Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2004 Give me your spiritual treasure

"You!" She pointed at Su Wan with a dumbfounded finger. Su Wan's deliberately irritating and charming way made him feel lifeless, so she had to laugh it off.

Su Wan immediately changed her considerate expression and warned, "Don't be so angry with ordinary people in the future. How can Longteng Jiutian care about the barking of jackals? They are not worth your attention at all. If you care too much about them, you will just stop." It fell from the sky."

Lang Xing was so pleased with the praise that he pretended not to take it seriously and said, "I am not a Dragon of Nine Heavens, and I don't want to enter Nine Heavens. Since I live in the same world as this group of people, we can only deal with each other. From now on, I Just stop fussing with them.”

Regarding Lang Xing's lack of ambition, Su Wan was no longer eager to change her mind, so she changed the topic and asked, "How is the senior you went to visit?"

"The immortal has disappeared." Lang Xing shook his head and said he didn't want to say more.

"Oh, what about Xiang'er?"

"I left her with a friend. I'll go back and take care of her after I finish dealing with things here. Has Tianqing been here?"

"No." At the mention of Tianqing, Su Wan's heart became heavy. If Langxing's suspicion about Tianqing was right, Tianqing would be such a disappointment to her. If Langxing was wrong, Tianqing would be disappointed at this moment. Save them and get into danger.

"I thought of something." Langxing showed the images of Tianqing, Yuanqing and the old man side by side, "Do you think they are very similar? Not to mention Tianqing and Yuanqing, so is the old man. As handsome and elegant as they are, I suspect that the three of them came from the same school."

Su Wan stared at the three images and muttered, "To say that the images are indeed somewhat similar, but based on this, it is concluded that they came from the same school... It is a bit conjecture. It is okay to have such doubts, but Yuanqing has broken his arm." How should we explain this? It will affect the path of cultivation, and it is impossible to spend such a large amount of money on it."

Yuanqing's broken arm was a hurdle that couldn't be overcome, and Langxing couldn't give a reasonable guess. He glanced at the Xuanfang sect and said, "While Xiyang is still there,

In retreat, I want to go look for that old thing again and settle this debt. "

Su Wan bit her lips in confusion. She wanted to rescue Tianqing as soon as possible, but she was afraid of messing up the matter. She was also worried about Lang Xing's safety.

Lang Xing said in a calm tone, "I won't deliberately embarrass Tianqing. If you are worried, you can go with me."

Su Wan looked at Lang Xing with complicated emotions and said, "Lang Xing, I believe you. In this matter, I am not only worried about Tianqing, but also worried about you. I hope you can stand in my position and think about this." The problem is, until there is no real evidence to prove that Tian Qing has evil intentions, I can only think that he was willing to stay with the old man to save us. I hope you can understand my feelings. "

Lang Xing nodded openly, "I can understand. I don't like Tianqing. I can't find fault with him, let alone you. So if he really has a problem, I hope he can expose it in front of you." Him, this will avoid any misunderstandings.”

Su Wan looked sideways at Yuanshan and asked, "To repay Xun Yi's favor?"

Lang Xing said with a slight embarrassment, "It used to be, but now we are friends in need. I don't have to worry about others, but I have to help you confirm whether there is anything wrong with Tianqi."

"That's pretty much it." Su Wan smiled lightly with satisfaction,

Langxing took out the Phoenix Spirit Hairpin and handed it over and said, "I promised to get you a better spiritual treasure. You saw it just now. I have a better one, so I'll give you this one."

"This is not possible." Su Wan had seen the power of the Phoenix Ling Hairpin and shook her head resolutely, "I accept it with good intentions, but it is too valuable and I can never accept it."

Langxing imitated the way she had just looked sideways at the distant mountains, and used her photograph to

He asked in the same tone, "We don't have such a deep friendship?"

Su Wan smiled and said, "Don't be upset. We really don't have such a deep friendship. Thank you very much. I appreciate your kindness."

Langxing turned his gaze back, looked at her with a smile and said, "Then I'll lend it to you first. If you go to Tianqing and the others, your broken spirit treasure will be of no use. I'll give you more power to protect yourself." It will save you some trouble.”

Su Wan rolled her eyes at him and was too lazy to talk to him. Spiritual treasures need to be refined. How can this thing be borrowed?

"What's wrong?" Langxing asked in confusion, and then he understood. He waved, "Come." After saying that, he fell into a valley below.

Amelia Su followed without knowing why.

"Give me your spiritual treasure." Lang Xing stretched out his hand.

"What are you doing?" Su Wan handed him her purple gold bracelet hesitantly.

Langxing pinched the thin purple gold bracelet and closed her eyes. Not long after, the bracelet flashed purple brilliance, and Su Wan's eyes widened in surprise.

Langxing handed the purple gold bracelet back to her and said with a hint of pride, "Didn't Jiangxiao tell you that I'm good at dealing with spiritual beasts and spiritual objects? I can help you quickly melt the Phoenix Spirit Hairpin for up to three or two months." That’s fine, just give it back to me when you’re done with it.”

"Three or two months?!" Su Wan stared at him with wide eyes in disbelief.

Lang Xing's heartbeat quickened and he avoided her gaze. Back then, Xun Yi's greatest joy every time he presented treasures to Su Wan was to see her surprised expression. That feeling seemed to be left in the bottom of Lang Xing's heart.

"Let's try it. Do you want to put this treasure aside? It's worth it just to experience this kind of experience. I won't force you to refuse. After all, we don't have such a deep friendship." Lang Xing stabilized his mind. Jokingly, he handed the Fengling hairpin to Su Wan again.

\u003e Su Wan bit her cherry lips and looked at the shiny phoenix hairpin. Her breasts rose and her cheeks were red, and her hesitant look was really moving.

"Forget it then." Langxing's hand holding Feng Ling hairpin pulled back.

Su Wan quickly snatched away the Fengling Hairpin, stared at Lang Xing with embarrassment and said angrily, "If you dare to lie to me, I won't let you go!"

Lang Xing laughed, and Su Wan waved her palm at Lang Xing in shame. She knew in her heart that Lang Xing definitely didn't lie to her.

"Can I really use such a powerful spiritual treasure?" Su Wan asked dubiously.

Lang Xing explained, "This is a spiritual treasure that can only be activated by the late Yuan Ying's cultivation. It is definitely difficult for you and me to bring out its full power, but it is impossible to launch a blow relying on the spiritual power contained in the spiritual treasure itself." The problem is, I will let the weapon spirit exert the power of this attack to its full potential, so after sending a blow in the battle, you should ignore this spiritual treasure, and it will be difficult to activate it again. "

Su Wan asked curiously, "Can you use it to launch continuous attacks?"

Lang Xing rolled his eyes and confessed, "I can control the intensity of each attack at will, so when dealing with weaker enemies, I can use it to attack continuously, but when encountering strong enemies, I can only give up after one attack." It’s gone.”

"Your magical power is really incredible." Su Wan had the same idea as Zhixia did at the beginning. This kid himself is a monster with secrets. Understanding this kid may be more important than understanding anything else.

"Let me help you get familiar with the spirit treasure first, and then you can melt it according to the method of melting the spirit treasure." Langxing finished speaking and took the Phoenix Spirit Hairpin.

Su Wan seriously declared, "I'm just experiencing it and borrowing it. I don't want this treasure." Before confirming that the other party was the reincarnation of Xun Yi, she didn't want to take advantage of Lang Xing, nor would she take advantage of Tian Qing. With short hands, she couldn't let herself get into a situation where it was difficult to get out.

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