looked at him with disgust and said, "Your grandfather, I have never failed to keep in mind what I said. Come on, you two come together!"

"Lang Xing!" Su Wan was so anxious that she wanted to fly over to stop him.

"You don't need to worry about it!" Lu Gang blocked Su Wan with his blood-iron stick. Ju Ling insulted Lang Xing one after another. Even if Lang Xing was willing to spare the fat man, he would not give up.

"Watch the battle!" Jiang Xiao shouted at Lu Gang and Su Wan with an angry face. She had to be ready to defend Lang Xing from the other side's siege at all times. These two people made her feel upset.

On the other side of the battlefield, Mang Ling let go of Ju Ling and sneered at Lang Xing, "As long as you don't use the spirit treasure, you are not qualified to let the two of us end with your little ability. Just listen to me. There will be no casualties in a fair fight." Damn, if you don’t keep your word, you will definitely die today!”

"Get out of here!" Lang Xing shouted angrily when he saw that he had not been tricked.

Mang Ling's eyes flashed fiercely after being scolded, and he shouted to Ju Ling who had already rushed to the scene, "Teach this little brat a lesson!"

Ju Ling stopped three hundred feet away from Lang Xing, and attacked Lang Xing with coercion. At the same time, he said in a majestic voice that contained cultivation, "This is a duel between you and me to settle personal grudges. Are you willing to challenge?" He had to say this up front so that he could be held accountable by Qianxu Palace and Tianlu Alliance in the future.

Lu Gang ignored Su Wan and stared at the battlefield with his blood-iron stick. Although Lang Xing had shown him the scene of fighting against the big monster, he had never seen Lang Xing fight against the big monk, so he was very worried at the moment. It was nervousness. Although Shu Yan knew Lang Xing a little better, she seemed more nervous than Lu Gang.

Jiangxiao had personally tested Lang Xing's skills and knew that Lang Xing could easily dispatch a mid-stage Nascent Soul monk. What worried her was that the other party would swarm after Lang Xing won.

Su Wan was the least worried about Lang Xing. She was worried about the Yunlu faction, fearing that if Lang Xing killed them all, the matter would become a big deal. She knew very well that if she continued to persuade Lang Xing, she would Adding fuel to the fire, logically it would be best for her to leave now, but she couldn't worry about Lang Xing. After all, the other party had more than a dozen great monks in the middle Nascent Soul stage.

"I'm willing to accept the challenge." Lang Xing replied with a cold voice. After saying that, he ducked to the side because the opponent's ax had turned into a golden light and struck towards him.

Ju Ling had five points of strength left when he started, but even so, he was still worried that he would kill the opponent in one fell swoop. He just wanted to cripple Lang Xing, and did not want to take Lang Xing's life. It would be hard to explain if he killed someone. As a monk whose cultivation level is one level higher than the opponent's, there is no reason why he can't grasp this measure.

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