Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2006 I’m too busy to come here

It was an aerial view of the Qianxu Palace. In the picture with the clouds covering the sky and the surging war clouds, it could be clearly seen that Tianliang Mountain, Dilang Mountain, Rilang Mountain and Xinglang Mountain in the Jiulang Mountain of the Qianxu Palace had already fallen. In the hands of the monster, nearly half of the territory of Qianxu Palace was captured.

The three of them were all disciples of Dilangshan. Seeing that the situation in Qianxu Palace was so critical and that Dilangshan had fallen, Langxing couldn't help but tightened his heart and sent a comforting thought to Shu Yan: "Dilangshan Although it was breached, not all of our brothers and sisters may have died. Most of them must have been rescued to other branches. Don't worry too much." He didn't really believe this himself. The real situation must be serious. Most people died, and not many could survive.

Shu Yan had been secretly sad for several days. She was able to control her emotions at this time. In order to prevent Lu Gang from seeing the clues, she remained calm and said nothing.

"Okay, I have to go and have a chat with Sister Jiangxiao. I'll come back to you later." After Lang Xing left, he found a place to calm down and then went to Jiangxiao. Although he could look down on the teacher, as a A disciple of Qianxu Palace can't help but feel heavy when he learns that his master's situation is so bad.

Fortunately, the people closest to him such as Master Hengguan Xianzun, Huaying, and Wendanzi have all left Qianxu Palace. Aunt Xu Shujuan is no longer here. Dilangshan has fallen again. The remaining people are not worthy of his elimination. He returned to the battlefield due to his promise to the great demon cultivator who transformed into a feather.

As soon as Jiangxiao saw Langxing, he reminded him, "Su Wan asked me about your relationship with Zixiao Palace again. This matter is not appropriate to be told to any Nanjingzhou monks. You must be aware of it."

"Yes." Lang Xiao Gong's concern was so intense that it aroused his alertness, but because most of his soul was taken away by others, he didn't want to talk to Jiang Xiao about it, so as not to deepen the discord between Jiang Xiao and Su Wan.

"How powerful can this thing be?" Jiangxiao checked Qiancheng Mansion. Although he didn't throw it directly to Langxing like Shu Yan did, he didn't want to take more and hurriedly threw it away.

The plug was returned to Long Xing.

"It is said that it can inflict heavy damage to Huayu monks." Langxing put Qiancheng Mansion away.

"Can you exert such great power?"

Langxing smiled slightly and did not answer. He felt that even the Feathered Monk might not be better than him in using this treasure, but this was unproven and he didn't want to brag about it.

"You kid!" Jiang Xiao happily punched Lang Xing on the shoulder. Lang Xing finally grew up to the point where she could feel completely relieved. After thousands of years, Xun Yi, who had transformed into Lang Xing, ran in front of them again. She was so happy for this good brother that she wanted to cry.

"Did you give the Fengling hairpin to Su Wan?" Jiangxiao asked, looking at the shining white valley thousands of miles away. She was quite complaining about this.

"I'm just lending it to her temporarily. I don't think this thing is suitable for Xiyang. I'll get another one for Xiyang later when I find a suitable treasure." Lang Xing said a little guilty.

Jiangxiao couldn't express too many complaints anymore and said indifferently, "Li Yan in Xiyang can handle it for a while. I have no intention of fighting for the treasure for him. I don't care about your affairs with Xiyang. I just feel that you just Is it a little too hasty to give her a high-grade spiritual treasure after only a few days of knowing her?" After saying that, she looked at Lang Xing with a mocking look.

Lang Xing said in embarrassment, "It's a loan, not a gift. I want to take her to expose Tianqing's gang, so I use this to help her increase her ability to protect herself."

Jiangxiao became serious and said, "If you want to find Tianqing and the others, you must wait until Xiyang comes out of the customs. Let's go together. Those three people are not easy to mess with."

Lang Xing curled his lips and said, "What are you doing? Are you two trying to cause trouble for me? The other party is at least three great monks in the late Nascent Soul stage. I am busy enough taking care of just one Su Wan.

I have to be busy taking care of the three of you, right? "As he said this, he handed over the two spiritual treasures of Purple Sun Sword and Yiguang, "Open your eyes again. This is what Sixth Senior Brother gave me. Together with Shui Ting Sword and Swallowing Sky, I will connect your Xuan'a. There is no need to bring along the black and black. "

After Jiangxiao took a look at the two spiritual treasures, Langxing showed Tuntian, who had four cloud patterns, and told her how Tuntian had greatly increased his spiritual power after eating the inner elixir of a ten thousand-year-old divine beast.

Jiangxiao was speechless, frowning and saying, "Can you keep busy with so many treasures? I'm really afraid that you'll mess yourself up before you hurt anyone else."

Lang Xing laughed and said, "It's a bit too much, but I'm too busy. Using these spiritual treasures is just a matter of thought. Although I can't activate them continuously, you can withstand this round of strong attacks. Do you think that in this world?" How many people are there?”

Jiangxiao warned with a stern expression, "But after all, your cultivation is still not comparable to that of the great monks in the late Nascent Soul. If someone makes a move first, you won't be able to fight back. You must not be careless, let alone arrogant." Heart."

"Yes, I know." Lang Xing pointed to his protective flash, with an unpredictable smile on his lips, "I also have a magic body with great magical power. Let me tell you good news, I met Sister Minglan. , she said that she had just met with Concubine Chan not long ago, and she was very good, so we don’t have to worry about her anymore.”

"Ming Lan? Where did you meet her?"

"I met her by chance in the wilderness. She's very nice. You don't have to worry about her." Langxing didn't want to talk more about Sister Minglan and brought the topic back, "You can protect Xiyang here and help me by the way." To take care of Lu Gang and Shu Yan, you have to be on guard against the Junlu faction coming to cause trouble again. If they do come, don't make trouble with them. Su Wan and I are both here, so they can't make trouble if they want to. ”

Jiangxiao stopped talking. She was not worried about the Yunlu sect. As Lang Xing said, Su Wan and Lang It’s Su

Wan and Langxing are entangled, and she can no longer separate these two people.

With the help of Lang Xing, Su Wan was able to use the Feng Ling Hairpin in just over a month. With her cultivation level, she could launch the second attack after a brief pause. The Feng Ling Hairpin in her hand was comparable to It's much more useful in Long Xing's hands.

"It's done! It's almost done at this point." After Su Wan urged the Feng Ling Hairpin to launch an attack, Lang Xing said proudly.

There was not much joy on Su Wan's face. She frowned slightly and thought about this incredible thing. With her cultivation in the middle stage of Yuanying, it took just over a month to melt a spiritual treasure that could only be used in the late stage of Yuanying. This was another A thing that subverts cognition, the cognition of cultivating the world in front of talent is simply not worth showing off.

"I need some retreat."

"Ah?" Lang Xing was looking forward to another long trip with Su Wan as soon as possible, but he didn't expect that Su Wan would be forced to go into seclusion.

"I need to retreat for a while." Su Wan repeated apologetically, and then asked a little embarrassedly, "It's best to be in your Qiankun bag. I'm afraid that if it breaks through, the Xuanfang sect's spiritual energy will definitely It’s not enough to support.”

"Oh..." Langxing took out the small crescent moon given by the second senior sister and said in deep thought, "You can't stay in that space for too long. It's not suitable for long-term retreat. I'll try to transform it. If it doesn't work, I'll take you there." Qingyuan Sect, ask them to borrow a place."

Su Wan shook her head and said, "There is no need to ask you to take advantage of this favor. If Qiankun Bag doesn't work, I can find someone to borrow a place in a broken situation." She has traveled around the world in search of Yi's reincarnation over the years. Fang, I know quite a few people.

"We'll talk about it later, just wait for me here." After finishing speaking, Langxing flew away into the distance.

"Lang Xing, is there any danger?" Su Wan caught up and asked worriedly.

"No." Lang Xing smiled and waved to her.

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