Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2003 Brothers embracing each other

Langxing stopped, pointed at the people who had scolded him, and squeezed out words through his teeth: "Come out, take a stab from me and I will spare your lives. If you miss this opportunity, you will die and no one will run." No more!”

Su Wan immediately stepped aside after hearing this. She didn't want to fall out with Lang Xing. In her opinion, Lang Xing's request was not excessive. She could no longer stop Lang Xing. If these people still didn't know good from good, it would be their fate. That's about it.

The few people who had scolded Lang Xing looked at each other, and no one wanted to be the first to stand up. This was not only a matter of face, but the most important thing was that they didn't know how hard this kid would go. If he wanted to speak, he wouldn't be able to speak. Come to think of it, they were all pointing at others' noses and scolding them in an aggressive manner just now. They were all hot-blooded men once, and they know very well how powerful and reckless the anger can be at a young age.

Mang Ling was the first to bear the brunt of the idea of ​​fighting to the death. As the instigator of the whole thing, he knew that standing up and getting stabbed would not have good results, so he resisted the strong pressure from Qiancheng Mansion and turned his wrist to try to kill him. Shoot out the three-color pill in your hand, and the person who is hit by this three-poison pill will faint immediately. As long as it can explode in front of this kid, no matter how powerful he is, it will be difficult to resist.

Just when the Three Poison Pills were about to take action, Lang Xing frowned, and a gray shadow suddenly shot out from the rolling clouds between the two giant pillars behind him. It was the shadow of a sharp arrow, but with these A person's cultivation level cannot clearly see the shape of the sharp arrow. He only felt a flash of gray shadow, and Mang Ling let out a scream, and the hand that was cut off from the wrist fell down together with the Three Poison Pills.

"Who else wants to take action!" Lang Xing's expression became more ferocious, and his eyes became more and more violent.

Su Wan anxiously said to the Yunlu sect, "If you don't want to die, stand up quickly. He won't be able to control himself!"

Everyone could see that Lang Xing was about to lose control. A person who had scolded Lang Xing stood up with a gloomy expression. The furious Lang Xing urged Saikawa to slash him with a knife, causing him to fall.

"I didn't scold..." A timid man was about to collapse and backed away as he spoke.

"I didn't curse either..." There was a first one, then a second one, and another one stepped back.

These two are in the early stages of Nascent Soul cultivation, and the pressure of Qiancheng Mansion alone is enough to scare them out of fear.

The rest of the people who didn't scold him slowly backed away. We can't blame them for not caring about their friendship. Seeing that this kid is going crazy, if we wait any longer, there will be no good results for everyone. It's better to let those few people get stabbed first. It was already struggling to fly. It seemed that this kid wasn't too cruel.

The two-color sword light flashed over the several exposed Junlu Sect disciples one after another. In the burst of light, several Junlu Sect mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivators screamed and fell down. .

Langxing took over the Qiancheng Mansion and stared at the group of people with lingering anger. The most powerful people were severely injured. Although the other party took over the spiritual treasure, the remaining people were also injured. The fighting spirit was gone, and everyone looked at Lang Xing with horrified eyes. No one dared to move. Those who were chopped down were forced to fly up. They didn't escape. They had already been knifed. I don't think there will be another one. Trouble is, as people who have lived for thousands of years, they all know that it is impossible to go like this.

Sure enough, Jiang Xiao said on behalf of Lang Xing, "Let's all make an oath. Anyone who tells what happened today will have his heart broken forever."

As soon as these words came out, the disciples of the Junlu Sect who had been well prepared poured out their oaths one after another, and even Ju Ling, who was the most seriously injured, held on and swore an oath.

Wait until these people are all standing

After making the oath, Su Wan urged, "Let's go quickly. Find a place to recover from your injuries before returning to the master. Don't let this hatred get deeper and deeper."

Langxing moved his lips, wanting Mang Ling to hand over the three thousand Yuan Yingshi, but thinking that it would be too bullying, he swallowed the words. He was almost angry. It was not him who made such a fuss. As expected, if Su Wan hadn't sacrificed his life to stop him just now, even if he didn't kill these people, he would have ruined the path of several people. In that case, he would definitely regret it even more now.

After winning the fight and getting out of his anger, Langxing stood silently with a bored look on his face. Although he didn't feel that he had done anything wrong, he didn't feel that there was anything to enjoy. Instead, he felt that it was quite boring.

Jiangxiao came over and said with spiritual thought, "I heard from Su Wan that you returned to Puyunzhou? Why didn't you tell me? Where did you get this new spiritual treasure?"

Langxing sent back his thoughts and said, "I'm sorry that Master left in a hurry and didn't have time to say hello to you. Master has disappeared. This treasure was given by Second Senior Sister."

"Oh." Jiangxiao patted Langxing's arm to express comfort.

Lang Xing flew in front of Lu Gang and nodded to Lu Gang with true feelings in his eyes. Just now Lu Gang had to fight those people for him. This brotherly love cannot be expressed in words.

Lu Gang was half pleased and half scornful and said, "You have really become a great monk. We don't need to protect you anymore."

Lang Xing pursed his lips and stepped forward to hug Lu Gang. This made Lu Gang stiffen, and then he hugged Lang Xing with all his strength. The two brothers had not been so close to each other for many years. As each other grew up, , the differences in concepts are getting bigger and bigger, and the gap in cultivation is getting wider and wider. Both of them know that the gap is deepening. This hug brings the two people's hearts together again. No matter what, they are willing to fight for each other. brother!

When Shu Yan saw the two people hugging each other, her eyes were red with joy. She was most afraid that the two would go further and further apart. She thought that this time Lang Xing would blame Lu Gang for rushing around and not listening to him. Then It was time for the two brothers to quarrel again, but she never expected that Langxing would take the initiative to hug Lu Gang. She felt so relieved and happy.

After the two separated, Lang Xing said to Lu Gang and Shu Yan, "You go back first. I will tell you something later."

Jiangxiao waved to Lu Gang and Shu Yan knowingly and led them back to the Xuanfang Sect.

Langxing glanced at Su Wan, and then cast his gaze into the distance. He didn't know what to say to Su Wan. He was indeed so angry that he couldn't control himself just now, and he was called a brat by ordinary people. He felt that Quite shameless.

Su Wanfei came to Lang Xing, looked at him with calm and sincere eyes and said, "You handled this matter very appropriately. Thank you for removing me and the Xuanfang Sect from this grudge."

Lang Xing frowned slightly and said, "Do you really think so?"

Su Wan nodded seriously and said, "They are here to blackmail. They are just using their power to bully others. If our Xuanfang sect is a big sect, they would not dare to do this. If I had your ability, I would teach them a lesson. This group of people should Lesson, I stepped forward to stop you because I was afraid that you might cause trouble."

Lang Xing's heart suddenly brightened up, and he smiled and said, "Thank you for stopping me, otherwise I might have been cruel."

"You only have so much ability and a bad temper." Su Wan said with a hint of teasing.

"It's not that I have a bad temper, it's..." Lang Xing stopped talking in the middle of his sentence.

Su Wan smiled and said, "You have a bad temper, but I can't blame you. Why are you still a child?" Lang Xing stopped, pointed at the people who had scolded him, and squeezed it through his teeth. The words came out: "Come out, take a stab from me and I will spare your lives. If you miss this opportunity, you will die. No one can escape!"

Su Wan immediately stepped aside after hearing this. She didn't want to fall out with Lang Xing. In her opinion, Lang Xing's request was not excessive. She could no longer stop Lang Xing. If these people still didn't know good from good, it would be their fate. That's about it.

The few people who had scolded Lang Xing looked at each other, and no one wanted to be the first to stand up. This was not only a matter of face, but the most important thing was that they didn't know how hard this kid would go. If he wanted to speak, he wouldn't be able to speak. Come to think of it, they were all pointing at others' noses and scolding them in an aggressive manner just now. They were all hot-blooded men once, and they know very well how powerful and reckless the anger can be at a young age.

Mang Ling was the first to bear the brunt of the idea of ​​fighting to the death. As the instigator of the whole thing, he knew that standing up and getting stabbed would not have good results, so he resisted the strong pressure from Qiancheng Mansion and turned his wrist to try to kill him. Shoot out the three-color pill in your hand, and the person who is hit by this three-poison pill will faint immediately. As long as it can explode in front of this kid, no matter how powerful he is, it will be difficult to resist.

Just when the Three Poison Pills were about to take action, Lang Xing frowned, and a gray shadow suddenly shot out from the rolling clouds between the two giant pillars behind him. It was the shadow of a sharp arrow, but with these A person's cultivation level cannot clearly see the shape of the sharp arrow. He only felt a flash of gray shadow, and Mang Ling let out a scream, and the hand that was cut off from the wrist fell down together with the Three Poison Pills.

"Who else wants to take action!" Lang Xing's expression became more ferocious, and his eyes became more and more violent.

Su Wan anxiously said to the Yunlu sect, "If you don't want to die, stand up quickly. He won't be able to control himself!"

Everyone could see that Lang Xing was about to lose control. A person who had scolded Lang Xing stood up with a gloomy expression. The furious Lang Xing urged Saikawa to slash him with a knife, causing him to fall.

"I didn't scold..." A timid man was about to collapse and backed away as he spoke.

"I didn't curse either..." There was a first one, then a second one, and another one stepped back.

These two were in the early stages of Nascent Soul cultivation, and the coercion of Qiancheng Mansion alone was enough to frighten their courage.

The rest of the people who didn't scold him slowly backed away. We can't blame them for not caring about their friendship. Seeing that this kid is going crazy, if we wait any longer, there will be no good results for everyone. It's better to let those few people get stabbed first. It was already struggling to fly. It seemed that this kid wasn't too cruel.

The two-color sword light flashed over the several exposed Junlu Sect disciples one after another. In the burst of light, several Junlu Sect mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivators screamed and fell down. .

Langxing took over the Qiancheng Mansion and stared at the group of people with lingering anger. The most powerful people were seriously injured. Although the other party took over the spiritual treasure, the remaining people were also injured. The fighting spirit was gone, and everyone looked at Lang Xing with horrified eyes. No one dared to move. Those who were chopped down were forced to fly up. They didn't escape. They had already been knifed. I don't think there will be another one. Trouble is, as people who have lived for thousands of years, they all know that it is impossible to go like this.

Sure enough, Jiang Xiao said on behalf of Lang Xing, "Let's all make an oath. Anyone who tells what happened today will have his heart broken forever."

As soon as these words came out, the disciples of the Junlu Sect who had been well prepared poured out their oaths one after another, and even Ju Ling, who was the most seriously injured, held on and swore an oath.

Wait until all these people stand up

After making the oath, Su Wan urged, "Let's go quickly. Find a place to recover from your injuries before returning to the master. Don't let this hatred get deeper and deeper."

Langxing moved his lips, wanting Mang Ling to hand over the three thousand Yuan Yingshi, but thinking that it would be too bullying, he swallowed the words. He was almost angry. It was not him who made such a fuss. As expected, if Su Wan hadn't sacrificed his life to stop him just now, even if he didn't kill these people, he would have ruined the path of several people. In that case, he would definitely regret it even more now.

After winning the fight and getting out of his anger, Langxing stood silently with a bored look on his face. Although he didn't feel that he had done anything wrong, he didn't feel that there was anything to enjoy. Instead, he felt that it was quite boring.

Jiangxiao came over and said with spiritual thought, "I heard Su Wan said you returned to Puyunzhou? Why didn't you tell me? Where did you get this new spiritual treasure?"

Langxing sent back his thoughts and said, "I'm sorry that Master left in a hurry and didn't have time to say hello to you. Master has disappeared. This treasure was given by Second Senior Sister."

"Oh." Jiangxiao patted Langxing's arm to express comfort.

Lang Xing flew in front of Lu Gang and nodded to Lu Gang with true feelings in his eyes. Just now Lu Gang had to fight those people to death for him. This brotherly love cannot be expressed in words.

Lu Gang was half pleased and half scornful and said, "You have really become a great monk. We don't need to protect you anymore."

Lang Xing pursed his lips and stepped forward to hug Lu Gang. This made Lu Gang stiffen, and then he hugged Lang Xing with all his strength. The two brothers had not been so close to each other for many years. As each other grew up, , the differences in concepts are getting bigger and bigger, and the gap in cultivation is getting wider and wider. Both of them know that the gap is deepening. This hug brings the two people's hearts together again. No matter what, they are willing to fight for each other. brother!

When Shu Yan saw the two people hugging each other, her eyes were red with joy. She was most afraid that the two would get further and further apart. She thought that this time Lang Xing would blame Lu Gang for rushing around and not listening to him. Then It was time for the two brothers to quarrel again. She never expected that Langxing would take the initiative to hug Lu Gang. She felt so relieved and happy.

After the two separated, Lang Xing said to Lu Gang and Shu Yan, "You go back first. I will tell you something later."

Jiangxiao waved to Lu Gang and Shu Yan knowingly and led them back to the Xuanfang Sect.

Langxing glanced at Su Wan, and then cast his gaze into the distance. He didn't know what to say to Su Wan. He was indeed so angry that he couldn't control himself just now, and he was called a brat by ordinary people. He felt that Quite shameless.

Su Wanfei came to Lang Xing, looked at him with calm and sincere eyes and said, "You handled this matter very appropriately. Thank you for removing me and the Xuanfang Sect from this grudge."

Lang Xing frowned slightly and said, "Do you really think so?"

Su Wan nodded seriously and said, "They are here to blackmail. They are just using their power to bully others. If our Xuanfang sect is a big sect, they would not dare to do this. If I had your ability, I would teach them a lesson. This group of people should Lesson, I stepped forward to stop you because I was afraid that you might cause trouble."

Lang Xing's heart suddenly brightened up, and he smiled and said, "Thank you for stopping me, otherwise I might have been cruel."

"You only have so much ability and a bad temper." Su Wan said with a hint of teasing.

"It's not that I have a bad temper, it's..." Lang Xing stopped talking in the middle of his sentence.

Su Wan smiled and said, "I have a bad temper, but I can't blame you. Why are you still a child?"

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