Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2002 I scolded you too

After Lang Xing dodged the axe, he did not rush forward, but stood there urging Saikawa to slash directly at the giant feather three hundred feet away. The sword light emitted by Saikawa was golden on the outside and black on the inside. The awn was only about a foot wide, and inside was a dark light filled with the aura of death. The place where the two rays of light met intertwined like canine teeth, and the black light seemed to penetrate through, forming countless sharp thorns like needle-pointed wheat awns.

Ju Ling was shocked by the ax chop in the air. The opponent's movement was so fast that he couldn't believe it. Although the people from Baise Peak had just reminded him that this person had weird movement, he didn't expect that this movement could be so fast. , and the other party is not only fast in movement, but also moves the treasure at an astonishing speed. How can a monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul do this?

Kaokawa's speed is not slow in the first place, and Lang Xing can burst out with a cultivation level that is not weaker than that of Yuanying in the later stage. If he uses all his strength, Ju Ling will not know how he died until he dies. Lang Xing doesn't want to be overly exposed. His own secret, so this sword was only struck with the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

Ju Ling didn't have time to dodge this sharp blow, and he didn't even have the time to activate the defensive treasures, because he had no preparation at all, so he could only hold on to the protective divine light and carry it.

The golden sword light struck the purple-red protective flash, bursting out with a dazzling light. Only Langxing could see clearly. When the golden sword light collapsed, the black sword light cut through the opponent's protective shield like tofu. With the physical light, he hurriedly took back Saikawa. He was not very familiar with this treasure, and the fat man was not as resistant as he expected. He also did not want to kill anyone.

Ju Ling's huge body fell from the air, but because Lang Xing took back Saikawa in time, although he suffered heavy injuries, he did not fall to the ground. In extreme panic, he tried his best to gather some scattered souls. He was so disoriented that he ran back.

It would be better if he didn't run away. Lang Xing would not care about him anymore if he fell to the ground. Seeing that he could still run away, Lang Xing hurriedly urged Saikawa to hit him again. After the sword hit Ju Ling, he flew away again. He couldn't get up, and fell straight to the ground with blood spurting from his mouth.

Several disciples of the Junlu Sect rushed down and snatched the giant feather back. This time, the eyes of the Junlu Sect's gang showed panic. They finally realized that the boy opposite was not just relying on his body skills and spiritual treasures. Well, although this long sword is of a high level, it is a magic weapon after all. In order to exert its power, it must rely on cultivation. A person who has just entered the early stage of Yuanying can defeat the giant in the middle stage of Yuanying with the powerful magic weapon. Ling, but it can never be so easy.

Lang Xing held Kaokawa, pointed the blade at Mang Ling, looked at him with a gloomy look and said, "You also scolded me just now. There must be an explanation. Do you dare to accept the challenge?"

Mang Ling's eyes narrowed, and he looked at Lang Xing without daring to say a word. He knew that he was not much stronger than Ju Ling, and if he went up to fight alone, he would only be asking for trouble. ??

Su Wan came over to smooth things over and said, "The duel has been over, let's put the grudge behind us. You go and heal Ju Ling."

Mang Ling wished he could use this step to take people away, but Lang Xing stared at Mang Ling reluctantly and said, "It's not that cheap. Let's forget about this fat man. You must settle the account for insulting me."

Lang Xing's attitude annoyed the people of the Junlu Sect, most of whom were disciples of Baise Peak. Master Lu Puzi was derailed by Lang Xing. When they saw Lang Xing, their eyes would turn red, but Photographed by Master Yu's strict orders and fear of this man's ferocious spirit treasure, they did not have an attack. At this moment, despite winning the victory, Langxing also hit the giant Ling with a knife and severely injured him, but he was still looking for Mang Ling's hand. Trouble, this is going too far.

These people felt that Lang Xing was bullying others too much.

I also think they went too far in bullying. As a great monk in the late Nascent Soul stage, Lu Puzi was cruel to Bai Xiang who had no cultivation. This is not justified in any way. He also cost innocent Xue Ling his life. He only crippled Lu Puzi. He felt that Puzi's path was far from enough. He just didn't want to cause more troubles so he could bear it. Now these people came to blackmail Su Wan and even insulted him. If he didn't teach these people a lesson, how could he be worthy of his status? It's a matter of skill.

Mang Ling, who couldn't get off the stage, frowned and said to Lang Xing, "If you want to provoke our Junlu Sect, we will help you!"

Lang Xing said with a sneer on his face, "I challenge you because you scolded me. If you dare to stand up and drag others with you, that's what a coward does."


"You're just a brat!"

"I scolded you too, little brat! What did you do to us!"

"Little boy! Little boy! Damn bastard little boy!"

Five or six people from the Junlu Sect began to curse, and they all could see that Mang Ling could not fight this matter alone, they had to do it together.

"You are looking for death! Leave quickly!" Su Wan pointed at the group of people and stamped her feet anxiously.

"I belong to your grandma!" Lu Gang rushed forward with a big blood-iron stick, and a blue light circled rapidly above his head. It was a spiritual treasure, the spiritual treasure left to Lang Xing without a soul.

Shu Yan followed closely behind Lu Gang, activating the defensive treasure Tianping to protect Lu Gang. The sky screen was brought to her by Lang Xing from Yuchan's treasure house.

Jiangxiao held Xuan'a sword and rushed to Lang Xing's side. She didn't urge Xuan'a to move. This spiritual treasure was of the highest quality. She didn't want others to know the power of this treasure until the last moment.

"Lu Gang! Back off!" Lang Xing shouted, his face already a bit ferocious. With so many people scolding him, his anger had reached the top of his head.

Lu Gang would not listen to Lang Xing's shouts, but he suddenly felt the huge danger coming from behind, which made him involuntarily duck to the side. When he turned around to look, he saw Brother Zhui'er staring at him with a fierce look on his face. Behind the group of disciples of the Junlu Sect, a phantom that was hundreds of feet tall rose up behind him. War clouds rolled in the phantom, and rolling clouds also gathered in the sky. The momentum was like the arrival of a god of death.

Most of Lu Gang's murderous aura was immediately released, and he completely understood that his brother did not need his help anymore.

"Who else? Who else wants to scold you!" Lang Xing asked through gritted teeth, a hideous grin curling up at the corner of his mouth.

Qiancheng Mansion is a spiritual treasure that can kill Huayu monks. Under the powerful pressure exuded by the shadow hundreds of feet high, all the disciples of the Junlu Sect did not dare to move. They all looked frightened and died. He activated the body-protecting divine light to resist the terrifying pressure.

Su Wan rushed in front of the Junlu Sect disciples, looked at Lang Xing with pleading eyes and said, "If you kill them, you won't be able to gain a foothold in Nanjingzhou. Lang Xing, I beg you, don't act impulsively, they are not worth it." You do this!"

"Get out of the way." Lang Xing pointed his finger at Su Wan, leading the huge shadow behind him to slowly push towards the disciples of the Junlu Sect.

"Lang Xing! If you insist on doing this, kill me too!" Su Wan put away her spiritual treasure and protective light, and also pointed at Lang Xing. Although she did not have any magic power to show her prestige, her face The aura on her pretty face is no weaker than that of Lang Xing, and the jade finger pointing at Lang Xing is even more straight and firm.

s: Thank you to Senior Brother Jiy for your monthly ticket, and Senior Brother Da Tiantian for becoming the master of this book. After Lang Xing dodged the axe, he did not rush forward, but stood there urging Saikawa to slash directly at the giant feather three hundred feet away. The sword light emitted by Saikawa was golden on the outside and black on the inside. The awn was only about a foot wide, and inside was a dark light filled with the aura of death. The place where the two rays of light met intertwined like canine teeth, and the black light seemed to penetrate through, forming countless sharp thorns like needle-pointed wheat awns.

Ju Ling was shocked by the ax chop in the air. The opponent's movement was so fast that he couldn't believe it. Although the people from Baise Peak had just reminded him that this person had weird movement, he didn't expect that this movement could be so fast. , and the other party is not only fast in movement, but also moves the treasure at an astonishing speed. How can a monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul do this?

Kaokawa's speed is not slow in the first place, and Lang Xing can burst out with a cultivation level that is not weaker than that of Yuanying in the later stage. If he uses all his strength, Ju Ling will not know how he died until he dies. Lang Xing doesn't want to be overly exposed. His own secret, so this sword was only struck with the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

Ju Ling didn't have time to dodge this sharp blow, and he didn't even have the time to activate the defensive treasures, because he had no preparation at all, so he could only hold on to the protective divine light and carry it.

The golden sword light struck the purple-red protective flash, bursting out with a dazzling light. Only Langxing could see clearly. When the golden sword light collapsed, the black sword light cut through the opponent's protective shield like tofu. With the physical light, he hurriedly took back Saikawa. He was not very familiar with this treasure, and the fat man was not as resistant as he expected. He also did not want to kill anyone.

Ju Ling's huge body fell from the air, but because Lang Xing took back Saikawa in time, although he suffered heavy injuries, he did not fall to the ground. In extreme panic, he tried his best to gather some scattered souls. He was so disoriented that he ran back.

It would be better if he didn't run away. Lang Xing would not care about him anymore if he fell to the ground. Seeing that he could still run away, Lang Xing hurriedly urged Saikawa to hit him again. After the sword hit Ju Ling, he flew away again. He couldn't get up, and he fell straight to the ground with blood spurting from his mouth.

Several disciples of the Junlu Sect rushed down and snatched the giant feather back. This time, the eyes of the Junlu Sect's gang showed panic. They finally realized that the boy opposite was not just relying on his body skills and spiritual treasures. Well, although this long sword is of a high level, it is a magic weapon after all. In order to exert its power, it must rely on cultivation. A person who has just entered the early stage of Yuanying can defeat the giant in the middle stage of Yuanying with the powerful magic weapon. Ling, but it can never be so easy.

Lang Xing held Kaokawa, pointed the blade at Mang Ling, looked at him with a gloomy look and said, "You scolded me just now, and there must be an explanation. Do you dare to accept the challenge?"

Mang Ling's eyes narrowed, and he looked at Lang Xing without daring to say a word. He knew that he was not much stronger than Ju Ling, and if he went up to fight alone, he would only be asking for trouble.

Su Wan came over to smooth things over and said, "The duel has been over, let's put the grudge behind us. You go and heal Ju Ling."

Mang Ling wished he could use this step to take people away, but Lang Xing stared at Mang Ling reluctantly and said, "It's not that cheap. Let's forget about this fat man. You must settle the account for insulting me."

Lang Xing's attitude annoyed the people of the Junlu Sect, most of whom were disciples of Baise Peak. Master Lu Puzi was derailed by Lang Xing. When they saw Lang Xing, their eyes would turn red, but Photographed by Master Yu's strict orders and fear of this man's ferocious spirit treasure, they did not have an attack. At this moment, despite winning the victory, Langxing also hit Ju Ling with a knife to seriously injure him, but he was still looking for Mang Ling's hand. Trouble, this is going too far.

These people felt that Lang Xing was bullying others too much.

I also think they went too far in bullying. As a great monk in the late Nascent Soul stage, Lu Puzi was cruel to Bai Xiang who had no cultivation. This is not justified in any way. He also cost innocent Xue Ling his life. He only crippled Lu Puzi. He felt that Puzi's path was far from enough. He just didn't want to cause more troubles so he could bear it. Now these people came to blackmail Su Wan and even insulted him. If he didn't teach these people a lesson, how could he be worthy of his status? It's a matter of skill.

Mang Ling, who couldn't get off the stage, frowned and said to Lang Xing, "If you want to provoke our Junlu Sect, we will help you!"

Lang Xing said with a sneer on his face, "I challenge you because you scolded me. If you dare to stand up and drag others with you, that's what a coward does."


"You're just a brat!"

"I scolded you too, little brat! What did you do to us!"

"Little boy! Little boy! Damn bastard little boy!"

Five or six people from the Junlu Sect began to curse, and they all could see that Mang Ling could not fight this matter alone, they had to do it together.

"You are looking for death! Leave quickly!" Su Wan pointed at the group of people and stamped her feet anxiously.

"I belong to your grandma!" Lu Gang rushed forward with a big blood-iron stick, and a blue light circled rapidly above his head. It was a spiritual treasure, the spiritual treasure left to Lang Xing without a soul.

Shu Yan followed closely behind Lu Gang, activating the defensive treasure Tianping to protect Lu Gang. The sky screen was brought to her by Lang Xing from Yuchan's treasure house.

Jiangxiao held Xuan'a sword and rushed to Lang Xing's side. She didn't urge Xuan'a to move. This spiritual treasure was of the highest quality. She didn't want others to know the power of this treasure until the last moment.

"Lu Gang! Back off!" Lang Xing shouted, his face already a bit ferocious. With so many people scolding him, his anger had reached the top of his head.

Lu Gang would not listen to Lang Xing's shouts, but he suddenly felt the huge danger coming from behind, which made him involuntarily duck to the side. When he turned around to look, he saw Brother Zhui'er staring at him with a fierce look on his face. Behind the group of disciples of the Junlu Sect, a phantom that was hundreds of feet tall rose up behind him. War clouds rolled in the phantom, and rolling clouds also gathered in the sky. The momentum was like the arrival of a god of death.

Most of Lu Gang's murderous aura was immediately released, and he completely understood that his brother did not need his help anymore.

"Who else? Who else wants to scold you!" Lang Xing asked through gritted teeth, a hideous grin curling up at the corner of his mouth.

Qiancheng Mansion is a spiritual treasure that can kill Huayu monks. Under the powerful pressure exuded by the shadow hundreds of feet high, all the disciples of the Junlu Sect did not dare to move. They all looked frightened and died. He activated the body-protecting divine light to resist the terrifying pressure.

Su Wan rushed in front of the Junlu Sect disciples, looked at Lang Xing with pleading eyes and said, "If you kill them, you won't be able to gain a foothold in Nanjingzhou. Lang Xing, I beg you, don't act impulsively, they are not worth it." You do this!"

"Get out of the way." Lang Xing pointed his finger at Su Wan, leading the huge shadow behind him to slowly push towards the disciples of the Junlu Sect.

"Lang Xing! If you insist on doing this, kill me too!" Su Wan put away her spiritual treasure and protective light, and also pointed at Lang Xing. Although she did not have any magic power to show her prestige, her face The aura on her pretty face is no weaker than that of Lang Xing, and the jade finger pointing at Lang Xing is even more straight and firm.

s: Thank you to Senior Brother Jiy for your monthly ticket, and Senior Brother Da Tiantian for becoming the master of this book.

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