Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2005 He is a confused person

Langxing helped Jiangxiao Rong refine Xuan'a, so he has a lot of experience in this area. For him, it is to introduce a relative and friend to the weapon spirit. When refining Xuan'a, he needs to get familiar with Xuan'a's weapon spirit first, and this The spirit of the Fengling Hairpin has long been familiar with each other, so it is much easier to help Su Wanrong refine the Fengling Hairpin than last time.

After sending Su Wan to start melting, he went to see Lu Gang and Shu Yan.

After the three of them sat in a circle, Shu Yan took the lead in extending his hand to the two of them. Lu Gang waved his hand to Shu Yan, and then extended his hand to Lang Xing, "Show me that treasure of yours."

"Be careful." Langxing took out the Qiancheng Mansion and handed it to him, took Shu Yan's outstretched hand and secretly asked, "What are the gains from this retreat?"

Shu Yan nodded happily and said, "The benefits are endless. That Qiankun bag is so magical. I have to go in and continue to understand."

"No problem, you can go in whenever you want. It's our own thing."

Shu Yan looked at Lang Xing with admiring eyes, "Zhui'er, you are so awesome, and you are getting more and more awesome, so you can handle a lot of people in the middle stage of Nascent Soul. I almost don’t know you anymore. Please stay with us for a while when you have time. I’m really afraid that we will become unfamiliar.”

Lang Xing said apologetically, "I have been too busy these years to spend more time with you."

Shu Yan shook her head and said, "You have taken good care of us. I know you are a promising person and you should be busy. You just need to take some time to chat with us and let us know a little bit about you. That way We don’t have to worry about it. If Lu Gang knew how powerful you were, he wouldn’t rush forward today. Don’t blame him for causing trouble, he only wants to help you. "

Lang Xing felt a little uncomfortable, "What are you talking about? How could I think he was causing trouble? I know he wants to help me."

Shu Yan bit her lip and said, "I know that the fact that he caused Hei Si to be injured must have caused you a lot of trouble and a lot of things and favors. He himself feels that he owes you a lot. You know him." "He will definitely not apologize to you. Don't argue with him. I will thank you on his behalf and apologize to you."

Lang Xing frowned in displeasure and said, "If you say that, you are alienated from me. Isn't it natural for me to help him? There is no need for you to thank me. Why don't you come to apologize? When will the three of us be together?" There’s no need for this. If you were more capable than me, wouldn’t you still do your best to take care of me?”

"Alas..." Shu Yan sighed with emotion. She knew that she and Lu Gang would never be able to catch up with this good brother in their lifetimes. The opportunities to repay this good brother were too few and far between.

At this time, Lu Gang handed the Qiancheng Mansion to Shu Yan, then took Lang Xing's hand and asked, "Where did it come from? How can you activate such a powerful treasure?"

Lang Xing calmed down his mood that was a little disturbed by Shu Yan, raised his eyebrows and said directly, "Are you convinced? Will you still show off your bad cultivation to me in the future?"

"Look at how crazy you are!" Lu Gang glanced at Lang Xing boredly.

"Hahahaha..." Lang Xing laughed and said spiritually, "I can't say the origin of the treasure for the time being. It is driven by the magical power of the mind. Over the years, this ability of mine has become stronger and stronger." He roughly said After explaining to Lu Gang, Lu Gang blinked.

"This treasure is

Too strong. "Shu Yan almost threw Qian Chengfu into Lang Xing's arms, and the ray of consciousness she sent in was wiped out.

Langxing put away the Qiancheng Mansion, and the three of them held each other's hands and talked intimately with their spiritual thoughts.

After everything that needed to be explained was finished, Langxing said to the two of them, "I still have some things that I can't say to you now, but it's still a long time. I will definitely have the opportunity to say it in the future. I hope we will never be separated, so I want to tell you the most." The most important thing is to understand why you live, and don't be led by other people or the situation in a confused way. Whether it's the invasion of monsters, the invasion of Puyunzhou, or the destruction of Qianxu Palace, in my opinion, none of these are relevant. Your safety is important."

Having said this, he looked at Lu Gang, "If you need to fight hard, I hope it is something that the three of us agree that we should fight for. Don't fight for irrelevant people. You have to avenge your dead comrades." I can understand, but there has to be a reasonable degree. I can save you two regardless of any consequences. That's because the friendship between the three of us is worth doing. If it were anyone else, they would have to think about it calmly and not be passionate. If you lose your sense of proportion as soon as you come up, you are a fool.”

Lu Gang nodded slightly. Although there was a hint of impatience in his expression, he listened to the words. He was not a confused person and had already reflected on the previous events.

"How much property did you give to Hei Si and Hua Hu?" He had to ask this clearly. Although he might not be able to compensate Zhui'er brothers, he still wanted to have an idea.

"A high-grade spiritual treasure, and some healing elixirs. Hei Si's injuries can be recovered. This is enough to repay their favor. You don't have to worry about this matter anymore. Don't forget about Hua Hu's treatment of you." He has a good attitude. If you think about it from another position, the three of them are brothers and sisters like us. If I am involved and seriously injured, you will definitely be anxious. "

Lu Gang could only nod. The price of a high-grade spiritual treasure was too high, and Hua Hu saved his life. No matter how stupid he was, he couldn't hold grudges against Hua Hu.

"A high-grade spiritual treasure?" Shu Yan also felt that Brother Zhui'er had paid too much and was quite sorry.

Lang Xing sent a spiritual thought to her alone and said, "It doesn't matter. I have several high-grade spiritual treasures. Don't tell Lu Gang. You have to put some pressure on him. You two are not capable of melting powerful spiritual treasures." , I will get one for each of you when you reach the middle stage of Nascent Soul."

Shu Yan didn't know how to express her gratitude to this good brother, and promised, "Zhui'er, you don't have to worry about us all the time. I will give him good advice so that he won't cause you any trouble."

"This matter depends more on you." Lang Xing winked at Shu Yan.

Shu Yan glanced at Lang Xing with some embarrassment.

"What are you two talking about behind my back?" Lu Gang looked at the two of them unhappily.

Langxing let go of their hands, stood up and said, "The monsters didn't get any benefits at Puyunzhou. The army of Qianzonghui also began to regain the lost ground. I think the siege of the division will be lifted soon. We are all worried about this." After a bloody battle, I can say that I have no regrets. Don't think about contributing to the teacher's sect anymore. I still have some things to deal with at the moment. After everything is taken care of, if the siege of the teacher's sect is still not resolved, let's continue for discussion.”

Shu Yan passed a picture to Lang Xing, and at the same time said, "I saw this with my spiritual eyes a few days ago, but I didn't dare to tell Lu Gang." If Lang Xing hadn't said these words, she would have Xingdu won't tell. Langxing helped Jiangxiao Rong refine Xuan'a, so he has a lot of experience in this area. For him, it is to introduce a relative and friend to the weapon spirit. When refining Xuan'a, he needs to get familiar with Xuan'a's weapon spirit first, and this The spirit of the Fengling Hairpin has long been familiar with each other, so it is much easier to help Su Wanrong refine the Fengling Hairpin than last time.

After sending Su Wan to start melting, he went to see Lu Gang and Shu Yan.

After the three of them sat in a circle, Shu Yan took the lead in extending his hand to the two of them. Lu Gang waved his hand to Shu Yan, and then extended his hand to Lang Xing, "Show me that treasure of yours."

"Be careful." Langxing took out the Qiancheng Mansion and handed it to him, took Shu Yan's outstretched hand and secretly asked, "What are the gains from this retreat?"

Shu Yan nodded happily and said, "The benefits are endless. That Qiankun bag is so magical. I have to go in and continue to understand."

"No problem, you can go in whenever you want, it's our own thing."

Shu Yan looked at Lang Xing with admiring eyes, "Zhui'er, you are so awesome, and you are getting more and more awesome, so you can handle a lot of people in the middle stage of Nascent Soul. I almost don’t know you anymore. Please stay with us for a while when you have time. I’m really afraid that we will become unfamiliar.”

Lang Xing said apologetically, "I have been too busy these years to spend more time with you."

Shu Yan shook her head and said, "You have taken good care of us. I know you are a promising person and you should be busy. You just need to take some time to chat with us and let us know a little bit about you. That way We don’t have to worry about it. If Lu Gang knew how powerful you were, he wouldn’t rush forward today. Don’t blame him for causing trouble, he only wants to help you. "

Lang Xing felt a little uncomfortable, "What are you talking about? How could I think he was causing trouble? I know he wants to help me."

Shu Yan bit her lip and said, "I know that the fact that he caused Hei Si to be injured must have caused you a lot of trouble and a lot of things and favors. He himself feels that he owes you a lot. You know him." "He will definitely not apologize to you. Don't argue with him. I will thank you on his behalf and apologize to you."

Lang Xing frowned in displeasure and said, "If you say that, you are alienated from me. Isn't it natural for me to help him? There is no need for you to thank me. Why don't you come to apologize? When will the three of us be together?" There’s no need for this. If you were more capable than me, wouldn’t you still do your best to take care of me?”

"Alas..." Shu Yan sighed with emotion. She knew that she and Lu Gang would never be able to catch up with this good brother in their lifetimes. The opportunities to repay this good brother were too few and far between.

At this time, Lu Gang handed the Qiancheng Mansion to Shu Yan, then took Lang Xing's hand and sent a spiritual message to ask, "Where did it come from? How can you activate such a powerful treasure?"

Lang Xing calmed down his mood that was a little disturbed by Shu Yan, raised his eyebrows and said directly, "Are you convinced? Will you still show off your bad cultivation to me in the future?"

"Look at how crazy you are!" Lu Gang glanced at Lang Xing boredly.

"Hahahaha..." Lang Xing laughed and said spiritually, "I can't say the origin of the treasure for the time being. It is driven by the magical power of the mind. Over the years, this ability of mine has become stronger and stronger." He roughly said After explaining to Lu Gang, Lu Gang blinked.

"This treasure is

Too strong. "Shu Yan almost threw Qian Chengfu into Lang Xing's arms, and the ray of consciousness she sent in was wiped out.

Langxing put away the Qiancheng Mansion, and the three of them held each other's hands and talked intimately with their spiritual thoughts.

After everything that needed to be explained was finished, Langxing said to the two of them, "I still have some things that I can't say to you now, but it's still a long time. I will definitely have the opportunity to say it in the future. I hope we will never be separated, so I want to tell you the most." The most important thing is to understand why you live, and don't be led by other people or the situation in a confused way. Whether it's the invasion of monsters, the invasion of Puyunzhou, or the destruction of Qianxu Palace, in my opinion, none of these are relevant. Your safety is important."

Having said this, he looked at Lu Gang, "If you need to fight hard, I hope it is something that the three of us agree that we should fight for. Don't fight for irrelevant people. You have to avenge your dead comrades." I can understand, but there has to be a reasonable degree. I can save you two regardless of any consequences. That's because the friendship between the three of us is worth doing. If it were anyone else, they would have to think about it calmly and not be passionate. If you lose your sense of proportion as soon as you come up, you are a fool.”

Lu Gang nodded slightly. Although there was a hint of impatience in his expression, he listened to the words. He was not a confused person and had already reflected on the previous events.

"How much property did you give to Hei Si and Hua Hu?" He had to ask this clearly. Although he might not be able to compensate Zhui'er brothers, he still wanted to have an idea.

"A high-grade spiritual treasure, and some healing elixirs. Hei Si's injuries can be recovered. This is enough to repay their favor. You don't have to worry about this matter anymore. Don't forget about Hua Hu's treatment of you." He has a good attitude. If you think about it from another position, the three of them are brothers and sisters like us. If I am involved and seriously injured, you will definitely be anxious. "

Lu Gang could only nod. The price of a high-grade spiritual treasure was too high, and Hua Hu saved his life. No matter how stupid he was, he couldn't hold grudges against Hua Hu.

"A high-grade spiritual treasure?" Shu Yan also felt that Brother Zhui'er had paid too much and was quite sorry.

Lang Xing sent a spiritual thought to her alone and said, "It doesn't matter. I have several high-grade spiritual treasures. Don't tell Lu Gang. You have to put some pressure on him. You two are not capable of melting powerful spiritual treasures." , I will get one for each of you when you reach the middle stage of Nascent Soul."

Shu Yan didn't know how to express her gratitude to this good brother, and promised, "Zhui'er, you don't have to worry about us all the time. I will give him good advice so that he won't cause you any trouble."

"This matter depends more on you." Lang Xing winked at Shu Yan.

Shu Yan glanced at Lang Xing with some embarrassment.

"What are you two talking about behind my back?" Lu Gang looked at the two of them unhappily.

Langxing let go of their hands, stood up and said, "The monsters didn't get any benefits at Puyunzhou. The army of Qianzonghui also began to regain the lost ground. I think the siege of the division will be lifted soon. We are all worried about this." After a bloody battle, I can say that I have no regrets. Don't think about contributing to the teacher's sect anymore. I still have some things to deal with at the moment. After everything is taken care of, if the siege of the teacher's sect is still not resolved, let's continue for discussion.”

Shu Yan passed a picture to Lang Xing, and at the same time said, "I saw this with my spiritual eyes a few days ago, but I didn't dare to tell Lu Gang." If Lang Xing hadn't said these words, she would have Xingdu won't tell.

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